Yan Cigui

Chapter 463: Sold the east house and sold the west house (two updates in one)

Chapter 463 Sold the Eastern Family and Sold the Western Family (Two updates in one)

Four short words fell on everyone's ears, but made everyone speechless.

After a long time, the old man leaned back in his chair and let out a long sigh, his face full of fatigue.

There were still tears on the old lady's face. She clasped Lin Yunyan's hand and thanked her repeatedly.

Lin Yunyan softly comforted the old lady.

There is no need to ask any more about the other words.

Everyone knows how Li Shao's temperament would react when he heard someone slandering the late empress from Xia Qingzhi's mouth.

 He will get angry and insist on confronting the talkative person.

Once Li Shao takes this step in person, he will not be asking questions behind closed doors in the Enrongbo Mansion like today.

 Things are bound to get serious.

 As for how the incident ends, it is not up to Li Shao to decide.

How many people are anxious to trample His Highness to the point where he will never get up again?

 Give them such a God-given opportunity, everyone in Jingli will be eager for quick success and seize the good opportunity in front of them first!

Who cares how Yumen plays? The most real thing is what you get in your hands.

By then, how can the situation of Enrongbo Mansion be better than that of Dingbeihou Mansion next door?

The Dingbei Hou Mansion is suspected of treason and needs further investigation and questioning. The Enrong Bo Mansion is definitely guilty of disrespect and deceiving the emperor. The late empress is a madman, the Xia family is hiding the knowledge, and Her Highness is the result of a madman. Sooner or later you will go crazy.

Who in the Xia family would have thought that they would be sweating in such a scene?

 It’s a good thing it was discovered early, and it’s a good thing the princess came, otherwise...

Seeing that Pang Feng had confessed everything he could, Lin Yunyan asked someone to take him back to Uncle Chengyi's house, but still held him captive.

Pang Feng was anxious: "I told you, why are you still holding me captive? My mother can't find me at night and will report it to the authorities!"

Lin Yunyan is not afraid of his innocuous threats.

“Be honest, I haven’t caught anyone named Jian, do you still want to go home like this?” Lin Yunyan said, “Don’t worry, I won’t make you hungry or thirsty.

You should also thank me for saving you. Otherwise, according to Jian’s plan, His Highness wouldn’t chase you after hearing about it?

 What can you do to him if he's beaten to death, let alone crippled?

Even if you are not disabled, you can't even think about studying hard and entering the examination room.

  Don’t make unnecessary mistakes. After checking out Sanyuan Hutong, you will naturally find a way to continue walking.

As for your home, you can write a note later and I will have someone send it over. Just write that you are studying homework with your classmates these days and staying at someone else's house temporarily. "

Pang Feng was well arranged and had nowhere to vent his anger, but he heard Lin Yunyan say a few words.

"Jian's name is over. You won't be able to get the twelfth lunar month from him in the future. Do you still have enough left at home? With three mouths to eat, your grandmother still needs medicine." Lin Yunyan smiled, "You have to work hard, sell it." Sell ​​the East's and sell the West's."

Pang Feng is not stupid, he understands.

He is honest and doesn't make any more trouble. If he still has the ability to catch Master Jian, then he can still give his grandmother and mother ten taels of silver a month without having to worry about food, drink and medical treatment.

 Since you have already defected, let’s do it more thoroughly.

 The wallflower is the stupidest thing to do.

 In front of the Xia family, Pang Feng said nothing more.

After Shenchen listened to Lin Yunyan's instructions, Pang Feng followed him back to Uncle Chengyi's house next door without struggling or resisting.

In the mansion, Lin Wei came back from the Yamen and happened to have a face-to-face meeting.

After hearing the whole story, he looked at Pang Feng a few times and said to Lin Ze: "Place him in the west guest room these days and watch him carefully."

Lin Ju agreed and said "please" to Pang Feng.

Pang Feng hurriedly asked Shen Chen, "When will the princess come back? I still have something to say."

Hearing this, Lin Yu said, "You told me the same thing."

Seeing Shen Chen nod, Pang Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Aside from calligraphy, I am also good at painting portraits. I can paint you Master Jian's appearance."

 “Okay,” Lin Yue responded, “I will prepare a study room for you.”

Pang Feng added: "Master Jian gave me a lot of copybooks. He said that I like calligraphy and I can copy more calligraphy to practice."

"Oh?" Lin Yue raised his eyebrows and hit the nail on the head, "What calligraphy did he ask you to practice?"

"In addition to the famous masters, he also gave me some manuscripts. It can be seen that they are the manuscripts of other people's daily copying of everyone's calligraphy." Pang Feng thought for a moment, "It can be seen that they are copying, but they are not They have their own characteristics. He gives me a few each time and lets me practice them before giving them back to him and getting new ones.”

“Without the copying manuscript, can you still restore those words?” Lin Yu asked.

Pang Feng said: "We are 70% to 80% certain."

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said: "You live in the guest room. In addition to drawings, you also write. When you are done, have someone bring it to me."

Pang Feng agreed immediately.

 The other room is in Enrongbo's house.

Mr. Xia Er, who had regained his composure, cursed his son bitterly: "It's easy to lose everything!"

Xia Qingzhi didn’t dare to talk back.

The old man looked tired and said: "His Royal Highness is busy observing politics in the Ministry of War during the day, and he also has something to do in the office. Don't ask him to drink with you anymore."

Lin Yunyan is waiting for the old lady to cleanse her face.

 Wash away the tears on her face and apply some ointment, the old lady sighed: "The princess is laughing."

"Don't say that," Lin Yunyan said softly, "The situation that night can be regarded as a coincidence. I also agree with what you said, setting fire is the main cause, and the sleeping incense is the secondary cause.

I hate Li Du too, not the late Queen, and I will not blame His Highness for what happened at Dingguo Temple.

 I don’t want my wife to get sick either…”

The old lady solemnly said again: "Princess, the late empress absolutely does not have that kind of disease. The Xia family has never deceived the emperor."

"I will report everything to the Queen Mother one by one." After Lin Yunyan finished speaking, she stood up and left.

Mother Yu sent her all the way to Uncle Chengyi's house, and also gave a lot of thank-you gifts to Xiao Duan.

According to the old lady’s wish, she wanted to give a lot of valuable things as gifts, but she also knew that it was not suitable. In the end, they were all daily items exchanged between neighbors.

It’s not eye-catching, but it also expresses your feelings.

Lin Yunyan went to see her father first, and the two exchanged some news.

 “Copying fonts?” Lin Yunyan was surprised.

She really didn't expect that Pang Feng had other uses besides being a **** to sow discord.

If it was really Li Du who was behind Mr. Jian, what they originally wanted Pang Feng to do would be "imitation".

The more fonts you copy, the more fonts you master, and the faster you can learn new fonts in the future.

 One day, as long as Li Du needs it, he can forge the Holy Emperor's imperial edict, the late emperor's will, military intelligence reports, etc.

“Let’s see what he has learned first,” Lin Yuan finished, and then added, “If Li Du is planning behind the scenes, whether His Highness is crazy or not will have little direct influence on him.”

Lin Yunyan understood: "Crazy or not, no matter how big the commotion in the court is, the other princes are still fighting for power." Although there are internal and external troubles, the emperor is distracted by the war situation in Yumen and the matter of the late queen, but he can't really let Li Du take advantage of it. Come in empty.

Unless Li Du gave up and just wanted to watch the fun, otherwise, after the mad queen and mad prince, he would follow up with other dirty tricks. "

"That's the truth," Lin Yu nodded, "Obviously, he continues to look for trouble and has no intention of giving up."

 The father and daughter discussed a few more words.

 At night, Sanyuan Hutong was really lively.

As Lin Yunyan said, Shen Chen asked Shuntian Mansion for help.

As soon as Master Shan heard that he "discovered the suspected residence of Li Du's remnant party", without saying a word, he personally led people to follow Shen Chen to surround him.

Mr. Jian’s home is at the west end of the alley. There is a well next to the east courtyard wall. It is very easy to find.

After Shan Shen arranged his troops, he sent people to knock on the door.

 Nothing happens inside.

Shen Chen climbed over the wall and opened the door. The group of people rushed in and searched the courtyard as soon as they entered. As expected, the building was empty.

Shan Shenzai checked it carefully and said to Shen Chen: "It looks like it has tables, chairs and beds, but when the cabinet is opened, there are only a few clothes, and the boxes are all empty.

To say that they have been cleaned up, look at their kitchen. There is not much ashes under the stove!

Who will pick up those people who are in a hurry to run away? To me, it's just a place to show off.

  Come here and sit if you have something to do. If nothing happens, the door will be locked. "

 Shenchen agreed with Master Shan’s conclusion.

 Whether there is anyone permanently living in a yard can be determined by careful observation.

The government officials went to the neighbors to ask questions, and the oral confessions confirmed this.

 In the past few years, someone came to stay for three or four days in January, and he also came here seven or eight days ago. He has not seen anyone in recent days, and the neighbors are not surprised.

“Maybe it will come again in a few days?”

But Shan Shen knew that if it was really Li Du's remnant party and knew that Shuntian Mansion came to visit, he would never come again.

 Shen Chen reported this information to Lin Yunyan.

“Pang Fengxu didn’t notice that the house was not a long-term residence.”

"Master Shan went to check the deed of the house to see if he could find anything along the way."

 The next day.

Lin Yunyan went to Cining Palace again.

The Queen Mother was very concerned about what happened yesterday. When she saw her coming early, she asked, "Is there any result?"

"Yes." Lin Yunyan sat down and told the Empress Dowager about the situation in Enrong's Mansion according to the thoughts she had already prepared.

The Empress Dowager heard with concern: "Since the Xia family is so insistent, the Ai family will not still doubt the late queen's health without any evidence. It's a good thing that they paid attention to the situation in advance, otherwise..."

They are both juniors of the Xia family. Why are Xia Qinglue and Xia Qingzhi so different?

Xia Qinglue is smart and has a lot of ideas, but he doesn't like to study.

Xia Qingzhi, however, got dizzy from studying and was almost stabbed.

It's really up to him to mention this matter to Li Shao...

The Queen Mother felt dizzy just imagining that scene.

"This is a vicious plan, it hits the snake seven inches away!" The Empress Dowager sighed, "Fabricating rumors of madness and bullying the late empress into dying early, she can't say anything, but there are so many people who have met the late empress, and the Enrong uncle's house also Now, it is inevitable that you and I will have to argue.

But the bad thing is Li Shao. If he can't fight for his mistakes, he may just bow his head honestly like those mistakes before. If he can fight for them, he can turn the world upside down. "

 Once things start to turn upside down, no flaws can be hidden.

 Even if you’re not crazy, you still look like a lunatic!

 Besides, he has a criminal record!

As long as Li Shao was up to his standards, there were no messy things, and he didn't suddenly draw his sword to strike, and with the presence of the Holy Spirit, it would be difficult for the so-called stigma of madness to be applied to him.

 Who called Li Shao? Did he really do something that was no different from a lunatic?

The more the Empress Dowager thought about it, the more troubled she became: "The Ai family should warn the Holy One about this matter. Not only the Holy One must be cautious, but Li Shao must also be cautious! No matter how careless he is, he will be tricked once or twice by others, and he will not be able to explain it with his mouth. ”

go Ape?

From the Empress Dowager's point of view, going crazy is almost the easiest thing in the world to calculate.

Especially when faced with someone like Li Shao who is easily excited, it doesn't even require a sophisticated design, just a jar of wine can do the trick.

 Being drunk and crazy is also crazy.

The people next to me got angry again, and they were watched by the so-called "discerning people", and what happened next was astonishing.

No matter how bad it is, there are some prescriptions like cold food powder, which can make people feel afraid of cold and heat. When there is an imbalance between cold and heat, the advance and retreat will inevitably be out of proportion.

Li Shao doesn't know how to deal with these destructive tricks at all. He only needs to use fire to set up traps, and he will be accurate every time.

  Add to this the "evidence" that the late Queen was ill, and the two parties worked hard and cooperated with each other...

"How can the Ai family rest assured!" The Empress Dowager shook her head, "I was originally worried about Yumen and the Dingbei Hou Mansion, but I didn't expect that there would be unforeseen complications, and there was also the matter of the first empress. The Ai family finally saw that Li Du was doing things from both sides. "

Lin Yunyan agreed in her heart, but she did not make a decision: "We can't say it's Li Du yet."

“It must be him,” the Empress Dowager said with a look in her eyes, “Yun Yan, everything must be done at the right time, right place and right people.

With such a useful handle like ‘Crazy Disease’ in your hand, as long as your mind is clear enough, you won’t push it at this time.

Even if Derong, who had clearly told the Aijia that she didn't like Li Shao, wanted to play Li Shao in the game, she would not choose now.

She just doesn't like Li Shao. It's not that she doesn't like Dashun or Shengshang. "

Lin Yunyan nodded: "I understand."

  The time, place and people are favorable.

 Now, this handle is in her hand, and she can consider how to use it when she needs to attack Li Shao.

 But right now, they have other problems to solve.

The Empress Dowager asked the Holy Father to have lunch with her, but Lin Yunyan did not stay and left the palace first.

The Holy Emperor was worried about court matters, and his face turned livid after hearing the Queen Mother's words.

"Absurd! Ridiculous!" He said solemnly, "The Queen is mad? It's really ridiculous!"

Having been married for several years, the Holy One knew very well what the late Queen’s temperament was.

The late Queen will not just bow her head and be petty because of her status. It is inevitable that there will be quarrels when getting along, but whether it is a dispute or a quarrel, it is not right for the person but the matter.

"I am not a fool," the Holy Lord said. "How can I not be able to tell whether the person I am arguing with is reasonable and well-founded, or whether he is so crazy that he speaks indiscriminately and behaves inappropriately? Your Majesty, your Majesty, can I I guarantee that the late Queen is definitely not sick!”

"A letter from the Ai family," the Empress Dowager said earnestly, "The Queen's illness was like a knife, and it was Li Shao who was stabbed. Li Shao did act inappropriately at times. The Ai family is not afraid of anything else, but is afraid that Li Shao will be plotted against. , this time not in the East Palace, but in the Jinluan Hall, in the Qianbu Corridor, in front of all the civil and military officials. "

The Holy Father raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows: "My son and ministers will tell him that this matter is serious and he will know the seriousness."

When it came to this matter, the Empress Dowager could not let go. She changed the topic and said: "The Ai family knows that the Holy Master has been working hard recently, but we still have to look to Yumen. If the crisis in Dingbeihou Mansion can be eliminated, the follow-up will be good. Do a lot.”

 “That’s what you said.”

Thanks to Bookstore book friend celestial Li for the reward.

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