Yan Cigui

Chapter 490: The teacher returns to the court (two updates in one)

 Chapter 490 Returning to the DPRK (two updates in one)

 The twelfth lunar month.

 Beijing is gradually getting into the New Year mood.

Whether you are a noble family or ordinary people, they have to be busy preparing New Year's goods and gifts.

 The government of Fuguo is naturally not exempt from the custom.

Last year, because she was newly married, the affairs in the house were not smoothed out. Many of Lin Yunyan's complicated things were prepared by Uncle Chengcheng's house and together with her aunt Chen.

 This year it is Lin Yunyan who takes the lead.

Ms. Chen was worried about her lack of experience, so after careful consideration, she sent Grandma Zeng to come.

Zeng Yan was on his sincerity in sincere Bo Fu, and doing things was very proper.

Lin Yunyan asked her to sit down and talk. Grandma Zeng had to give way three times before she sat down and touched the edge of the chair, which was very polite.

"The princess is the master of the family. Normally, it is not the mother's family's turn to dictate these matters. Even if you have any doubts, you can still ask Mrs. Xu for advice," Aunt Zeng said with a smile, "It's just that the third lady has taken care of it these years." I'm used to it, and I know a lot about it, but you also know that the third girl never likes to hear Madam talk about this. Madam said that if the princess had time, she would not be happy enough to hear her talk. ”

Lin Yunyan smiled.

If it is really the new daughter-in-law who has been dealing with things for the first year, she will indeed have a headache.

 Especially at the end of this year, the situation between North Korea and China has changed.

The imperial concubine was right that day. There were indeed many people staring at the Fuguo Palace.

I usually don't have much contact and can't find a good reason. As soon as the New Year comes, I immediately become justified. There is also the east wind of the army's triumph. I send New Year's gifts and greetings, and hand over various banquets in the first month. Posts, all are delivered to the concierge in these days.

 Fortunately, Lin Yunyan has been a master before and knows how to deal with these problems, so it won't be difficult.

Accept what should be accepted, return what should not be accepted, and reply with a polite "discuss again" on the invitation, without being deviant or offending anyone.

 She can handle it, but she appreciates her aunt's concern and care for her.

"I was worried that my aunt would be too busy to listen to my questions," Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "I just didn't learn enough from my girlfriend. Fortunately, I married close by and my mother-in-law can help me when I have trouble. Now slowly Yunfang doesn’t like to listen to it, so she will use it one day.”

 You come and I go, and a few words made Grandma Zeng very happy.

The princess is so nice to talk to. No wonder the old lady and madam are thinking about the princess no matter what happens.

Sure enough, between people, even if they are direct relatives, if they encounter someone who cannot speak or do anything, but instead causes trouble all day long, their feelings will be hurt and their hearts will be cold in the end - just like the Holy Emperor and His Highness.

Those who are not related by blood or even have no blood relationship, exchange sincerity for sincerity, and what you get in exchange is true love.

 Just like their old ladies and madams treat the princess.

Of course, a harmonious family is a blessing to the owner’s family, and it is also a blessing to them to do things the way they do.

Who likes to mess with those shabby things when he can be happy?

"Speaking of which," Lin Yunyan asked with a smile, "I also rely on my aunt for help here, and the New Year's gifts sent to Jiangnan are also sent with the uncle's house."

Since the road to the south of the Yangtze River is far away, New Year gifts are given out early.

The Fu Guogong Mansion had no contact with Jing Daguo openly, so naturally he would not send gifts to him. The Jing family's share had been privately given to him when Jing Dong's family returned to their hometown at the end of autumn.

 What the house needs to prepare is the New Year's gift for the Duan family.

Since there was not too much to say, there was too little, so he loaded a boat with the uncle's house, which was just in time to send the two brothers Duan Zhihuai back to celebrate the New Year.

  Time flies by in preparation.

On the day when the army returned to the DPRK, it was a sunny day in Beijing.

They say it's cold when the snow melts, but Lin Yunyan doesn't feel it at all.

The news was sent back yesterday. The army arrived at the outskirts of the capital and stationed overnight. Today they entered the city from the west gate and arrived at the south gate of the palace to listen to the emperor's orders.

Lin Yunyan put on her snow coat and went out holding a hand stove.

Outside, people were coming and going in the streets where the army was going to pass. The common people wanted to watch the excitement, and the garrison office had also sent out manpower, preparing to maintain order and clear the long street.

Lin Yunyan entered a teahouse and entered a private room. The window facing the street was half open, and she could hear the movement below.

Not long after she sat down, Lin Yunjing and Lin Yunfang came together, and a quarter of an hour later, Zhu Xiang also arrived.

Lin Yunfang was chatting with her two sisters about family matters. When she saw Zhu Xiang coming in, she blinked: "Sister Zhu, are you joining in the fun?"

 A few years ago, Sister Yu Zhu was an old man, so there was no need to compare. However, in recent years, Lin Yunfang's impression was that Zhu Xiang almost never showed up at such a time.

 “It took me three beggars to call the person here, right?” Lin Yunyan teased.

 Zhu Chan sat down generously.

Three requests and four requests were of course nonsense, so Lin Yunyan went to ask for them once.

  Bringing the letter home that Xu Jian sent back.

Zhu Chan was quite surprised at the time: "Are you really asking me to read it? What trivial things did you and your wife say, but you made me read it all?!"

Lin Yunyan kept laughing: "There is nothing that people can't see."

Having said this, Zhu Xiang did not reject it blindly. Instead, she read the entire letter, which made her full of emotions.

"The person who wrote the letter is very different from the Duke of Fu in my impression."

“Obviously, what you wrote is all trivial matters, but it’s all sticky. You are so thick-skinned, I’m still embarrassed.”

“I know your feelings are good, but I don’t know they are better than mine.”

Lin Yunyan smiled straight and over, her fingertips pointed at the sentence about "Yu Cheng'an", and she blinked at Zhu Chuan.

 This sentence is the key point, but it is also the whole story.

 If it was just for this sentence, Lin Yunyan would just dictate it. She would read the complete letter to Zhu Xiang because she thought Sister Zhu needed some encouragement and courage.

 Zhu Chan has no yearning or expectation for marriage.

It was just something that had to be done, so her previous idea was to choose someone with a more ordinary background who could manage the family and live on, just like her eldest sister who married a scholar from another country.

Of course, the eldest brother-in-law and eldest sister never get along with each other.

Lin Yunyan could see that the newlyweds were in a harmonious relationship.

As for Zhu Xiang, she was really frightened by the consequences of her parents, so frightened that she only wanted simplicity and stability.

What I saw in more than ten years was so tortured, and the rejection of heart chills is also commonplace.

 So, Lin Yunyan wanted Zhu Xiang to take a look at the family letter Xu Jian gave her. Not all princes and uncles were in a mess.

Furthermore, Yu Chengan has changed his past **** style and is very interested in Zhu Xiang, so he may not be unable to give it a try.

This time, Zhu Xiang did not "reject people thousands of miles away".

 She wrote a letter to Lin Yunyan about the Yu family.

The family letter was naturally sent back by Yu Fu, the uncle of the Yu family in Chengyuan County, and arrived together with this year's New Year's gift.

 I greeted my old mother and said that it would be very unfilial to be unable to return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year this year. I also said that I was very grateful to my younger brothers and sisters for their hard work in taking care of the family.

 These are the same in previous years, and some are unique to this year.

“My uncle said that he knew that he was an official and lagged behind others. He did not dare to be lazy when he was in office. He was very careful and cautious. After getting the letter from home, he became even more energetic.”

“In the Yumen campaign, Chengyuan served as the rear hub and had contact with all officials, big and small. He was praised by the Minister of War, which is a great honor.”

"The chamberlain named Cheng Xi was caught in Cheng Yuan's net. Their county government was not vigilant enough to see through this person's disguise. Fortunately, someone with sharp eyes saw through it and caught him. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."                  There is no detail in the book, but Zhu Xiang got the answer from Xu Jian's family letter.

   is Yu Chengan.

Zhu Zhang thought at that time that this person was quick to talk and dropped a lot of words at once, but now it seems that they are all the truth.

 “I have figured it out and want to live a decent life.”

 “It’s not rotten to the core.”

“I didn’t choose to join the army just to get you to nod, and I won’t stop practicing well and add chaos to the battle just because you don’t nod.”

“I join the army for myself, I’m not lying to you.”

Yu Chengan did what he said.

 In this case, Zhu Xiang will not break the contract. When Yu Chengan returns to Beijing, he will tell him the results of his consideration.

So Lin Yunyan proposed to watch the army enter the city, and Zhu Xiang agreed and came to have a look.

No one was bothered by the joking "three requests and four requests", and the topic was transferred to Lin Yunfang by Lin Yunyan.

“When will the two cousins ​​of the Duan family return to Beijing?” she asked Lin Yunjing.

 Lin Yunjing burst into laughter, glanced at Lin Yunfang several times, and said to Lin Yunyan: "I'm talking about returning by boat after spending the Shangyuan Dynasty. After all, there are a lot of them this time."

Zhu Chan didn't know the reason, so he asked: "Are they all here to say hello to the old lady?"

Lin Yunfang reacted and covered Lin Yunjing's mouth.

 But her two fists were unable to defeat the four hands, so she asked Lin Yunyan to dodge.

"Where are you?" Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "I'm here to discuss the marriage."

Rolling his eyes, Zhu Xiang couldn't help but feel happy: "Yes, Yunfang wants to get married and tell her cousin in Jiangnan? He is one of you who has lived in your house for a year. ? It’s a good thing to know the basics!”

Lin Yunfang's old background was revealed, and her face turned red.

Lin Yunyan was not surprised by this, or in other words, she was happy to see it happen.

 Originally, Lin Yunyan had asked her grandmother to invite a cousin from the Duan family to study in Beijing. This was the idea Lin Yunyan had.

 Sanmei's marriage to Duan Zhihuai was a choice that her grandmother had to make in the past, but judging from the results, it couldn't be more correct.

In this life, Lin Yunyan thought that since they were a destined couple and had the opportunity to get along, they should still have feelings for each other.

 As expected, it was accomplished.

According to what her grandmother and third aunt told Lin Yunyan privately, they saw the first sign of the disease during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

There is a lantern festival in the city, the hanging lanterns are bright and exquisite, and the river lanterns are like the stars in the Milky Way, each with its own interest.

The two brothers of the Duan family had not seen the lanterns in the capital, so they wanted to go. Lin Yunding and Lin Yunfeng also went to join in the fun.

Lin Yunfang lost the company of her sisters this year, but she had four brothers. Chen couldn't help but let her go.

 Of course we had a good time, the whole family was together, and there was no trouble.

 It wasn’t until she got off the carriage after entering the house that Lin Yunfang discovered that an earring had fallen out.

She has no shortage of jewelry, but that was given to her by Lin Yunyan. She usually likes treasures very much, but today she lost one, and her eyes immediately turned red.

“She almost cried. She pouted and said she didn’t know where she had dropped it. She also said she would apologize to her second sister for losing the gift that her second sister gave her.”

"Yun Ding asked her if she wanted to find him? She said there was no need to mobilize a large number of people. There were so many people on the street that he would not be able to be found."

“It’s so dark, I guess it won’t be easy to find her, so I thought I’d wait until daybreak to have someone go look around where she’d been. It would be best if she found her. There’s nothing I can do if she can’t find her. After all, I’ve found her.”

"Where could I have expected it? Zhihuai went out with a lantern in the middle of the night and searched all night. He actually found it at dawn."

"Yun Yan, think about it, how did he find it? Did he look at Yun Fang when others were looking at the lights on the street? He recalled that the earrings were still there when he went, but seemed to have disappeared when he went there, so that he could look for them in a targeted manner. ?”

"I saw through it but didn't tell you. Your third uncle turned around two days ago and was anxious to call Zhihuai for questioning, but I stopped him. These eight characters have just been written, how can you call him bad!"

“Of course Zhihuai is sensible and polite and will not harm Yunfang. I am absolutely assured.”

"When he was preparing the New Year's gifts and arranging for them to return to the south of the Yangtze River, Zhihuai took the initiative to go to Zai Shou Yuan and talk to the old lady, saying that he liked Yunfang very much. If the government could agree, he would go back to celebrate the New Year this time and tell his elders, please They came forward to propose marriage.”

"I really made the old lady happy. She asked me to ask Yunfang. It doesn't matter whether I ask or not. If Yunfang hadn't been interested, Zhihuai wouldn't have mentioned it to the old lady. The old lady said that in the coming year, Zhihuai's parents and elders would also I came to Beijing just in time to discuss something."

Ms. Chen held Lin Yunyan and talked for a long time that day, her face was full of smiles, and her whole person was full of joy.

Lin Yunyan was also happy when she heard this.

 She and Xu Jian worked hard, didn't they just want their loved ones to be safe and happy?

Lin Yunfang was still covering her sister's mouth this time, while the noise on the street in that part became more and more lively.

Suddenly, no one will whisper to those sisters anymore.

Lin Yunyan pushed the window completely open.

 The army had not reached them yet, but the cheers were getting closer and closer.

Lin Yunyan leaned out slightly and saw the military flag flying high in the distance.

 In the country name with the shun character, she found the character "Xu", which made her eyes light up.

Soon, the army passed outside the teahouse.

The most eye-catching and majestic person is the Marquis of Dingbei. The old Marquis looks serious, but he can't hide his excitement.

Lin Yunyan kept looking back, looking at the familiar figure on the horse for a moment.

Xu Jian wore silver armor, which shone in the sun.

As if he had a telepathic connection, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the open window.

 The four eyes face each other.

 There is no need to speak or make gestures, just looking at it from a distance, everything is silent.

 It is longing and joy, and those emotions are jumping and burning.

 Xu Jian couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips.

Yu Chengan is further back in the team. Compared with the unknown soldier before, he relies on his own vision and fighting skills. Now he can ride a horse and follow the army to return to the imperial city.

 There was a lot of people nearby.

 For a moment, Yu Chengan thought, things were changing.

In the past, he cheered and encouraged the crickets, but today he has become a cricket, listening to the cheers and cheers of the people.


I don’t know what his grandfather’s expression will be like when I tell him this experience.

He was still thinking to himself, and suddenly he raised his head as if understanding something. He looked over and saw Zhu Xiang standing by the window.

 The next moment, he was in disbelief, listening to his heartbeat that was almost beating out of his chest, and blinked at Zhu Chan.

 What does it mean to be a cricket?

With Zhu Huan applauding him, he can become a cricket general even in the cricket!

  Thanks to book friend 20240413210505633 for the reward.

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