Yan Cigui

Chapter 483: There is no family affection in Tianjia (two updates combined into one, please vote fo

Chapter 483: No family ties in the Tian family (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Jingxin Hall.

Li Rong was sitting by the window, silent, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

 The person whom Eunuch Cao came to invite an hour ago.

Li Rong didn't know what he said to his mother and concubine. He only saw that his mother and concubine were panicked and immediately left with Eunuch Cao.

 Vaguely, Li Rong noticed that something was not good.

 Could it be that something happened to the father?

Li Rong didn't dare to say for sure, but he felt that the reason why the mother and concubine were so flustered was probably related to the father.

When he heard the noise outside, Li Rong hurriedly got up and walked out of the side hall.

 “Mother concubine.” He called.

Princess Jin raised her eyes to look at him, feeling dazed for a moment, and then her whole body softened as if she was relieved.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mammy hurriedly supported her so that the two of them did not fall to the ground together.

Li Rong helped his mother to carry the exhausted Princess Jin into the room, poured another cup of tea and handed it over: "What's wrong with you?"

Princess Jin took a sip and faced her son, she gradually calmed down.

“Rong’er,” she held Li Rong’s hand and tried to speak as calmly as possible, “your father is dead.”

Li Rong was stunned.

Rao was guessing that things were not good, but listening to the mother's concubine said that Li Yan had tightened his breath.

"How could it be..." Li Rong murmured, "Has the mother-in-law met her father? Is the father really, really dead?"

"I just went with Eunuch Cao to identify him," said Princess Jin. "I saw it with my own eyes. It is indeed your father."

Li Rong's eyes instantly turned red: "Can I go see my father? I mean, no matter what he has done, he is my father. As a son, I want to kowtow to my father."

"I know, I know you," Princess Jin patted Li Rong's back gently, "This matter depends on the Queen Mother's will, but the Queen Mother has always been generous, you just kowtow..."


 Just kowtow, nothing else.

 Actually, Princess Jin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Li Du was dead.

 She is lucky.

Li Du was missing outside for a day, and she was worried all day long.

 Now that she is dead, she and her family will no longer be troubled.

 The most important thing is that it will not involve Rong'er.

It is said that a child is better known than his mother, but Princess Jin did not dare to say that she knew her son.

Most of the time, she felt that Rong'er was obedient, but she also had nightmares in which Rong'er was ordered by Li Du to act and cause trouble.

 Woke up from her dream in the middle of the night, Princess Jin remembered her wild and disorderly heartbeat and the sweat dripping all over her body. She was so scared.

 Finally, finally let her wait until the day Li Du died.

No matter what Rong'er thinks in his heart, whether he has any connection with Li Du or not, he is already a dead person, and Rong'er doesn't have to do anything anymore.

Just to kowtow.

 Princess Jin even wanted to kowtow to Li Du.

 Finally, the bridge leads back to the bridge and the road leads back to the road.

The mood of joy overflowed, and her hanging heart dropped. Princess Jin couldn't hold it back, hugging Li Rong and crying loudly.

 This is "resurrection from death" and "resurrection after disaster".

“Rong’er,” Princess Jin cried and said to Li Rong, “your father is dead, and the cases related to him can be settled one by one.

 When everything is done, we can leave the palace and go back.

Go back to your grandfather’s house to live for a while first, and then we will move out and we, mother and son, can live quietly. "

Li Rong could not help but comfort his mother and concubine: "I will follow your arrangements. Don't worry, I will accompany you."

 Princess Jin’s eyes were filled with tears, but she couldn’t see clearly. The look in Li Rong’s eyes was extremely complicated.

 After Princess Jin vented her emotions, Li Rong asked again: "How did your father die?"

Princess Jin shook her head: "Eunuch Cao didn't elaborate, so I didn't ask."

Li Rong said no more.

 But, how could such a thing be concealed?

In just one day, there were some rumors everywhere, and they became more and more abundant.

Lin Yunyan also listened to some of them. The true and false were mixed together, and there were also a lot of exaggerations.

 Think about it, no one will let go of such a God-given opportunity.

In the Jinluan Palace, there were upright censors who scolded loudly, and there were also ministers who had their own thoughts and made excuses.

 Is it important whether His Highness is being plotted?

 The important thing is that taking this opportunity, Li Shao will completely lose the possibility of succeeding to the throne.

In particular, the Liu and Gu families, who were originally the vanguard of the "anti-Li Shao" movement, now did not hide it at all. They cooperated with the officials of the same faction, not only to determine Li Shao's fault for pretending to be holy, but also to determine He committed the crime of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

  Anyway, so many people died in Ji'an Town.

The government below will sort out the real and fake people based on the roster, and they can also scold them back with a dark face and covering their chests.

“Does the Holy Spirit still want to protect His Highness?”

"When I left Yumen privately, I hid it for His Highness. The Duke Fuguo who returned to the capital did not dare to tell the truth, and so many soldiers in Yumen did not dare to tell the truth. Now, is this roster true? ?”

"If the princess hadn't asked An Yibo for help in time, what would be the situation in Ji'an now?"

 Hands of words, you come and I go.

Li Shao didn't even hear it, he still fell ill.

Qiu Yuliang, first his blood was boiling because of killing Li Du, and soon he was furious when he found out that he had killed a fake one. He returned to the capital all wet and couldn't resist the ups and downs. After bathing and not even eating a few mouthfuls of food, he started to scream. Vomited yellow water all over the ground.

The imperial doctor came quickly, diagnosed the pulse and prescribed medicine, and asked him to take care of him first.

The Holy Emperor did not allow him to move back to Yuqing Palace. He still stayed in his side hall and took care of him nearby.

Of course, it was not Li Shao’s illness that made the Holy Spirit anxious.

The imperial doctor said that it’s just cold and tired, nothing serious, just rest for a while and you’ll be fine.

 What the Holy Father is worried about is the follow-up matter.

 What the Empress Dowager said and what the courtiers said were all repeated over and over in his mind.

 After going to court, the Holy Master went to visit Li Shao again.

 Li Shao fell asleep.

Mr. Guo said: "I woke up half an hour ago, drank medicine, and then fell asleep again."

The Holy Father sat for a quarter of an hour before going out again.

Eunuch Cao came forward and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has given permission for Li Rong to go and bid farewell to Li Du."

The Holy Spirit said hoarsely: "I understand, it should be done."

Li Du's body was placed in Bihua Palace, the same palace where his biological mother, Zhang Xuan, once lived.

 This was also decided upon by the Empress Dowager and the Holy Spirit.

Hate will naturally gnash your teeth with hatred, but when the enemy dies and the lamp goes out, the living people still have to live with their reputation.

 Privately, the Queen Mother also told Lin Yunyan the truth.

“The Holy Spirit understands the truth but is nostalgic for the past. The Aijia forces him to give up Li Shao. The truth is clear to him, but it is inevitable that he will have knots in his heart.”

"It is human nature. Everyone calls him a saint, but he is not a saint." "As for Li Du's death, if he just wanted to show off his anger, he could just wrap it up in a mat and throw it out. But who doesn't love the name of kindness?"

 “The Aijia has decided to take action, and the Holy Father will feel less pressure.”

"It's the dead after all, Yun Yan. The living don't compete with the dead. There are still many things that the living have to worry about."

Lin Yunyan understood clearly.

Li Du rebelled, and his surname was still Li. He managed things more beautifully after his death, and he didn't have to be talked about by his clan members and censors.

The Empress Dowager takes the lead in both good and bad situations, and the Holy Emperor must accept this favor. Even if the Empress Dowager is tougher on Li Shao's matter, she will not really break up with her.

“Will Your Majesty give up His Highness?” Lin Yunyan asked.

The Empress Dowager thought for a long time and said: "Theoretically, everything makes sense, but emotionally, I have to pass the hurdle."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

She used Su Yi and Suchang's excuse to sit back and watch Li Shao go to Ji'an, just to cover up Li Shao's crimes.

 The current outcry against Li Shao in the court was also expected.

 The other side.

 In Bihua Palace.

Li Rong met Li Du.

Eunuch Yu was ordered to bring Li Rong over and persuaded softly: "Your Highness, although you have tidied up your appearance, you died of injuries after all. You..."

"Thank you for your kindness, father-in-law," Li Rong said in a tight voice, with a heavy emotion, "I'm not afraid. After all, he's my father, so I'm not afraid of him."

  Since I was younger than my father-in-law, I didn’t say anything more.

Li Rong saw Li Du's remains in the coffin, and then knelt down and kowtowed incense.

After coming out of the palace, he cautiously asked Eunuch Yu: "Can I take a look here? I heard that this is where my biological grandmother used to live."

"The palace was renovated two years ago, but the flowers and trees have not been tidied up for many years," Yu Yuanggong said, "If you want to see it, just take a look around."

Li Rong thanked him again.

 On the way, it was convenient for my father-in-law to leave, leaving some manpower to look after Li Rong.

Li Rong was very quiet, just sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, looking at a small piece of bamboo not far away in trance.

He remembered clearly that in his father’s small courtyard, there were bamboos outside the windows. His father often looked at them for an hour or two.

 Under the table, Li Rong clenched his fists and waited until Eunuch Yu came back before loosening his fists.

After sitting for a while, Li Rong returned to Jingxin Hall.

After the funeral ceremony, Li Rong and Princess Jin went there again and watched the busy people inside and outside sending the coffin out of Bihua Palace.

Li Rong has always been quiet. Except for asking his mother and concubine that day, he never asked anyone else about the cause of his father's death.

However, he still knew some of the deaths -the death of the father was related to Li Shao, and Li Shao had been adopting the disease since returning.

More than that, I heard that Your Majesty has not been feeling well these past two days.

 The next day's imperial meeting had more officials than usual, making it even more "lively".

Prince Ping stood at the front, listening to the discussion, and looked up at the Holy Emperor.

 The Holy Emperor's face looked very bad.

 He saw it and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

 After going to court, Prince Ping did not leave the palace, but went to the imperial study.

Eunuch Cao led him inside and sat down, saying, "Your Majesty is not well. The imperial doctor is diagnosing his pulse. The prince will wait a moment."

Prince Ping sipped his tea and asked, "Where is Li Shao? Is he still sick?"

"I no longer have a fever, but my energy is still low." Cao Gong said fair.

"Still living in the side hall?" After Prince Ping asked, seeing Eunuch Cao nodding, he added, "This place is not a place where people come in and out, so it is not a place to recuperate. We should also persuade the Holy Father to move Li Shao back to Yuqing as soon as possible." It’s the palace.”

Eunuch Cao responded repeatedly.

  After sitting for half a quarter of an hour, the Holy Father came over.

"I'm just tired, it's nothing important," the Holy Sage said as he sat down, "I'm worried about my uncle."

“Many problems begin with fatigue. Your Majesty, please don’t take it seriously,” Prince Ping said, pausing. “And you and I both know where your fatigue comes from.”

The Holy Emperor sat up straight: "What the emperor said is, I..."

Prince Ping waved his hand and did not let His Majesty continue: "I came here today not to hear His Majesty say that you are thinking of the late Queen and also of the only Miaomiao she left behind. I have some words that I must tell you no matter what. The Holy Spirit speaks."

Your Majesty heard it. Today we are not kings and ministers, but uncles and nephews.

 What Prince Ping is willing to say is from the bottom of his heart.

 The Holy Spirit stood up from behind the big case and came out, sat down next to Prince Ping, lowered his head and said, "You said it, I'll listen."

"If Li Shao really caused a big scandal this time, the Holy Emperor would probably not protect him, but he was really tricked and jumped into Li Du's trap, but due to some strange combination of circumstances, Li Du died. "

“It’s just that we are neither up nor down, nor left nor right, so the Holy Spirit still refuses to let go.”

“After all, Li Shao is your favorite, and you have spent all your efforts over the years to ensure that he can inherit the throne in the future. It is he who has wasted your heart, and it is not you who cannot bear with this son who lost his mother since childhood!”

"In this situation, the Holy One dares to say that Li Shao is a young man who can become emperor? Dashun is in his hands, let alone strong. Do you dare to say that he can maintain it? You can't say it. You can't even close your eyes. What did he promise? That’s why you feel uncomfortable.”

“The truth is the truth. In terms of mood, you are reluctant to let go of your most beloved son. I understand. Who can say that you can’t let go of your beloved son?”

“But Your Majesty, sons are not competing for favor now. What is competing is the family property, and not just the family property.”

"Don't your father love his son? Why did he depose Li Mi? Why did he imprison Li Jun? Because he passed on the family business and the world."

“Why did I choose you in the end? It’s true that the Queen Mother and I supported you, but it was also your father who nodded. In terms of means and cruelty, you are far behind them. You are better than kindness.”

“Although you are immature, you will not be filled with power. You will not dare to do anything or give up anything just for this power.”

 “The person sitting on the dragon’s throne must have something he is reluctant to part with.”

"Why did Li Du set up such a situation? He found dead men and substitutes to perform such a play for Li Shao. What he wanted was chaos! The court was in chaos, the monarch and his ministers were in chaos, and the people were in chaos."

 One word after another, each word is heavy.

The Holy Father did not interrupt Prince Ping's words, but listened attentively, his eyes red as he listened.

Prince Ping saw this and raised his hand to pat the Holy Emperor's shoulder: "There is no family ties in the Tian family. You understand this sentence better than anyone else. It's not just about brothers fighting, but that you can't rely on family ties to move forward.

 You have to make a choice between your father's love and the world.

 Imperial power is simple. If you choose the wrong one, someone else will choose it for you, maybe the common people. "

After saying this, Prince Ping stood up and said, "I'm going back first. Think about it for yourself, what is the last thing you can never let go of."

Eunuch Cao was standing nearby, looking at his nose and heart. After hearing the words, he came out of the corner and sent Prince Ping out.

 After he sent someone off and came back, he thought about it and waited outside the curtain for a while.

 He knew that the Holy One needed to think quietly.


 Secretly, Eunuch Cao sighed.

 He accompanies you day and night and sees clearly.

 In the past two days, it was the Holy Spirit who had some thoughts that made him so tired.

With what Prince Ping said today, the Holy One may have to make up his mind.

 The old wrist injury has happened again, and I am worried to death...

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~

  Thanks to book friend 20230517131446233, Small Yard, and Lonely Cello for the reward.

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