Yan Cigui

Chapter 460: Ask her the truth about the Xia family (two updates in one)

Chapter 460 Ask her the truth about the Xia family (two updates in one)

 Only talk about the past, not the future.

Wan Yue understood what her princess was thinking.

 In the future, if the late queen is really ill, it will be much more beneficial to them.

A first wife who passed away early, because of the love and guilt of the Holy Spirit, in the past ten years, everything she recalled was beautiful and reminiscing.

Rather than saying that it was the real late queen, it was better to say that it was an old dream of a beautiful woman in the mind of the Holy One.

And once it is revealed that she is mentally ill, the dream that the Holy Spirit built will be shattered from the very foundation.

 Without the dream, Li Shao, the eldest son left behind by the late queen, is bound to be affected.

Mammy Ma gave Lin Yunyan more tea and said: "Not to mention what the Holy Emperor would have thought at that time, the former harem will not let His Highness go. There is no better opportunity than this."

Lin Yunyan nodded: "Yes, it's all about people."

 It is a sin to pay attention to auspiciousness, cause and effect, and to be crazy.

 For the public, this is for Dashun, for the country, for private affairs, is there any knife that is better than this?

Since the first empress passed away many years ago, the courtiers may not force the emperor to hold the queen accountable, but they will definitely insist on establishing a new queen. It is impossible to sit back and let a madman become the only empress of Emperor Yongjia.

 Hinhou symbolizes imperial power and means "direct descendant".

 In the past, no one could compete with each other, so you are good to me and everyone is good to maintain a balance of "no one can compete".

Now that we can fight, you can imagine how "lively" it will be.

 At the same time, it is almost impossible for Li Shao to make a comeback.

 The queen mother is a madman, who can prove that Li Shao is not a madman?

 After all, there were many times when Li Shao lost control of his emotions and was violently irritable.

Apart from anything else, when Li Shao was forced to move out of the East Palace when he deposed the crown prince, Li Shao drew his sword and slashed, which can definitely be regarded as a "madman".

  At that time, there was a chaotic situation up and down the court and in front of and in the harem.

“Perhaps,” Lin Yunyan took a sip of tea and thought, “is this Pang Feng’s purpose?

If it was really Li Du who was behind him, it would not be difficult to understand this move.

 There were wars in the border areas, disputes in the court, and the emperor was very anxious, so it was convenient for him, Li Du, to stir up trouble.

Furthermore, from Li Du's point of view, it is true that he hates the Duke, but he hates Shengshang and Li Shao even more.

Li Shao went "crazy", and the Holy Emperor's longing for the late Queen and his preference for the legitimate son were also ruined. Li Du's move was to stab the Holy Emperor's heart. "

Wan Yue took a breath and asked: "Then what are you going to do?

Exposing their conspiracy and insisting that the late empress was not mad would have saved His Highness, and it would be difficult to attack His Highness with "madness" in the future.

But if you watch the tiger fight from a distance, Your Highness will be doomed, but the instability of the court is not what you and the Duke want. "

 This is really a dilemma!

Wan Yue thought, the princess is right, Li Du also hates the Duke.

They are faced with a dilemma. Although it is not a knife in the heart, one road is full of lightning and thunder, another road is flooded to the knees, and no matter which way they go, they will end up drowned.

Furthermore, the Duke of the country has left the capital, and the affairs in the capital are left to the princess. Li Du may have had the idea of ​​​​provoking a relationship between the couple.

However, Li Du is destined to be disappointed in this matter.

 The prince and the princess will not argue over these things!

 It is a pity to say so.

"It would be great if you could discuss this with the Duke." Wan Yue sighed in a low voice.

 Lin Yunyan was slightly startled when she heard the sound, and suddenly thought of what Xu Jian had said.


 Before getting married, if there was any news to be exchanged between them, it would have to be delayed.

 It is inconvenient to ask Chen Dong’s family to deliver the message.

 It is not convenient to borrow a place.

 It’s good to be married. The study is just a few steps away from the main courtyard, so we can communicate more if we have any ideas.

And many ideas, also in the exchanges and communication over and over again, either have a flash of inspiration or a sudden enlightenment.

Of course, it seems that it is even more inconvenient now that she is in the capital and Xu Jian is in Yumen.

Lin Yunyan smiled helplessly and said: "We are not afraid of dilemmas. When we confront Li Du, aren't we looking for our own opportunities in his layout from the beginning?"

 The next day.

 Liao Zi acted quickly and reported the gathered news.

“Pang Feng’s background is consistent with what he said.”

“Four years ago, he met Mr. Xia San at a seminar. Because they listened to an old gentleman’s lectures together, they can call him a classmate, so the relationship is not close.”

“Since almost last year, the two of them have been hanging out a lot, but it seems that they only communicate about academic issues.”

"Pang Feng's studies were indeed funded by others. According to his neighbor's recollection, it should have been in the spring four years ago. Due to the death of Pang's father, the family was in rapid decline. Pang's mother had to do three or four jobs by herself, and she was so tired that she fell asleep while walking. . Suddenly one day I didn’t go to work during the day, so my neighbor asked, and Pang’s mother said that with the help of kind people, she wouldn’t have to work so hard in the future.”

“Pang Feng’s studies are not bad, Jinshi dare not say that, but he is still very promising to become a scholar, so the neighbors are happy for him and say that there is no need to waste his studies.”

“The person who funded Pang Feng has never appeared in the Pang family area. No one knows his origin, nor is it clear how Pang Feng fell into the eyes of the nobleman.”

"The young man passed outside Da Pang's house. The courtyard door was closed, and he could hear people moving inside."

“It is said that the old lady is really crazy. I am afraid that she will have a sudden attack and run out of the house to scare others. The door of Pang’s house is never opened.”

“Some people also said that they heard something sick inside, crying and shouting Pang Feng’s father’s name, which made the neighbors very intolerable.”

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan asked Liao Zi: "In other words, what Pang Feng and Xia Qingzhi said yesterday, no matter what the thoughts behind it, are actually all true?"

"Yes," Liao Zi replied, "so far, it's all true. Pang's courtyard is small. The young one stood in the downwind for a while, and could vaguely smell some burning fragrance. The young one even asked the old lady about it. The doctors who treated me were all right.”

Lin Yunyan thought about it and asked: "Which doctor?"

Liao Zi said: "Doctor Liu from Tongrenzhai in Nancheng."

Lin Yunyan asked curiously: "Tongrenzhai? That is a time-honored brand in the capital. The consultation fee is not cheap, and the medicine is 30% more expensive than other restaurants. It is all thanks to the doctor's skill and good reputation accumulated over many years. Pang Feng, mother and son, are really willing to spend money on the old lady." Money."

"What you are saying is," Liao Zi nodded repeatedly, "the medicine boy at Tongrenzhai has some impressions of Pang Feng. It is said that he was not diagnosed with Pang Feng at first. It was his first visit after the spring four years ago.

The madness says that there are not many, and there are a lot of it. The pharmacies have also seen a few, but they are not willing to have some spices. They keep burning all day and four seasons.

Because of this, he was deeply impressed by Pang Fengcai. "

 Looking like a poor scholar, his family is not rich, but he is filial.

Lin Yunyan sorted out her thoughts: "Four years ago, in the spring, that is to say, after receiving the support from the master, her studies and life became easier. Pang Feng hired a doctor from Tongrenzhai for her grandmother, and she has been taking care of her for the past few years."

Instructed Liao Zi to try to find out more information about his sponsor, Lin Yunyan sat at the table and sorted out his thoughts.

 She dipped her fingertips in some water and wrote and drew on the table. Others couldn't understand it, but it was Lin Yunyan's own habit.

About a quarter of an hour, the water stains on the table dried, and I painted again. After several repetitions, Lin Yunyan finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Wan Yue asked: "Princess Princess?"

Lin Yunyan stood up and said, "Go back to Uncle Chengyi's house."

The carriage drove into the uncle's house, and Lin Yunyan went to see Xiao Duan first. Xiao Duan's mind sank and everyone in the room retreated.

"Come here two days in a row," she said, "you must have something important to do."

"I can't hide it from you," Lin Yunyan smiled and lowered her voice, "I want to ask some old stories about the late Queen."

 Little Duan was extremely surprised.

Yesterday, Yun Yan personally went to Enrong Bo's house to deliver cold cakes, and Xiao Duan tasted them.

 “You were thinking about this yesterday?” she asked.

"It wasn't all the same yesterday," Lin Yunyan said. "When I went back in the evening, I encountered some situations and got some vague clues. I couldn't ask others, so I came to inquire with my grandmother."

Little Duan said: "Just ask."

"In your opinion, what is the temperament of the late Queen? Does she ever lose her temper suddenly and inexplicably?" Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip and said directly, "It's that kind of madness."

Little Duan's face turned pale, and she subconsciously said, "You can't talk nonsense like this!"

   Since she knew that it was her own family members who were trying to figure out what was going on, Xiao Duan thought carefully about it for a while: "My impression of the late empress was that she was gentle and courteous, and had a measure of progress and retreat.

You also know that the people living in our alley are either the mansions of princes or high-ranking officials. Before the Xia family received the title, it was all downhill.

We are always polite when we get along with each other on weekdays, and there are few neighborly disputes. But if there is no one who is downplayed, it does not necessarily mean that there is no one who is uplifted.

 Adults are very particular about their appearance, but many children also follow the same routine. Those who learn to flatter themselves will not be liked by everyone.

 There is nothing like that in the Xia family, neither humble nor arrogant.

The same goes for the late Queen. She is friends with your aunt, and she used to come to the house to play. I like her very much.

  Every little girl must have tempers sometimes, and they are always small fights. Sometimes it is her, sometimes it is your aunt who makes troubles. The trouble lasts for two or three days, and it is better to wear a skirt.

 You want to say that she is crazy, but I have never seen it with my own eyes, so I don’t believe it.

Of course, I can’t say what her temper is like behind closed doors in her own home. "

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

 That’s right.

 The former empress in her grandmother's mouth is the former empress she always remembered.

Xiao Duan asked: "Who said she was sick? Yun Yan, please be careful about this matter. She can't stand up and say that she is not sick even if she keeps her mouth shut. What her family said will be questioned again. This is to kill people. What a waste of time! Once she gets sick, His Highness will..."

 To put it bluntly, the battle for the throne.

  It is not unusual for the late empress to do whatever it takes to arrange the chair.

“Someone does want to cause trouble,” Lin Yunyan smiled, “Don’t worry, I will think about how to deal with it.”

 Little Duan patted the back of her hand.

After returning to Bao'an Garden to rest, Lin Yunyan invited Grandma Wang to come again.

Wang Yan was also looking for her: "In the morning, some people in their house also asked the old queen's old affairs. What was the temper of the person who had not been punished?"

As soon as Lin Yunyan heard this, she guessed that it was most likely Xia Qingzhi.

 After hearing what Pang Feng said, it was not surprising that he had mixed emotions and wanted to explore the truth.

 Just, after asking about it?

 In other words, how will this game of chess proceed?

Lin Yunyan was able to get a glimpse of the target, but the process of unfolding it was still foggy.

Pang Feng came prepared and planted the idea in Xia Qingzhi's mind that the late empress was mad.

But since Xia Qingzhi is a descendant of Enrongbo Mansion, how can he not understand how important this matter is? He can inquire secretly, but he will keep it to himself and will never make it public.

Since the Xia family is not public, who will spread the word to everyone in the court?

If it cannot be spread, the message is useless and useless.

You can’t just expect Xia Qingzhi to be furious, right?

Xia Qingzhi inquired for a long time and determined that the late queen was not sick. He angrily went to Pang Feng and said, "Don't talk nonsense in the future." Pang Feng was shamed and the two quarreled. So it spread?

 Or did Xia Qingzhi tell Li Shao, and Li Shao was too angry to cause trouble with Pang Feng?

 In these two situations, it is possible to leave, but who can say that Xia Qingzhi and Li Shao will definitely leave?

  Could it be that he was waiting for Pang Feng to bring up the old matter again and annoy Xia Qingzhi?

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

Since you can’t figure it out, just flip the chessboard over!

 Before noon, Lin Yunyan entered Cining Palace.

Seeing her serious face, the Queen Mother couldn't help but worry: "Why are you so cautious?"

Lin Yunyan sat down next to the empress, looking left and right.

Grandma Wang understood and moved the rest of the people away.

 Lin Yunyan then leaned over and whispered to the Queen Mother: "I also got the news unexpectedly..."

The Empress Dowager's eyes suddenly tightened: "Seriously?"

“Really,” Lin Yunyan nodded, “as you know, my aunt was familiar with the late empress in her boudoir, and we used to play incense together.

My aunt has a notebook in which she writes down various recipes, including one for calming the mind and calming the mind.

The doctor from Tongrenzhai prepared similar spices for the patient. He did not intend it to cure madness, but just to calm his mind.

But he didn't know how to get people to get in touch with each other, and he was about to lay on top of the sick queen. "

“It’s really random!” the Empress Dowager said angrily, “The spices for Ningshen are nothing more than those, and they are just a few flowers that come and go, and they are not a rare thing!”

 “That’s right!” Lin Yunyan agreed, “But you also know that if you can’t hit something with eight poles, you’ll hit it when it’s useful.”

The Queen Mother sighed and shook her head.

  This is indeed the case.

"Besides, it's no secret among our neighbors that Enrong's house doesn't allow girls to play with sex," Lin Yunyan said again, "It's becoming more and more unclear when the two sides come together. I'm afraid of losing the opportunity. I will report to you after I find out the situation. Do you think this is true or false? "

 The Empress Dowager looked solemn.

 “If it is false, naturally we cannot let the late empress suffer injustice,” the empress dowager said, “if it is true…”

 She thought of Li Shao.

 Passing the country to Li Shao who came from the Mad Queen?

It's okay if she doesn't know, but if she knows, how can she do that?

 She cannot be sorry to her ancestors or to the whole world of Dashun!

However, with the current internal and external troubles, it is by no means a good time to deal with this matter. It has to be carefully considered and dealt with slowly to minimize the damage to the royal family's face.

“First find out what’s true and what’s false, and take the situation into your own hands,” the Queen Mother said, “and regardless of what’s true or false, the Enrong family should keep their mouths shut for the Ai family!”

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes: "Do you want to summon the old lady?"

The Queen Mother thought about it and said, "No, the Ai family will not summon her at this time. Yun Yan, you go see her and ask her the truth about the Xia family."

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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