Yan Cigui

Chapter 462: Selling your life for money is not kindness (two updates in one)

Chapter 462: Selling your life for money is not a favor (two updates in one)

The incident at Dingguo Temple has passed too long, Li Du confessed, and the Holy Father did not make any extravagant announcements about the details.

Apart from those who already knew about it, such as Lin Yunyan, Xu Jian, etc., it was the Enrongbo Mansion who got the news later.

 This is the Holy Father’s instructions to the Xia family.

 Beyond this…

Lin Yunyan closed her eyes and thought of the day when she besieged the Jin Palace.

 There was no mention of lighting incense, but Li Du asked, "Why didn't they run out? Why were they all sleeping so deeply?"

 Everyone present, including Princess Baoying, officials from the Third Division, and the Royal Forest Guards, heard it.

And what results can these people get from this question...

The first is to see if you dare to guess, and the second is to see if there is any way to find out. But more, Lin Yunyan thought, it goes in with one ear and out with the other. It’s not that I’m not curious, but I don’t dare to be curious at all.

"Mix the tranquilizing incense used by the empress with the spices used to stabilize the condition of lunatics, so as to draw the conclusion that the empress became ill that night in Dingguo Temple, so as to completely defeat His Highness," Lin Yunyan asked the Xia family present in a deep voice, "At the border Now that the battle is hard and the commander’s loyalty is being questioned, who do you think will be the noble one?”

 For a time, the expressions were different.

There are people like Xia Qingzhi who have only a half-knowledge and can't keep up with their thoughts, and there are also people like the old man who immediately have several answers in their minds.

"Princess," Uncle Enrong collected his thoughts and saw his father nodding slightly, he said, "Only my parents and I knew what happened that day at Dingguo Temple. We did not tell anyone else, and we never talked to anyone about it. Several nephews mentioned it.”

The old lady was so angry at Xia Qingzhi just now. Now she calmed down a little. She held Lin Yunyan's hand and choked with sobs: "Girls are not allowed to play with incense in the house anymore. This rule is set by me.

 This has been the rule since the death of the first queen.

 To be honest, I don’t want to see things and think about people. "

The old lady wiped away her tears: "When the bad news came back, I really couldn't accept that I fell ill, and I always wanted to wait for the result.

 It happened that so many people went to investigate, but in the end they all said it was an accident.

The Holy Emperor was still a prince at the time. When he came to visit me, he told me that he would ascend the throne. Only if he himself became emperor could he pursue this case for a long time.

He also told me honestly that he and his wife had a few arguments that night and walked away to avoid the quarrel getting worse.

Later, he went down the mountain to rescue, thinking that he could calmly talk to his wife the next day. The couple had no overnight feud. After a night, they both calmed down. He didn't expect...

I know my own daughter well. She has a calm temperament and rarely gets angry. But, how can anyone really not get angry?

It's not like she can just continue eating, drinking and sleeping after the quarrel. In order to calm down her mood, she will most likely order some soothing or even sleeping spices.

Why couldn't you escape after the fire started? The Holy Father asked, Princess, your grandmother also cried with me, but how can I say?

If I said so, wouldn’t I be blaming the Holy One?

I blame him for quarreling with the empress, blaming him for going down the mountain, leaving the empress alone to resolve her emotions before lighting the incense for sleeping...

If I told you, wouldn't your grandmother and your father be in trouble?

Your Majesty, I already feel very guilty. I am the mother-in-law and the wife of a minister. If I say anything else, I will be overbearing and lose my sense of propriety.

What's more, the main reason is to start a fire, and lighting incense is secondary.

Without that fire, even if everyone sleeps until midnight, what does it matter?

 For more than ten years, people have said that the fire was an accident. Do I want to hold on to the Holy Spirit because of an accident? "

The more he talked, the more sad the old lady felt, and she couldn't stop crying.

These words have been hidden in her heart for too long. She has no place to say them, she doesn't dare to say them, so she can only hold them in.

The empress died young, and if the Xia family took hold of the emperor and continued to argue with the empress, not to mention how much reason they could gain, their future would be ruined anyway.

What is so consumed is His Majesty's longing for the late Queen. If the affection is gone, how can we talk about his preference for His Highness?

 But it’s not a question at all. Although the pros and cons have been clearly calculated, there is still a needle in my heart.

That's her daughter...

  A white-haired person sent a black-haired person, and her young and pretty daughter was badly burned. If she didn't find someone to blame, and no one to bear the hatred, she herself might be overwhelmed by the hatred.

However, even this hatred must be restrained. In the past ten years, the old lady has eaten fast and chanted Buddha's name, without falling down.

"It wasn't until this year that we knew it was Li Du who set people on fire," she cried, curling her lips and laughing, "Princess, I am satisfied all of a sudden. I know who I should hate. I At this age, if you know how your daughter died, you don’t have to go underground with regrets.”

Mammy Yu handed the veil to the old lady.

The old lady wiped her face and said solemnly to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, your Majesty is not crazy.

 There are only a few people who would fabricate the illness of the empress to harm us and His Highness.

 From my perspective, Li Du is the most suspicious!

 He has already harmed my mother’s life, and I am determined not to let him harm my mother’s reputation again!

If anyone talks nonsense again and makes arrangements for me, I will fight with him! "

  A long paragraph that will move everyone's heart.

The old man also turned his back and wiped the corners of his eyes. Mrs. Xia Er even shed tears along with her, saying "Knowledge is not sensible".

The ignorant Xia Qingzhi lowered his head and said nothing, like an outsider.

Seeing that his son was in a daze, Mr. Xia Er became increasingly unsteady with the feather duster he was still holding in his hand. He hit Xia Qingzhi twice hard and said, "You're a dizzy guy!"

Xia Qingzhi recovered from the pain, but his eyes were still dazed, and asked Lin Yunyan: "Li Du? As my grandmother said, is Pang Feng a member of Li Du? Impossible, right?"

He was an ordinary scholar before he was sponsored by others. His studies were not top-notch and he had no background. He could only write well in one hand.

 How could he get into Li Du's eyes? "

“It can only be said that he has a unique eye for people. Wouldn’t that be useful?” Lin Yunyan said, “It doesn’t matter even if it’s not useful. As I said before, it’s just such a small amount of money. What’s the point?”

Xia Qingzhi wanted to say something else, but the woman standing outside looked around, looking like she wanted to come in but didn't dare.

 En Rongbo saw it and asked, "What's the matter?"

The mother-in-law said: "The princess's maid said she has something to report."

Lin Yunyan stood up and walked to the door.

Wanyue Fuer said to her: "Shenchen has caught Pang Feng, look..."

 “Where is he?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Wan Yue said: "I'm keeping him in Uncle Chengyi's house."

Lin Yunyan thought for a while, glanced at the Xia family in the room, and raised her voice: "Pang Feng has been caught. Who ordered him? Do you want to ask personally?"

Uncle Enrong looked hesitant, and Xia Qingzhi shouted first: "Ask! I want to ask him why he came to deceive me!" "Princess," Uncle Enrong said hesitantly, "I'm afraid there will be no private trial. suitable."

Relatives of the emperor and the country have a prominent position, but they must also be cautious.

 Once you act out of line and get caught...

Lin Yunyan understood Uncle Enrong's considerations and said: "The question is about the dirty water on the late Queen's body. If we don't try it privately, does it mean that Uncle Enrong wants to confront her in court?"

 Enrong Bo sighed and was in a dilemma.

 The old lady made a sudden decision: "I'll ask!"

What the princess said yesterday when she was discussing the matter in the Beihou Mansion made sense.

Since they are not so thorough in their actions and are not afraid of being implicated for no reason, they are the Princess and the Prince Enrong's Mansion.

 The Xia family has this kind of dignity, why don’t they use it now?

 The slander was all brought upon the late empress, and even if it was a serious matter like madness, the Holy One would understand it.

Soon, Shen Chen brought Pang Feng in.

Pang Feng's face was both frightened and angry: "I'm just a poor scholar, what do you mean by this? Brother Xia, what's going on with you?"

“You are the one who said that the late Queen was crazy?” the old lady asked.

Pang Feng stared straight at Xia Qingzhi: "Brother Xia, I have already apologized for my speculation, and we also agreed not to mention it again. Why do you want to mention it again now?"

Xia Qing knew: "Tell the truth, did you say it casually, or did someone ask you to tell me this?"

"Brother Xia, what do you mean?" Pang Feng asked anxiously, "What is this? An interrogation? I am no better than your uncle as a child, but you are so unreasonable and unruly, and use your power to oppress others, aren't you afraid that I will sue you?"

Uncle Enrong couldn't see such fuss and pointed directly to the center: "Who is the person who supports you? If you don't answer? The answer is not up to you."

Pang Feng was stunned and didn't understand it for a moment.

"Using power to oppress people," En Rongbo sneered, "Do you know what it means to use power to oppress people? That's what we say, what you press is what you print. I said you are a remnant of Li Du, and you are!"

"Li Du?" Pang Feng exclaimed, "Prince Jin? The one who killed his brothers and tried to seize the throne? Am I his remnant? No, no! I don't know him at all. How can I be like him?" "

 En Rongbo asked again: "Who is the person who sponsors you?"

Pang Feng was extremely entangled, both because he was being interrogated for no reason and because of the charges the Xia family had put on him: "My master is kind to me, I can't betray him! I..."

"What are you?" Lin Yunyan suddenly spoke, word by word, with a mocking tone, "You can be rounded and flattened here, aren't you just a **** to him?

 He is kind to you? He only gives you money to support your studies, which is a favor.

He paid you to do things for him. This is called buying his life. You paid for yourself in order to do the work. Is the money you paid for your life considered a favor?

 Let you talk to Mr. Xia San about a lot of things and fabricate rumors that the late empress is crazy. I can't say anything else, but you, Pang Feng, will never be an examiner again in this life.

 You are getting financial aid to study and to get on the gold medal list. What he has ruined is your life. "

"Why?" Pang Feng shouted, "Why?! Why can't I be an examiner? I am innocent in my studies and my life..."

"I use my power to suppress others," Lin Yunyan's voice was neither soft nor serious. She only answered the words without responding to any emotions, "If you don't want to waste more than ten years of hard work and let your grandmother and mother work in vain, you can tell me what you know Tell them all, clear things up, and there will be a way forward.”

 It is said that if you hit a snake, it will hit you seven inches.

Pang Feng felt that he was being held down seven inches now.

 On one side is the support given to his family for more than four years during the most difficult time, and on the other side is the future for him and his family.

He thinks he should choose the former, but...

 But, that’s life money!

That’s right, selling one’s life for money is not a favor!

Pang Feng straightened things out immediately and said without hesitation: "My surname is Jian. He lives in Sanyuan Hutong in the north of the city. He said that he used to work in a noble man's house, but which noble man he was? He didn't take the initiative to tell me. It’s not easy to follow up and ask.

 Four years ago, he knew that my family was in difficulty. In addition to my studies, my grandmother had to recuperate from illness, so he gave me ten taels of silver a month and told me not only to study hard, but also to make friends with students of the same age and learn from each other.

In the past few years, I have reported to him on my studies and my grandmother’s health on a quarterly basis. He was very happy to know that I was studying hard, and I also told him who I had met.

Last year, he mentioned to me that we should not keep in touch with each other just because we recognize each other's faces. He also said that Uncle Enrong's house would be a good place for me to get to know Brother Xia better.

 Last month, the master suddenly asked me about my grandmother’s specific illness, what medicine she used, what incense she burned, and how she felt during the attack...

 I naturally answered him all.

Seven or eight days ago, he told me about the former queen and asked me to find an opportunity to ask Brother Xia this way to make Brother Xia suspicious.

 I just did what he said! "

"You will do it if you are asked to do it?" Xia Qingzhi was so anxious that he tugged on his collar, "I trust you so much, but you lied to me? Are you allowed to talk casually about the late Queen's affairs?"

Pang Feng was almost strangled and angrily threw Xia Qingzhi away: "Do you blame me? You were easily fooled. It's you who should reflect!

Isn’t the late Queen your aunt? You don’t trust your aunt, you don’t trust your family, you trust me, an outsider.

If you are not deceived, who will be deceived?

 Why should I not do what he asked me to do?

I don’t know what else he has in mind. I only know that in the past four years, he has given me ten taels of silver every month, ten taels!

You are an honorable son who was born in an uncle's house and has never experienced poverty. Do you know what ten taels of silver are? "

Xia Qingzhi was scolded so much that he was stunned and couldn't say a word.

Seeing that Pang Feng continued to vent to Xia Qingzhi, Lin Yunyan glanced at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen understood and grabbed Pang Feng.

Lin Yunyan then said: "Did Mr. Jian ever tell you what you would do after Xia Qingzhi became suspicious?"

"No," Pang Feng shook his head, "I went to his home three days ago. The concierge said that the master went out to visit friends and asked me to do what he asked me to do."

Lin Yunyan understood.

On the day of the siege, Li Du realized that there were indeed details about the night at Dingguo Temple that he was unaware of.

After Jin Chan escaped from his shell, he didn’t know where he found out about the sleeping incense. He remembered that the late empress liked to use incense, and he also learned about Pang Feng’s grandmother’s condition from Master Jian, so he had an idea and thought that he could take advantage of this matter.

The game is slowly progressing, Xia Qingzhi is one of the links, and Pang Feng is a chess piece that can be thrown away after use.

As for Mr. Jian, given the way people in Lidu do things, Sanyuan Hutong is probably empty.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan asked Xia Qingzhi: "If you hadn't asked me today and you had made blind guesses and guessed that the late queen was sick, what would you have done?"

Xia Qingzhi hesitated for a moment.

Lin Yunyan simply asked more directly: "You have been walking around with His Highness a lot recently, will you tell him?"

Xia Qingzhi was silent for a while, then hesitantly said: "Maybe."

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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