Yan Cigui

Chapter 491: The princess specially instructed (two updates in one)

 Inside the window.

Lin Yunyan's eyes have been chasing Xu Jian.

 It wasn’t until the team moved forward and could no longer be seen that he looked back.

Lin Yunfang was murmuring with Lin Yunjing: "A few years ago, my second brother-in-law had a broken leg and was unable to walk. Today, I look at him and he is so majestic on horseback."

"It's not easy to recover from injuries," Lin Yunjing said with a smile. "Besides, I heard what my second sister said. It's just that it's much better than before. I can guard the rear, but it's still too strenuous to charge into the battle."

After hearing this, Lin Yunfang subconsciously thought that it would not be good to charge into battle. The sword has no eyes, and the second sister would be worried in the capital.

If there is an emergency, what will the second sister do?

 Their sisters naturally care for themselves the most and do not want their sisters to feel any grievance or sadness.

Of course, Lin Yunfang would not say such unlucky words at this time.

 When I think about it again, life is unpredictable, and even if I don’t go to the battlefield, something bad will happen.

Just like the eldest uncle, who died trying to save the late queen and His Highness.

Just like my second uncle, he was not in good health and died after getting sick.

At Lin Yunfang's age, she had never met her eldest uncle, and she had no deep impression of her second uncle. She only saw their years of hard work and longing for their old friend.

"There are always accidents..." Lin Yunfang murmured a little lowly, and at the same time a little angry, "But the harmful people who are not accidents are the most hateful!"

If Li Du hadn't planned to set the fire, nothing would have happened to the eldest uncle.

Had His Highness not left seclusion privately, the second brother-in-law would not have been injured.

Thinking again about the death and madness of today’s death, it turns out that karma is the retribution.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunfang suddenly turned to look at Lin Yunyan and asked: "Second sister, is the orthopedic doctor who was provided by the house earlier still back? Did he treat it well? My brother-in-law seems to have recovered a lot."

 About Dr. Yue, Xu Jian had mentioned a few words to Lin Yunyan in his letter.

Because of the Yumen natural moat, most of the battles took place outside the pass. Even when Xiliang Guyue attacked the city wall at the pass at night, they fought from above and did not affect the interior of the garrison.

This gave Dr. Yue, who claimed to be timid and cherishing his life, a lot of time to adapt, and he no longer stayed awake at night and was worried.

With a good rest, Dr. Yue's instincts will gradually come into play.

 In addition to treating Xu Jian as usual every day, he also treated many wounded people, especially those with injured muscles and bones.

If it is a battlefield with fierce fighting, the wounded will rejoin the battle as soon as they recover, but this is not the case with Yumen. Yumen has a lot of time to confront the enemy, which also gives the wounded ample opportunities to recuperate.

 It is suitable for Dr. Yue's method of not treating the disease but treating the symptoms and the root cause.

Even the Marquis of Dingbei asked Doctor Yue to take a look at his old wounds.

Because he had to be prepared for business trips, Doctor Yue always used the surname "Yue" in Yumen. It was not until the news of Li Du's execution reached Yumen that he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time when the class returned to the court, Doctor Yue consulted with Xu Jian and reported to Dingbeihou that his actual surname was Zhang and that he was from Guanzhong.

Although fame and wealth are not important, as a doctor, if you have a good reputation and earn some money, you can recruit good people as apprentices and treat more patients and wounded people.

Lin Yunyan agrees with Dr. Zhang’s idea.

 Ideals, money, and reputation complement each other.

 It is something you have earned through your own efforts. It is a legitimate and clean thing, so you should feel at ease with it.

The thing is like this. Of course, as long as the letter is detailed, it is impossible to put down on the paper the details of the doctor that the two of them already knew.

"He just said before the class that he was from Guanzhong. Li Du mentioned a few words at that time, but he was too stupid to understand, so he had to treat his injury," Lin Yunyan said to her sisters, "I have been away from home for a long time, and I want to go back to visit my relatives at home first. , I will go to Beijing after the New Year.”

Lin Yunfang's eyes brightened when she heard this: "Actually, there are such twists and turns? Fortunately, the doctor was an upright man and did not help others.

But it is also difficult for him. He is just a common man. Even if he hears something weird, he has to pretend not to understand.

His medical skills are also really good. Speaking of which, is Dong Chen’s family going to hold a flowing banquet? "

  Lin Yunfang was very interested when it came to the flowing water banquet.

Lin Yunyan joked a little, looked at Zhu Xiang who was thoughtfully on the side, and asked: "Why are you so serious?"

Zhu Xiang was startled, then smiled again: "I was just distracted, thinking about something."

Lin Yunyan did not pursue the question. She knew that Zhu Xiang wanted to say what she wanted to say.

Sure enough, Zhu Xiang thought for a while and said after considering: "When I saw him, I felt that he was different from when he left Beijing. He is obviously still the same person..."

"With different circumstances and different moods, of course she looks different," Lin Yunyan smiled. "Sister Zhu now looks different from you who are still in the Duke's mansion, and you who have just moved into the Yu family." ”

Zhu Xuan suddenly realized.

 That’s not the case!

 At first, she even thought she was going crazy.

After being released from the sea of ​​suffering, people are like a taut rope, twisted and twisted, and the whole person is very hard.

It’s not that hardness is bad, but it will break if it’s too strong, so you need to have some control.

 In the past year, she slowly sorted herself out, and her grandmother also said, "It's only this kind of shame that makes me feel relieved."

She is who she is now, and she is who she was in the past. Even though she has stepped out, she is no longer a heavy boulder that weighs on her heart, but has turned into mud and fertilized her heart.

"It's pretty good now," Zhu Xiang said to Lin Yunyan with a smile, "I feel comfortable with myself, and he is much more pleasing to the eye."

Lin Yunyan smiled and rolled her eyes.

The army went to the direction of the imperial city, and the people watching the excitement on the street gradually dispersed.

The sisters talked together for a while before saying goodbye.

Lin Yunyan did not return to the Duke's Palace, but went to Cining Palace.

 After taking off her snow coat and getting rid of the coldness, she went in to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager.

The empress was having some snacks. When she saw her coming, she asked someone to serve her a bowl. She also asked, "The army has entered the city. Are you looking at the people?"

"Looking at it," Lin Yunyan said wisely, "I was holding the window upstairs, and he was riding a horse downstairs. I was thinking, isn't there a hydrangea ball thrown? If there is a red ball in my hand, I will I threw it, and then I thought, what if I hit the wrong person because I wasn’t sure? Then I thought, why did I throw it? The little general on the horse is mine!"

His words made everyone in the inner hall lean forward and backward.

The Empress Dowager did not take the spoon again, fearing that she would choke on her laughter, she stretched out her hand and nodded to Lin Yunyan: "Look, look, you all, you are more eloquent than anyone else. What you know is that the Holy Spirit has given you marriage, and whoever you don't know is supposed to be someone else." The Queen stole the kiss!"

The maids and ladies-in-waiting all spoke to each other, and Mr. Yu was very happy to see it.

These days, the former dynasty was much more stable, but the harem was secretly turbulent.

Even though the Empress Dowager has seen many different ways and means, no one is too dazed to dare to stir up trouble in Cining Palace, but she still gets upset when she looks at those thoughts.

He is also the princess. He knows that the empress is not in a good mood, so he can make her smile from ear to ear with just a few words.

Lin Yunyan leaned over and said, "Without your protection, I can't be the queen."

The Queen Mother laughed loudly and said, "The Ai family thought you would come over tomorrow."

"No way," Lin Yunyan tasted the lipstick bean soup. It was a bit bland for her, but it was good for the Queen Mother's health and the old man couldn't be as fond of sweets as she was. "The Duke has been away from Beijing for so long. You are always thinking about him. I can’t let him come to greet you early when he comes back?”

"Where is the Ai family's concern? It's clearly you who care about you the most," the Empress Dowager exposed her directly. "The Ai family doesn't know about you yet? With the flag of the Ai family, the Holy Emperor has no choice but to let you go. Otherwise, in the imperial study room, He kept talking, when can Xu Jian return home?" Lin Yunyan smiled.

The Empress Dowager smiled and gave her an angry look, and said to Mr. Yu: "You should still be listening to the announcement in the square at this moment. Please ask someone to go to the imperial study and tell her that Ning'an is at Ai's house. Let Xu Jian come over for lunch. ”

 Less than the father-in-law went away happily.

 In another room, on the palace gate wall, the Holy Master looked at the soldiers returning to the court in the square.

 The cold wind was blowing on him, which made him feel cold, but his heart was very hot.

In this war, Li Du is plotting a rebellion on the inside, and Xiliang has been eyeing it for many years on the outside, and Gu Yue is taking advantage of every opportunity to have evil intentions.

 The most difficult thing is not to defend against foreign enemies, but also to resist the villain behind you.

 This time, they played well.

Dingbeihou endured the heart-killing words, and did not give the enemy a chance inside or outside Yumen. He did not give Li Du a chance to burn the granary. Instead, he ruined the alliance between Gu Yue and Xiliang, and finally recovered the lost pass. Come back.

The Holy Father did not come to the battlefield in person, but a letter of dispatch and secret report from the imperial army was embedded in his heart. How could he not be inspired?

 He was proud of his soldiers.

 It is true that there have been many sad things for Shengshang in the past six months and some irreversible things, but at this moment, looking at the flying military flag, he thought that both he and Dashun could continue on.

 He must make Dashun more prosperous.

 The decrees of reward came one after another, and they did not end until almost noon.

 The Holy Spirit came down from the city wall.

Dingbeihou brought Ji Xin and Ji Guang to pay homage.

The Holy Spirit stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "A few days ago, the Marquis and the whole family were wronged. It's because of my lack of dignity, so I can only resolve it by sealing the palace. I will make amends with you."

Dingbei Hou Lao Lao burst into tears: "There is nothing you can do about it because of your sages. I understand this."

 He knew clearly that the Holy Spirit still believed in him more at that time.

If the Holy Emperor really doubted him, he would have asked him to hand over the military talisman long ago, instead of just sealing the Dingbei Hou Mansion in Beijing regardless of Yumen's situation.

Moreover, isn’t the sealing of a mansion a kind of protection?

From the letters he received from home later, it can be seen that the children and old people in the family were not in trouble, and they were provided with food and clothing.

The Holy Spirit said again: "Go back to your home today and talk to your family more. Come back to the palace tomorrow and let me hear how you defeated Gu Yue Xiliang."

 The Marquis of Dingbei should come down.

 At this moment, the Holy Master looked at Xu Jian who was waiting at the side.

 Xu Jian saluted respectfully.

The Holy Emperor looked at him a few more times and said, "Don't be in a hurry to go back. Come with me to the imperial study."

Seeing Xu Jian follow, the Holy Master said again: "I can't even say a few words. I don't know Ning'an yet? I'll be waiting for you at Cining Palace."

Xu Jian said: "I met the princess before. She found a private room facing the street in the tea house. With the window open, I looked up and saw her."

 The Holy Spirit laughed.

 When we arrived at the imperial study room, as expected, someone from Cining Palace came to hand over the message.

 It’s something that’s expected.

The Holy Father went to change into his regular clothes first, and then sat down after the big case: "I can't keep my mother waiting for a long time, so I'll just tell you a few words. How much have you heard about Shao'er?"

Xu Jian answered respectfully and sternly: "It's probably the news that came that His Highness is in poor health. It's not as detailed outside as in the capital. However, the princess mentioned in the letter that His Highness may have a hard time recovering. "

When the Holy Spirit heard this, he sighed: "Shao'er has gone crazy."

Xu Jian knew it well, but couldn't show it on his face. Instead, he pretended to be shocked: "How could it be? You're such a good person, how come..."

  "Please ask Ning'an later about what happened." A trace of regret flashed in the Holy Emperor's eyes, and he did not hide it. He said directly, "I am very heartbroken and reluctant to leave, but the doctors are helpless..."

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said, "Can I meet His Highness?"

“Let’s do it tomorrow,” the Holy Sage did not refuse. “Let’s talk to Eunuch Cao before we go.”

 Xu Jian responded.

The Holy Emperor did not leave Xu Jian with him, and asked him to go to Cining Palace first.

Eunuch Cao sent him out, and when he reached the corridor, he said with a smile: "My lord, please wait a moment."

Xu Jian stopped, and soon he saw a small servant coming over holding a stove and handing it to Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao handed it to him again: "Eunuch Yu brought it when he came to deliver the message. He said that the princess specially asked for it. It's cold, so I can't neglect it."

 The cover wrapped around the hand stove looks very familiar, it is one of the ones that the little princess likes to use interchangeably.

Xu Jian couldn't help but smile, thanked Eunuch Cao, and warmed his right leg with the stove.

“How is your recovery from your leg injury?” Eunuch Cao asked softly.

"It's much better than before. The pain won't be so severe when the weather gets cold," Xu Jian said. "According to what the doctor said, if you take good care of yourself for a period of time, you can run and jump. Of course, I still don't dare to kick people." of."

Eunuch Cao was stunned. He didn't understand why Xu Jian mentioned kicking someone. He just thought he was a poor talker: "I really like to joke. It's great that you can recover."

 Handback farewell.

Eunuch Cao went back inside, and when he raised the curtain, he suddenly understood.

 He remembered.

At that time, the auxiliary Duke had no intention of doing anything, so he handed over the dictionary to the Ministry of War. He only looked at fun all day long, and he wanted to cheer up the Duke. He asked him directly.

"Do you dare to run? Do you dare to kick someone with your right leg?"

 In a flash, it has been almost three years.

 There have been so many changes in the past three years.

 It’s hard to tell whether it’s good or bad.

 But just looking at Fuguo Gong, Eunuch Cao thought it was very good.

  Cheer up, marry the princess you like, recover a lot from your injuries, live a good life, and always be prosperous.

Xu Jian held the stove and followed the young chamberlain to Cining Palace.

 He understood Lin Yunyan’s intention.

Of course the little princess wanted to see his people, but she didn’t want him to make a lot of comments in front of the emperor as soon as he came back.

The two of them had too much information that they didn't communicate well. They wouldn't write about those things in detail in their correspondence. He didn't know the inside story, and it would be easy to make mistakes if he talked too much.

  Must be aware of each other so that we can respond appropriately.

Thinking like this, Xu Jian couldn't help but speed up his pace.

It is also difficult to negotiate in Cining Palace, but you can look at people.

That glance from afar on the street is still too far away... (End of this chapter)

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