Yan Cigui

Chapter 466: Defeated by a cricket (two updates in one)

The officials who were talking to each other in twos and threes all fell silent at some point.

 Not long after, Yu Chengan's voice was the only voice in the entire court.

Everyone was stunned, and it was obviously difficult to turn around for a while.

 It was as if the busyness of the past few days had turned my head into a ball of mush, and I couldn't even understand a few words.

 Suddenly, there was a "click" sound.

 One of the bookkeepers failed to hold the pen steady and dropped it to the ground, breaking the silence.

 Then, the huge boulder, like a pool of water, immediately exploded.

 “Gong, father-in-law?”

“Zeng Cong is the father-in-law? No way? It doesn’t look like it!”

"Wanted? Li Du's group? Who is he in the portrait?"

“Where are the portraits? Where are the piles of portraits? Get them and pair them quickly!”

“What’s right? Whether it’s father-in-law or not, you’ll know as soon as you take off your pants.”

Zeng Cong's face turned the color of pig liver: "Young general, don't be kidding me. We all have different walking postures. How can you say that to me?"

Yu Chengan laughed: "My father-in-law is not right.

I can even see the slightest difference between crickets. For a big person like you, I can tell when your legs are crooked.

 Do you really think that if you were stabbed like that when you were a child, you will be exactly the same as a healthy person when you grow up? "

 Zeng Cong:…

He turned his head and stared at Yu Chengan, and caught a glimpse of Magistrate Tian beside him from the corner of his eye.

Magistrate Tian touched his chin with a curious look on his face, looking at his lower body, which made Zeng Cong angrier.

The magistrate of Xiangtian County doesn't care whether Zeng Cong is angry or not.

 He was just wondering what was "different" about it.

General Yu said that there is a difference after just a few steps. How come Zeng Cong couldn't tell the difference at all after he had been in the Yamen for so long?

 Perhaps he has never met any father-in-law before?

Ji Guang stepped forward and said to Yu Chengan in a low voice: "Are you sure you didn't admit your mistake? Take off your pants. If he is not short of weight, it will be hard for you to explain."

Yu Chengan was full of confidence: "It's okay if they don't believe it. You haven't heard of my ability to teach crickets in the capital?"

Ji Guang couldn’t laugh or cry.

That's true, I heard a lot.

 A small official came in carrying a stack of portraits.

Magistrate Tian took it and stood next to Zeng Cong, comparing them one by one.

“It’s not like this, it doesn’t look like this, what about this one? It doesn’t seem right either.”

Yu Fu said hurriedly: "Sir, the young general said that he has changed his appearance. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with him this way. I need to wash his face first."

The clerks nearby were busy and immediately went to fetch water again.

Yu Chengan said to them, "His name is Cheng Xi. He is Li Du's right-hand man and is very famous."

Upon hearing this, Magistrate Tian quickly flipped through the pages again, put out Cheng Xi's portrait, and took a closer look.

I have to say that there is almost no similarity in facial features between Zeng Cong and Cheng Xi in front of me. Even if Zeng Cong stood outside the yamen with a portrait, the yamen officials would not rush to catch him.

Magistrate Tian became more and more curious. It seemed reasonable to say that father-in-laws walked in different postures, but there were many wanted father-in-laws. How could General Yu determine their identity?

Yu Cheng'an saw Magistrate Tian's confusion and explained: "As I said, you should not only look at the facial features of a person, but also the bones. If Mr. Tian has been studying crickets for many years like me, he can also see the bones through the skin."

Magistrate Tian complimented him, but shook his head in his heart.

Not to mention whether crickets have bones or not, if he had spent many years thinking about crickets, he would not be a county magistrate now.

When the basin was brought up, Ji Guang took it upon himself to use his strong hands to round and flatten Zeng Cong's face.

Thinking of the family members who were tricked by Li Du, Ji Guang acted harshly, and Zeng Cong's face gained a few red marks.

 with with no idea, though, and it was hard to wipe off with water. Ji Guang's face was mottled after a lot of effort.

He was so angry that he didn't want to do the hard work anymore, so he bent down and took off Zeng Cong's pants.


 “It’s really empty!”

 “What a father-in-law!”

There was no wind beside the court table, but Zeng Cong felt a cold feeling between his legs, as if a cold wind was blowing.

“I, I am an eunuch!” he cried, “but who said that eunuchs are from Li Du’s group?

  When I was a child, my family was poor. My father wanted me to be a chamberlain but didn’t know the way, so he took it upon himself to stab me.

 I managed to survive with great difficulty, and my family has improved, so I no longer think about selling my property..."

"Stop making up stories," Yu Cheng'an clicked his tongue and shook his head, "Any tea doctor in the capital will tell more interesting stories than you. You, a eunuch, were captured in Chengyuan. Whether you admit it or not, you will be escorted back to the capital, but you are here What I wanted to do failed!

 You are Li Du's confidant. You know in your mind whether the things he entrusts you are important or not.

It has failed now, whether you admit it or not, you have failed. "

Zeng Cong clenched his teeth, no longer concealing the hatred in his eyes, staring straight at Yu Chengan.

The look in his eyes changed. He was no longer Zeng Cong, who behaved according to the rules and never complained about hardship or tiredness, but Chengxi, the father-in-law who gave orders to Li Du next to him.

Magistrate Tian asked: "Little General, should we send this man to the capital, or..."

Yu Chengan discussed with Ji Guang for a while and said, "Let's take him away."

Yu Fu asked people to bring torture instruments and asked Yu Chengan and Ji Guang to take Cheng Xi into custody.

"The right arm," Yu Fu murmured, worried, "the right arm is in our Chengyuan County. Where is the rebel Li Du now? Is he hiding here too?"

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were frightened and turned pale.

How old is Chengyuan?

If Li Du makes trouble in their Chengyuan, wouldn't they all be doomed?

Magistrate Tian hurriedly stopped the discussion: "Starting from tomorrow, we will search every house, including all the villages and towns below. Send a letter to Jing'an City immediately to inform the prefect!"

Yu Chengan and Ji Guang exchanged a look.

They had heard Xu Jian's inference that if Li Du wanted to seize the throne, he would most likely stay in the Gyeonggi area.

Cheng Xi, as a confidant of Li Du, was indeed very suspicious when Cheng Yuan appeared thousands of miles away. He was even bold enough to sneak into the Yamen.

If you want to collect grain transportation information and clarify the location of the granary, there are other ways to do this, or someone else can do it, and Chengxi does not need to come forward.

Is it possible that Li Du can't be surrounded by capable and able-bodied people?

 A father-in-law is involved in danger. Once he is captured and his pants are taken off, he will lose all his words.

Li Du couldn't possibly not understand this, but Cheng Xi still came, unless there was another agenda.

Yu Chengan and the other two couldn't guess the whole picture, so naturally they couldn't let Chengyuan Yamen not bother to search Li Du. If they gave wrong opinions, no one would bear the consequences.


"It's just that it can't be searched and all the energy is involved," Yu Fu suggested to Magistrate Tian. "Ensuring supply transportation is always the most important."

 The two have been colleagues for several years and have a tacit understanding.

"That's right, that's right!" Magistrate Tian glared at Cheng Xi and said to Yu Fu, "If we are fooled by their attacks in the east and west, then..." Cheng Xi was caught red-handed and was taken away from Jing'an City with him. The manpower sent here is also very tight.

 “I’m really a local from Jing’an, I live in...”

“I’m not familiar with Zeng Cong, no, I’m not familiar with this father-in-law, yes, I’m healthy, I can take off my pants by myself.”

“He and I are definitely not on the same team, otherwise my whole family will be struck by lightning!”

His eyes passed over those people, only looking at their expressions and attitudes, and there was no one who looked out of the ordinary.

Yu Cheng'an didn't say much, left the follow-up matters to Chengyuan Yamen, and took Cheng Xi away with Ji Guang.

 Send it out on Yufu Road.

While Ji Guang threw Cheng Xi, who was **** tightly, on the horse's back, Yu Cheng'an asked Yu Fu in a low voice: "Where is Mr. Yu's home in Qiping Hutong in the capital, right?"

Yu Fu looked at him doubtfully: "Young general, do you know?"

"I know," Yu Cheng'an said, "I have a good relationship with Duke Fu. His wife, Princess Ning'an, is a good friend of Master Yu's niece, and we have met in Duke's Mansion before."

"So it's like this," Yu Fu sighed, "I am an official here, and the capital is handed over to my two younger brothers. The family is actually very good, but the matter of my niece and sister is always choked in my heart. Alas, let's not talk about this, Don’t talk about this! Don’t worry, little general, Chengyuan will do his best to do what Jingzhong and Yumen have told him.”

Yu Chengan said thank you for your hard work.

 Two fast horses left the county town and arrived at the garrison.

When Ji Xin heard that Cheng Xi had been captured, he rushed over in two steps at a time and asked fiercely: "Where is your master?"

Cheng Xi remained silent.

Ji Xin was so angry that he wanted to just draw his sword and kill the person, but fortunately his son stopped him.

Upon seeing this, Yu Cheng'an knew that it would be better to let Ji Xin "out of sight", so he said: "I will **** him back to Yumen first and hand him over to the marshal and the Duke of Fu for questioning."

Ji Xin did not refuse and only asked him to call in more people.

"I'm not worried about this dead eunuch, but I'm afraid that he will have reinforcements coming to rescue him, and you will suffer a loss alone."

Yu Chengan agreed and promised to go and return quickly and catch up with Ji Xin as soon as possible.

 Hurrying on a starry night, horses galloping.

In order to take Cheng Xi with him, Yu Chengan also took off the saddle.

 Cheng Xi’s stomach was pressed against the horse’s back as he jolted all the way to Yumen. He was so dizzy that he couldn’t even spit out sour water.

By the time he was thrown in front of Xu Jian and Dingbei Hou by his collar, he seemed to have half his life left.

“What is this?” Dingbeihou came up to observe.

“Chengxi, the great chamberlain beside Li Du.” Yu Chengan told the story of how he discovered him.

"Lurking in the Chengyuan County Government Office?" The back of Dingyuan Hou's neck felt cold and he couldn't help but look at Xu Jian.

 What Xu Jian said is not wrong at all.

Li Du just wanted to get food and grass, so he arranged for Cheng Xi to come to Chengyuan.

Had Yu Chengan not seen through it at a glance, the consequences would have been disastrous!

The Marquis of Dingbei was too busy to ask questions. Cheng Xi collapsed on the ground, as motionless as mud, and did not answer any questions.

 Xu Jian sat down and said slowly and leisurely: "Xiaoci Hutong, where I caught Eunuch Tong."

 Chengxi had no reaction.

Xu Jian said to himself: "I felt strange at that time. Although Eunuch Tong has lived in the house for a long time and no one has seen him outside, and he seems to be very safe, once his head is found and his pants are taken off, he can't quibble. .

 This is a dead end. Li Du seems to value Eunuch Tong very much, why should he be left to fend for himself?

 Later I figured it out, Eunuch Tong was not an abandoned son, he was bait.

The fact that he can stay in Xiaoci Hutong means that Su Chang did not betray Su Yi, and Su Yi did not betray Li Du. Is that the truth? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Jian saw Cheng Xi’s eyes moving violently.

Cheng Xi tried his best to control it, but failed, so that his whole face looked tense.

"It's a pity that there are very few people who know Eunuch Tong, but there are a few who know Little Mouse. He was not unjustly arrested," Xu Jian laughed, "What about you, Cheng Xi? You went to Chengyuan to do it. What? You are also disabled, Li Du will not make such a mistake."

 At this time, Cheng Xi’s breathing was tight.

 Then, he heard Xu Jian's last words: "Unless you are here to die."

Dingbei Hou was stunned for a moment and looked at Cheng Xi in astonishment.

Yu Chengan also took a breath, his thoughts moving rapidly.

Xu Jian continued: "You have decided to die, but there is a saying that 'even if you die, you have to find someone to support you.' If a right-hand man like you died without value, wouldn't it be in vain?

 So, Li Du will definitely let you die a worthy death.

Let me think about it, two gold bricks cannot bring down the Dingbei Hou Mansion. The Holy One knows it well and will not change his generals just because of that little frame-up.

Li Du would like to prove the slander and set fire to the granary. The excitement is lively and serious, but there are many people and mixed eyes. Dingbei Hou is just very difficult to explain, not completely unable to explain.

 Unless a pair of eyes saw the private exchanges between the Ji family and Li Du's people.

Is this it? You are lurking in Chengyuan. Will you be ordered to come to Yumen to deliver a message in a few days, or will you go to meet Ji Guang and his son who are going to Jing'an?

 Meet you, make a fuss, attract a group of people to surround you, and your identity will be discovered again.

How can a sound person be convicted?

 You must be the chamberlain, you must be Chengxi, the final word is final. "

Cheng Xi bit her lip and bled.

 At this moment, in addition to hatred, he also felt annoyed.

 Their plan was completely seen through by Xu Jian.

 He remembered what his master had said before.

"Xu Jian, he does have ideas. I underestimated him before!"

This sentence echoed over and over again in his mind.

The master asked him to come to Jingzhou and arranged a suitable identity for him. He was successfully sent to Chengyuan by Jing'an Yamen and settled in Chengyuan.

After that, he just needs to hand over all the information he has, burn it when it is necessary, and then let people see him having a "secret conversation" with Ji Xin, and the rest of the matter will fall into place.

Yumen will definitely change his commander, and the morale of the army will be shaken because Dingbeihou joins forces with Li Du.

 The problems at the border are closely related to the situation in the capital, and can affect the whole body.

As long as there is enough chaos, things will be easier for the master later on.

It's a pity that Cheng Xi had calculated everything, but he didn't expect to kill Yu Cheng'an.

Of course he knew that Yu Chengan came to Yumen, but he changed his appearance.

Unless he is an extremely familiar person, he would not be able to recognize him at all. He and Yu Chengan only met once two years ago. Let alone being familiar with each other, it is hard to say whether they still remember him.

 But reality gave Cheng Xi a slap in the face.

Yu Chengan not only came to Chengyuan, but also remembered him, and even saw through him through his disguise!

What a, what a joke!

 When he first met Yu Chengan, it was just because of a cricket.

If it wasn't to please the little master, why would he buy crickets?

 As a result, that cricket interrupted their current layout!

 His success was defeated by a cricket! (End of chapter)

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