Yan Cigui

Chapter 465: This father-in-law, long time no see (two updates in one)

Chapter 465: This father-in-law, long time no see (two updates in one)

  When Xu Jian came down from the city wall, it was already broad daylight.

  The torches in the camp were blown out, and the soldiers changed defenses and drilled, full of vitality.

After passing through the camp, Xu Jian walked all the way to the middle tent, opened the curtain and went in. He saw several generals actively discussing something around the big case.

Dingbeihou has not yet arrived, and the other generals are in full swing.

The two sides met each other, greeted each other, and focused on the discussion again.

 Xu Jian listened for a while and knew that they were all worried about the affairs of Dingbei Hou Mansion.

“What a shame, why are you working for Li Du? I think some people in the court are working for Xiliang Guyue! We are here to resist foreign enemies, and they are stabbing us in the back!”

"Life in the capital is easy. Anyone can fart with their mouth, and throw it all outside Yumen. It doesn't take a quarter of an hour to know what farts can and cannot be done!"

“I know you are all angry, but it’s useless even if we curse here for three days and three nights.”

"That's right, we won't pay attention to those who are throwing dirty water, and the Holy One has not taken strict measures for the time being, but it is not a good idea to continue like this. What if the Holy One changes generals?"

“We also have to consider the commander’s family members in the capital.”

"What should we do? If we want to clear our reputation, we have to rely on military exploits. Now we raise our troops and fight out?"

"We can't just fight. Xiliang Guyue is still on the rise. The original plan was to postpone it through the summer and wait until autumn for them..."

"We can wait, can the Marshal's family wait? If not three days, then at least three months!"

"Let's think about **** Xiliang Weifeng! Let them suffer a defeat, and it can also cause them to have internal strife!"

 “It all adds up.”

Maps were hung on the shelves, and a sand table was placed on the table.

Everyone said something to everyone, held up their fingers, put up flags, and everyone had their own ideas.

Seeing Xu Jian's silence, Shi Lei asked him in a low voice: "You don't agree to take the initiative to fight out?"

Shi Lei was the original Yumen gatekeeper general. He used to be a fierce general in front of Xu Mang's formation and made many achievements.

After recapturing Yumen at the end of the eighth year of Yongjia, Xu Mang's troops returned to the court to treat their injuries, and recommended Shi Lei to stay in Yumen to garrison.

 This defense has lasted almost five years.

Shi Lei witnessed Xu Jian's first appearance on the battlefield, and also watched him injure his leg while trying to save Li Shao. He originally thought that Xu Jian would no longer be able to march and fight, but he was very happy to see him come with him this time and recovered well.

 “I don’t disapprove,” Xu Jian considered, “it’s just...”

Just as the conversation began, Marquis Dingbei came in.

Marquis Dingbei seemed to be in good spirits. Seeing that the generals were so protective, the old man was also very excited: "I, Ji Pei, swear on the lives of my whole family that I have nothing to do with the traitor Li Du! I have a clear conscience and will definitely treat you well." support!"

 Dingbei Hou also joined the discussion.

 Xu Jian did not continue the conversation with Shi Lei on the previous topic, but immersed himself in the meeting first.

This military intelligence meeting lasted for half an hour, and the generals came up with several ideas and plans. They would then make choices based on the information collected by the scouts and the weather, etc.

 Everyone received their orders and exited the central tent.

 Xu Jian fell at the end and was left behind by the Marquis of Dingbei.

Not only him, Dingbeihou also called Shi Lei.

"I can understand everyone's mood," said Dingbei Hou. "I am eager to win a big victory. I can use my military exploits in exchange for my reputation, and I can also use my military exploits to suppress the public opinion in the capital. Even if I don't say that I am innocent, at least I can make people happy." The family members left behind can relax.

 However, the biggest fear in fighting is being too hasty.

They all say not to fight an unprepared battle, but I think the Xiliang people are quite well prepared. "

It is okay in private to inflate other people's ambitions and destroy one's own prestige. When arranging troops, the most important thing is to seek truth from facts.

Shi Lei stroked his beard and thought for a while, then asked Xu Jian: "I said half of it before, what are your specific thoughts?"

 Dingbei Hou’s eyes also fell on Xu Jian.

Xu Jian organized his thoughts and said to the two of them: "Dingbeihou has been accused of colluding with Li Du. If he wants to prove his innocence at this moment, it is best to win a big victory. On the surface, this idea does not have any The question is, what would he do if the person responsible for the layout was really Li Du? "

Shi Lei said "Hey".

“He wants to smear me, so he won’t let me prove myself,” Dingbeihou reacted quickly, “I remember Jingli mentioned it when he was checking him, and he has long been in contact with Gu Yue.”

 “Good guy!” Shi Lei slapped his thigh, “So he wants to wait and see!

I don’t believe a word of Gu Yue’s talk about internal strife or not!

They are just wallflowers. They used to follow us in Dashun and enjoy the good things, but now they are jumping up and down behind Xiliang, trying to bite us.

  It must be that they saw us guarding Yumen and knew we were going to waste, so they wanted to fish us out!

Li Du has a close connection with Gu Yue. He set fire to the commander in the capital. Don’t we have to bite the bullet and go out?

They have been prepared for a long time. When the two armies confront each other, they don’t know what dirty tricks are waiting for us! "

If it is just an ordinary war, a tragic victory is still a victory. In addition to the discomfort and grief in the hearts of the soldiers, at least they have an explanation to the court.

 But these times are unusual.

There are people in Beijing waiting to seize the title of Beihou. Unless it is a big victory, nothing else can be done.

Shi Lei can think of it all with his toes.

“He formed an alliance with Li Du and deliberately wasted our Dashun soldiers.”

"A tragic victory? He sent his soldiers to die. The fewer our troops, the happier Li Du is. He still wants to claim victory. How shameless!"

Those who clamor are not necessarily stupid, but many are bad.

"So," Shi Lei asked, "we fell into a trap when we went out to fight?"

"Based on what I know about Li Du," Xu Jian raised his eyes and spoke solemnly, "Whether he proves himself or not, it is his trap. Once he falls into the entanglement of 'can he escape or not', it will be as he wants. He There is no need to answer the questions, just tear up the paper."

Shi Lei's eyes lit up.

The Marquis of Dingbei also became interested.

They are military generals who have been on conquest for many years. Although there are really few who lead troops in battles without hesitation, they have a set of tactics, but when it comes to personality, everyone likes to be more direct.

“How to say it?” Dingbeihou urged.

Xu Jian said: "The commander-in-chief is just suspicious now, and the Holy One has no choice but to besiege the mansion and has not taken any serious measures. It shows that he does not believe it either.

Li Du will not bet all his money on the Xiliang and Gu Yue coalition forces. If we really go out to fight and win a big victory, wouldn't Li Du's work be in vain?

It is more important to Li Du that the commander-in-chief establishes an alliance with him than who wins or loses between us and the enemy.

 He will want proof. "

"What kind of evidence counts?" Dingbei Hou took a breath, "I sit with him and have a drink together? I dare to drink, but he dares to come?"

"He doesn't have to come, as long as his people come," Shi Lei waved his hand, "Isn't that what dead soldiers are used for?"

“Grain and grass,” Xu Jian turned to look at the map and said, “all the grain and grass we mobilized passed through Jingzhou Prefecture. Except for the grain that was transported to Yumen, a lot of it was stored in several nearby granaries.

Only the military knew the specific situation of food storage and defense. The Jingzhou government only cooperated but did not know the details.

  If there is a problem with food and grass..."

Dingbeihou understood: "That's what I told Li Du. Li Du burned all the fire for me." "How cruel!" Shi Lei repeatedly exclaimed, "He is really not afraid that Yumen will be penetrated by the Xiliang people even if they use food and grass. "

 Grain and grass are the top priority, but to be foolproof, gaining more is the only way to avoid losing.

Porters are needed to transport food, and they are all recruited for military service. There are so many people, it is not surprising at all if someone sneaks in.

Knowing the specific location of the grain garrison, once the fire breaks out, regardless of whether there are any losses, Dingbeihou will not be able to explain to the capital.

Marquis Dingbei thought about it and said: "Master Ren is in charge of east-west transportation in Jing'an City. He may be plotted against someone in the granary. We need to inform him as soon as possible. We also need to be more vigilant. At the same time, we need to adjust the grain transportation route and divide it into several sections." …”

 The three of them got together and discussed the map for a long time.

At the end, Marquis Dingbei let out a long sigh, his eyes still resolute, but his expression could not hide his fatigue.

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light," he said to Xu Jian, "Li Du is biased and ruthless in his actions. We try our best to guard against him, but we may not be able to completely guard against him.

 The capital doesn’t know how it will develop in the future. Your Majesty believed in me yesterday, but maybe you won’t believe me tomorrow.

I have left the tiger talisman to you. If the Holy Spirit transfers me back to Beijing for questioning, I will definitely have to go back immediately. At that time, Yumen will be handed over to you and General Shi. "

Shi Lei's face turned red with anger: "We haven't reached that stage yet, Commander, don't say depressing words!"

Dingbeihou made fists with his hands and bowed to the two of them: "I still say what I said, I and the Ji family have a clear conscience."

 Xu Jian nodded.

 He can certainly trust Dingbeihou.

“Let’s seize the time and deliver the news to Jing’an City first.”

 That morning, a fast horse left Yumen and rushed to Jing'an City via Chengyuan County.

Ji Xin, the second son of Dingbeihou, took the order and led his soldiers all the way east to increase the defense of the grain transportation route.

Ji Xin’s eldest son Ji Guang was also in the queue, along with Yu Chengan.

After arriving at Yumen, Yu Chengan has been practicing, and also fought a battle with the Xiliang people who wanted to attack Yumen at night, and received a knife in his arm.

The injury was not serious, and he recovered quickly under the care of Dr. Yue, but he was still transferred from the city wall defense by Dingbei Hou.

Yu Chengan went to fight for it, but was blocked by Dingbei Hou with a few words.

"Preferential treatment? Your surname is Yu. If I don't give you preferential treatment, your sacrifice will be in vain. I'm afraid that your grandfather will settle accounts with me."

"It would be wrong of me to stop you when you go out to face the enemy. We are stationed now. Before you fully recover from your injuries, if you suffer more pain, it will be more than worth the loss."

“You don’t want to be like Duke Fu, who is unable to display your abilities when you really want to fight against the Xiliang people, right?”

“If the city wall has more guards than you, it will not be too much. If you are short of you, it will not be too much. If you are not convinced, keep your arms strong and practice harder. When I want to fight out, I will appoint you as the vanguard!”

Yu Chengan was convinced.

 Hibernating for a while, keeping a low profile, waiting for the time to rise again.

Today, Xu Jian asked Yu Chengan to follow the soldiers who were returning to the route to protect grain and grass.

The same time, Yu Chengan and Ji Guang have been good, and know what Ji Guang is annoying in recent days.

We arrived at Chengyuan all the way. A large group of people were stationed outside the town. Ji Xin asked Ji Guang to send the letter from Dingyuan Marquis to the county government.

Yu Chengan went with him.

Chengyuan County is not big, because it is an important transportation road, and in recent days it is the only way for grain and grass transportation. Even after dark, there are still many shops open in the town.

 In the county government office, the court hall is brightly lit, and many officials are here to work together.

The county magistrate Yu Fuzheng kept talking to the people around him.

Ji Guang had been here before and recognized the person. After saying hello, he asked where the county magistrate was.

Yu Fu said hurriedly: "Master Tian has been busy for two days and one night. He really can't bear it any longer. He took a rest in the back office. I will send someone to look for him right now."

After hearing the news, Magistrate Tian came in a hurry, took the letter and read it with a very solemn expression.

"Young general," he said, "the porters are all recruited and have their own identities, but they transport them along the way. If someone fishes in troubled waters in the wilderness... Well, it's easy to guard against external enemies, but it's better to guard against someone inside making trouble..."

Ji Guangdao: "I know it's difficult, but we also have to be cautious. This is true not only in Chengyuan County, but also along the way."

 The county magistrate of Tian County responded accordingly.

Yu Chengan was asking Yu Fu about the situation in the county, how the caravan was delayed by the battle in Yumen, and whether any people had fled eastward.

 Yu Fu answered one by one and knew all the situations clearly.

Yu Chengan asked and thought: This county magistrate is a down-to-earth person.

When Ji Guang greeted him, Yu Chengan realized in hindsight that the county magistrate surnamed Yu was Zhu Xiang's uncle?

He wanted to ask a question, but when he saw Yu Fu was busy with something else, he didn't bother him anymore. He just looked at him a few more times and turned to leave.

With these two glances, Yu Chengan saw a person next to Yu Fu who had always had his back to them.

The man looked young, dressed in cloth, holding a book in his hand and was communicating with others. It seemed that something was wrong. He took a few steps back and was stopped again.

Ji Guang urged again: "Go back quickly."

Yu Chengan walked towards Magistrate Tian and asked him in a low voice: "What is the origin of that young man?"

Magistrate Tian said: "My name is Zeng Cong, a native of Jing'an. Half a month ago, the prefect knew that our county was short of manpower, so he ordered a group of people to come over, and he was among them."

Yu Chengan frowned.

Ji Guang also noticed that something was wrong with Yu Chengan's reaction at this moment, and asked, "What's the problem with that person?"

"Is there any problem?" Yu Cheng'an walked directly towards Zeng Cong, "Just ask. You, go to a brighter place and I will take a closer look."

Zeng Cong looked puzzled: "This sir?"

Magistrate Tian said: "Let the generals look at it more carefully."

Zeng Cong responded and walked to the oil lamp beside the table in a few steps.

Yu Cheng'an followed him forward, but instead of looking closer, he took action directly, pressed Zeng Cong's shoulder with his palm and pinned him to the table.

 A thud.

The movement was so loud that everyone looked over in shock.

Zeng Cong cried out in pain repeatedly: "What are you doing, little general?"

Magistrate Tian was also shocked: "This..."

Yu Chengan smiled: "This father-in-law, long time no see."

Zeng Cong froze.

"You must recognize me," Yu Cheng'an said word by word, "but you think I might not recognize you. It's been two years since we last met in the Marshal's Mansion, and you have carefully groomed your appearance and thought you were perfect.

You do look good. There is a wanted portrait of you in Jingzhou, but even the government and county offices didn't notice it.

But you may not know it, but you people who have purified themselves walk differently from us men. "

Thanks to the Bookstore book friend Jiu Chibaoer for the reward.

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