Yan Cigui

Chapter 467: Who cares about them! (Two updates in one)

Chapter 467: Who cares about them! (Two updates in one)

Just when Cheng Xi regretted and resented "a cricket", Xu Jian did not let him go.

"Chengxi, are you still worried about what Li Du has entrusted to you?" Xu Jian paused and then said, "I have to remind you that you should think about Li Rong now."

Cheng Xi was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

 Little master?

 Why is he thinking about the young master now?

No, he can't be led by Xu Jian, and he can't be fooled by Xu Jian!

But Xu Jian's words continued to ring in his ears, and every word made him breathe hard.

“I showed your portrait to Li Rong, and he said he didn’t know you and had never seen you,” Xu Jian said. “This is his confession. I didn’t believe it completely because Yu Chengan said that Li Rong should recognize you.

Yu Cheng'an was very confident in his words, saying that he would never admit the wrong person or the wrong cricket.

 But for such an important matter, you cannot just listen to Yu Chengan's words. "

While speaking, the person involved, Yu Chengan, was also at the side, snorting and raising his eyebrows.

 Xu Jian is so cruel.

Yu Chengan thought, wherever it hurts, he would stab the knife where it feels happy.

However, the people around Li Du are tough-mouthed, and it is difficult to get a few words of truth without forcing them.

As expected, Xu Jian’s next sentence was sharp.

"Now, Yu Cheng'an has seen through your identity. He is sure that you are the one who bought the crickets. The cricket in Li Rong's hand was given to you by you," Xu Jian said decisively, "Li Rong lied. He has known you for a long time." .

As for you people, you are separated from the people in the Jin Palace, and you will not show up in the palace. Therefore, Li Rong has already been to the house where Li Du hid his people.

Li Rong knew a lot, he hid it well, his conversations were organized, and there were no flaws in his expression.

 He doesn’t want to follow Li Du in rebellion? I think he came prepared.

 Originally, he was able to hide things from the outside world, but one day, he could take things by surprise and do what Li Du wanted him to do.

 It's a pity that now it seems that he has no chance.

His only loophole is your Chengxi, and you exposed him. "

Cheng Xi gritted his teeth and widened his eyes angrily.

His own failure alone had made Cheng Xi angry, anxious and helpless, but it turned out that he had also affected his little master...

 This makes Cheng Xi even more unacceptable.

Even if I continue to tell myself "Don't listen to Xu Jian" over and over again, the words "You exposed him" are still turning over and over in my mind.

He could only raise his head reluctantly and looked at Xu Jian with resentment: "Do you think you can defeat the master like this? So what if you catch me, I am going to die! The master will avenge me! "

"Yeah, it won't be a big deal if I catch you," Xu Jian laughed, "Li Du allowed you to come to Chengyuan, and I don't know how many people he sent to Jingzhou Mansion with him. You don't mean that no one will find out the specific location of the granary for him."

 At the words, Cheng Xi's eyes quickly rolled, and at the end he burst into laughter: "It's good that you know! Just wait!"

"It seems we can't wait any longer," Xu Jian's smile faded, leaving only contempt, "If you hadn't said this, I would have had to continue to worry about the follow-up supply situation. You are so confident that I feel relieved.

 Look, you still don’t realize that when I exposed Li Rong, you were so angry that you never mentioned him. This was for protection.

 But once I said that I still had manpower, you asked me to wait with your bold words. This was a bluff. "

Cheng Xi’s smile froze on his face.

Xu Jianbian added: "As expected of Li Du's great eunuch, he is used to giving orders. Do you really want to see us making all the yamen under Jingzhou busy with self-examination and self-examination?"

Cheng Xi turned his head away violently.

  I was really tired talking to Xu Jian.

 It seems that no matter what he says, he will be led by the nose.

 Xu Jian would not be as happy as Cheng Xi intended.

 He squatted down, grabbed Cheng Xi's chin, and turned his face away.

Looking directly into Cheng Xi’s eyes, Xu Jian asked himself.

Cheng Xi would not answer, but Xu Jian paused for a moment every time he asked a question, judging the answer from the twinkle in Cheng Xi's eyes.

 “Li Du came to the west?”

“Li Du is still staying near Gyeonggi?”

“Su Yi and Li Du still join forces?”


Cheng Xi only fully realized what he was doing now and closed his eyes in a hurry.

Xu Jian let go of Cheng Xi's chin and stood up. Cheng Xi closed his eyes tightly and said to Marquis Dingbei: "It seems that, as we expected, Li Du is still waiting for an opportunity near the capital. Su Yi Flirting with him."

 Dingbei Hou’s eyes fell heavily on Cheng Xi.

 When a spy is caught or captured in the army, there are endless methods of questioning.

Marquis Dingbei also knew this very well. He knew the answer just by looking at Cheng Xi lying on the ground shaking.

"Lock up this **** first," said the Marquis of Dingbei.

Yu Chengan took Cheng Xi down.

Dingbeihou stroked his beard and murmured to Xu Jian: "Li Du must have never imagined that the exquisite work he had put so much effort into Jingzhou would be destroyed by a cricket."

Xu Jian smiled and said, "Marquis Baoan would have never imagined that Yaosun Jian's greatest achievement came from a cricket."

Hearing this, Marquis Dingbei was stunned, then burst out laughing again.

 He ​​and Bao Bao Hou are also old friends. When he thinks of Bao Bao Hou jumping around and then giving up for the unmotivated Yaosun, his expression comes to mind.

Of course, Xu Jian’s words are still so hilarious.

Smiling steadily, Marquis Dingbei said: "We have caught Cheng Xi, we must quickly send a secret report back to Beijing."

"The Jingzhou government office should still conduct self-inspections, and the vigilance of the granary cannot be relaxed," Xu Jian said, "Those words are just a joke, we can't really deceive ourselves into them."

This is called not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of just in case.

“That’s the truth,” Dingbeihou stroked his beard with sharp eyes, “It’s time to teach the Xiliang and Guyue people a lesson.”

 According to the original arrangement, he was not in favor of taking the initiative to attack in the near future.

However, there is Li Du in the pass who is eyeing him. If he wants to break the situation, just catching Cheng Xi is not enough.

At the same time, if the soldiers are passionate and suppress the attack, it will also damage their morale.

  A fight must be fought, but more preparations must be made.

 A few days later, Ren Min rushed from Jing'an City to Chengyuan County.

As the right minister of the Ministry of War, at the beginning of the war, he was ordered to bring his men to Jingzhou to supervise the army and be responsible for the east-west transfer.

 Cheng Yuan captured Cheng Xi, and when the news reached Jing'an City, not only Magistrate Liao broke out in a cold sweat, but Ren Min was also so frightened that he put down his affairs and hurried westward.

 His riding skills were limited, and his physical strength was not as good as that of the soldiers in the army. Ren Min had to hurry up and catch up, but it still took him a few days of work.

Yu Fu ran out to receive him: "I didn't know you were coming, sir. Magistrate Tian has gone to the lower towns..."

Ren Min waved his hand, not caring about this, took a gulp of water, and asked about the situation in the county.

 Yu replied one by one.

"That Chengxi was sent from Jing'an. Magistrate Liao also asked me to tell you something. It was because the city's inspections were not careful enough and Na Chengxi fished in troubled waters, which almost caused a catastrophe," Ren Min said, "It's also a blessing to you. Caught him, otherwise..." Yu Fu cupped his hands and said, "It was all the fault of General Yu. He could see it at a glance. Chengyuan did it because of General Yu, so he didn't dare to take credit for it. Xi's disguise skills are really good, so many of us have seen the wanted portrait, but no one recognized him."

"I'm just saying," Ren Min sighed, "I don't know if it's because of his excellent skills or because Li Du's people have more or less learned it. If everyone is disguised, none of the portraits we got will be of any use. "

 When you go to the state capital to look for people, how can you put a basin of water in front of each person?

Even if you rely on your eyes to see the general facial features at a glance, it is impossible to stare at anyone so carefully when people are coming and going.

Even if other people are not as skilled as Cheng Xi and only have a superficial skills, it is still very possible for them to fool the officials during their daily walks.

“Disguise is not easy, and it may not all yield results,” Yu Fudao said, “Your Excellency, you are here in Chengyuan this time…”

"Yes, the main thing is to confirm the transportation of grain," Ren Min cheered up. "In order to strengthen the security of the granary and ensure the route of grain transportation, some adjustments will be made to the transportation. Let's talk to the map."

 This conversation lasted only half an hour.

Ren Min spoke quickly and kept talking about various arrangements. Seeing that Yu Fu was holding a pen and paper and writing very fast, and could keep up with him, he couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

After finishing speaking in one breath, Ren Min asked again: "Do you have any questions?"

Yu Fu sorted out his notes and looked through them to find a few things he didn't understand.

As Ren Min answered, he remembered the greeting that Duke Fuguo had given him before he set off.

"There is a county magistrate named Yu in Chengyuan County under the rule of Jingzhou. Although he is a donation official, I heard that he is very serious and down-to-earth in his work. If Mr. Ren still needs manpower locally, you may wish to consider him."

It seems that this is located in Fuxian Cheng.

Ren Min doesn't care whether he donates his official position or not. He works meticulously and quickly, and has a clear mind. This is enough.

Yu Fu’s performance in this half hour completely satisfied Ren Min.

This is not to say that the small officials in local and state governments he has come into contact with recently are not as capable as Yu Fu, but in terms of smooth communication, Yu Fu is better than him.

 It is easy to use, and it was mentioned by Fu Guogong, so both sides are satisfied.

Ren Min was in a much better mood and was about to say a few more words to Yu Fu when he suddenly heard a lot of shouting and shouting in front of him, so he stopped first.

Yu Fu also heard it.

Chengyuan County is small but busy. He thought that something urgent had happened and hurried forward.

Ren Min also walked together. The closer the two of them walked, the louder the sound became.

 Listening carefully, it sounds like the sound of joy.

The two exchanged glances and ran two steps impatiently. As soon as they reached the front hall, they were completely surrounded by cheers.

Yu Fu hurriedly called a bookkeeper over and asked, "What are you so happy about?"

 “Victory, victory!”

Ren Min also asked: "What won?"

"Yumen! The commander-in-chief sent troops to sneak attack Gu Yue's camp, catching them off guard and causing many casualties. However, our soldiers withdrew before the Xiliang people rescued Gu Yue's camp. They were so angry that Xiliang shouted for formation outside the pass. Who cares about them!"

Ren Min was very excited when he heard this: "Seriously?"

"It's absolutely true!" said the bookkeeper, "the military report has been sent to the capital immediately. We are close here and have first-hand news."

Yu Fu waved his arms excitedly.

Ren Min laughed heartily: "Okay, okay, that's how it should be, that's how it should be!"

 Speaking of which, Dashun and Xiliang are old rivals. Over the past few decades, we have come and gone, and each has its own victory or defeat.

Dashun clung to the Yumen Pass and refused to retreat. It was difficult for Xiliang to break through and advance eastward, but they also took advantage of it.

To put it bluntly, even if Xiliang is used to it, he also knows that taking a bite of Dashun is by no means easy.

 But Gu Yue is different.

  Gu Yue has been doing business with Dashun for many years, saying that they jointly resist Xiliang. In fact, their efforts outside the customs are limited, and they focus more on the protection of business travel and trade routes.

On the surface, Su Yi, an alliance faction, could not support itself alone. In the Gu Yue Dynasty, internal fighting failed. The main warriors rose up and united with Xiliang. The real situation is not discussed for the time being, but at least, Gu Yue did have those who were the main warriors and those who advocated peace. .

 A defeat that has never been tasted before can make Gu Yue's two factions jump into internal strife.

At the same time, as they are both allies, Gu Yue’s station was frustrated and Xiliang was unable to rescue them, which was a heavy blow to the alliance, which did not necessarily have much sincerity.

Not to mention the breakup, but when autumn comes, the weather outside the pass is unpredictable, and it becomes increasingly difficult to deploy troops for a long time, the conflict between Gu Yue and Xiliang will become more serious.

 As for Xiliang…

 A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

 The people of Xiliang do not suffer from hunger only once or twice.

 If you like to call Zhen, just call Zhen.

 The chief clerk is right, who cares about them!

 A victory that swept away the gloom of Chengyuan Mansion Office for many days, and everyone was full of energy.

Ren Min happily said to the officials who came with him: "We will rush to Yumen as soon as possible."

I was about to go because I had to discuss a lot of things with Dingbei Hou and the others, but now I am even more anxious and want to go and congratulate them.

At this moment, the door of Yu is closed and the battle flag is flying.

At the pass, Xu Jian looked at the Xiliang military formation not far away.

After several rounds of yelling and scolding, the soldiers shouting in Xiliang were obviously tired, but here in Dashun, victory was in hand, and they paid less attention to the incompetent roars.

 They were well prepared for this surprise attack.

Of course, this period of strict defense also confused the enemy. Neither Xiliang nor Gu Yue thought that they would go out to fight.

Hundreds of cavalrymen left Yumen at night, circled to the flank of Gu Yue's station, and then fought their way out.

Gu Yue's soldiers were inexperienced in combat. They were attacked at night and panicked. They were completely unable to organize a defense and were torn apart by the Dashun cavalry.

 The cavalry fought quickly and set fire to the camp. They took advantage of the situation and returned, leaving only a mess for the Xiliang people who were rescuing them.

 The leader of the army was Ji Xin, and Ji Guang asked for a tassel.

Yu Chengan was not left behind either. Who asked Dingbeihou to promise him?

 Xu Jian did not go.

 He stayed in the pass, standing on the city wall, looking at the direction of Gu Yue's station from a distance, until in the dark night, the fire there shot into the sky.

The firelight reflected in his eyes, jumping and enthusiastic.

 When the cavalry returned to the pass, deafening cheers resounded.

Xu Jian still stood here, waiting until the Xiliang people came in force and until it was bright.

 After a long time, he finally let out a long breath, walked down the steps and walked to the middle tent.

Ji Guang was slightly injured and was talking to Marquis Dingbei. When he saw him coming in, he turned and grinned at him: "Why did the Duke come here?"

"On the city wall," Xu Jian said, "You might as well go up and have a look later. The more you look at it, the happier you will be."

Ji Guang laughed.

   Thanks to book friends Congcongbaobao and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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