Yan Cigui

Chapter 484: Do you want to avenge him? (Two updates combined into one request)

Chapter 484 Do you want to avenge him? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 The beginning of October.

 After the continuous rain, the weather has become much cooler.

The sun came out today, but it didn’t bring much warmth. The wind made me feel chilly on my body.

Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

 Princess Derong is talking with the Queen Mother.

After Lin Yunyan saluted, the eldest princess raised her hand and nodded at her: "You child, Shaoer does things without thinking about the past and the future. How can you follow him and make mischief? Fortunately, he came back safely, otherwise, the queen mother My heart is broken.”

Lin Yunyan said obediently: "It's my fault, I didn't think carefully."

"She is still good. When I tell her she is wrong, she admits it honestly," Princess Derong and the Empress Dowager said. "Just be good. You will learn from it and gain wisdom. The worst thing is to see Shao'er like that. He will suffer losses every time and never come back." Chang Jin, I said a few words to him but he acknowledged it but still didn’t recognize it in his heart.”

The Empress Dowager motioned Lin Yunyan to sit down, and then said: "If you have anything to say, just say it here at the Ai family, and save it for the rest."

"I'm not stupid," the eldest princess pursed her lips, "I'm really tired of Shao'er's tormenting, but I won't act as a knife for others. As I said before, they are all my nephews. Whoever comes forward is not the same, so why should I waste so much effort?

If it weren’t for the fact that I couldn’t stand it, I wouldn’t bother to bother Sixth Brother.

 Speaking of which, Ning'an was lucky and happened to meet his second brother. If he asked his second brother to escape again, he didn't know what he would do next time. "

The Empress Dowager sighed: "The Empress Aijia is afraid of this kind of luck."

“You know that good and bad things depend on each other,” said the eldest princess, “Did Shaoer move back to Yuqing Palace yesterday?”

The Empress Dowager nodded: "Move it."

"You have persuaded me, and my uncle has also persuaded me. If Sixth Brother fails to think clearly, I will probably have to go to the imperial study room to cry for heaven and earth," said the eldest princess.

"You," the Queen Mother laughed, "you are a good princess, but you are more worried than the prince."

Princess Derong said: "I don't want to worry. If it hadn't been for something unexpected this year, I would still be traveling with my consort and not return to Beijing.

Now that the autumn dew is getting heavy, it is not a good time to travel far. If you want to go far, you can only wait until next year.

I was thinking that I might as well go to Shu next year, and I would also like to visit Chang Le.

Chang Le is getting married far away. You have been thinking about it. It is more reassuring to have someone visit than to write letters. "

"Then you have to carry things over for the Ai family," the Empress Dowager laughed, "The Ai family has also regretted it in the past two years, why did they marry Aqi so far away... It is better for Yun Yan, right in the capital, the Ai family wants to You can see me anytime.”

 While talking, Princess Derong went to change clothes.

Lin Yunyan lowered her voice and said to the empress dowager: "Listen, the eldest princess must have thought about it."

"She is dissatisfied with Li Shao and has no distinction between other nephews," the Queen Mother said. "She will not make plans for the Han family. Only in this world can she be comfortable with her surname Li. She really wanted to make trouble , but also for other brothers."

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyes and said: "You mean, Prince Xian? I remember that the eldest princess and Prince Xian were close."

"It's just her wishful thinking. Li Yan probably doesn't have such thoughts," the Empress Dowager snorted, "If Li Yan has intentions, Derong may not give up easily. Moreover, if the Holy One is still thinking about Li Shao, Derong will rush to the shelves." , will also force Li Yan."

Now, Li Shao seems to have no chance, and Prince Xian is not willing at all, so Princess Derong can only rest.

From this point of view, we can get some clues from the fact that the eldest princess did not mourn secretly after her death.

Li Shao held power and acted recklessly.

The eldest princess couldn't stand it. Prince Keping was old and weak at the time, and the wise king was unwilling to get involved, even if he was forced by the eldest princess. In the end, she had no choice but to go find Li Du.

Li Du uses Li Shao as a puppet and uses his hand to eradicate dissidents in the court. How can he work together with the eldest princess?

It is not surprising that the eldest princess died.

 When Princess Derong comes back, this topic will naturally stop.

After talking for a while, the eldest princess proposed that she wanted to visit Princess Jin and Li Rong in the Jingxin Hall.

The Queen Mother naturally agreed and asked Lin Yunyan to accompany her.

 The two places are very close to each other, only a few steps away.

As Princess Derong walked away, she talked to Lin Yunyan.

"I said that I was going to cry in the royal study, and I didn't just say it casually. My sixth brother's temper will not annoy me for a while, but it will never annoy me forever." After saying that, the eldest princess sighed, " That's why I'm worried about him."

Lin Yunyan understood: "You mean, the Holy One has now listened to the words of the Empress Dowager and Prince Ping, and has realized His Highness's shortcomings and has made determination. However, in a few years, His Highness has shown weakness and surrendered. Maybe His Majesty will..."

"I've seen prodigal sons turn back, let alone those who are far away, let's just say that the security guard is so grandson. He has a good relationship with Xu Jian, right?" The eldest princess said, "But I have also seen many stubborn people who are just too old. If you don’t have a long memory, I’ll leave it here. Shaoer is a little clever but not very capable.”

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and listened very carefully, but did not make any unnecessary comments.

Princess Derong didn't care about Lin Yunyan's reaction. She just talked about her dissatisfaction with Li Shao for a while, and then went to the Jingxin Hall.

 Princess Jin chants sutras in the Buddhist hall.

After settling some worries, she looked much better to the naked eye.

The eldest princess glanced at her and said, "Don't interrupt the scriptures at will. Sister-in-law, please finish reading first. I'm not in a hurry."

 Princess Jin nodded to show that she heard.

The eldest princess said again: "Ning'an, will you stay with your sister-in-law for a while? Speaking of, where is Li Rong? I'll go find him."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said "Okay".

Watching the eldest princess walking out of the Buddhist hall, Lin Yunyan glanced in the direction of the side hall.

The eldest princess is right, we must avoid future troubles forever.

 It was just a matter of settling things once and for all, so she and Xu Jian still had nothing to do with each other.

 After all, after "settling" Li Shao, the two of them still have decades to go.

The Xu and Lin families still have to walk in the court and cannot "cut themselves off" from the Holy One.

Li Rong was staying in his side hall. When he saw the eldest princess coming in, he called "aunt".

The eldest princess walked up to him and stood still: "You look sadder than your mother-in-law."

Li Rong was unsure of the purpose of the eldest princess' visit and did not answer this question.

"My father is dead, so I should be sad. Besides, the relationship between your father and son is not bad at all," the eldest princess said slowly, "In other words, it's pretty good."

Li Rong thought about it and said: "My father did something wrong, but he loves me very much. I..."

"It is indeed caring," the eldest princess said, "I heard that that day in Bihua Palace, you looked at the small bamboo forest for a long time. Li Rong, in fact, you have been to your father's house, right? You know him There is also a bamboo forest outside the window.”

Li Rong's face turned pale in an instant, and his eyes were full of defense.

 Princess Derong laughed.

 Children are children.

She was 30% sure and got 10% result from her fraud.

"Your father's death was caused by Li Shao," Princess Derong pressed Li Rong's shoulder. "He asked you to return to the capital. Didn't he leave some backup options? What about you? Do you want to avenge him? ?”

Li Rong avoided the gaze of Princess Derong and turned to look in the direction of the Buddhist hall, feeling anxious.

"No rebellion, no troops, just a simple revenge," Princess Derong coaxed, "Of course you can't do it alone, but there is still me."

Li Rong's heart was beating fast, but he tried to look calm: "Aunt, why do you want to deal with His Highness?"

"Da Shun will only go into chaos in the hands of Li Shao," the eldest princess said, "Someone has to walk a difficult road for your imperial uncle." Li Rong bit his lip.

He didn't know whether he should believe Aunt Derong, but what her aunt said was right.

 Only relying on himself, he has a way but cannot implement it.

 Perhaps, it’s time to take a gamble.

After Princess Jin finished reading this scripture, Lin Yunyan stepped forward and gave her a hand.

The two of them walked out and happened to meet the eldest princess and Li Rong coming out of the side hall.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes to look at Li Rong. The child avoided her gaze, looking a little unnatural.

 It seems that the eldest princess has talked with Li Rong.

Then she will wait and see the results first.

 The other side.

In Yuqing Palace, Li Shao was lying on the bed, his eyebrows full of depression.

 When he moved back from the side hall of the Imperial Study Room yesterday, he felt that his father was not treating him as well as before.

  She was naturally concerned and asked Eunuch Cao to take care of her all the way, but my father had many things on his mind.

 This made Li Shao uneasy.

He is not afraid of his father's anger. He knows how to calm his father's anger, but it is so painless and neither far nor near, which makes him extremely troublesome.

 Obviously, this time, he killed Li Du, and he eliminated his father's serious problem!

 There was a movement outside.

 Eunuch Guo said: "Your Highness, the Holy One is here."

Li Shao hurriedly got up from the bed and hurried to pick him up. He took two steps and then paused. When he saw the bright yellow figure appear, he stumbled forward again.

 “My son, I send my regards to my father.”

The Holy Spirit gave Li Shao a hand and said, "Since you are still sick, you should take good care of yourself and don't bother with these things."

Li Shao agreed and was helped back to bed by Eunuch Guo. He leaned on the pillow and said, "My son is much better. I will be able to go to the Ministry of War to observe the affairs in two or three days."

"Shao'er," the Holy Master took a deep breath, "take care of yourself slowly. You don't have to watch the government or go to court. You know the seriousness of this matter yourself. I was too indulgent of you in the past."

Li Shao sat up straight and looked at the Holy Emperor in astonishment: "Father, I don't understand what you mean."

 The Holy Spirit looked at him quietly.

 Although Li Shao didn't speak, he understood.

Father is asking: Do you really not understand?

Li Shao couldn't help but become anxious: "Are those censors scolding the son again? Or are the Gu and Liu families fishing in troubled waters and wishing to knock the son down with one punch? They are really Sima Zhao's heart!"

"You made a mistake," the Holy Master said solemnly. "You did something wrong and that's why you got scolded."

"But Erchen killed Li Du!" Li Shao said excitedly, "Erchen did not do it carefully enough, but he still deserves credit! Besides, Erchen was harmed by Li Du, and he designed to frame Erchen..."

 The Holy Spirit shook his head.

 Until this moment, Li Shao still had not seriously reflected on himself.

“Do you know how many people died that night in Ji’an Town?” asked the Holy Sage.

Li Shao was stunned: "Almost all of them were Li Du's dead soldiers, weren't they? The common people were also the ones who did it. Even if the ministers and Yu Lin accidentally killed each other, it was done in the dark. They were all dressed up as common people, so it's hard to tell the difference."

"Do you still think that you are not wrong?" The Holy Master asked, "Shao'er, I can protect you once, but I cannot protect you every time."

"You are the Holy One, you are the Son of Heaven!" Li Shao's voice couldn't help but grow louder, "What do you want to say and do, can you still..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped himself.

With his throat rolling, Li Shao asked: "It's not my fault that the people of Ji'an died in Li Du's hands! Besides, Li Du is dead. Isn't Li Du more important than those people? Do you want to use this to convict my ministers? You What are you going to punish me this time? I just closed my door to think about my mistakes this time, but I have to be more powerful this time to silence those people, right? Is that like Li Jun or Li Mi?"

Every time he asked a question, he saw a hurt look on his father's face.

 He knew it would be like this.

 He knew what to say that would make his father sad.

"How do you tell your mother that you don't want my son anymore?" Li Shao asked.

“I am very disappointed,” the Holy Sage’s voice was calm and slow, “You know what I care about, and you must know what I cannot tolerate.

You knew there was a scam, but you still took action in the town. When you were chasing Li Du, who you thought was Li Du, did you consider the situation in Ji'an?

Back then, Li Du used dead soldiers to pretend to be bandits and looted Baoping Town. I led people to rescue him, so Dingguo Temple was short of manpower...

Now, he’s trying the same trick for you. Didn’t you feel something was wrong at that time?

That day is also the anniversary of your mother’s death. As long as you think about her more, you will see through that it is a trap! "

Li Shao opened his mouth, not thinking of what to say.

The Holy Emperor looked at him deeply and said: "In the past, I always thought that it was my bad temper that killed your mother. You lost your mother at a young age because of me, so I had to protect you, so I gave you the most. Patience, you did something wrong, I scolded you and punished you, but I didn’t really care about you.

 Now that I think about it, I was still wrong.

If it were just an ordinary father and son, it would be fine to just show partiality. But I am the emperor, and if I continue to show favoritism, it will not only harm you, but also Dashun.

Your mother is the most sensible and sensible person, she will understand me. "

 Li Shao murmured: "Father..."

 “You will stay in Yuqing Palace from now on and don’t have any other thoughts.” After saying this, the Holy Father patted Li Shao on the shoulder, got up and walked out.

Li Shao was stunned for a long time, and it was not until the Holy Emperor walked out of sight that he came back to his senses. He hurriedly rushed to chase him, but he accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

 "Father! Father!" Li Shao shouted loudly, regardless of the pain.

The Holy Spirit heard it, but did not look back.

The autumn wind was rustling, and there were already yellow leaves. He stood in the wind and raised his hand to wipe his tired face.

Eunuch Cao left Yuqing Palace to serve the emperor.

 Behind him, the palace door was locked and guarded by guards.

Li Shao was helped back to bed by Eunuch Guo, and he swept down the pillows and quilts angrily.

 He knew that this time it seemed almost like shutting up and thinking about the past, but it was actually completely different.

 It seems like he really won’t be able to get out!

Eunuch Guo quietly packed up the things on the ground.

Li Shao suddenly woke up and asked anxiously: "How is the war in Yumen? When will Xu Jian return to Beijing?"

 Father trusted Xu Jian.

 The only one who can help him now is Xu Jian.

Thanks to the book friend, the long journey of learning piano, for the reward. Thanks to Bookstore book friend Qi Chibaoer for the reward.

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