Yan Cigui

Chapter 461: They are indeed cousins ​​(two updates in one)

Chapter 461 They are indeed cousins ​​(two updates in one)

 Leaning on the pillow, the Empress Dowager pressed her eyebrows.

 She has her own considerations.

These private arrangements generally follow the same path.

At first, they were all hammers here and there. Even if others saw them, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure them out and couldn't think of a place to go.

 When the foundations are laid, and the dots are connected into lines, and the lines are formed into surfaces, it suddenly becomes a big net, covering the head and face.

 Those in the network realized it later, but it was too late.

 At the moment, it should still be time to swing the hammer.

 Thanks to Yun Yan's careful mind and knowing some details that others may not fully grasp, such as the fact that the Xia family girls don't play with incense now, she was one step ahead.

 Otherwise, both she and the Holy Spirit will be upset if the big net is pulled down.

 This is also the reason why the Queen Mother does not want to summon Mrs. Enrongbo.

 She didn’t want to alert the enemy.

If the opponent discovers that the layout has been noticed and changes their tactics, the advantage they have here may be lost.

 Opportunities must be grasped in one's own hands.

 They have to move first to kill the signs.

“Yun Yan,” the Empress Dowager warned, “tell them on behalf of the Ai family that the whole story must be clarified.

If it was false, the Ai family would definitely not let someone with scheming intentions pour dirty water on the Enrong Bo Mansion and the late Queen.

If it is true, after all, it has been so many years, and the Ai family will still protect Ichigo with due decency.

They should think about it for themselves. If they try to trick the Ai family, they will lose all face when they are caught with evidence and exposed by outsiders with all their teeth and claws.

At that time, don’t blame the Ai family for not giving them a helping hand.

By the way, everyone who is known to be related to this matter should also be checked. It would be best if you can follow the pictures. "

 Lin Yunyan responded and came down.

  It was almost lunch time, and she stayed to eat with the Queen Mother.

The empress's appetite was obviously affected by the incident involving the late queen, and she was persuaded by Lin Yunyan and Grandma Wang to use a few more chopsticks.

 After the Empress Dowager took her afternoon break, Lin Yunyan got up and left the palace.

  First she went back to Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion and closed her eyes for a while to recuperate. When it was time to visit her neighbors without any inconvenience, she went to Uncle Enrong’s Mansion.

In the inner courtyard, Mrs. Enrongbo heard that the princess was here again, and she glanced at Grandma Yu in confusion.

“You didn’t convince me yesterday, why do you want to do it again today?” The old lady was extremely surprised, “The princess has always been polite, how could she be so unyielding this time?”

Mammy Yu shook her head: "To tell you the truth, I'm very nervous, I always feel that things are not that simple."

"How complicated can it be?" the old lady muttered, "please come in, and I'll listen to what she says."

 Aunt Yu responded.

 When Lin Yunyan entered, the old lady had a smile on her face, but did not show any emotion.

Lin Yunyan sat down and got straight to the point: "I got some news from the Empress Dowager at Cining Palace at noon, which is very detrimental to the Enrong Mansion, the late Queen and His Highness."

 The old lady's face darkened.

 It is not surprising that it is not good for Enrong Bofu and His Highness.

 But the late queen is still involved, why?

“Princess, are you serious about this?” the old lady asked.

Lin Yunyan said: "It's true that someone is messing around in the layout, trying to make up for the late queen's madness..."

"Nonsense!" The old lady was angry and interrupted Lin Yunyan, "Who is so vicious! Can he say such **** words?"

Grandma Yu quickly helped the panting old lady and gave her a pat on the back.

"Don't be excited. Being excited is the way for a vicious person!" Lin Yunyan consoled her, "This is a serious matter. Do you want to invite me and my uncle to come over?"

 The old lady nodded.

While waiting, Lin Yunyan said to the old lady again: "Just me coming here proves that the Queen Mother has no intention of making a big show of herself. She asked me to bring you a few words..."

The old lady closed her eyes, listened carefully, and then said slowly: "Yes, that's the truth. Princess, we behave upright and stand upright, as long as the Queen Mother is willing to listen to our explanation. I will tell you If you put it here, the Queen definitely doesn’t have that kind of disease!”

 Be afraid, just be afraid, things cannot be undone, and there is no reason to say anything.

 No matter how innocent you are, you can only be pressed into the mud and unable to turn over.

 Now, if the Queen Mother is willing to calmly clarify the matter, then the Xia family will still have a chance.

When the old uncle, uncle Enrong and his son arrived, they heard the rumor that "the late queen is mad", and their faces became uglier than the last.

"Princess," the old man clenched his fists with both hands, "since you are being honest, can you tell me who is making such arrangements outside?"

"Yes, to be honest, I have to show you the evidence," Lin Yunyan said. "At the same time, I also want to understand why someone is really talking about old things after the late Queen has been gone for more than ten years! I would like to ask Where is your third son now?"

"Qingzhi?" The old man was extremely surprised and said hurriedly, "Is it Qingzhi who is talking nonsense? No, no, no, it's impossible! No matter how stupid he is, he will never put such a label on the former queen."

Lin Yunyan smiled, not worried at all: "I mean, the third young master may have been taken advantage of without knowing it."

Perhaps because of Lin Yunyan's calmness and relaxation, the old man gradually calmed down a little.


The princess is sitting here alone, and the maid she brought seems to be having tea and talking with the familiar maid of the Xia family in the small hall in front.

 This is the attitude!

With this attitude, the Xia family must not mess up their position and miss the opportunity to prove themselves.

“Go and call Qingzhi,” the old man said. “Call his parents too and listen carefully.”

Several people were all in the mansion, and they arrived fairly quickly. Xia Qinglue also came with them.

When Xia Qingzhi learned that his elders were looking for him, his heart skipped a beat. When he saw Lin Yunyan, he suddenly thought of the carriage yesterday evening.

He secretly said to himself: The princess just went to buy rouge yesterday, just on the way. There is no way the princess could know what Pang Feng said.

Even so, a guilty conscience is still a guilty conscience.

Mrs. Enrongbo asked: "Qingzhi, have you heard anyone mention the late Queen recently?"

Xia Qingzhi's face instantly turned pale and creamy: "How could you... No, he is talking nonsense, I don't believe him!"

As soon as these words came out, the old lady and the old man exchanged a look.

Sure enough, what the princess said was right, there was indeed someone around Qingzhi who picked on the late queen. "Who is that man? What did he say? Tell us quickly!" the old lady urged.

In a classmate meeting, Xia Qingzhi didn't want to betray Pang Feng and said vaguely: "I didn't say anything. He also heard what others said. The rumors were false. He has already apologized to me."

The old man said coldly: "If you are asked to say it, just say it!"

"His grandmother is suffering from madness and is not in good condition. She takes some soothing spices to control her condition," Xia Qingzhi said with a bitter face. "His family is poor and he relies on financial support from noble people to continue his studies. He heard that person say, I’ve seen the late Queen get very angry before.”

"Bastard words! Bastard words!" The old lady had been dignified all her life, and she could not use vulgar words even if she wanted to curse people. And because her daughter who died young was spread rumors, she felt sad for a moment and burst into tears. "What noble man? What year?" When will Yue meet the empress? Why is the empress so angry? Let him come out and explain to me!"

Xia Qingzhi was frightened by the old lady.

 For elders, no matter how many complaints they have in private, they still respect them face to face.

He knelt down and held the old lady's knees: "Don't do this, don't do this. He just talked in a hurry and casually connected two unrelated things. I warned him and he also apologized. From now on I won't mention it again. I don't believe him..."

Xia Qingzhi became more and more anxious as he talked, and he couldn't understand why things turned out like this.

It was just a few words in the private room, and the matter was over, so why did it come to the elders?

Turning to look at Lin Yunyan, Xia Qingzhi asked: "Is the princess complaining?"

"What kind of complaint!" The old man wanted to kick Xia Qingzhi, "The princess is here to save her life! Are you talking in a hurry? Just say it casually? I really help count the money when someone sells me!"

"I..." Xia Qingzhi turned his head away, a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in his eyes.

"Third Young Master," Lin Yunyan said slowly, "you said you don't believe him, so besides you, who else in your house would ask about the temper of the late Queen and punish her subordinates?"

  After the words fell, everyone in the Xia family looked unhappy.

 It is really not a shameful thing for outsiders to find out about your home situation.

Fortunately, there was some leakage and the leakage was in the right place. Otherwise, when the other party was ready and launched an attack with fierce momentum, they would be even more overwhelmed.

Xia Qingzhi was embarrassed and ashamed, and felt uncomfortable being exposed.

Especially, his grandparents, uncles and parents were all there, and even Xia Qinglue was watching him being "tried by three courts."

Humiliation and reluctance swirled in his heart. When the emotion came up, he couldn't help it, so he wanted to get rid of it.

"I don't remember the late Queen's face, so how can I know her temperament?" Xia Qingzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Everything I know about her comes from what others said. She has never punished anyone under her? Then mother, why do you You said she was 'mean and murderous'? Father, why did you tell your mother not to mention 'old sesame seeds rotten millet'? What are you hiding?"

Xia Qingzhi’s parents were shocked.

When their sons cause trouble, their parents are called together to listen to them. Although it is appropriate, it is also embarrassing.

What's more, on one side stood his nephew Xia Qinglue, and on the other side sat the neighbor's junior Princess Ning'an. They were really embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, his son poured water directly on their heads with just a few words.

"What did you say? When did I say this?"

“Oh, old man, old madam, please don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense. How could I say that about the late queen?”

 The two of them were eager to get away from each other.

Xia Qingzhi rubbed his neck and recalled the matter according to the old lady's method of "which year, month and day".

With this said, Mr. Xia Er was not impressed yet, but the second lady barely understood.

“Alas!” She patted her cheek and apologized to the old lady again and again, “Misfortune comes from the mouth, misfortune comes from the mouth!

One time, my maid who was accompanying me was ignorant and did something wrong. My empress was still in the house at the time, so she happened to see it and pointed it out.

I was young at that time, and I mistakenly thought she was making things difficult for my maid, so I had a few quarrels with her.

 In a few days, things were figured out, and my wife and I talked about it.

 Do you remember this? "

The old lady frowned and reminisced, then looked at Aunt Yu. The two of them murmured a few words and then faced each other.

"As for what Qingzhi said that time, he was really a servant!" Mrs. Xia Er cried out, "It happened that the maid was released to get married, so I remembered the old things and told the master that I didn't understand the queen at the time, and watched her teach my maid a lesson. , a few words made people cry, and they thought that the empress was murderous. She must have said a lot of mean things before they quarreled with the empress.

 with the floods that destroyed the Dragon King Temple? "

Mr. Xia Er also remembered it and scolded Xia Qing: "How old were you then? You heard me without any clue, and you didn't understand it clearly. Now you are just talking nonsense!"

“Where should I find out?” Xia Qingzhi didn’t believe what her parents said at all. “Didn’t she make people cry with her few words? If she wasn’t sick, why did she keep lighting incense? Why are the sisters not allowed to play with incense now?

I know you all want to hide it. If the late Queen becomes mad, our Enrong family will also be in trouble.

 But the facts are the facts.

 Others have seen it with their own eyes! If there was no grievance or enmity, why would he say that the late Queen was not the one? "

With a few words, everyone in the room was so angry that they fell on their backs, and the person holding the feather duster used a feather duster.

Lin Yunyan looked at Xia Qingzhi and sighed.

This is a sign of being so anxious that you just throw out words regardless of whether they are appropriate or not.

In order to keep yourself clean, anyone around you will throw a basin of water at you. Without thinking, it is selfishness that comes out of your bones.

how to say?

 They look very similar to Li Shao, they are indeed cousins.

Seeing Mr. Xia Er grabbing the feather duster and about to hit him, Xia Qinglue stepped forward and stopped him.

“Xiao Wu, don’t stop me! If we don’t wake him up, our whole family will not be able to behave well!”

"It's better to scold him if you can't wake him up," Xia Qinglue looked at Xia Qingzhi, "My third brother doesn't believe a word of what my family said, but he believes what outsiders say. It's really ridiculous! See it with your own eyes? No injustice or enmity? As long as His Highness can still To fight for the throne, our Xia family has no shortage of enemies in the capital!"

Xia Qingzhi bit her lower lip.

Lin Yunyan said to the old lady: "The scholar's name is Pang Feng. In the spring of four years ago, he received financial support from a noble man. It was also four years ago that he made friends with the third young master."

"What do you mean? He deliberately approached me?" Xia Qingzhi didn't believe it at all. "I haven't had much contact with him in the past few years. I only exchanged more academic information with him since last year."

"What's the rush?" Lin Yunyan smiled, "It doesn't cost much to have an informant. If you need it, use it. If you don't, it won't be a loss."

Uncle Enrong understood this and asked, "Who is that noble person?"

"Now that I'm here, someone will naturally arrest Pang Feng. It's hard to say how much he is willing to explain."

Of course, it is more likely that Pang Feng actually doesn’t know much.

 The situation at home that he described to himself is all true. He just "talks more". As for the real background and intention of talking too much, he does not need to know.

Lin Yunyan paused when she thought of this, and her eyes passed over the faces of several people: "It is not a secret that the late empress loved spices, but it is a secret that sleeping incense was burned in the main hall of Dingguo Temple that night!"

 Monthly tickets are doubled at the end of this month.

 Book lovers can stock up on what they can, and those who can’t, just drop it off.

Thanks to the book friends Xiaoyuan and Lonely Cello for the tip, and thanks to the book friend celestial Li in the bookstore for the tip.

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