Yan Cigui

Chapter 486: Even God cannot tolerate Li Shao (two updates in one)

Chapter 486 Even God can’t tolerate Li Shao (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 For a time, the dormitory was in a mess.

Eunuch Guo saw that Li Shao looked not right, so he lit several oil lamps first.

"Your Highness," Eunuch Gao reached out to help Li Shao, "Look, there are only a few young people here, and there is no monkey-faced **** as you mentioned."

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Li Shao waved his hand away and asked Yutang, "What about you? You must have seen him, why did you lie?"

Yutang was already feeling guilty, but when Li Shao asked him aggressively, she panicked and waved her hands and shook her head.

The more she couldn't answer, the more Li Shao asked her to answer, grabbing Yutang's arm: "Where are the others?!"

This time with great strength, Yutang felt pain and cried: "No, I don't know..."

Seeing that Li Shao was about to get angry, the two father-in-laws quickly supported Li Shao, one on the left and the other on the right, and tried to persuade him with kind words.

Afraid that Li Shao would become confused when he got excited, Eunuch Guo didn't dare to say something like "I'm afraid you're in trouble." He only said to ask slowly, slowly.

Of course, this question is not for them to ask.

His Highness' face looked as if he had seen a ghost. Eunuch Guo did not dare to ask for help at all. He left Yuqing Palace to Eunuch Gao and went to Eunuch Cao for help.

Eunuch Cao hurried over and saw Li Shao sitting on the bed in confusion, hugging his knees.

"Your Highness? Your Highness?" Eunuch Cao called twice, but Li Shao didn't respond at all. He had to ask others, "What's wrong, Your Highness?"

Eunuch Gao said with a bitter face: "Eunuch Guo went to invite you. His Highness first scolded the young ones and said that he must have seen it right. The monkey-faced **** also talked to him, and then he didn't know what he thought. What, it suddenly became quiet again..."

Eunuch Cao asked Yutang again: "I heard that you will be guarding tonight?"

"It's my slave." Yutang stopped crying. There were tears on her face. She looked pitiful and timid. "My slave heard His Highness murmuring in his sleep. His voice was frightened and uneasy. I guessed that Your Highness might be having a nightmare, so she clicked Check the lights.

I called His Highness several times before he woke up. He opened his eyes and shouted "monkey-faced eunuch". The servants were also startled.

 Soon, Eunuch Guo and the others also came.

Eunuch Cao, the slaves have never seen the monkey-faced **** from beginning to end, and there is no one else in the palace..."

 “What about you?” Eunuch Cao asked.

Eunuch Gao and Eunuch Guo also shook their heads.

Eunuch Guo also said: "There is snow outside. If someone walks around, they must leave no footprints. But when the two young people arrived, the ground was clean."

Eunuch Cao nodded slightly, did not question again, and just strode to the study on the opposite side.

When Yutang saw this, her face turned pale, and her heart pounded in her throat.

She quickly turned her back and pretended to serve Li Shao. She did not dare to face the outside at all, for fear that someone would suddenly turn around and see her confused expression.

 So, what she didn’t know was that Eunuch Cao had indeed turned around.

Eunuch Cao didn't see Yutang's expression, but he didn't call her. He only asked Eunuch Gao to light the oil lamp in the study.

"Do you suspect that someone has been hiding here for a long time?" Eunuch Guo asked carefully, "But Yutang said..."

Eunuch Cao was extremely serious: "Either Your Highness had a nightmare, or Yutang told a lie. As for you two, did you misread the footprints outside?"

Eunuch Guo quickly shook his head.

That's right, if Yutang lied and they saw the footprints correctly, the monkey-faced **** was still in the main hall.

 Find it out, prove that what His Highness saw is true, and ask Yutang for questioning.

 If you can't find it, then His Highness is hiding.

Eunuch Cao checked it in person. He also opened several cabinets and looked at them. No one was there.

I checked back into the dormitory again, but still found nothing.

Seeing this, Yutang breathed a sigh of relief.

 Although I don’t know how the old **** disappeared, it was just right.

Eunuch Cao came to the bed and said, "Your Highness, there is no monkey-faced eunuch."

Li Shao raised his head blankly, and his distracted eyes gradually became sharp: "You are talking nonsense! You must be talking nonsense! I saw it, and he asked me to get an oil lamp! He wants to kill me! He wants to kill me like he killed his mother! Where is my father? ? I want to see my father, I can’t let the murderer go, I can’t let him go!”

 The voice became louder and louder, and became more and more insane, until finally he was almost shouting heartbreakingly.

 He pushed Eunuch Cao away, jumped out of bed, and ran to the study room barefoot without wearing any shoes.

Eunuch Cao was unprepared and staggered as he was pushed. His waist hit the edge of the bed and he was so painful that he almost lost his breath.

Eunuch Gao was in a hurry to help him, and Yutang and Eunuch Guo rushed after Li Shao anxiously.

Eunuch Cao originally wanted to rely on Eunuch Gao to slow down, but he didn't expect that there was a crackling sound at the other end of the study room. Eunuch Guo and Yutang shouted "Your Highness" one after another. Eunuch Cao couldn't slow down and asked Eunuch Gao to support him and hurry over.

Just as he walked to the floor cover, something flew towards him, grazing Eunuch Cao's arm and flying out.

It fell to the ground with a thud and broke into pieces.

Eunuch Cao took a closer look and saw that it was an inkstone.

 Looking at the study room again, things were thrown and smashed, and the place was in a mess.

Li Shao had no intention of stopping, and the people he was trying to persuade couldn't stop him at all.

This appearance fell in the eyes of Eunuch Cao, and it immediately overlapped with the way His Highness went crazy in the East Palace on the day he deposed the Crown Prince last winter.

 “Quick!” he shouted, “Put away the sword, put away the sword on the wall!”

With such a reminder, Eunuch Guo also remembered the danger that day. He ignored all the sharp fragments on the ground and rushed to the wall in a few steps. He quickly took down the hanging long sword before Li Shao, hugged it tightly in his arms, and then He staggered and ran outside.

Eunuch Cao said again: "Where are the other people in Yuqing Palace? Are they all dead? Why don't you call them all to stop His Highness!"

The housemaids had been woken up long ago and did not dare to sleep, but they did not dare to come over to cause trouble.

Eunuch Cao called out loudly, and then one by one he ran over and controlled Li Shao with all his might.

Li Shao made a fuss and was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water.

Because of his bare feet, he stepped on a lot of debris and there were a lot of blood marks on the ground.

He felt no pain at all and could not help but murmur: "Monkey Face, I want to kill that Monkey Face!"

Seeing that Li Shao was about to cause trouble again, Eunuch Cao gritted his teeth and said, "Tie them up, tie them up first!"

 When the imperial physician who was on duty rushed to Yuqing Palace, he saw Li Shao who was tied to the imperial chair by Wu Huada.

Eunuch Cao sat aside, holding his injured waist, and said to the imperial doctor: "His Highness is having a nightmare, and the trouble is so violent that this is the only way. The sole of His Highness's foot is also injured. It was simply treated just now, but it may not be cleaned. The Labor Court has ruled.”

The imperial doctor looked cautious: "There are several officials below, and there are several officials below."

 Only seeing a doctor, not asking more questions, let alone talking about it, this is "having a good idea".

 The injuries on the soles of the feet are easy to deal with, but the noisy inside story...

“The pulse is confused,” the imperial doctor thought carefully about the words, but he felt that one was as big as two heads. “Your Highness may not be in good condition.”

Eunuch Cao looked at the imperial doctor: "What do you mean?"

"It means," the imperial doctor thought, "the nightmare may frighten the soul."

He dare not say more.

Eunuch Cao understood, or in other words, when Li Shao was making such a fuss before, he had thought of one word: crazy.

 He sighed.

Li Du once tried to fabricate the story that the late empress was mad. At first glance, he failed, but looking back now, it seems that he succeeded?

The word "crazy" was engraved in my mind. Even though I knew that the late Queen was not sick, but when I saw Her Highness acting like this, I still thought of that word immediately.

"Take good care of Your Highness," Eunuch Cao also showed signs of fatigue, "The rest of the family will go and report to His Majesty first."

Eunuch Gao helped him: "Let the imperial doctor take a look at your waist." "It will be later," Eunuch Cao said, "Your Highness is in a hurry."

That night, everyone in the palace knew that something was going on in Yuqing Palace.

Eunuch Cao went over first, and then invited the imperial doctor. Before dawn, the emperor also came to see him.

Although everyone does not know the specific situation inside, there are also many speculations: something must have happened to His Highness.

The Holy Master looked at Li Shao face to face and saw that he was tied to a chair. He was heartbroken.

Li Shao had disheveled hair and was listless. He lowered his head and muttered to himself.

"Shao'er?" the Holy Master called, "Shao'er?"

He couldn't hear clearly what Li Shao was muttering and wanted to lean in to listen. Li Shao suddenly woke up.

“Father, I killed Li Du! I killed him!”

The Holy Spirit was stunned.

“The monkey-faced **** deserves to die, I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him!”

 The Holy Father frowned.

Li Shao seemed to have no sense of the situation around him: "No, he ran away, I want to find him! I want to avenge my mother!"

As he spoke, he struggled again. His movements were so big that he seemed to overturn the chair.

"Imperial Physician! Imperial Physician!" the Holy Master said hurriedly.

The imperial doctor said respectfully: "I'm afraid I'm going to give you an acupuncture. Let Your Highness calm down first, take a nap, and then check the situation..."

The Holy Spirit knew that he was very pessimistic, but there was no other way.

 After getting the needle, Li Shao gradually calmed down.

Shang Shang let the rope be untied, and several people carefully moved Li Shao back to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked deeply at his son.

  Confinement was a decision he made after weighing the pros and cons.

 Theoretically speaking, it is right. In my heart, I still think of the father-son friendship.

 But no matter what, he had no intention of harming Shao'er.

Unexpectedly, in just over half a month, something like this happened!

Li Shao only slept for two-quarters of an hour. When he opened his eyes, he started to make trouble again. Eunuch Cao was so anxious that he had people tie him up again. He was afraid that Li Shao would hurt the emperor, and he was also afraid that the needles on Li Shao's body would hurt himself. .

The Holy Master watched all this quietly, his heart rising and falling like blood.

 There is no airtight wall in the palace.

 It only took three days from the time we knew something had happened in Yuqing Palace to the time we learned that His Highness was crazy.

The holy emperor fell ill so violently that even the morning pilgrimage was stopped.

 In the Jingxin Hall, Princess Jin knelt in front of the Buddha and chanted sutras.

 Normally she should be relieved that Li Du is dead, but maybe she has not been allowed to return to her parents' home yet, so she is still uneasy these two days.

Now that I heard that the Holy Emperor was ill, I felt uneasy for no reason, fearing that something might happen.

Li Rong was sitting by the window, looking at the book in his hand, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

 Going crazy...

 After the fire in Dingguo Temple that year, the monkey-faced **** disappeared.

It wasn't until the Jin Dynasty's palace was raided and Li Rong lived in a village on the mountain outside the city for a few days that Cheng Xi and the others grasped the whereabouts of the monkey-faced eunuch.

He lives in a small county town under the capital. He is obviously a eunuch, and he has a wife and a son. No matter how he came here, he is living a decent life.

His father did not let Cheng Xi capture him, saying he would keep him.

There is no use trying to figure it out now, it is better to stay and become a surprise soldier one day.

Li Rong remembered the address of the monkey-faced eunuch.

 Not long ago, my father died.

Li Rong wanted to take revenge, and what he thought of was the monkey-faced eunuch.

A fire frightened Li Shao into amnesia back then, maybe now he suddenly sees that face...

 It’s just that Li Rongkong had ideas but no ability.

It was precisely because of this that when Aunt Derong came to find him, Li Rong thought about it and took a gamble.

Only Aunt Derong can force the monkey-faced **** to work hard, and only Aunt Derong can get the **** into the palace and beside Li Shao without anyone noticing.

 Li Rong provided help and his aunt provided assistance.

Li Rong was waiting for Li Shao to be frightened to the point of falling seriously ill. He was confused and unable to recover, but unexpectedly, the effect was so great that Li Shao was frightened and went crazy!

 What is this called?

 This is called God’s will!

 God cannot tolerate Li Shao!

 You deserve it, you really deserve it!

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan heard about Li Shao's situation from the Queen Mother.

"It hasn't gotten better in the past few days. Either I sit quietly in a daze, or I suddenly get mad and scream and kill. It looks like I have lost my mind and gone crazy," the empress dowager sighed again and whispered. , "Ai Jia thought, it would be nice if it really stayed like this forever. I stopped thinking about it and stopped thinking about it."

 Those who cut off Li Shao also cut off the Holy One.

 In the afternoon, Lin Yunyan left the palace.

Wan Yue asked her in a low voice: "Princess, isn't the late Queen not mad?"

"The Queen is not crazy," Lin Yunyan paused, and then said, "But who said that Li Shao can't be crazy? The deposed prince had a quarrel at that time. His mood was unstable, and these days he had too many ups and downs. many."

 The dethronement of the crown prince's position can be regarded as a turning point.

Li Shao realized that his succession was not secure, and he even had to work hard to find a way to make a comeback.

 In shock, he recalled the situation at Dingguo Temple that night, but he learned that Li Du, whom he had always trusted, was the real murderer.

The rumor that the late empress was mad was suppressed, and Princess Pian Derong exposed it in person, making Li Shao anxious again.

So he jumped into Li Du's trap and tried desperately to achieve great success in Ji'an. However, things went counterproductive. Not only did he fail to achieve success, he was also exploited by courtiers who had their own agendas.

The most irritating thing for Li Shao was that the Holy Emperor imprisoned him.

Under such repeated blows, Li Shao couldn't bear it at all.

“However,” Lin Yunyan pondered, “it’s just a nightmare, he won’t go crazy. He must have seen the monkey-faced eunuch.”

Wanyue’s eyes widened: “How could that be?”

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath and made up her mind.

Across the curtain, she said to Uncle Niu: "Go to Princess Daorong's mansion."

Lin Yunyan left suddenly and did not send a message in advance. Fortunately, the eldest princess was in the mansion today. When she learned that she was coming, she was led into the mansion.

"My dearest guest," the eldest princess was enjoying tea, "Ning An has had so much good tea with his mother, come here, try it for me too."

Lin Yunyan agreed, sat down, had a drink, commented a few words, and then got back to the topic.

She said: "I came to the door suddenly because I wanted to ask you for someone."

The eldest princess asked curiously: "Who is it?"

“That monkey-faced eunuch,” Lin Yunyan smiled, “you know his whereabouts.”

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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