Yan Cigui

Chapter 480: I killed Li Du! (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

He said he wanted to leave, but he didn’t leave immediately.

Shenchen was stained with blood and did not approach the carriage. He only asked Uncle Niu to light the fire and examine the carriage and horses carefully.

Uncle Niu finished the inspection and said to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, there is no blood stains."

 Lin Yunyan said to him again: "Help me look at my clothes."

The shooting distance was very close when Li Du was shot. The arrow pierced his throat. Since he didn't pull it out and the blood didn't splash out, it was supposed that it wouldn't get on him.

  Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Of course, it is more reassuring to check it again.

Uncle Niu looked at her clothes, face, hands, and hair, nodded and said, "It's okay."

Shen Chen has not been idle during these hours.

 After he dealt with Liu Xun, he quickly took the lives of the seriously injured handlebar and the unconscious Eunuch Ye, and then turned around to find Li Du's carriage.

 He took out the branch that blocked the wheel, straightened the carriage, and after checking the frame, Shen Chen patted the horse.

The horse was frightened a lot and was very uneasy.

Shen Chen was quite experienced in training horses. After the horse calmed down, he got on it and drove down slowly.

Along the way, Liu Xun, Eunuch Ye, and Handlebar Shih were all thrown into the carriage.

 Only Li Du is left.

Uncle Niu saw that Shen Chen had packed up most of the things and said, "My lord, everything is fine here."

 Shen Chen nodded.

Lin Yunyan discussed it with Shen Chen.

Shen Chen responded: "Princess, leave the rest to the younger one."

Lin Yunyan felt relieved about him. After Uncle Niu turned the carriage, she got into her carriage and headed down the mountain road.

 According to the plan, she had to go to the mountain temple.

 The sound of wheels is far away.

Shen Chen withdrew his gaze and looked down at Li Du who had expired.

 At the throat, the murder weapon is sharp.

Shenchen knew that the princess knew how to use arrows in her sleeves.

That's what their father taught them.

  A long time ago, I found such an item from the warehouse. Because it had been stored for too long, I sharpened the arrow tip with my own hands and adjusted the buckle of the wrist strap.

Later, in the backyard of Taohezhai, the princess practiced at the target several times.

Shenchen has seen that the princess is very accurate and quick in shooting, and she can hit the red heart without much aim.

Just looking at his posture, he is quite capable of bluffing people, not like a novice.

Xuansu told Shen Chen privately that he had chosen a self-defense weapon for the princess.

The princess suffers from her physical skills. She has not practiced martial arts since she was a child, and her limbs are not strong enough. If she could draw the bow, she would be able to hit the target with her accuracy.

 Hide arrows are just about making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

  It solves the problem of insufficient strength in the hands of the princess, and can also give full play to the advantage of accuracy.

The most important thing is that the arrows in the sleeves are small and concealed. Who would have thought that the princess doted on by the Empress Dowager would actually have a murder weapon tied to her wrist?

However, the two of them were also worried.

 Shooting at still objects is different from shooting at living things, and shooting at animals is different from shooting at people.

 Overcoming the psychological barrier of "killing" requires more than just saying a few words. If the princess is in danger and wants to attack someone, she may panic and lose her focus.

 This matter cannot be done by others, only the princess herself.

Of course, everyone has come here like this. When they were practicing archery when they were young, they would go from stillness to movement, from dead things to living things.

 Later, the princess used sleeve arrows.

 Shen Chen helped the princess deal with Geng Baoyuan.

When he arrived, Geng Baoyuan was already dead. He checked the body and found that there were no other injuries on his body. His throat was sealed with an arrow.

From this, it is enough to guess the decisiveness and courage of the archer.

However, today was the first time that Shen Chen saw the princess killing people with arrows from her sleeves.

He was not far away and had good eyesight. When he saw the princess raise her arm, he thought of her plan. In just a moment, he was fast, accurate and ruthless, without any sloppiness.

No wonder they dared to let the princess wear Xiuqian, it was indeed suitable.

Covering it with a handkerchief, Shen Chen carefully pulled out the thin arrow without letting blood splash, and then stabbed it in with the handlebar-style dagger.

 His hand is steady and his movements are not slow.

 After forging the fatal weapon, Shen Chen moved Li Du to the carriage.



 In the carriage, the blood of several people dripped through the gaps in the box boards.

 Outside the carriage, the low clouds also started to rain.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and soon it was pouring down.

Shenchen didn’t have any rain gear, and soon he was soaked to the skin.

 He was not in a hurry, but felt very lucky.

 When the rain washes away, the traces are destroyed, even if there are some places he missed, they will be washed away completely.

Shenchen braved the rain and drove up.

In Zhuangzi, An Yi Bohei scolded with a sullen face.

Previously, the princess came to the camp to ask for help. When she heard that Li Shao only brought thirty royal guards with him, he went to find Li Du. Bo An Yi was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

His Highness, you really don’t know the heights of heaven and earth!

 Save, you will definitely be saved.

After discussing with the princess, An Yibo also agreed with the princess's guess.

Ji'an Town and the mountain temple were most likely a cover, and Li Du most likely did not go down the mountain.

An Yibo ordered some people and was led by his trusted aides to Ji'an. He also took a lot of people to guard the mountain roads.

 It was just that time was tight, and he did not have time to survey the terrain. His understanding of this place was limited, and he was not sure whether everything was in place.

 At first, they were lucky and found a village on the mountain.

Zhuangzi looks cold and unpopular on the surface, but the scouts are all veterans in the army, and the scouts have bright eyes. How can they not see through this "deception"?

 An Yibo personally led people to surround Zhuangzi.

As expected, there are quite a few people inside, and they all have some skills.

As soon as the two sides exchanged blows, the other party started the fire first without even being able to tell the difference.

The fire was soaring into the sky, An Yibo knew something bad was going on at the first sight!

 This is a "warning".

 Just like the smoke in the army, the house has been arranged and soaked in oil in advance, so that it can be burned immediately as long as it is lit.

The flames are so obvious that they can be seen from a great distance.

Li Duruo is in Zhuangzi, and this fire is calling for reinforcements.

If Li Du is not here, then if he sees the warning, will he run and throw himself into a trap?

 He turned around and ran away long ago!

Even if they can kill everyone in Zhuangzi, where will he find Li Du next?

  I can only point to a few places on the mountain roads where people can be stopped.

 Furthermore, we saw the fire in the direction of Ji'an Town. In case something happens and affects His Highness...

It is precisely because he understands these principles that An Yibo kills fiercely.

Meanwhile, reinforcements arrived, and they shot quickly and injured several soldiers. An Yibo was lucky: maybe Li Du was really here.

 But after he subdued the reinforcements and captured Zhuangzi as quickly as possible, he was disappointed.

 There was no sign of Li Du at all. Bo An Yi hurriedly brought up a few more people to ask questions, but all of them were rude, and no one revealed Li Du's whereabouts.

 Why doesn't this make him angry? Why don't you scold?

While he was cursing, a soldier ran in and reported: "Shen Chen came in a carriage and said he wanted to see you."

 An Yibo:…


 Did Shen Chen come with the princess?

How dare he let the princess come?

An Yibo angrily walked out. When he saw Shen Chen, he was about to say that he was "disgraceful", but when he looked up, he saw a lot of blood on his body. He looked like he had fought with someone.

The question on his lips was choked. When he spoke again, An Yibo asked: "Where is the princess? Is the princess okay?"

"The princess is not here," Shen Chen asked Bo An Yi to lend a step and opened the corner of the curtain to let him see, "Li Du has been executed."

An Yibo stared at the four corpses stacked together in the carriage with wide eyes.

 The one at the bottom can't be seen clearly, but the one on the top and the outermost one is none other than Li Du himself.

 There was a dagger stuck in his throat, and his eyes were wide open, showing that he was not determined to die in peace.

"How, how..." An Yibo took a breath and said in a suppressed voice, "How can I kill him directly?"

Li Du rebelled and fled, and even escaped with his life once. But after all, his surname was Li and he was the elder brother of the Holy Emperor. Logically, he should be captured alive.

Shen Chen cleared his throat and said in embarrassment, "It's because I'm not smart enough.

The princess was worried and wanted to come to Ji'an no matter what, so the younger one had no choice but to come with her.

It was too dark, and we were supposed to be near the mountain temple, but Niu Bo took a sidetrack and didn't know how to get up the mountain, so he stopped and tried to identify the way.

Unexpectedly, I heard the sound of a carriage coming down the mountain. "

An Yibo understood it as soon as he heard it.

  Enemies on a narrow road happened to bump into each other.

The princess doesn’t have the strength to tie a chicken, and Uncle Niu doesn’t know how to use martial arts. Only Shen Chen can do it, so how can he care about capturing him alive?

Shen Chen continued: "Fortunately, Xiao Xiao discovered it in time and rushed forward to stop their driving.

Eunuch Ye fell off the car and kowtowed on his head. This was a show of martial arts on the handlebars. I handed over his riding crop, and he pulled out a dagger. Li Du wanted to cooperate with him to kill me, but I dodged, but the dagger failed to hold its strength and stabbed me to death. Come to Li Du.

 There is one more person…”

 Shenchen looked very embarrassed when he said this.

 An Yibo looked in his eyes and was extremely confused.

 What could be more difficult than killing Li Du directly?

 “The other person is Liu Xun.” Shen Chen said.

"Who?" An Yibo was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he couldn't believe it, "He, wasn't he exiled?"

"I don't know how he ended up with Li Du. Maybe it was Li Du who brought him back," Shen Chen said. "It was all in the dark. I didn't recognize him at first. He wanted to run away, but he hurt him first." legs to keep him from running away.

Later, he was picked up by the handlebar type as a shield and received a sword from Xiaoxiao in the chest. After Xiaoxiao killed the handlebar type, he discovered that this person was Liu Xun.

I’m not worried about anyone else, I’m just worried that the news of Liu Xun’s death will spread and the lady in the house won’t be able to bear it…”

Hearing this, An Yibo let out a long sigh.

  No matter how bad it is, a son will still be a son.

Mrs. Xu is a loving mother. She can accept her son being exiled after committing a crime, and she also knows that she will never see her little son again in this life, but life and death are different after all.

Moreover, the younger son still died in the hands of the older son.

There are all kinds of truths in the world, and there is also the word emotion.

 Just like the Holy Emperor, who can distinguish between right and wrong, he will still be merciful when dealing with His Highness.

Mrs. Xu no matter how deeply understands the righteousness and the principles are clear, how come she doesn’t have any doubts in her heart?

 The last thing that was hurt was the family relationship with Xu Jian.

An Yibo turned to Xu Jian, naturally he didn't want to see that scene, and Liu Xun's appearance here was unexpected. He thought for a while and said: "Zhuangzi has killed thirty or forty people, one more than him is not much, so look back After all, the most important thing right now is Li Du. "

 If he is already dead, then he should be treated as dead.

An Yibo comforted him and said, "It's better than letting him run away. Where is the princess now?"

 “I took shelter at the foot of the mountain,” Shen Chen said.

An Yibo was not very relieved: "You should go back and watch quickly. I have to go to Ji'an to wrap things up."

In any case, Thirty Royal Foresters are here, and the soldiers he arranged have already arrived, so His Highness is expected to make no mistakes.

But when An Yibo and others arrived in Ji'an in the rain, the situation in the town still made him feel like he had been hit in the head.

It was a mess, and the smell of blood was overwhelming.

At a glance, many people fell to the ground, some were seriously injured, and some were dead.

An Yibo grabbed the soldiers on the side and asked loudly: "Where is Your Highness? Where is Your Highness?!"

 “Front, front!”

An Yibo ran into the town without saying a word.

Ji'an Town is neither big nor small. It is a mess at the moment, and riding a horse may not be as fast as walking.

An Yibo ran and asked, and finally found Li Shao.

If it weren't for several imperial guards surrounding him and protecting him, Bo An Yi almost didn't recognize Li Shao.

Li Shao was holding a long sword, his body was already soaked, his hair was hanging down, and his face was smeared with rain.

"Your Highness!" An Yibo rushed over and put the torch as close to his face as possible, illuminating it very brightly. "I, I am An Yibo, Your Highness!"

Li Shao turned his head when he heard the sound, his red eyes stared, and it took him a long time to recover: "It's you..."

Yu Lin also recognized him and gave way to him. An Yibo came to Li Shao's side and looked up and down. When he saw that he was not injured, his heart dropped.

so far so good.

If anything happens to Your Highness, then...

 Speaking of which, isn’t it Thirty Royal Foresters? And the soldiers and generals he sent, why did they end up in such a miserable situation?

“How many ambush troops did Li Du have in the town?” An Yibo asked.

Before Yu Lin could answer, Li Shao shouted: "Rebels! They are all rebels! The whole town is full of rebels!"

An Yibo was startled and turned to look at the person lying on the ground not far away.

 When he arrived, he found that most of these people were dressed as ordinary people.

 It is not unusual for soldiers in ambush to disguise themselves.

But if we say that the whole town is full of rebels, then where are the people?

Furthermore, as the chaos returned, the royal forest also dispersed, leaving only a few people following Li Shao, but along the way, he seemed not to have seen the fallen royal forest or soldiers.

 So many rebels were killed by them until they were unable to fight back?

 Something is wrong!

An Yibo had just seen these people raised by Li Du in Zhuangzi. Naturally, their martial arts skills were not as good as one against ten, but they would definitely not be able to defeat one out of ten.

How could this be the current situation?

An Yibo was full of questions and couldn't wait to ask Li Shao, but looking at Li Shao's jumping state, it was obvious that this was not a good time to ask questions.

"Escort His Highness out of the town first," An Yibo said to the forest guards, "and then we can clean up after daybreak."

The torch has been treated to protect it from some rain, but it is not completely immune to rain.

 It is still necessary to wait for daybreak before we can properly judge the situation.

Uncle An Yi took away the long sword in Li Shao's hand, helped the person walk out of the town, and said: "Your Highness, I have gathered enough people. The town is too chaotic. I will send you back to the mountain temple first to take shelter from the rain..."

 At the mention of the mountain temple, Li Shao suddenly came back to his senses and said: "Li Du, I killed Li Du! You guys take Li Du's body with you!"

 An Yibo said "Huh?"

Isn't Li Du's body on the carriage at the entrance of Zhuangzi?

He saw it with his own eyes, how could it be false?

Then why does another one appear here? (End of chapter)

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