Yan Cigui

Chapter 464: It’s not up to them to have the final say (two updates combined into one)

Chapter 464 It’s not up to them to have the final say (two updates in one)

  Imperial study room.

Eunuch Cao invited Li Shao to come in, and he stayed outside to listen to what Gao Neishi said.

“His Royal Highness has been traveling between the Yamen and Yuqing Palace in recent days. Occasionally he goes to Enrong Bo’s Mansion, or has a few drinks with the prince’s son.”

"Looking at me, His Highness is in a normal mood, but he did not delay his observation of the government."

“The Holy Father asked His Highness to come over for dinner at noon, and His Highness was very happy.”

Eunuch Cao nodded, beckoned again, and signaled Eunuch Gao to come forward, and whispered: "There are people outside who are arranging some messy things around His Highness. They have stopped him for the time being. I don't know what kind of consequences they have prepared." "Recruit, you must be very energetic."

Eunuch Gao responded quickly.

Eunuch Cao turned around and went in. The waiters had already set the table. He waved everyone away and waited for the Holy Emperor and Li Shao and his son to eat alone.

Li Shao saw that there was no wine on the table and asked curiously, "Why don't you drink some today?"

 “There are still a lot of excerpts to read, so I won’t drink for now.” The Holy Master said.

Seeing that his father was in good spirits, Li Shao stopped drinking and talking and finished his meal honestly.

 After rinsing his mouth, the Holy Emperor first asked some questions about the Ministry of War.

 Li Shao talked about the situation of observing politics.

  Li Shao would write a summary of the good habit that Xu Jian had forced him into in the past.

Even if it is a running account, as long as you write a lot, you can understand the progress and changes in these days.

As he talked, Li Shao couldn't hold his thoughts in his mind, so he opened his mouth and asked: "The investigation of Dingbeihou Mansion has not yet concluded. Is it true that nothing will happen to Yumen? If Dingbeihou really surrenders to Li Du, then we will Trouble.

 The garrison and dispatching within the pass, as well as the situation of troops and food stationing, were all exposed under Li Du's nose.

If Li Duru sets fire to several of our granaries, what will the soldiers eat? "

 The Holy Father smiled.

Although Shaoer disagreed with him on whether to trust Dingbei Hou or not, their defensive thinking was indeed correct.

“I just want to talk to you about Li Du,” the Holy Master became serious and said, “Xia Qingzhi knows a scholar, and the scholar deliberately misled him, wanting him to think that your mother has a hidden illness...”

Li Shao’s eyes widened: “Hidden illness?”

"Crazy," the Holy Father sighed, "They want the world to think that your mother is crazy."

Li Shao stood up, his anger palpable: "Does Xia Qing know that his surname is Xia? Does he know that his mother is his aunt?"

"He was confused and didn't see through the scam. Fortunately, he wasn't really confused or fooled." The Holy Sage motioned Li Shao to sit down. "Listen to me and tell you slowly."

Li Shao is impatient, how can he stand "taking his time"?

But when the father spoke, it was useless for him to worry alone. He could only endure it and listened to the Holy Master.

 Hearing the important point, the Holy Master moved forward unhurriedly, without giving Li Shao a chance to interrupt.

 After hearing all the ins and outs, Li Shao felt as if he was covered in lice and felt terribly uncomfortable.

"The scholar did something bad on purpose. He was in danger. What did he say? What happened to Xia Qingzhi? Did he trust an outsider?"

"How could the queen be mad? There are so many people in the world who light incense and use it. Could it be that they are all crazy? Ridiculous and ridiculous!"

"Did Ning An notice it? Did she let her blind cat hit the dead mouse again? No wonder I am curious, father, Ning An always notices something, it seems that he has more eyes and ears than others."

The Holy One said: "Thanks to Ning'an for being careful, otherwise..."


 His heart aches when he thinks of this word.

How could he bear to let such a good wife suffer such slander?

What's more, even if he finally suppresses it, he can use imperial power to block Youyou's mouth, but he can't control others' suspicion.

 Furthermore, this matter will also have a great impact on Shao'er.

 It is best to nip it in the bud.

 “I want to ask Xia Qingzhi!” Li Shao said.

 “What did you ask him to do?” asked the Holy Sage.

“Why is he so easily fooled!” Li Shao said angrily, “He is so stupid that he almost dragged me into the water!”

The Holy Spirit spoke earnestly: "Shao'er, distinguishing between loyal and traitorous people is always a difficult problem. We must guard against treacherous villains, but there are some people who are not treacherous. He may even stand with you and be loyal to you, but he is confused. "

Xia Qingzhi is the confused one.

 Li Shao silently added in his heart: There is also Liu Xun.

 Liu Xun is also confused.

The father and son talked for a while before Li Shao resigned and left.

Back at Yuqing Palace, Li Shao sat down at the table and raised his head to face a screen.

The interstitial screen was a relic of the late empress. It had been damaged in the East Palace earlier, but Li Shao repaired it with his own hands in order to appease the Holy Emperor.

 The legs were reattached and painted, and I can stand steadily. However, the embroidery on the screen has been dyed with other colors and cannot be repaired, so I just leave it as it is.

 After moving here, Li Shao did not put away the screen, but placed it in a conspicuous place in the inner hall.

It's not that he values ​​his mother's relics very much, but he knows that his father likes it. His father will not come to Yuqing Palace now, but Eunuch Guo and Eunuch Gao both have mouths.

 What’s more, the screen insert was repaired by himself, which can be regarded as an “achievement”.

I usually see it. There is no extra idea. Today I thought that someone wanted to cover the madman's hat for the Queen of the Pioneer. Li Shao was angry.

How could his mother be a madman?

How could his queen mother be a lunatic? !

From what my father meant, it was Li Du who was behind the scheme. This man is really a bug, hiding in the dark and farting!

 Xia Qingzhi is an idiot, that scholar...

Li Shao's eyes lit up, yes, there was that scholar, he didn't even know the scholar's name!

“Eunuch Gao,” Li Shao called out hurriedly, “Tomorrow, ask Ning An for me, where did she hide her person?”

"Hiding people?" Eunuch Gao exclaimed, "Who is the princess hiding?"

"Just ask, Ning An knows it, well, forget it!" Li Shao waved his hand again, "Forget it, don't ask."

Eunuch Gao is a confidant of Eunuch Cao, so he asked this person to ask. Li Shao hasn't gotten the news yet, and his father may already know it.

The more Li Shao thought about it, the more annoyed he became: "Ask Yutang to come over."

Yutang is the maid of Yuqing Palace, who was previously favored by Li Shao.

Eunuch Gao responded.

Waiting for Yutang to come over, Eunuch Gao asked in a low voice in the corridor: "Do you remember what I told you last time?"

"Remember," Yutang said softly and timidly, "serve His Highness wholeheartedly and don't cause trouble. If you are obedient and well-behaved, you will be able to gain some dignity in the future. If you are unclear and self-righteous, the people in the East Palace in the past will The fate of human hands is the fate of slaves.”

Gao Gonggong said: "Just remember, go ahead."

Yutang stepped in.

Eunuch Gao stood outside the palace, blowing the wind for a while, and thought about Eunuch Cao's instructions today.

He first went to find Eunuch Guo: "His Royal Highness called Yutang and asked the small kitchen to prepare soup and medicine. I will go find Eunuch Cao. I want to report something to him."

Mr. Guo said: "Don't worry, I'm watching from here."

It was already dark. Although it was late, it was not that late.

The Holy Master was still reading the book in the royal study. Eunuch Cao came out and asked, "Why are you here at this time?"

"After His Highness went back, he asked me to ask Princess Ning'an where she hid her people. After that, she regretted it and said, 'Don't ask.'" Gao Gongzheng said, "I will remember what you said." , someone has been arranging messy things in recent days. I don’t know the details, so I’m afraid of neglecting it, so I came to tell you quickly.”

Hearing this, Eunuch Cao sighed.

This is really...

The scholar was in the hands of the princess. Rather than detaining him, it was better to say that he was protected. His Highness has such a temper that if he gets impulsive and is provoked by others, he might get into a fight.

"We have a lot of miscellaneous family members," Cao Gonggong said, "you will serve His Highness well."

The moon is pale tonight.

In a small town not far from Gyeonggi Province, many people have gone to sleep with their lamps turned on, and only a few houses still have light.

 There is a house with three entrances on the west side of the town, which is the home of a wealthy family in the town.

 The main courtyard at the third entrance was lit with oil lamps.

On the couch, the gray-faced Li Du coughed heavily.

Eunuch Ye patted his back gently: "Master, let the doctor take a look at you tomorrow."

“That’s all it seems,” Li Du refused. “It won’t get better, and it won’t get any worse.”

His problem started the night he escaped from the palace.

Perhaps when I came out along the waterway, I accidentally choked on my mouth and felt uncomfortable in my chest.

There were a lot of things going on in those days. Although I was doing things step by step, I was also in a hurry and had no extra time to take care of my body.

By the time he arrived at his destination, he had calmed down and the coughing problem was gone.

 Fortunately, even though I tend to cough at night, it doesn’t affect anything else.

“Where is Su Yi?” Li Du asked, “Have you received any new news?”

"There was a secret report the day before yesterday, saying that we are more than half done," Eunuch Ye replied, "If there is no accident, we should be able to get here in ten days."

 “He’s not in a hurry.” Li Du snorted.

Eunuch Ye served tea to Li Du.

Li Du moistened his throat: "It's getting late, let's talk tomorrow."

Eunuch Ye followed the instructions and was about to blow out the lamp when there was a whistle outside. He quickly went out to take a look.

Not long after, he came back in and whispered to Li Du: "There seems to be something wrong with the layout of Beijing. Sanyuan Hutong has been investigated."

Li Du frowned slightly.

Even though I left the capital, I had already made arrangements for the rest of the journey, and I also had a plan for when and where I would go.

 Judging from the time, there are no rumors about the late empress in Beijing yet, but Sanyuan Hutong was investigated first...

"What's going on?" Li Du asked, "Which part is the problem?"

"The specific situation has not been clarified yet," Ye Gonggong said, "but Princess Ning'an has been to Enrongbo's house one after another in the past few days, and I thought maybe the problem lies with the princess."

"Ning'an?" Li Du clicked his tongue, "She is quite lucky."

From Li Du's point of view, a little girl like Ning An, who has been pampered since childhood, is a little smart and courageous, but he doesn't believe that she can achieve anything big.

Li Du wanted to do something around Li Shao, but he waited until Xu Jian left the capital and could no longer follow Li Shao all day before he started.

Unexpectedly, Ning'an would have such good luck in Xu Jian's absence.

 But there is no such thing as luck.

"Don't worry," Li Du said solemnly, "If there is no light in the east, there will be light in the west. Now that we have grasped the handle, there are many ways to use it. Whether Xia is crazy or not is not up to them!"

 Eunuch Ye responded.

 Li Du asked again: "What other news have you just sent?"

“Young Master is still living in the palace. Everything goes smoothly in terms of food and drink, so you don’t have to worry,” Ye Gonggong said. “There is nothing wrong with anything else.”

 Li Du nodded and said, "Rong'er should be more confident."

 Eunuch Ye laughed and said, "When it comes to luck, my little master is the lucky one.

  After having been in such a high mountain for so long, the boys were ready to send him down the mountain, so two young people came.

But those two people were still relatives of Uncle Chengyi. Through them, they discovered the young master. What could Xu Jian do no matter how smart he was?

 Don't worry, good luck means that destiny is on your side.

Counting the days, Jingzhou is almost ready. When the other side takes action, they will cooperate with the capital to catch them off guard. "

Li Du wanted to say something, but his throat felt uncomfortable again. He covered his neck and coughed hard for a while.

 Finally calmed down, he waved his hand: "Go to sleep first."

 The lights in the room were dimmed.

Li Du was lying down, not very sleepy, thinking over and over again in his mind.

All situations have been deduced over and over again to ensure that they can be pushed forward, and corrections have been arranged for any problems that arise.

 It is said that man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation.

 But only by thinking out all the strategies can we have the strength to fight against the sky!


 The sky here gets brighter later than in the capital.

Torches were burning all night long on the city walls and in the camp.

 When the sky turned white, Xu Jian climbed up the city wall and looked at Xiliang and Gu Yue's residence.

Since their arrival, they have had several battles with the enemy. It cannot be said to be fierce, but there have been some casualties.

 The pass is heavily defended, and no matter how the enemy forces call for formation, they will ignore it.

Perhaps the banner with the word "Xu" was planted. When the enemy generals called for battle, they often insulted the old prince, and all kinds of unpleasant words came out one after another.

Dingbeihou was worried that Xu Jian was a young man and could not bear the humiliation, so he asked him to go back to his tent, but Xu Jian refused.

He is indeed young, but he will not be offended by such tactics at all.

It’s just called a formation.

When my grandfather was still alive, his favorite story was how he shouted in front of the battle line and scolded the enemy general so much that he wanted to fight to the death regardless.

 Xu Jian was well-informed and went out to Yumen for the first time. He was also sent by his grandfather to call for battle.

It was certainly inelegant, but it was not vulgar at all. Relying on his grandfather's understanding of the enemy general, Xu Jian scolded him directly in the ribs.

Now when you go to Yumen again and you are pointed at your nose and scolded, just think that the situation has changed.

 After all, wasting the enemy's troops, dragging down the opponent's supplies, and causing conflicts between Xiliang and Gu Yuenei was their current choice.

 The execution had been going smoothly until not long ago, when the Beijing Express arrived.

 Dingbei Houfu was suspected of defecting to Li Du.

Two gold bricks, the Marquis Mansion was surrounded. Although there was no harsh treatment, Dingbei Marquis who was leading the army was unable to dismount from the tiger.

 The news will naturally not spread in the camp, so as not to affect morale, but everything that needs to be known is still known.

The original guarding general did not believe a word he said, and cursed "Qin Hui, the villain" in the direction of the capital.

Xu Jian pointed out "Li Du", and nine times out of ten, it was Li Du's trick.

 But something happened, and Yumen couldn’t just deal with it.

Dingbei Hou thought about it and handed the tiger talisman to Xu Jian.

 A book friend asked about the progress.

 Soon, it should be soon, June at most.

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