Yan Cigui

Chapter 473: Asking for a token (two updates in one)

Chapter 473 Asking for a token (two updates in one)

In the flower hall, Lin Yunyan's face was full of displeasure.

"What your Highness said," she turned her head and curled her lips, "I am just a complainer?"

Li Shao was very angry when he heard this.

In the past few years, have Ning'an made too few complaints against him in Cining Palace?

Not to mention tribute wine and tiger bones, he went to the Duke's Mansion to visit Xu Jian's injury. Ning An could turn around and go to the Empress Dowager to cry about his bad attitude and weird attitude!

 One after another, they can be called old and new grudges.

 But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Now that they want peace, it is really hard to settle old scores.

 Secretly, Li Shao comforted himself: Ning An was just a woman, and he didn’t care about her.

“You just want to ask Shen Chen to find Su Chang?” Li Shao asked.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip and did not refuse, but she also did not agree immediately.

Of course, any "unhappiness" is just an act.

In order to "supervise" Li Shao, Lin Yunyan went back to Chengyi's Mansion yesterday to discuss with her father and also asked him for help.

As expected, as soon as his father went to the imperial study room after going down to court, Li Shao couldn't sit still and wanted to find Su Chang anxiously.

But there are also things that are beyond Lin Yunyan’s expectations.

She originally thought that Li Shao would be alone and find his own way, but to her surprise, Li Shao came to ask for help.

 This is an opportunity but also a risk.

How can you catch tiger cubs if you don’t enter the tiger’s den?

Lin Yunyan will not let this opportunity pass by.

She thought carefully and said to Li Shao: "It's not that I don't want to help His Highness, but I'm really afraid that you might accidentally get into trouble with others.

If it's something trivial, and it's broken, then it's broken. If you turn around and ask the Queen Mother about it, I'll take over most of it for you, and it's just a few words of reprimand.

 But what if it’s a big thing? The Duke is not in the capital, and there is no one to clean up the mess for His Highness and me.

 What's your situation? I can't bear it.

 I did not report what I knew, allowing you to put yourself in danger and be charged with endangering the prince. The Queen Mother will be sad, and my natal family may not be able to protect me.

I am inexplicably implicated by you, this is really..."

 Li Shao:…


   Nothing has happened yet, but when Ning An said it, it felt as if the sky had fallen.

Li Shao recited "Women's Views" in his mind again, and after thinking about it, he realized that Ning An could not be blamed entirely.

He has known Ning An for how many years. Putting aside the past two years and looking back, whoever mentioned Ning An would not always praise her for being sensible, obedient, well-behaved, and not pampered when she was pampered?

 It was only after getting engaged to Xu Jian that the complaints were filed again and again.

 In the final analysis, it was Xu Jian who was the instigator behind the scenes.

Now that Xu Jian is not here, Ning An suddenly becomes timid.

 Thinking of this, Li Shao couldn't help but feel proud.

Little girl movies are just little girl movies. They have lost their backbone and are useless.

That's fine. If Li Du is caught later, all the credit will be his, and it has nothing to do with Ning'an.

Li Shao pondered for a while, briefly talked to Lin Yunyan about Su Chang, and then said: "Look, if I don't look for him, I will lose a good opportunity."

Lin Yunyan pretended to be uneasy: "Isn't it really a trap?"

"The Qian Mansion is not far away. In the capital, Shen Chen is also nearby. Can Su Chang threaten me?" Li Du said, "Even if they set a trap, it will be after today. Let's listen to Su Chang first. What, let’s make plans again. Even if it’s a trap, are we still afraid that we won’t be able to pull it off?”

 Lin Yunyan hesitated for a while, and finally agreed: "Then let's give it a try. Let's make an agreement first. If the situation is not right, I will definitely go to the palace to report to the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager. When the time comes, your Highness, don't blame me for retreating."

 Li Shao responded with his mouth full.

Stabilize Ning'an first and let Shen Chen find Su Chang.

 Let’s talk about the next thing later!

He just asked the Duke of Fu to lend him a Shenchen. He just didn't hold him back for someone as useless as Ning'an.

How could Lin Yunyan not guess what Li Shao was thinking?

She didn't say anything, so she called Shen Chen over first and pretended to give instructions.

"The Chinese name is Su Chang. He was originally a member of the envoy. Now that the Duke is not in the capital, it is probably not easy to reach out to the Honglu Temple to arrange documents. See if you can go to Shuntian Mansion to ask, Guyueren If you do business in the capital, you will report it to the government office.

If you can't find it, you have to go to a few big trading houses and ask which one has a familiar Gu Yue merchant, and use them to follow you to find out more.

If you still can't find out, then, let's think of another way..."

Li Shao was impatient. Seeing her chattering and looking unsure, he couldn't bear to listen to her. He snatched the words and said to Shen Chen: "Find out as soon as possible and let me know as soon as you have any news. Remember, you must tell me in person, don’t let Eunuch Gao know.”

Shenchen responded respectfully.

Li Shao stood up, Lin Yunyan saw off the guests and returned to the flower hall.

Shen Chen asked: "Princess, how many days will it take for me to give you a reply to His Highness?"

 Let’s not talk about Su Yi and Li Du, anyway, the game of chess in Beijing is being played, and both black and white fall into their hands.

At this time, Lin Yunyan no longer had the same hesitation and uneasiness on her face as when she was facing Li Shao. She thought about it and said, "Suchang has a shop on West Street. The government procedures are all available, and it's not difficult to check. You I will take Suchang to Qianfu to see him tomorrow."

 Shenzhen should come down.

 At the other end, Li Shao returned to Qianbu Corridor.

 The important things on his mind were left to Shen Chen, but Li Shao did not breathe a sigh of relief. The word "wait" was already difficult to bear.

Hand flipping through the book in his hand, he muttered secretly.

Then Shenchen is also Xu Jian's personal attendant, so he still has the ability to investigate individuals.

 Two days, three days at most, I will definitely get a message.

 If the three days are the same, wouldn’t it look like a waste?

Xu Jian, a shrewd person with bad intentions, can he raise waste?

If it is true, when Xu Jian comes back from Yumen, he must explain why he is so unreliable who stays in Beijing to do things.

Li Shao comforted himself, his mood tumbling back and forth between peace and entanglement.

In the afternoon of the next day, while sitting in the Yamen, Eunuch Gao reported to Li Shao that "the Duke's office sent someone over."

Li Shao's heart suddenly lifted.

Shen Chen came in, holding a brocade box in his hand, and handed it to Eunuch Gao: "His Royal Highness came to the mansion yesterday to inquire about the study room. The princess found it and asked the younger one to bring it to you. Can you take a look at the stuff?" A few years ago, our master was tinkering with these items, and indeed he presented a piece of incense ink to the Holy One, who liked it very much. This piece is a leftover piece, please carve it out."

 Li Shao was stunned for a moment.

 What study room? Fragrant ink?

Eunuch Gao didn't know the inside story. Hearing this, he opened the brocade box and showed the contents to Li Shao.

Li Shao then reacted and said "Oh": "Yes, yes, that's what it is. I'm sorry for you, I'll take the things."

 As he spoke, he glanced at Eunuch Gao.

 Seeing that Eunuch Gao was not suspicious, Li Shao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning'an is a timid person, but he is good at making up stories. No wonder the previous complaint was always accurate!

 After finishing his duties, Li Shao still went to Qianfu.

Knowing that Shen Chen had found someone and would bring Su Chang with him, Li Shao was a little nervous. After Gao Gonggong set out the bowls and chopsticks to eat, he hurriedly sent the person away.

He was preoccupied with waiting for someone and had a poor appetite. He didn't even use his chopsticks, so he drank more wine. Just as I was anxious, I heard footsteps outside.

Soon, Su Chang's voice that he heard that day rang outside: "I have seen His Highness."

 Li Shao looked at him.

Su Chang looked a little embarrassed at this time: "His Highness wants to see me, how can I not come? Why should others do something? Oh, that little brother, his hands are so strong, I was so scared that I thought I had provoked something. The villain is scared to death!"

Li Shao didn't know how Shen Chen found Su Chang, and he didn't even know that Su Chang was actually acting. He didn't say anything else and asked straight to the point: "Where is Li Du?"

Su Chang rolled his eyes: "So, His Highness has agreed to Su Yi's request?"

Li Shao pursed his lips, a look of depression flashed in his eyes.

Even though he had to lower his head, he really didn't like being led around like this.

When Su Chang saw this, he immediately became excited and said, "Your Highness, Su Yi and Li Duxu tried their best to avoid completely cutting off the news. Only then can we know the whereabouts of the traitor.

 But you also know that Li Du is vicious and cunning, and has many evil intentions. Once he finds out that he can't get any benefits from Su Yi and may be in danger, he will make a decisive decision and completely wash away all ties with Su Yi.

In that case, if you follow the vine, you won’t be able to grasp the melon.

 It’s not that I want to rush you, but time waits for no one, and Your Highness needs to make a decision quickly.

This kind of business that is good for you, me, and everyone. After passing through such a village, there is no such store! "

Li Shao clicked his tongue, waved his hand and said: "I understand, since I have accepted Su Yi's love, how can I not reciprocate it? As long as he catches Li Du for me, Su Yi will still be his high official in the future! "

"With your words, I can rest assured," Su Chang said with a smile, "Your Highness, just prepare your manpower. Once Su Yi receives the letter, we can set off immediately!"

"What?" Li Shao was confused, "You still don't know where Li Du is?"

"Now it's an urgent situation. Su Yi doesn't dare to let me know about it before you agree." Su Chang rubbed his hands, "What if I'm a loose-mouthed and treacherous person who crosses his path to ask for something from you?" For his own benefit, isn’t he, Su Yi, all in vain? As a businessman, he is most afraid of being jumped.”

This makes sense.

It is not uncommon for people to burn bridges across rivers.

Su Chang added: "Therefore, I want to ask for a token from you, so that Su Yi can rest assured that I have reached an agreement with you, and I am not trying to get information from him."

Li Shao hesitated slightly.

Su Chang murmured again, "The rules of business in the world." Li Shao's head felt swollen and he was drunk, "Okay, I'll give you something."

It happened that Li Shao came from Qianbu Corridor, and he didn't have anything handy, and this house was unoccupied all year round, so there was nothing that could be used as a token.

Su Chang rolled his eyes: "Your Highness, that piece of jade on your waist..."

Hearing this, Li Shao rolled his eyes at him.

This is what he carries with him every day. If he gives it out, how can he not let Eunuch Gao notice it?

However, it was Su Chang who reminded him. Li Shao got up and walked to the inner room, taking down a jade pendant from the bed frame.

  This bed frame was also set on fire before, but was saved in time and was not seriously injured.

After all, it was his childhood bed. Li Shao felt it was unlucky, and in order to "appease" his father, he took a few pieces of jade from his mother's belongings and hung them on the bedside.

  It means "to express my gratitude to my mother for her blessing".

Li Shao handed the jade pendant to Su Chang: "Is this okay?"

Su Chang smiled apologetically: "Don't worry, I will do my best. Su Yi is also anxious and will get it done immediately."

Li Shao signaled Su Chang to step aside, and then he was ready to eat his dinner.

Su Chang came out of the room and saw Shen Chen standing not far away, and nodded slightly to him.

 The two of them walked to the courtyard wall together.

Su Chang showed the jade pendant to Shen Chen and said, "I got it according to my brother's wishes."

 Shen Chen nodded.

The token was proposed by the princess. Knowing that His Highness had hung a few pieces of jade on the old bed in Qianfu, she asked Suchang to take the opportunity to ask for it.

No matter what Su Yi does next, it will be easier to drag him into the water with Li Shao's jade pendant.

 “Hold on tighter,” Shen Chen said.

Su Chang smiled dryly and nodded.

While waiting for Li Shao's promise, Suchang was not idle, and urged Su Yi to show his sincerity in accordance with this intention.

This morning, Su Yi’s sincerity was also sent.

That is a short paragraph from a letter.

 The content is that Li Du asked Su Yi where he had gone and how many people he had brought with him. He also said that the border was tight and if he wanted to take action in the capital, he needed to do it as soon as possible. If Yumen could not hold back the army, things would be difficult to handle later.

The character    is Li Du's own handwriting, and Lin Yunyan recognizes it.

 This content is consistent with what Su Yi said before about "fishing for Li Du".

 The night is dark.

Shen Chen was about to take Suchang out of Qianfu, but Su Chang stopped him first.

“Brother,” he said worriedly, “there is something I have been hesitating about for a long time.”

Shen Chen pricked up his ears and listened to the sound.

There was no one outside the courtyard wall, and it was far away from the main courtyard where Li Shao was. He was sure that no one would listen. Shen Chen motioned to Su Chang to continue.

Su Chang lowered his voice and said, "I know Su Yi more or less. He is a very well-known man in the city.

I believe that if he loses power and can no longer stay in Gu Yue, I believe that if Li Du falls, Su Yi no longer wants to support Li Du who has no future, I also believe that.

  However, I don’t really believe that he is looking for someone to form an alliance with, and he found His Highness.

Su Yi is a ruthless person, so I don’t like him..."

It is true that Su Yi and His Highness met a few times during his mission and did not have a close relationship with each other. However, the incident in Chenmi Hutong that impressed Su Yi most deeply was undoubtedly the incident with His Highness.

The house in Chenmi Hutong was Li Du's territory. Su Chang went there on behalf of Su Yi. Later, the house was inspected by the Yamen. How could Su Yi not know the general situation?

The crown prince can be carried out by the Yamen in disheveled clothes, will Su Huihui seek advice from him?

What's more, he is no longer the crown prince.

"I always feel that Su Yi has set a trap." Su Chang said.

Shen Chen nodded: "Then I'll trouble the Su Dong family and try to dig out more clues from Su Yi."

Su Chang laughed bitterly, not wanting to respond, but still responded: "I'll do my best, I'll do my best!"

 The night is getting deeper.

 It was half past the third watch, and there was almost no light in the town.

The side door of the mansion was knocked open, and a group of people entered the house and made their way to the main courtyard.

After hearing the news, Eunuch Ye lit the lamp and woke up Li Du, who was not sleeping soundly on the bed: "Master, Su Yi has brought someone here."

Li Du put on his clothes, his throat was uncomfortable, and he coughed twice before saying: "Then bring it and let me see if it looks like it or not."

  I've been in poor health recently, so I can't keep up with updates.

 But I will try my best to do it as quickly as possible, there won’t be much left in the future.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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