Yan Cigui

Chapter 468: Keep your skin tight! (Two updates in one)

Chapter 468: Keep your skin tight! (Two updates in one)

 The news of Yumen's victory reached the capital.

At the court meeting, the chamberlain holding the military newspaper in his hands climbed up the walkway, entered the main hall, passed the officials, and knelt in the center with an excited expression.

 “Great victory, great victory for Yumen!”

On the dragon chair, the Holy Master stood up excitedly.

“Hurry,” he said to Gong Cao, “bring it over quickly and show it to me.”

Eunuch Cao hurriedly went down, took the military report, and presented it to the Holy Emperor.

Your Majesty opened it with no concealment of joy in his brows. After reading it, he said "OK" three times in a row.

 After that, he handed it over to Eunuch Cao and read it to the courtiers.

Eunuch Cao glanced quickly, cleared his throat, and read aloud.

Your Majesty sat back on the throne. Listening to the sounds echoing in the hall, he felt that all the pent-up energy in his chest was gone.

You should know that just before the military report was delivered, the civil and military officials were still discussing the case of Dingbei Hou's rebellion.

Except for the two gold bricks, no other clear clues were found in the Dingbei Hou Mansion. The Holy Emperor did not want to doubt the Ji family and insisted that there would be no change of generals before the battle. However, he was read about by the censors every morning, and It's not a pleasant thing.

The same is true today.

Yumen was the main defender and there was no formal battle with the enemy. The battle could not even be called a stalemate.

Although the Ministry of War has explained the reasons for such a layout several times, as long as victory is not achieved, anyone can come forward and give advice.

 It is easiest to talk on paper.

  From being proactive, to being with Marquis Dingbei, he probably has a tacit understanding with Gu Yue. This tacit understanding comes from Li Du...

At present, the battle report of the great victory has arrived, and those doubts are untenable.

 After the early hibernation, the Yumen soldiers calmed the doubts in the capital with a victory.

After Eunuch Cao finished reciting, he turned around and saluted His Majesty: "Yumen is victorious. Congratulations, Your Majesty."

 The courtiers below also saluted and congratulated each other no matter what they were thinking.

 After retreating from the court, the ceremonial guard left.

Before Bao Baohou could leave, he was surrounded.

In addition to Ji Xin, who led the army, there were also about a dozen named soldiers in the night attack. They were either of military rank or descendants of distinguished nobles.

 Those who write military reports are not only clear in order, but also very shrewd in their worldliness.

Hence, Yu Chengan’s name is among them.

Amidst the congratulations, the security guard kept speaking modestly, and his eyes were almost narrowed with joy.

To be honest, he had not tasted this kind of praise that everyone envied for many years.

 In the past few years, the person who mentioned Yaosun to him the most frequently was Shan Shen. From time to time, Mr. Shan would chat with him and tell him not to cause trouble in the yamen again, otherwise everyone would look bad.

 Now, the security guard’s face looks very good.

 The moment I walked out of the hall, my steps even felt a little wandering.

Hand Bao Bao really didn't expect Yu Cheng'an to achieve many military exploits in Yumen. He would be satisfied if he went through the experience and hardships, and after returning to the capital, he would be down-to-earth and no longer be the same **** as before.

Who would have thought that the unscrupulous grandson who spent all day fighting **** and crickets would suddenly be of some use.

  It wasn’t until he was invited to the imperial study room by the chamberlain that the security guard’s light steps barely became more solid.

The Holy Father smiled and said, "Your grandson is doing very well."

“I am ashamed, I am ashamed,” Marquis Baoan said, bowing to the Holy Master. “You also know what he was like before. I have never thought in my life that one day I will hear you and your colleagues praising him.”

“General Cricket?” The Holy Master joked and asked Eunuch Cao to take a military report and give it to Marquis Baoan.

Hand Bao Bao took a closer look and his eyes suddenly widened: "This, this..."

 The news that Cheng Xi was arrested was sent to the capital just two days ago.

It's been a while since anyone captured Li Du, but suddenly catching one who is still respectable can be regarded as a boost to morale.

Chao Shang only said that he was caught in Chengyuan County. Cheng Xi seemed to be planning for Li Du to destroy Yumen's supplies. There was no clear explanation of how he was caught.

It was not until he saw this military report that Marquis Bao Bao knew that Cheng Xi had been arrested by Yu Chengan.

His grandson did something big without saying a word!

Even though the emperor did not dare to be proud, the Marquis of Baoan could not conceal his joy, and his voice trembled: "Really, really! Brat! He has become famous after fighting crickets! It's really a blind cat who caught a dead mouse, stinky What a lucky boy."

"Don't underestimate good luck," the Holy Master said with a smile, "It is this kind of luck that can be called a 'lucky general'. Because it involves Li Rong, we have not disclosed the details to the outside world for the time being. You can just know it yourself." ”

 “Yes.” Bao Hou responded.

The Holy Spirit asked again: "With this great victory, there will be a rift between Xiliang and Gu Yue, and Yumen's attack in autumn will become smoother. I will definitely reward them heavily when they return to the court."

 Hou Baoan is a substitute for Yu Cheng'an to express his gratitude.

 Coming out of the Imperial Study Room, his steps became even more wandering.

Eunuch Cao sent Marquis Baoan away and returned to the imperial palace. He saw that His Majesty’s smile gradually faded.

The Holy Father leaned on the pillow and sighed: "Is Yu Cheng'an one or two years older than Shao'er?"

Eunuch Cao responded.

He understood what the Holy One meant. The Holy One hoped that His Highness could be like Yu Chengan and change his previous temper and become decent.

Speaking of age, the Holy Spirit asked again: "De Rong's birthday will be in a few days. Has she made up her mind?"

Eunuch Cao reported: "It's decided that we will go to Cining Palace at noon and return to the princess's mansion for dinner. It will be a family banquet."

 His Majesty nodded.

Although Derong likes to be lively, he doesn't like frivolous etiquette.

In previous years, for birthdays, one would either close the door and not invite guests, or simply leave Beijing for a trip with the consort early.

This year coincides with the round number of thirty, and it is in Beijing, so it should be handled well.

Derong said, "I don't want to make it big." He gave various reasons, such as "Which woman likes to be a year older?" and "You can give me a bunch of things under the pretext, and I will give them a gift in return. If I don't return it, why should I?" Does it look greedy?"

 At the end, he added, "The third brother was killed and the second brother rebelled. This year has been full of such things. I have no intention of celebrating."

After all this was discussed, the Holy Spirit let her go.

"As long as she has made up her mind," the Holy Master said, "I will also go to Cining Palace for lunch that day."

 The birthday of Princess Derong was a sunny day.

 The hottest period has passed in Beijing, and there is still some coolness in the morning and night.

Lin Yunyan prepared a gift and arrived at Cining Palace.

 Princess Derong was already there, smiling and talking to the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager greeted Lin Yunyan and pursed her lips at Derong: "She came here on her own and didn't ask the consort to come."

“They are all members of my mother’s family, so why should I ask him to do this?” Princess Derong said angrily, “Aren’t they all members of his family at night?”

Lin Yunyan stepped forward to salute and say congratulations.

"When you reach my age, you will know that there is nothing easy about birthdays," the eldest princess helped Lin Yunyan, "I envy you the most at your age, you are so agile, and you have endless energy all day long." Lin Yunyan smiled.

The Empress Dowager pretended to be dissatisfied: "The Aijia really doesn't like to hear what you are saying! Add one piece and it won't make the Aijia grow old. That makes so much sense."

 De Rong repeatedly complained, making the Empress Dowager laugh.

“It’s still early,” Princess Derong suggested. “Let’s hang out for a while. Brother Six will have time to come over when he gets lunch. I also asked him to call Li Shao.”

Lin Yunyan heard the sound and looked at her.

The eldest princess did not even hide her displeasure with Li Shao in front of the Queen Mother. How could she think of calling Li Shao on her birthday?

“The Ai family thought you didn’t want to call him.” The Queen Mother said casually while asking Grandma Wang to prepare the card table.

"I have a problem with him, but who told Sixth Brother to favor him? As an aunt, it's not good to always compete with the younger generation," the eldest princess sighed, "Besides, what should we say about the boy from the Baoan Hou Mansion who has changed his mind? , You have to give Li Shao more opportunities, right?

To be honest, Brother Six and his sons are all the same to me. There is no difference between them. How can I still look forward to Li Shao?

 The more progress he makes, we as elders will be happy. "

The Empress Dowager nodded: "That's the truth."

The horses were hoisted a few times, and when the holy cavalry arrived outside, they all stopped.

Li Shao came in with the Holy Father, saw the card table, and asked with a smile: "Who won?"

The Queen Mother smiled and said: "It's Derong's birthday, so I'm very lucky."

 The table was being set for lunch. Princess Derong wanted to drink some wine, so she asked someone to prepare some.

Li Shaozuo had a few drinks with me. The food was good and the wine was good, but the meal was not very enjoyable.

He always felt that his aunt was looking at him, her eyes sliding back and forth from his face, which sent chills down his spine.

How did he make his aunt unhappy?

The eldest princess was slightly drunk, holding Lin Yunyan's hand and talking Xu Xu: "I still remember when I was a child, my mother and concubine left early, and every time I had a birthday, my mother would arrange it for me.

Your mother was also in the palace at that time, sending me gifts and making me happy. She was a very good sister.

Later, she got married, and she never forgot my birthday.

Today, I am only inviting family members. Ning'an, you are also a member of my family, so I asked my queen mother to call you. "

Lin Yunyan smiled and responded to the eldest princess's words.

After another glass of wine, Princess Derong looked at Li Shao again. This time, she did not look away and squinted for a long time.

Li Shao couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe the back of his neck, and couldn't help but ask: "My aunt keeps looking at me, what's on my face?"

“I didn’t touch anything,” Princess Derong paused, with a look of dissatisfaction on her brows, “I just recalled Ning’an’s mother, and I also remembered Sixth Sister-in-law.

There are no outsiders here today. I will tell you the truth. I have heard some bad rumors recently, and they are related to Sixth Sister-in-law.

Of course I don’t believe a word of it. I am also familiar with Sixth Sister-in-law. What kind of person she is, I have a heart and ears, so I naturally have a judgment. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became tense.

"You didn't even ask me what I heard?" Princess Derong sighed, "It seems that everyone knows what they know and has heard something about it, right?"

The Holy Spirit cleared his throat and said, "You know it's all nonsense..."

“Even nonsense words can cause trouble. If they can reach my ears, they will also spread to other people’s ears,” Derong said. “I don’t want to talk about Sister-in-law Liu like that outside.”

Li Shao muttered softly: "I don't want to either."

“You should be tight-lipped!” Derong glared at Li Shao, “Don’t blame your aunt for speaking outright, not to mention how much the stigma of Sixth Sister-in-law will affect you, what about the other way around?

Shao'er, if you can't keep your feet on the ground and continue to act like before, sometimes being arrested by Shuntian Prefecture, sometimes drawing swords and making fools around in the palace, and behaving in a stateless manner, what will others say?

Didn’t you give others evidence to say what happened to Sixth Sister-in-law?

 Sister-in-law Six, if there is nothing wrong with you, Shaoer, can you do this or that?

Your reputation is equal to that of your mother!

 If you don’t want your mother to be misunderstood and used to make excuses, you have to wake up! "

After saying these words, Li Shao's face turned red, as if he had been smoked by wine or being scolded.

  It’s hard to hear, but the truth is still the same.

"Shao'er, do you hear that?" The Holy Emperor smoothed things over and said to Li Shao, "If you understand, please speak to your aunt."

Li Shao's mouth moved, but he made no sound for a while.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to more than ten years ago. When he was a young child, he was told various truths by the elders around him. He not only had to listen, but also responded.

 But is he still a childish child now?

never mind!

Li Shao thought, who gave birth to my aunt!

 Don’t care about the person whose birthday you are celebrating.

"I heard it," Li Shao said in a dull voice, "Thanks for the tip."

Lin Yunyan took a sip of the drink at hand and said to herself, this is actually weird.

She has seen the eldest princess drinking wine before. She is a hero among women, and her face does not change after one or two jars. Today, she only has two jugs of wine, and she drinks it with the Holy Master and Li Shao. How could she be so drunk that she loses her words after drinking?

 Yes, admonishing Li Shao was considered a faux pas for Princess Derong.

The eldest princess would complain to the empress dowager, but she had never humiliated Li Shao in person, especially since she specifically called Li Shao here.


Lin Yunyan had a thought in her mind and whispered softly: "Elder Princess, compared to the previous two years, Your Highness has changed a lot this year."

Li Shao's face turned slightly bright.

Lin Yunyan said again: "You don't have that much contact with His Highness on a daily basis. The changes in your whole body are better understood if you interact more with him on a daily basis.

 It’s not just me who says this, our Duke also thinks so.

Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager must also think so, right? "

“Really?” Princess Derong asked.

The Holy Father smiled and said: "I see that Shao'er has matured a lot, which makes me very happy. I also believe that Shao'er will get better and better."

Li Shao raised his chin, with a bit of pride in his eyes.

"Sixth Brother, what you said is a big deal. What you said is that you trust him and see his changes." Princess Derong burped lightly, "If you really trust him and trust him, as for letting people go every day, Staring at him?

 I heard that the chamberlain who followed him was almost inseparable, and he wished he had two pairs of eyes to look at him.

Shao'er, when can you look presentable without anyone around you, your aunt will be completely relieved! "

 Li Shao's pride was wiped out by these few words.

He thought of Eunuch Guo in Yuqing Palace and Eunuch Gao who followed him every day, and he felt uncomfortable all over.


If the father trusted him, how could Eunuch Cao arrange for his confidants to follow him?

 And if he wants to fully gain the trust of his father and make a comeback, he must perform better.

Whether these eyes are present or not, they will stand.

 This is to prove yourself.

“Father,” Li Shao became more and more excited as he thought about it. He looked at the Holy One and said sincerely, “I think what my aunt said is very reasonable.”

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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