Yan Cigui

Chapter 487: Mother's Revenge (Two updates in one, please vote for me)

Hearing this, Princess Derong raised her eyebrows.

"Monkey-faced eunuch?" She seemed to be remembering, and nodded suddenly, "Are you talking about the one Shao'er called that night? He is indeed a famous person in front of my mother, and he knows all about this."

 The outside world only knows that Li Shao is crazy. Everyone has their own guess as to the specific reason.

There are not many people who know that Li Shao mentioned the monkey-faced eunuch.

Lin Yunyan didn't care whether the eldest princess's words were complimentary or bitter, and she just continued to state her request.

 “Yes, that’s the eunuch. I want to know his whereabouts.”

"Then you asked in the wrong place," the eldest princess took a sip of tea. "Since you know Shaoer's situation before and after he went crazy, you should also know that the people serving you have never seen the so-called monkey-faced eunuch. Eunuch Cao personally searched for it. There was no gain after trying it all. In the final analysis, it was Shaoer who had nightmares and was frightened. "

"I heard this from others, and they all believed it, but I don't believe it," Lin Yunyan said calmly, "Although I don't know how the **** escaped Eunuch Cao's search, I think he must have appeared. Your Highness I'm not so crazy that I can't tell the difference between dreams and reality. Besides, I am sure that I will come to the princess's house to ask for help."

"Oh?" Princess Derong looked at Lin Yunyan with interest.

If she only listened to the previous words, she would probably continue to discuss with Ning An whether Li Shao was dreaming or it was just something happening.

 But the last sentence…

 Princess Derong was indeed extremely curious.

 Why, Ning'an's people would come to her.

Although she expressed her dissatisfaction with Li Shao in Cining Palace, she had never done anything extraordinary before.

Thinking like this, De Rong asked the same question.

Lin Yunyan dared to mention it, and she dared to answer: "It is true that the people who rescued His Highness Li Rong from the valley were people from our Chengyi residence, but from beginning to end, I had doubts about his words.

His Royal Highness Li Rong is not as innocent as he said. I also have some evidence here that he was more or less aware of Li Du's actions.

 That day, I went to the Meditation Hall with you, and you asked me to accompany the princess in chanting. You and His Highness talked a lot. "

 “That’s it?” Princess Derong asked.

"With His Highness Li Rong's current ability and manpower, he can't sneak the monkey-faced **** into Yuqing Palace quietly without leaving any flaws," Lin Yunyan said, "You did it, it seems like you were unaware of it. But everything that has been done will leave traces, so this is my request.”

 Princess Derong put the tea cup on the table.

  It means "request", and the meaning behind it is "exchange".

Ning An asked her to use the eunuch's whereabouts in exchange for keeping silent.

At present, the Holy Emperor is ill in the palace, and Eunuch Cao has no other skills. After being concealed that day, there was no direction to search, so he was able to hide it from the sky.

Once Ning'an killed the old **** and entered Yuqing Palace, the first thing Eunuch Cao wanted to investigate was Yutang.

Yutang’s identity is extremely clean. She had been in and out of the palace maid’s office a few days before the incident. Follow this line and check again...

  Derong did not dare to insist that he would not be caught by Eunuch Cao.

 She looked deeply at the junior in front of her, at the girl she had watched grow up.

 It is not unusual for Ning'an to be favored even though he was young.

Derong put herself in her shoes and thought, if she were the empress dowager, she would also pamper this precious baby, who was a relative from another generation and the child left behind by Shen Yun.

Besides, Ning An is beautiful, has a gentle and well-behaved personality, and has a lovable appearance and temperament.

Derong took pity on Ning An, who lost her mother when she was young, and took care of her a lot in the early years. However, she did not expect that the gentle and reserved Ning An would have such a sharp moment.

This kind of sharpness is not the cold light of a sword coming out of its sheath, but more like the bright moon on Twelve Nights.

The silver light is bright.

“Ning’an,” Princess Derong sighed, “we plain people don’t speak secretly.

 You saw me talking to Li Rong, and you must have guessed that I would take action.

I am the instigator and you are just watching from the sidelines. When Shaoer goes crazy, you have to take half of it. "

Lin Yunyan was neither humble nor arrogant, and calmly accepted the eldest princess's words: "According to what you said, it is indeed true."

The eldest princess laughed when she heard this.

She likes to talk to smart people. If she would rather just say things like "it has nothing to do with me" or "I didn't expect it at the time", then there is no need to continue the conversation.

Those who hold onto the handle and want to escape unscathed are all wishful thinking.

 She does not do business with people who are only infatuated and have no determination.

"Smart boy," the eldest princess praised, "If you are so smart, why do you have to come here today?

 You can completely pretend to be stupid and don’t know why Shaoer is crazy.

Even if one day I am reckoned with by my sixth brother Qiu Hou, I will not be blamed on you. "

"Of course I can pretend not to know anything," Lin Yunyan paused and spoke sincerely, "But I can't do anything about killing my mother despite knowing that my enemy is close at hand. I couldn't find him at first, but now that I know he has appeared, How can I let him go? My only target is the monkey-faced eunuch. I don't care what you agreed with His Highness Li Rong."

The eldest princess examined it and smiled again.


That monkey-faced **** was the weapon that drove Li Shao crazy, and was also the mother-killing enemy of him and Ning An.

Just as Ning'an and Xu Jian bite Li Du's strength, it was strange to let go of the culprit of ignition.

 The word mother is the most profound.

Especially those who lost their mothers when they were young, they always have endless thoughts about their mothers.

Li Shao's thoughts were mixed with interests, but he didn't care about the late queen at all.

Li Du chose to serve as a servant for his biological mother, Zhang, and poisoned his adoptive mother, Concubine Dong.

Derong herself was the same. Her biological mother died young. Even though the Empress Dowager was very kind to her, she would often see her biological mother's voice and smile when she dreamed about it at night.

Thinking about this, Princess Derong relaxed a lot. She leaned on the pillow and spoke slowly.

“The agreement between Li Rong and I is simple.”

"As I said in Cining Palace, Sixth Brother is kind-hearted and nostalgic. As time goes by, I'm afraid he still won't be able to let go of Shao'er."

"I have to avoid future troubles forever, but I can't kill Shao'er with one knife. I don't have the ability of my second brother to kill people invisible, and my second brother has made too many attacks, so the palace must be alert. Once Shao'er dies in an unknown way, , will think of poisoning."

"You just said that if you do it, there will be traces. When it is found on me, I will pay for Shaoer's life. I want to destroy him just to live a good life in the future. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

"I have a lot of ambition but lack of useful people, so I went to try Li Rong. Unexpectedly, Li Rong is young, and my second brother really left him a killer move."

“The monkey-faced **** set fire to the Emperor’s Road that burned down the second brother. He didn’t dare to show up and came back to life, so he hid. How could he know that more than ten years later, he would be found by the second brother again.”

"That old **** is cunning and Li Rong can't stand him. I'll take his wife and son as a hostage and force him into the palace to scare Li Shao."

"I didn't expect that I would be frightened out of my mind. I just made the fuss more fierce and pushed the rumors about Sixth Sister-in-law, and then I could ignore it. After all, there are many people who want to take advantage of the east wind, but I didn't expect that, probably It’s fate, Shaoer is crazy.”

"That's fine. To be fair, I don't want to drag Sixth Sister-in-law into the water."

"I sent the old **** into the palace and took him out of the palace. My people are still watching him, afraid that he will cause trouble, but I think he is timid and must be planning to leave where he is and continue to remain anonymous in a distant place. If you had come a few days later, I’m afraid the building would be empty.”

"Since you want to avenge your mother, I will definitely not stop you, but you should do things more cleanly and don't leave any evidence. You don't want to take revenge and indemnify yourself, right?"

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and said, "That's natural. Don't worry, eldest princess. Although I am a weak woman, the Duke of Guo left available manpower when he went to Yumen, so we can get it done." Derong gave the address.

Lin Yunyan remembered it in her heart and stood up to say goodbye.

Derong sent her out of the flower hall and said, "That's fine, everyone has their own reasons, and no one will betray anyone casually."

Lin Yunyan smiled: "Yes, interests come first, which is quite stable."

Princess Derong called her nanny to see off the guests.

Looking at Lin Yunyan's back, she didn't leave for a long time.

Ning'an was the most well-behaved girl in the capital a few years ago. She had a good status, good looks, and a good upbringing. She was placed in a strict and orderly manner, and everyone would give her a thumbs up.

 But as far as Derong is concerned, Ning'an has changed a lot now and has become more interesting.

On the surface, it is still perfectly integrated, but under the soil, the roots and branches are wild and full of vitality.

“I can’t kill my mother and remain indifferent despite knowing that my enemy is close at hand. I couldn’t find him at first, but now that I know he’s here, how can I let him go?”

 In my mind, the words Ning An said over and over again.

 The better Princess Derong is, the more meaningful she becomes.

Ning'an sat back and watched as she and Li Rong attacked Li Shao. As an insider in Ji'an Town, did she sit back and watch at first? Even a push?

The cause of Li Du's death was determined to be that he was accidentally killed by his subordinates during the fight, but the person who fought was Shen Chen, and the person who met on the narrow road was Ning'an.

 Is it really manslaughter?

 There is no answer.

Of course, the eldest princess doesn’t need an answer either.

  People have some curiosity, but it doesn’t matter if they can’t satisfy it.

Ning An dared her to guess. Even if he was sure that more than half a month had passed, he still couldn't find any evidence.

Ning An even knew that she didn't care about trivial matters.

 If the second brother rebels, he will definitely die. If the second brother does not die, there will be trouble again later.

Shao'er must also be destroyed once and for all. Ning'an chose to watch, which means that they have the same judgment on Shao'er's matter.

 Since the purpose is the same, the eldest princess does not value the process, reasons, means, and secrets.

Just like the eldest princess herself, her reasons are only known to her.

 She never told anyone about it, not even the prince-in-law knew about it.

 For a period of time, Derong often had dreams.

 There was no cause or effect. She saw her older self walking through the long palace passage at night, but was blocked by seven or eight eunuchs.

She was locked up in a dilapidated palace. The palace was once her home and the place where she grew up, but she couldn't even tell where the palace was located.

 She met Li Shao later.

In the dream, she yelled at Li Shao, scolding him for controlling the government, imprisoning the emperor, and killing Zhongliang. She scolded him for destroying Dashun's centuries-old foundation and destroying the Li family!

She scolded her until she was out of breath, but Li Shao asked the **** to give her a bowl of soup with a ferocious expression.

 When she was about to die, she cursed Li Shao over and over again that he would not die well.

 Derong has had dreams like this many times.

Every time I woke up, I was sweating profusely and felt very weak.

Such an inexplicable dream. Normally she shouldn't be influenced by dreams, but if she has too many dreams, how can she not have any grudges?

Especially in the past two years, Derong watched Li Shao become more and more outrageous. She gradually believed that if no one stopped Li Shao, in a few years, when he reaches the age in her dream, the dream will probably be It's not just a dream anymore.

 It didn't matter whether she was a cup of tea or a snake, but she couldn't watch Li Shao continue without any preparation.

Dashun cannot be destroyed, and the Li family cannot be destroyed.

 Her life is still so long, she is the most noble princess, the eldest princess...

Moreover, Derong took a deep breath. Ning'an and Xu Jian seemed to be the most aligned with Shaoer's interests in gaining power, but even Ning'an was sitting back and watching something happen to Shaoer.

 Perhaps they knew something that she didn't know.

 Perhaps, they also had some dreams.

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan returned to the Fuguo Palace.

 She gave Shen Chen the address given by the eldest princess.

"The eldest princess's people are watching, and the old **** hasn't had time to escape," Lin Yunyan said, "The instructions have been handed down on the other side. If you take action, they will not care."

Shen Chen nodded and asked, "What about you?"

The princess did not have the means to take someone's life, and of course she wanted to avenge her mother with her own hands.

Lin Yunyan said: "Of course I want to take action myself, but I also know that leaving Beijing at this moment will only cause trouble. And if you bring people back to Beijing, it will not be as convenient to deal with them outside Beijing. You go ahead and deal with it."

Shen Chen responded: "Don't worry, the murderer won't be allowed to escape again."

 In the evening, Shen Chen left the capital.

 Riding a fast horse, he rushed to a county under the capital of Gyeonggi Province overnight.

The city gate has been closed. Shen Chen waited until dawn and entered the city with the people.

And in a house in the city, a woman was chattering: "I won't let you take this, and you won't let me take that. What I know is that you have made a fortune, and you are afraid that your poor relatives will come to disturb you. Those who don't know think you have caused something." I’m going to flee, hey, is there any problem with your money?”

The monkey face said: "I said that I came to Beijing to do something for the nobles and received the reward, but where can the nobles do their job? It has always been the rule to take the money and leave. The nobles don't like us to keep it, and are afraid of causing trouble. , hurry up, you have to leave today!"

Hunting like this, in the afternoon, with the woman and two children, Monkey Face drove the carriage by himself and set off.

 After leaving the city and walking along the official road until dark, I found a dilapidated temple to rest.

What no one noticed was that there was a man and a horse following them as soon as they left the city.

 That is Shen Chen.

 After entering the city, he found that the monkey face was about to run away, so he did not rush to take action.

 The most convenient place is in the wilderness.

 At the fourth watch, the women and children were fast asleep, and Monkey Face was snoring. Shen Chen appeared and gently grabbed Monkey Face's throat, knocking him out instantly.

 Then, he put the monkey face on the horse and walked along the mountain road.

Previously, he dug a deep pit to deal with Geng Baoyuan. This time, Shen Chen thought, he had to light a fire first and then bury him.

In this way, it can be regarded as avenging the princess for killing her mother.

If they took action, they would definitely do the same thing.

 Speaking of which, it’s already snowing in the capital, and it’s even colder in Yumen when I think about it.

I don’t know when I will be able to defeat the enemy and return. (End of chapter)

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