Yan Cigui

Chapter 481: Ning'an, are you betraying me? ! (Two updates in one

Chapter 481 Ning'an, are you betraying me? ! (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

An Yibo paused and watched the royal foresters move a body from the side.

The rain was heavy and the torch illumination was limited. An Yibo could only see a blood hole on the man's chest. The blood on his face was mixed with the rain, making it difficult to distinguish his facial features.

"Your Highness," An Yibo said to Li Shao, "I have just come down from Zhuangzi on the mountain. Li Du has been killed. I have confirmed that the body is his..."

Li Shao was still in a state of excitement and excitement. He didn't understand what An Yibo meant. He just said to himself, "Yes, Li Du was killed. Didn't you see the one I killed?"

"Your Highness!" An Yibo said loudly, "I am saying that Li Du's body is on the mountain and is being brought down by the soldiers. He is not here! The person you killed is probably not Li Du himself!"

This time, Li Shao heard clearly.

He almost jumped up and reached out to pull back the long sword that An Yibo had taken away: "Nonsense! You are talking nonsense!"

An Yibo was agile and protected his sword: "Your Highness, you might as well take a look at it clearly whether it is true or not."

"I said it with my own eyes! I watched him go from the Shanshen Temple to Ji'an, and I chased him all the way. How could I be wrong?" Li Shao was extremely impatient. "You said that I didn't kill Li Du. Do you think so? Take credit?”

 An Yibo has one head and two heads.

 He took all the credit!

His Highness disappeared from the paddock and came to Ji'an to block Lidu. After hearing the news, he came all the way to rescue him. How could he dare to think of any merit that would make His Highness full beard and tail already become Amitabha?

 Besides, the person who killed Li Du was Shen Chen, who belonged to Xu Jian.

 When discussing merit, one must also discuss it in the auxiliary government office.

 He, An Yibo, is just cleaning up the mess and has no merit at all!

An Yibo was too lazy to argue with Li Shao about right and wrong. He walked to the side of the royal guards, reached out and pushed away the hair covering the corpse's face, wiped away the blood with the rain, and revealed the facial features.

The torch came closer, he looked closely and said: "It looks like it, but it doesn't look like that much."

Several forest guards also saw it clearly. After that, you looked at me and I looked at you, both of them were in trouble.

There were several calls of "Your Highness!" coming from the other end. Several people followed the sound and saw a person running over. It was their little commander.

When the young commander saw that Li Shao was safe, half of his heart dropped. Then he saw Bo An Yi standing next to him, and the other half also calmed down.

“I just met the soldiers you brought, and they all said that you have arrived,” the young commander hurriedly saluted, “It’s good that you’re here, it’s good that you’re here.”

 Otherwise, what use can he, a small commander, do to the trouble in this town?

 Now, we have a backbone.

Someone in the imperial forest who was familiar with the young commander immediately started talking to him: "My uncle said, the person who died was not the traitor Li Du."

 “Huh?” The young commander stared and immediately looked at the body.

At this sight, my heart was in my throat again.

 It’s over!

It seems like it’s really not Li Du!

"Your Highness, Xiao, Xiao..." the Xiao Commander stammered, suddenly remembering what Li Shao said at the mountain temple, and quickly went back in the same way, "I have only seen Xiao's identity from a distance. Li Du has been with me several times, but I am not as familiar with him as you are, Your Highness.

I don’t dare to say for sure. Your Highness, would you like to take a look? "

Li Shao stepped forward, stared at the face of the corpse, and asked for a long time: "If this is not Li Du, who is that?"

 The little commander looked sad and said nothing.

When An Yibo saw this, he knew that he had no idea what to do with Li Shao for a while.

 Fortunately, they also have another body.

"Your Highness," An Yibo said without insisting on coming to an immediate conclusion, "it's too chaotic here. As I said before, I will **** you to the mountain temple first.

I also killed Li Du there. He was fatally wounded in the throat and died after being stabbed in the throat with a dagger.

 The one you have here suffered a blood hole in his chest and died of excessive bleeding.

When it gets bright and the light is clear, place them side by side. You will know which one is right and which one is not. "

Li Shao was very disgusted with the "other body" mentioned by An Yibo: "I didn't kill the wrong person!"

"I don't mean that," An Yibo finally said patiently, half supporting and half pulling Li Shao out, "Li Du is in this area, and he got the fake ones himself. He is an accomplice and a rebel. Thief! No matter which one you kill, it's a matter of course. Even if you make a mistake, the emperor was almost deceived by a fake Li Du before."

 This is quite pleasant.

Li Shao was protected by An Yibo and left the town.

He did not want to take a carriage and rode to the mountain temple.

The rain gradually subsided, and I could clearly see the light of the torches in the mountain temple, and I also saw a carriage parked next to it.

 This carriage belongs to Lin Yunyan.

She was not in the car, but standing under the eaves of the temple, talking to Shen Chen in a low voice.

When she saw a group of people coming in, Lin Yunyan stopped talking, saw Li Shao's figure clearly among them, and hurriedly ran forward, with a worried look on her face: "Is your Highness okay? Eunuch Gao and I can't be found in the paddock. You are really worried. If you count the time, Eunuch Gao will return to the palace to report the news, and the manpower sent by His Majesty will be here soon. "

Li Shao was quite surprised to see Lin Yunyan.

Recalling what Su Chang said when he stopped his horse, his expression suddenly turned ugly: "Ning'an, you betrayed me!"

"Betrayal?" Lin Yunyan frowned, "Your Highness, you mean, I shouldn't ask Eunuch Gao to return to the palace to report the message? Shouldn't I ask An Yibo to send reinforcements?

Have you forgotten, Your Highness, you said it yourself, if I feel something is wrong, I can just complain.

I am an insider and know His Highness’s whereabouts. I also guessed that His Highness wanted to secretly arrest Li Du. If I didn’t report it, what would happen? Will I pay for your life? "

Seeing that the two were about to argue, An Yibo quickly persuaded them.

Just as he opened his mouth, he heard the distant sound of horse hooves, and the old man suddenly became serious: "Go and have a look!"

Hearing the commotion, there are quite a few people coming. If it is Li Du's remnant party, they cannot be caught off guard.

 Fortunately, the imperial guards arrived to help.

 Tao Tong led the team, hundreds of people and horses, galloping all the way.

Eunuch Cao also came. In order not to fall behind, he was led by Commander Tao on horseback. He was so dizzy and sore in his buttocks that he could not stand firmly after he got off.

Unable to bother asking about Li Du's condition, Eunuch Cao looked at Li Shao first.

Your Highness was soaked to the skin and in a state of embarrassment, but he was not injured.

 The next time he saw Lin Yunyan standing next to him, Eunuch Cao couldn't help but be startled.

The princess's face was pale and pale, and she looked like she was in shock. Fortunately, she was safe.

"It's okay, okay," Eunuch Cao's feet gave out and he almost fell to the ground, "Your Highness, Princess, it's great that you two are fine."

God knows that Eunuch Gao rushed back to the imperial court to report the news. His Majesty heard that His Highness only took thirty imperial guards with him and dared to arrest Li Du. His face was so dark that it was intimidating.

Hearing again that the princess was going to the camp to move reinforcements, the Holy Emperor was not relieved and urged Eunuch Cao to call the imperial forest and rush over.

 Eunuch Cao knew what his Majesty was thinking.

Capturing Li Du is naturally important, but His Highness's safety is higher than Li Du's.

It was only when they arrived at the mountain temple that Eunuch Cao found out that the princess had come here instead of returning to the city after moving the reinforcements.

"Why don't you..." He groaned, "You shouldn't have come close to the swordsman. If you let the Empress Dowager know about it, you'd have to be very anxious!"

"I didn't think carefully," Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and said, "I know I will cause trouble if I come, but I really don't worry. It's all because I'm not vigilant enough. If I had informed the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager earlier, this wouldn't have happened. …”

Since he admits his mistakes quickly and has a good attitude, Eunuch Cao will never chase after him and only care about Li Shao.

"Your Highness," he said, "Bo An Yi is here and there are hundreds of imperial guards. Let them stay and track down Li Du's whereabouts. I will send you and the princess back to the palace. The Holy One must have been thinking about you all night. "There's no need to check Li Du's whereabouts," Li Shao raised his chin and said, "I killed him! I killed him with my own hands!"

Eunuch Cao was stunned when he heard what he said, not knowing whether it was true or not. He turned around and asked Uncle An Yi with his eyes.

An Yibo hurriedly told what happened on the mountain and down the mountain: "The two corpses have not yet been compared together."

 Li Shao insisted: "What I killed is true!"

 Empty words.

 You can tell whether it is yes or no at a glance.

The one in the town was brought back, and not long after, the carriage on the mountain also came down.

Eunuch Cao asked Lin Yunyan to stay away.

Lin Yunyan shook her head: "I'm not afraid."

 The carriage stopped, and the driver was An Yibo's confidant. He nodded slightly to Uncle An, indicating that everything had been arranged.

An Yibo opened the car curtain, and there were only two corpses inside at the moment.

He called for people to move it down and move it to the temple, side by side with the one in the town: "Li Du and Eunuch Ye. These two are important, I told people to send them down first, and the rest are still in the village and will be counted after dawn. "

Since he agreed to Shen Chen, An Yibo didn't mention Liu Xun at all, but there was no such person tonight.

When Eunuch Cao saw this, he was extremely frightened: "Fortunately, I didn't hit the princess."

Lin Yunyan said: "I didn't expect to encounter..."

Two Li Dus are lined up together, and the torches in the temple are brightly lit. You can tell which one is real and which one is fake at a glance.

Li Shao's face turned blue, and blood could almost be seen in his eyes.

Even if he persists, the facts are right in front of him. He is not really blind, so how can he not be able to distinguish between truth and lies?

It was at this moment that Li Shao was sure in his heart that the man he killed was indeed not Li Du.

how so?

 Li Shao couldn’t help but ask himself.

Yes, when he was looking down from a high place, his view was blocked by trees and the mountain temple was not bright enough. He could only see the side face of "Li Du".

  Six points of similarity, seen as ten points!

Eunuch Cao ignored the fake one and carefully identified the other one: "Judging from the facial features, it should be correct. Let Princess Jin identify it after returning to Beijing."

 When mentioning Princess Jin, Lin Yunyan remembered it and said, "The last time I tested the fake one, the princess mentioned that Li Du had a mole on his left waist."

"That's right," Eunuch Cao also remembered, "it was the forgery that was exposed because it was made of green dots. The dots of green were inspected by the Za family and Duke Fu. Uncle An Yi, help the Za family, Check this one out.”

An Yibo hurriedly knelt down to help.

 The little commander cooperated with Commander Tao and undressed the body brought back from Ji'an.

Ji'an's body, the left waist is clean, no moles, no bruises.

 The ones brought down from the mountains by horse-drawn carriages have moles, which can be seen at a glance.

“I can’t make a mistake this time,” Eunuch Cao nodded. “Uncle, I have to serve His Highness and the Princess on the way to the Zajia family. Li Du will be left to you. You must return it to the capital intact.”

An Yibo said: "This is natural."

Eunuch Cao stood up, washed his hands in the light rain, and then came to help Li Shao: "Your Highness, your clothes are wet. You'd better go back to the palace early and change clothes to keep out the cold so as not to catch the cold."

If he hadn't said it, Li Shao wouldn't have felt cold yet, but after hearing these words, a bone-chilling chill rushed up his back, causing him to shiver a few times.

"I killed Li Du, no, I..." Li Shao shook his head repeatedly and grabbed Eunuch Cao's wrist, "I mean, I killed him because he pretended to be Li Du!"

As he said that, he remembered what An Yibo said, and Li Shao hurriedly said: "He is an accomplice of Li Du, and he showed up at the mountain temple on purpose. I am not wrong in killing him!"

"Everyone who rebels against a traitor will be punished," Eunuch Cao comforted him, but when he saw a few people around him looking embarrassed, he couldn't help but feel bad, "What?"

The young commander stepped forward bravely and reported: "While we were lurking, the few of us felt that this man did not look like Li Du, and they did not find Eunuch Ye's whereabouts.

Later, when they wanted to run away, the younger ones followed His Highness outside the mountain temple, where a man stopped his horse to report the news.

 The younger one doesn’t recognize him, but His Highness does.

The man said that the princess was asking for help, and also said that it looked like Li Du was fake, but His Highness refuted it.

 After that, we chased all the way to the town, where we fought with the fake Li Du and his group against the ambushes in the town, and there were many strange things in the town..."

After hearing this, Eunuch Cao saw that Li Shao was restless, so he simply asked Lin Yunyan: "Princess, who is stopping the horse?"

Lin Yunyan pointed to the corner.

There was a person huddled there, looking lost.

“That is,” Lin Yunyan said, “his name is Su Chang, a Guyue merchant who makes a living in Beijing, and he was among the previous envoys.

Su Yi asked him to look for His Highness. He wanted to exchange Li Du's whereabouts for his own future, so Su Chang looked for His Highness once.

  After that, His Highness wanted to find him in turn, but had no idea where to start, so he used Shen Chen to look for him and asked Su Chang to provide evidence of Su Yi's surrender.

 That's all I knew at first. During the day, Su Chang came to look for me, and I learned that His Highness had gone to the shop to look for him privately.

Su Chang said that he couldn't stand His Highness's urging, so he read Su Yi's letter. It was scheduled for the third update on the 24th and the Ji'an Mountain Temple. He just thought about something wrong and didn't want to get involved. He wanted to retreat, so he asked be honest.

 That's why I rushed to the paddock immediately..."

 Lin Yunyan sighed, and Su Chang finally "came back to his senses."

In order to be able to do business in the Dashun capital and welcome his family in the future, Su Chang was willing to risk everything. He cried bitterly and kowtowed to everyone: "The villain is at fault. He was deceived by Su Yi in the first place and then contacted His Highness!

 The villain was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so he hesitated and did not go to see the princess until daytime.

The villain and Su Yizhen are not the same group. The villain also wanted to stop His Highness before, not to be fooled by the fake Li Du, but he didn't stop him.

 I hope the adults will give the villain a chance to change his ways! "

Su Chang cried more and more sadly.

Not long ago, the princess’s car arrived at the mountain temple.

The princess told him clearly that if he didn't want to be labeled as a comrade of Su Yi and Li Du, he should cry hard and try to put on the clothes of "taking responsibility for his crime and making meritorious service" for himself.

After hearing this, Eunuch Cao asked Li Shao: "Your Highness, is this the case?"

Li Shao frowned.

 That's the same thing, but there seems to be a subtle difference somewhere.

It’s just that his thoughts were too confused at the moment and he couldn’t tell clearly at the moment, so he just responded indiscriminately: “Absolutely.”

On the contrary, An Yibo said seriously: "The scene in Ji'an Town was very weird, there were too many casualties, and..."

 The voice deepened.

Eunuch Cao is shrewd, and his heart skipped a beat when he heard this tone.

Thanks to book friends Zhao Chibaoer, Xu Ping and celestial Li for their tips.

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