Yan Cigui

Chapter 474: Just a side dish

 Chapter 474 is just a side dish

 All the oil lamps in the house were lit.

Eunuch Ye still felt that it was not bright enough, so he took several more lamps from other places and lit up the whole room as bright as day.

Li Du, with his long hair hanging down, carefully looked at the man standing in the middle, who did not dare to move.

Su Yi folded his hands and asked Li Du, "How is it? His stature and appearance, I spent a lot of effort to find such a person."

 “Hard work.” Li Du responded calmly and continued to look at that person.

Until he had a clear idea, he signaled Eunuch Ye to take the man down to settle down first, leaving only Su Yi to talk.

 “It’s not as good as the original one.” Li Du then commented.

"Even children born to the same parents don't necessarily look alike," Su Yi said. "It's great luck to meet one who can be used. If you can actually find two One, three?”

This is really a true statement.

Su Yi said with regret: "It's a pity that the original one was wasted."

Li Du chuckled.

Su Yi saw him like this and heard it.

 Since he arrived, Li Du has been coughing. He looks much thinner than before, his cheeks are sunken, and his face is full of illness.

 In the past two years, the one who is most similar to him has been raised in the capital. He pays attention to food and clothing, and imitates his behavior. He hoped that one day he would be of great use, but unfortunately...

 What was available last year may not be available this year.

 It is difficult to maintain a substitute.

 She said "it's not a pity", but in fact, it was all a pity in her heart.

"The situation was urgent at that time. It would be good to find a way out under the siege. How could it be a pity?" Li Du said, coughing twice again.

 Those who were similar to him ten years ago may be completely different ten years later.

“It’s better if it doesn’t look like that much,” Li Du thought, “If it’s really mistaken for me, that would be more troublesome.”

"That's all, let's not talk about that." Su Yi also took a sip of tea, "Fortunately, you listened to me and made more preparations. Even if they are not so similar, you should raise them first. Otherwise, in this short period of time, Where can I find a new one?”

  This time he went deep into Dashun, and since then he had left someone behind in Gu Yue. He stayed at home sick all day long, looking like he was excluded and desolate, and he didn't want to see guests.

 Fortunately, there are other preparations, such as the one brought by Su Yi today. Su Yi said in the letter that it was seven or eight points, but Li Du's own judgment was only five points. Maybe it was the difference between what he saw and what others saw.

It's just a relief that things have come to an end. Otherwise, what else can we do, exchange the current one for the original one?

Su Yi laughed.

After laughing, Su Yi looked a little more serious and asked, "Is the prince okay?"

 Over the years, there have been eliminations and additions. Whether they can be used in the end depends on luck.

 He has been raising substitutes for a long time and is the most experienced in these matters.

Of course, we can’t be so picky nowadays.

Li Du took some tea to suppress his cough and said, "Don't underestimate Xu Mang. He only has martial arts skills and no brains. He can't become the Duke of Fu, and he can't refuse Xiliang for so many years."

"I never thought that Prince Jin, who was so clever and resourceful, would be forced to run away by a young young man," Su Yi clicked his tongue, "Xu Mang's grandson, Xu Mang, a martial artist, raised such a scheming person. Come grandson!"

If it’s just the wind and cold, it won’t be like this, right?

"I still caught a cold when I left the palace and haven't recovered well." Li Du cleared his throat, "The doctor has looked at it carefully and prescribed some warming prescriptions. Just don't worry, it won't affect your life."

Su Yi said: "That's good. I've also brought some precious medicinal materials. If necessary, let the doctor come and get them."

He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid that Li Du would not succeed in his great cause and would fall ill.

His Su Yi could help a prince who had escaped from death to re-enter the capital and regain his position as a great treasure, but he could not help a prince who was half-dead and dying at any time.     If Li Du does not live long, he will have to make careful plans.

Li Du has been dealing with Su Yi for many years, how could he not know what the other person is like?

Seeing this, he asked: "Since you brought the medicinal materials, did you bring a doctor? Your doctors outside the customs also have methods. You can't just listen to the family's advice when it comes to treating diseases. Let him also diagnose and diagnose for me."

Su Yi felt much relieved after hearing this.

Li Du dared to let his people come to an end. I think it would be no big deal.

 As far as he is concerned, he will feel relieved when his own people are done with him.

 “I brought someone with me and asked him to come over tomorrow.” Su Yi said.

Li Du responded and asked about business again: "Has there been any reply from Beijing?"

Su Yi told him about the current situation: "Your nephew is currently in trouble at home and abroad. Will he still not take the bait?"

“I’m not worried about him,” Li Du coughed again, “I’m saying that you, the person working in the capital, are you sure you won’t betray your master?

Xu Jian should have figured out the affairs of Chenmi Hutong early in the morning. It is expected that he would not be unable to find out about Suchang.

After I left Beijing, I wanted to use Eunuch Tong to test him. Eunuch Tong was arrested, but the person who went to identify him was a cook who had been out of the palace for many years.

Then Su Chang won't sell you, right? "

"Su Chang is not a bold person," Su Yi said with a look in his eyes, "I know him. He has little ambition. He just wants to make some money and take care of his family. He is doing business alone in the capital of Dashun, and his whole family is in Gu. Yue. Even if he doesn’t care about himself, he still cares about the relatives in my hands.”

Li Du leaned on the pillow and laughed.

Parents, wives and children can lock many people, but they may not be able to lock everyone.

However, Li Du has never dealt with Su Chang and does not know the other person's temperament. Su Yi is so confident, so just listen to him.

The two of them talked about their future arrangements, and when it was almost dawn, they went to rest.

On the evening of the third day, Su Chang's letter passed through several hands and was delivered to Su Yi.

Su Yi looked at it and looked for Li Du: "Your Highness has taken the bait. What should I say? When will we take action?"

"It's nearing the middle of the month. If there are no clouds and the moonlight is bright, things can easily go wrong," Li Du sneered, "Then wait until the end of the month. It's September again. Isn't it a coincidence? On the night of September 24th, This town is for him.”

 On the night of the twenty-fourth, when Li Shao was led by the nose to finish his work, it would be the twenty-fifth.

 That year, Dingguo Temple was burned down in the early morning of September 25th.

 Look, everything has a certain destiny.

Su Yi was convinced, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this time without Xu Jian to disrupt the situation, His Highness will not be able to cause trouble. Give your brother in the capital a trouble, and when he is in chaos for a while, it's time for us to take action. ”

 September 24th is just a side dish.

 When their stomachs are open, let them eat until they are full!

"Speaking of which," Su Yi remembered something, "has the prince made arrangements for Xu Jian's brother?"

“It’s almost done,” Li Du said. “The situation over there is already lax, and the troops are **** by the military defense, making it even more chaotic. I just need to bring someone out.”

Although he is also a fool who is as good as Li Shao.

 Come, come, the pots and pans are set out, and the food will be served soon.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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