Yan Cigui

Chapter 485: The monkey's face is clear, just like it was many years ago (two updates)

Chapter 485 The monkey’s face is clear, just like it was many years ago (two updates in one)

 Li Shao asked eagerly.

Eunuch Guo said respectfully, "Your Highness, I don't know much about what's going on ahead, and I don't know much about the situation in Yumen's battle. I just remember that you mentioned before that Yumen won the battle. However, no news is considered good news?"

Li Shao was suddenly enlightened and nodded repeatedly: "That's the truth."

 He was also panicked.

 What Eunuch Guo can understand is all what he talked about before.

 Until a few days before he went to the paddock, he was watching the politics at the Ministry of War. He would not miss any progress in Yumen.

 The news sent back at that time was still orderly and interactive.

 After this, Li Shao never went to the Ministry of War again, but he never heard any "bad news".

As for the past few days, Li Shao secretly thought that Li Du, the troublemaker, was dead, Su Yi was busy running for his life, and no one was holding Yumen back.

The capital city is full of autumn in October, but Yumen is looking at winter.

Dashun's march plan is clear, that is, when the weather turns cold and the enemy cannot provide military support, he will open and close the door and fight out.

 Once the alliance between Xiliang and Gu Yue fails, the crisis will be resolved.

Judging from this, it will definitely not be too long.

Li Shao calculated in his mind that the two places were far apart, but Xu Jian should be returning to Beijing to celebrate the New Year. If he catches up, he might be able to arrive in Beijing in the twelfth lunar month.

 That’s just two or three months.

He only needs to hold on for two or three months and wait for Xu Jian to come back...

  Previously, he was punished by his father and kept in isolation in the East Palace for a longer period of time.

 This time, I will definitely be able to hold on.

 In the court, because the Holy Emperor banned Yuqing Palace, some disputes were settled for a while.

Although, as the old saying goes, "beat the drowned dog hard", if His Highness is not beaten until he cannot get up, there will still be worries.

But another sentence is "It depends on the owner to beat a dog." The Holy One has already followed their wishes and placed His Highness under house arrest. Now he is unforgiving and continues to be aggressive, which really **** off the Holy One...

 That means making wedding clothes for others.

Liu and Gu both had this concern, so much so that they gave up for the time being, and secretly hoped in their hearts that the other party was a fool and continued to charge.

Half a month passed like this, and everything was calm in Beijing.

 On the contrary, Yumen sent back two battle reports, both of which were victories.

This also made the atmosphere in the Jinluan Palace less dull.

Lin Yunyan still goes to Cining Palace every few days.

“It seems that His Highness has been at peace during the past half month.”

The Empress Dowager took a sip of tea and said, "He is very restless. Li Shao just doesn't care about the beginning and end of his work, but it won't be a problem to calm down and assess the situation."

"It's better to be more honest," Lin Yunyan smiled, "if he continues to make trouble, he may ruin the relationship between father and son."

The Empress Dowager deeply believed this.

The Holy Spirit was indeed determined to imprison Li Shao, but this was also the best way to protect him in the chaos.

Lin Yunyan has been thinking about what exactly Princess Derong and Li Rong communicated with? When do they plan to take action?

 This answer actually didn’t take long.

 At the end of October, winter suddenly entered the capital.

 A cold wave rolled in, the sky became terribly gloomy, and it became cold overnight.

 A charcoal basin was placed in the temple.

Yuqing Palace also received charcoal.

Even though Li Shao was banned, no one dared to short-change him in terms of daily necessities.

 The palace is accustomed to praise the high and put down the low, and is afraid that what is low today will be high tomorrow. Others may not say it, but it is not surprising that His Highness will be "lively" again one day.

 After all, His Majesty has been favored by His Majesty for so many years.

 Although he had a charcoal basin, Li Shao still caught the cold.

He didn't take good care of himself during the cold weather last month, and he was also traumatized by the confinement. In the end, he only treated the symptoms but not the root cause.

 This time, I developed a low-grade fever and kept coughing.

   Guo Gonggong reported to the Imperial Study Room.

After careful questioning, the emperor only asked the imperial doctor to see him for a diagnosis, and he did not move to Yuqing Palace.

Li Shao coughed and his throat hurt. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see the Holy Master. He asked Mr. Guo: "What did the emperor say?"

 “Your Majesty has arranged an imperial doctor for you.” Mr. Guo said impartially.

Li Shao was extremely disappointed, and even looked at Eunuch Guo with an increasingly unhappy look.

Beside him, Yutang wiped his hands and handed him a cup of tea: "Your Highness, you should feel better if you put a sip in your throat."

Li Shao took it and said to Mr. Guo: "You can retreat and let Yutang take care of you."

Eunuch Guo only "retreated" halfway. After leaving the dormitory, he stood behind the curtain. He could hear the movement inside with his ears raised.

Li Shao knew it well and didn't care about it anymore. Anyway, out of sight is out of mind.

Yutang served Li Shao carefully for two days. She didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, but stayed up for two long nights. Her originally beautiful face became much haggard.

Eunuch Guo saw this and said to Li Shao, "Your Highness, you have to let Miss Yutang rest for a while."

Yutang shook his head hurriedly: "Your Highness, this slave is fine, please don't drive me away..."

Li Shao saw her timid look, and before she could say a word, Yutang swayed and fell to the ground.

Jingle bell clanging—

With this fall, the tea cup and medicine bowl on the table were knocked over and fell to the floor.

Eunuch Guo stood far away, and he couldn't catch up even if he reached out to help him.

Upon seeing this, Li Shao whispered: "Go and call the imperial doctor."

Eunuch Guo was stunned: "It's against the rules."

Li Shao looked at him gloomily: "Whatever happened, it will be blamed on me later."

Eunuch Guo thought, "That's right."

Yuqing Palace today is no different than in the past. It can do one little thing more but not one big thing.

 Furthermore, although Yutang is a palace maid, she is still used by His Highness. Even if she has used Bizi Tang, if something happens...

 You can also make plans in advance.

 The imperial doctor came soon.

The bedroom has been tidied up, the water stains have been wiped away, and the debris has been cleared away.

Yutang sat on the chair with a cautious look on his face.

The imperial doctor checked his pulse and said, "Don't you know you have a fever?"

Yutang opened his eyes wide and touched his forehead with his other hand, feeling extremely confused: "I don't know."

Li Shao heard this and asked, "Have you been infected by me?"

"Your Highness," the imperial doctor replied, "she is more ill than you. It is better not to let her take care of you these days."

Li Shao doesn’t care about this.

 He thought that Eunuch Guo and Eunuch Gao were energetic, but they would not embarrass the sick Yutang.

 “You just go back to your house and take good care of yourself.” He said.

Yutang asked softly: "I am seriously ill? Can I still stay in Yuqing Palace? Do I have to go to take care of myself elsewhere and come back after I am well?"

Before the imperial doctor could speak, Li Shao raised his voice and asked, "What do you mean? You want to run away when you see me in trouble? You don't even think about where else would you stay except Yuqing Palace?"

Yutang's little face turned pale with fright. She shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, Your Highness, that's not what I meant. I'm just going to recuperate. I'll come back to serve you when I get better. I won't run anywhere."

Li Shao didn't have the patience to listen to her words and didn't believe a word she said. He and Eunuch Guo said: "Kick her out, and anyone else who doesn't want to stay in Yuqing Palace, get away! Anyway, once the palace gate is closed, there won't be so many people inside, and I'm annoyed by it!" "

Yutang wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Eunuch Guo's look.

The imperial doctor did not interfere with Li Shao's affairs. He watched his nose and heart with his eyes and nose, wrote down the prescription and left.

Eunuch Guo invited Yutang out of the dormitory and said, "Please pack some things."

Yutang’s eyes filled with tears.

“Your Highness is so angry that there is no need to say anything more,” Eunuch Guo advised, “We can wait until you recover.”

 What is your temper like, Your Highness?

 Eunuch Guo had seen Li Shao draw his sword and chop with his own eyes, and he was afraid that he would not care if he got angry.

Yutang cried so hard that she was out of breath, but she still obeyed her instructions, packed up her embarrassment, and left Yuqing Palace.

As for the "others who don't want to be kept" in Li Shao's mouth, how could Eunuch Guo dare to let them go casually?

 Just pretend there is no such sentence.

 There is a maid's room in the palace, which is specially used to provide temporary care to the sick maids, so as not to stay in the master's palace and go out after the illness.

There are not many people who can recover well and return to their original place, but more people who cannot recover well and die of illness.

Yutang stayed here for three days. As soon as her health improved, she thought of a way to seek help from Eunuch Guo again.

Eunuch Guo asked Li Shao for instructions.

Li Shao's anger subsided a lot, and when he saw Yutang actively begging to come back, he agreed.

It snowed heavily again this night.

In the darkness, Yutang quietly left the house and struggled to move a ladder to the wall.

Not long after, a man climbed in from outside, dressed as a eunuch.

After landing, the two of them moved the ladder back to its original position.

Yutang led the person into his room and said in a low voice: "You hide here first, and I will find a way for you to enter the main hall tomorrow."

The man nodded, and when he spoke, his voice was old and shrill. He was indeed a eunuch: "Be careful."

 Snow has been falling all night, covering any footprints outside.

When it gets dark again, it will be much easier to move around.

The snow was falling heavily, and there were few people walking around in the courtyard. Occasionally, a **** passed by, but because he couldn't see clearly, he didn't attract anyone's attention.

The **** took advantage of the darkness and heavy snow to arrive outside the main hall.

Eunuch Guo was called inside by Li Shao. Yutang came out and said to the young chamberlain guarding the palace door: "We have run out of hot water. Please ask the kitchen to bring more for His Highness to wipe himself with later."

 The chambermaid responded.

The old **** took advantage of the situation and entered the main hall. Following Yutang's instructions, he went to the side hall opposite the sleeping hall.

The study is being decorated here, but Li Shao is recuperating from illness and has been empty for a few days. Except for someone coming in to clean it in the morning, it is pitch dark at the moment and not even a lamp can be lit.

The old **** is hiding behind a big case, unnoticed.

In the dormitory, Li Shao had dinner, washed himself, and went to bed as it was getting late.

Yutang stayed vigil all night and slept on a couch nearby.

She was not sleepy at all, counting the hours with her eyes open and listening to her own violent heartbeat.

 She is actually very timid.

 It is not easy for a little palace maid to survive in the palace.

She didn’t know how she fell into the eyes of the eldest princess Derong, and after going round and round, she was arranged by the eldest princess to work as an errand in Yuqing Palace.

 Princess Derong’s requirements for her are also very simple.

  Serve His Highness well. Whatever His Highness said or did, everyone who can repay you must report it.

This time, the request she received from the palace maid's office was to bring a **** into Yuqing Palace.

 The time has been arranged, all she has to do is move the ladder.

Yutang didn’t know the eunuch, so he just did what he did.

But she couldn't figure it out. The **** looked very old and didn't seem to move very quickly. What was the role of such a person?

Yutang waited until halfway through the third watch with her heart in mind, and then she heard very light footsteps.

 She sat up from the couch suddenly and stared in the direction of the curtain with wide eyes.

 The figure of the **** appeared in sight.

Yutang sensed some clues at this time. Although the **** moved slowly, he didn't touch anything when he came from the study, which shows that his night vision is very good.

The **** also saw her, walked straight to the couch, and said softly: "Light the lamp later and give it to me."

Yutang nodded.

 In the darkness, what she heard was Li Shao's breathing and her own heartbeat.

She lit the oil lamp with trembling hands, followed the old eunuch's instructions, walked to Li Shao's bed, and opened the curtain.

 Li Shao was sleeping soundly.

 The old **** took the oil lamp and went over, urging Yutang with his eyes.

Yutang called softly: "Your Highness? Your Highness?"

Li Shao frowned and said angrily: "What to do?"

 He was woken up, and he was at a loss, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The oil lamp was not far away from him. He subconsciously squinted again, then suddenly opened his eyes again as if he thought of something.

Li Shao didn't see Yutang. He only saw one person in his entire line of sight - the old **** holding the lamp oil.

 “Your Highness, do you want to pee now?”

 The old **** smiled with his eyes bent, but there was no smile at all, only viciousness and cunning.

 Under the oil lamp, the monkey’s face is clear and clear, just like it was many years ago.

His mind seemed to have exploded, and Li Shao stared at him in disbelief.

The old **** put the oil lamp closer to Li Shao's place again: "Or, do you want to take this lamp? The oil lamp is hot to your hands. You must hold it carefully this time, otherwise it will fall to the ground and burn again, and no one will be around. Saved you."

Li Shao trembled involuntarily.

 He didn't even hear what the old **** said, he only saw the mouth opening and closing.

 The memory of his childhood rushed into his mind again. Unlike the last time he remembered it in Qianfu, this time, he really saw the monkey-faced **** who set fire!

 “You, you!” Li Shao instinctively pushed him, “Get out of here! Ahhhhhh!”

The old **** chuckled: "I forgot all the useless things back then, but now? Have I forgotten or am I going crazy? Crazy! You are still crazy!"

Beside, Yutang was already stunned.

She had no idea why this was happening until the old **** emerged from the curtain and handed her the oil lamp.

 “You’ve never seen me!” he said.

Yutang nodded numbly.

The old **** changed his previous slow motion, quickly left the dormitory, and hid in the study again.

Yutang then opened the curtain again and leaned in: "Your Highness? Your Highness?"

Li Shao heard the woman's voice and came back to his senses: "Where are the others? Where is the monkey-faced eunuch?"

"What are you talking about?" Yutang asked in a trembling voice, "What monkey-faced eunuch? There is no one else, only slaves here."

“Nonsense! You’re talking nonsense!” Li Shao exclaimed, “I clearly saw him! I clearly saw him! Ah—”

Yutang still shook her head and staggered to her feet: "My servant, go call Eunuch Guo."

Li Shao was yelling in this room. Eunuch Guo and the others had been awakened long ago and came over wearing clothes.

Yutang was panicked and scared, with tears streaming down her face: "Your Highness was having a nightmare in his sleep, saying he saw a monkey-faced eunuch, what should I do..."

 Li Shao shouted: "It's not a dream! I saw it!"

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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