Yan Cigui

Chapter 488: A heart disease needs medicine (two updates in one)

Chapter 488 A heart disease needs medicine (two updates in one)

 The Holy Father has been ill for a long time.

The court meeting was suspended for five consecutive days. On the sixth day, he came to court, still looking sick and tired.

When passing by, Lin Yu quietly raised his eyelids and took a look at the condition of the Holy Lord. He only saw that under the dragon crown, the temples were already silvery white.

Eunuch Cao has an injury on his waist, so he walks slower than usual. When speaking in Jinluan Hall, his voice is far less clear than before.

Lin Yu secretly thought that His Highness’s madness had penetrated the Holy Emperor’s heart, liver and lungs.

Thinking like this, I thought of Lin Yunyan, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in my heart.

 Suchang was used to plot against Li Shao, and Lin Yu knew about it.

The father and daughter discussed it behind closed doors and finalized the matters one by one. Lin Yuan also went to the imperial study room to talk with the emperor, in order to stimulate Li Shao.

As far as the hearts of the ministers are concerned, this move is naturally treasonous and unethical. However, since I chose to join forces with Xu Jian to pull His Highness from the position of crown prince, that is to say, I will go all the way to the end.

How could Lin Yu miss this God-given opportunity to borrow Li Du's help to dig a hole for His Highness?

He just didn't expect that Yun Yan was so courageous. Not only did she dare to think about it, she also dared to do it herself.

Yun Yan actually went near Ji'an and blocked Li Du!

It was Shen Chen who took action, but Yun Yan was also in danger.

 In case something goes wrong…

Lin Yu doesn’t want to think too much.

 Yesterday, Lin Yunyan came back to Chengyi Bo and told him another matter.

 The revenge for killing one’s mother has been avenged.

She made an "exchange" with Princess De Rong and obtained the whereabouts of the monkey-faced eunuch. Shen Chen pursued him all night and killed him.

Lin Yue had mixed feelings when he heard this.

His and Ayun's daughter has grown up. She is no longer the child who could only cry and laugh. She has learned to hold a sharp knife and open a path to the sun.

The joy of being a father was inevitably lost, but in the dead of night, Lin Yuan thought that it would be best for Xu Jian to return to Beijing.

Lin Yue naturally knew how to support his daughter and son-in-law, both inside and outside the court. He did not hesitate when he could add strength, but there were indeed areas beyond his reach. Even if he had learned riding and archery before, he could not compete with the generals' disciples. It's comparable, let alone boxing and kicking.

Yun Yan acts boldly and needs someone to back her up.

Lin Yuan couldn't take care of him, so he still thought of letting Xu Jian do it.

 Besides, the company of parents is just a journey, and couples are the people who work together for a lifetime. Parents are happy to see the young couple discuss each other, understand each other and help each other.

Your Majesty is in poor health, and there is no one in the court who is not discerning, and talks at length about trivial matters.

 After the important matters were brought up, he announced his withdrawal from the court.

 A few days ago, the memorials were handed over by Sangong. Only important memorials would be selected and handed over to Eunuch Cao, waiting for the Holy Emperor's reply.

Today Master Fei asked for instructions from His Majesty.

The Holy Spirit said, "The three elders will have to work hard for a few more days." Master Fei knew it well.

 As he approached the lower office, Yumen delivered the military report.

Master Fei quickly looked at it first, and then smiled happily: "This is good, this is the best! Your Majesty must like to see this, so I have to send it up quickly to make His Majesty happy."

Hearing this, Qin Taibao and Qian Taifu also looked sideways and asked anxiously what was written above.

“Gu Yue withdrew his troops,” Taishi Fei laughed loudly. “While Xiliang had not yet adjusted its layout, another surprise force came out of the pass and killed them by surprise. According to me, Xiliang will not be able to survive for long.”

 This is indeed great news.

The previous night attack on Gu Yue's position greatly dampened the morale and morale of Gu Yue's troops, and also caused some discord between them and Xiliang.

As autumn turned to winter in Yumen, Dashun took the initiative to attack several times. Although there was no major victory, the successive small victories also annoyed the enemy.

Especially the people of Guyue, who have not experienced the hardships of war in many years. This time, they have been stationed for several months and were clearly the ones taking the initiative to attack. However, because Dashun occupied the Yumen natural moat, the attack was blocked and was wasted.

What was shot out was all cotton, and what was hit on the body were all real swords and guns.

 The attack made no progress for a long time, and suffered several losses. Seeing the difficult winter, we could no longer hold on.

Ordinarily, even if the coalition forces cannot advance and retreat together, they should exchange information before unilaterally withdrawing their troops.

It happened that Gu Yue was resentful about the previous night attack and the delay in the rescue from Xiliang, and she was afraid that the Dashun scouts would catch it in a hurry, so she withdrew the battle overnight without saying a word.

When daybreak came, people from Xiliang discovered that Gu Yue’s station was empty.

 The garrison in front of the pass pays attention to the terrain. Originally they were horns to each other, blocking Yumen Pass.

Now that Gu Yue has withdrawn, the formation is broken, the flanks are empty, and flaws are exposed.

To make matters worse, Xiliang was not prepared for Gu Yue, but Dashun kept staring at both sides and noticed the clues much earlier than Xiliang.

The Dashun army rushed out of Yumen, tore apart the soft flesh of Xiliang, and won a great victory.

The people of Xiliang did not bother to take out the stronghold, so they had no choice but to retreat with their remaining troops. They retreated two hundred miles a day before they could stabilize the battle.

 It is already difficult to make a comeback in the cold winter.

Tafu Qian stroked his palm and said with a smile: "It is safe inside and outside, and the soldiers can have a good year."

“I tell you, we still have to chase and fight until we reach Xiliang, so we won’t dare to attack again next year,” Taishi Fei said, “Yumen has been suffering from Xiliang for a long time!”

"Guyue villain style," Qin Taibao said, stroking his beard, "They formed an alliance with us first, and they have gained a lot in these years, but they suddenly tore up the alliance and marched with Xiliang; this time they said they would not do it again If you don't do it, withdraw your troops overnight, and don't communicate with Xiliang, you won't be able to trust them at all in the future."

"That's the truth," Taifu Qian said, "if they break their trust again and again, the people of Xiliang will be fierce, and they will spend money and money, and they will probably not let them go."

 The military report was submitted to the imperial court.

After reading it, the Holy Spirit couldn’t help but show his face and praised it three times with the word “good”.

"If you get a reward," he said to Duke Cao, "you will receive all the rewards when the commander returns to the court."

Eunuch Cao also laughed.

He has never seen the Holy One so happy since His Majesty's accident. He said: "The soldiers work together and defeat the enemy. The war will be settled soon."

The Holy Father sat on his back, holding the military newspaper in his hand and reading it carefully twice, and finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm very heartbroken about Shao'er," he said seriously to Eunuch Cao, "but the emperor was right what he said that day. I'm not only Shao'er's father, but also the emperor of Dashun. I have to recover from my illness. Cheer up and work hard.”

When Eunuch Cao heard this, he felt confident.

 The Holy Spirit will not recover after a setback.

I heard the Holy One say again: "I have presented some good things. You can pick some and send them to Cuihua Palace. I have been recovering from illness for the past few days and the imperial concubine has taken care of me." Eunuch Cao was in a hurry to respond.

His Royal Highness is completely "wasted", and the Holy Emperor is ill again. The masters and ladies of the harem each have their own thoughts, and they wish they could all be crowded in front of the dragon bed without taking off their clothes to attend to the illness.

The Holy One was impatient with these means of fighting for favor, and he didn't want to be in trouble even when he was ill, so he simply moved to Cuihua Palace.

The imperial concubine used the excuse of letting the Holy One rest for a while and did not let the other concubines come to the house. Even the princes and princesses who came to pay their respects to her father also returned. The reason was that the child was weak and should not get over the illness.

Your Majesty is safe and sound, and the imperial concubine has indeed worked hard for several days.

Eunuch Cao sent a gift and came back to report: "Master Chang seems to be in low spirits. Eunuch Jin said that if he is still so tired tomorrow, he will probably need to call the imperial doctor."

"Let the imperial doctor take a look now," the Holy Sage said after hearing this. "It's not enough for half a day. There is no need to endure it. The imperial doctor has seen it and you can rest assured."

Cuihua Palace accepted all kinds of care and benefits.

When the news reached Gu Jieyu, she gently patted the fourth prince Li Fen to sleep, and murmured to Nian Nian beside her: "She is indeed working hard."

Nian Nian whispered: "You might as well think more carefully about what Madam came to the palace to say to you today."

Gu Jieyu’s brows furrowed.

 Her mother asked her to pay more attention to the imperial concubine.

“In the past, when His Highness was here, the Imperial Concubine was impartial and obeyed the Holy Spirit’s will, which was the safest thing for her.”

"Now that His Majesty has fallen, His Majesty has to choose the one he likes no matter how unwilling he is. Who will be chosen in the end? Don't ignore the imperial concubine's pillow style. She is very useful in speaking in front of the Emperor."

“There are also Duke Fu and Princess Ning’an. They have a quarrel with His Highness but have the same interests. They were able to follow a path before. But now that the situation is different, they may not end up.”

"The imperial concubine has some friendship with the princess. If you can win over the imperial concubine and follow the path of the princess, you will gain the respect of Cining Palace."

 “With the addition of Fu Guogong’s Mansion and Chengyi Bo’s Mansion, we are like a tiger with even more wings.”

"I know what you are thinking, empress. Your Highness will be powerful in the future, and your mother is more valuable than her son. Why should you give way to the imperial concubine? But if you don't win over her, others will."

“The concubine De has a high position but has no family to rely on. What if she joins forces with the imperial concubine?”

"There are other concubines who don't have sons now. You can't say for sure in two years. If they really catch up with the emperor's concubine and are pushed to be favored by the emperor, they may desperately want to send the sons they get to Cuihua. I am raising her in the palace and looking forward to receiving protection and support in the future.”

 “You must not let anyone get there first.”

Gu Jieyu was upset when she heard this.

She knows that one step is slow and every step is slow. Therefore, even if Li Fen is not yet weaned, she acquiesces and even appreciates her father's hard work in the court for His Highness.

At that time, being aggressive towards His Highness, who was still the Crown Prince, was actually quite thankless.

If it weren’t for the fact that His Highness was still here and the Holy One was also thinking about his youngest son, he might not have even looked at her at all.

But sometimes, Gu Jieyu also wonders, is it really that urgent?

Fen'er is still so young, His Highness is rumored to be crazy, Guan Sheng has been ill recently, and he is close to her.

Under such circumstances, it would be better to raise your little highness well, so that he can study hard and be smart in the future, and not be afraid of being unable to surpass the timid Li Mian and Li Lin who does not have the support of his maternal family.

However, what my mother said is not unreasonable.

She did not bow to the imperial concubine, fearing that someone else would. The Holy Sage had just rewarded Cuihua Palace with so many things and also invited an imperial doctor, which showed that he trusted and valued the imperial concubine.

"Mommy," Gu Jieyu lowered her eyes and said, "Your Majesty is not old yet. Now the imperial concubine is the one who has the upper hand. She can use us if she wants. She can support the newcomers if she wants. She has the final say."

“It is precisely because Your Majesty is immortal that the current situation is the result,” Mother Nian said bluntly, “If it was only for a year or two at most, how could His Highness be so eager to be plotted by Li Du?

Being more than ten years older than the other princes has always been His Highness's advantage, but this advantage is a double-edged sword. He is afraid that when His Majesty is old, the other Highnesses will also have grown up.

 Similarly, don’t think that the imperial concubine ‘has the final say’, there are also areas where she has the final say.

She is getting older and she can no longer give birth to a son no matter how hard she tries. She has no other choice but to help other people’s sons! "

Gu Jieyu said after a long while: "I think the imperial concubine's thoughts are not on this. She wants to save worries and get involved in the fight, which is not in line with her temperament."

Nian Nian comforted her and said, "Everyone in the palace can't help themselves."

Gu Jieyu nodded thoughtfully: "Then I will go to greet you tomorrow and say good things first. This matter cannot be rushed. If I lose my temper and yell in a hurry, I may be looked down upon by the imperial concubine. "

 Things backfired.

Gu Jieyu thought about going, but Cuihua Palace was still closed the next day.

 It is said that the imperial concubine is feeling unwell and needs to take medicine to recuperate for a few days.

In Cuihua Palace, the imperial concubine was leaning on the couch, looking miserable and in poor spirits.

Eunuch Jin reported: "Master, everyone who came here has been advised to go back. Liu Guiren and Gu Jieyu have returned. Concubine De said that she knew that you were in poor health and didn't want to bother you, so she sent someone to say hello."

The imperial concubine didn't even raise her eyebrows: "She is quite knowledgeable."

 Eunuch Jin left, leaving only her grandma to accompany her.

The hall was quiet, and there was no movement for a long time.

The imperial concubine has always had such a stable and gentle temperament, and grandma has long been accustomed to her like this over the years, but precisely because of familiarity, she vaguely feels that the recent days are different from the previous years.

"Mother," knowing that the imperial concubine was not asleep, Mammy explained softly, "You are just too tired from serving the Holy Lord the past few days. You can recover in a few days of rest."

"You don't need to persuade me," the imperial concubine said hoarsely, "I have a heart problem and I know it myself."

Having said that, there is indeed no need to persuade.

You are too self-aware and see too clearly to be easily deceived by others, and of course you cannot listen to any encouraging words that whitewash peace.

After lying down for another quarter of an hour, the imperial concubine spoke again: "Send someone to Cining Palace to report that I am resting for half a month. During this time, I will not go to pay respects to the Empress Dowager. I am responsible for all matters in the palace." , I will still do it well so that the Queen Mother does not have to worry. If the princess comes to the palace and invites her to sit in Cuihua Palace, I have no one else to talk to to relieve my boredom, so why not chat with the Queen Mother’s treasure? Homely.”

 Mammy should come down.

On the fourth day of the imperial concubine’s rest, Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

 After chatting with the Queen Mother for a while, he went to Cuihua Palace.

As soon as she entered the main hall, Lin Yunyan smelled a faint smell of medicine. As she walked further in, she saw the imperial concubine sitting on her back with an empty bowl of soup in her hand. She was frowning and putting preserves in her mouth.

Lin Yunyan saluted.

The imperial concubine motioned her to sit down, soothed the bitter taste in her mouth, and said, "I'm not afraid of your laughter. I'm really tired of these bitter medicines. I need medicine for my heart disease. Drinking these things will be a waste."

 Subconsciously, Lin Yunyan thought she was referring to the Holy Emperor who fell ill because Li Shao went crazy.

Taking a closer look, Lin Yunyan suddenly realized that the imperial concubine was probably talking about herself.

 Last time, the imperial concubine revealed Li Shao's problem to her in private and helped them. This time, Lin Yunyan will listen to the imperial concubine carefully, even if the empress just wants to complain.

  It should be reciprocated.

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