Chapter 15 First Battle! The name of Yabuto (2)

"brat! who the hell are you! Stop us Panther Tribe!!" The big cat who was fighting Orochimaru just now looked at Yabuto, like an ant, A big cat face screamed at Yabuto.

To say that Yabuto just appeared suddenly and blocked him from taking Orochimaru’s life, that’s all. This brat even dared to hurt himself badly. He was not afraid of Yabuto’s attack. He thought Yabuto He was able to hurt himself just now because of a sneak attack. He didn't think that his demon, who had been famous for hundreds of years, would lose to a brat who was a smell of mother's milk not yet dried.

"Want to know my name?? You are not yet qualified!!!" Ignoring the anger of the big cat, Yabuto does not think that the other party is qualified to know his name, and Yabuto also does not want to Knowing his name, the dead don't need to know his name, and he doesn't need to remember the dead person's name either.

There is no nonsense at all, Yabuto kicked his feet, and his body instantly rose into the air. The bloodwhip reappears in his hand were swept down and the big cat was shocked when he saw it. He didn't expect the other party to suddenly Shot, but with the last time unexpectedly, this time the big cat quickly jumped back and instantly avoided the bloodwhip attack.

ahhhh ahh!!! !

But other members of the Panther Tribe were not so lucky. The bloodwhip swept down directly, and directly split the five Panther Demon who had no time to escape. The blood mist was sprayed directly on the ground, and the bloodwhip fell to the ground. It also left a deep chasm directly on the ground, suddenly making the big cat avoiding the attack cold and sweaty.

Now that he underestimates the brat in front of him, he will definitely suffer a big loss. This time he will hit him, and the skin will be degraded. If he takes a few more shots, I’m afraid His life was gone, so he didn't dare to take it lightly at this time. Two huge cat eyes stared at Yabuto who was still in the air tightly, not daring to be careless.

"Go to hell! brat!!!" The big cat suddenly violent, before Yabuto hit the ground, the big cat's four limbs claws swayed frantically on the ground, exerting the fastest speed because of the body Because of the hugeness and the large steps, I came to Yabuto in just a few steps and swept out the huge claws directly.

Directly to this powerful force, and the sound of tearing the cold wind, it lined up to Yabuto, who had not yet landed. At this time, Yabuto was in the air and it was difficult to dodge. Panther Demon secretly relaxed, this When slap goes down, he is confident that he will be able to slap the opponent into mash.

But he underestimated Yabuto's body. You know, Dog Demon Tribe's body is not the strongest, but it's not weak. Even more how Yabuto who also shoulders Dog/Wolf Bloodline, but still has One point is that Yabuto doesn't like being beaten by others, so bloodwhip reappears, but the target is not big cats.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Only hearing a collision, Yabuto threw the bloodwhip in his hand downwards, and the bloodwhip hit the ground fiercely. Due to inertia, Yabuto's body jumped up a few meters again, and instantly avoided the big cat who thought he was bound to hit. The blow of the big cat instantly stunned.

However, in the face of Yabuto, loss of consciousness is a fatal injury. Yabuto will not be bored enough to play cat-and-mouse games with each other. When the cat is lost, bloodwhip has already arrived here. , Bloodwhip relentlessly left a terrifying bloodstain on the forehead of the big cat.

But Yabuto’s attack is not over yet. Bing takes advantage of his illness to kill him, and when the big cat can’t cover his forehead with his huge claws and howl, Yabuto’s body erupts again, forming a blood-colored body. The ball of light immediately rushed down, and the ball of light directly hit the bloodstain on the forehead of the big cat.

Ah! ahhhh! ! ! !

The wound was hit, and the big cat who was already wailing in pain, the next moment, gave out a roar that was many times higher than that of a moment ago. I saw the red light dissipated, and the Yabuto in the blood ball was white. On the right hand, with the dark blue flame attached, a claw penetrated directly through the wound on the forehead of the big cat.

The hot and strange flames directly began to erode the big cat’s head, causing the big cat to mourn in pain, but after a while, the big cat lost the sound, because the hot flame directly touched the skull in front of the big cat’s forehead Dissolved, on the huge head, a terrifying hole was melted directly by Yabuto's claw, which looked very disgusting.

And this also means that the big cat that defeated Orochimaru has lost its vitality a moment ago, but Yabuto’s attack did not stop. The flame in his hand was quickly replaced by scarlet, and the bloodwhip came directly from the huge wound. It penetrated directly through the whole body of the big cat, and then Yabuto waved his hand.


Two crashing sounds, I saw the big cat's nearly 50-foot-long body, which was directly split in half by Yabuto's bloodwhip, and the two bodies fell separately , There was a violent collision with the ground, and blood rushed out, and the whole ground was dyed red.

At this time, whether it is Panther Tribe or Demon Moth Tribe, they are already shocked and speechless, and even the movements in their hands have stopped. Even Orochimaru, who has seen the strength of Yabuto, cannot help but swallow. Drooling, the big cat who suffered a loss, was solved by Yabuto in an instant, and even the method was worse than that of himself who was turned into a cold-blooded devil by the world.

"Dead! Captain is dead!!!"

"Ah! Devil! He is a devil!!!"

"Run ahh!! The devil is here!!"

The big job is the Captain of the vanguard of Panther Tribe. Actually, the strength is not very strong. It is just being turned to find the way. As for the soldiers, of course it is not the most powerful. A powerful army. After the death of the big cat, these little soldiers lost their backbone and immediately began to flee in a panic.

As for the Demon Moth Tribe, it’s even more chaotic. They were not the main players in this battle, and their leader was not there. Originally they relied on the combination of air and land, and there were so many people. Snake Demon Tribe was defeated in one fell swoop, but now Panther Demon below is in a mess. These little soldiers are even more impossible to stay. Therefore, they can fly and run slower than Panther Tribe.

ahhhhhhh! ! ! !

But as Panther Tribe kept escaping, the panther army suddenly heard screams of infiltrating people from the rear. Panther Demon, who fled in a panic, suddenly heard the retreating footsteps and looked at each other. In the darkness behind, I only smell....

"Kill!! Kill all panther!!!"


In the darkness behind, there were shouts of killing one after another, and then It was the densely packed demon army. Panther Demon who fled in embarrassment naturally saw that these troops were not his own. Suddenly scared the soul flew away and scattered, and fleeing even more desperately, but at this time, Moth Demon in the air had all escaped.

In other words, now they are surrounded by front and back. Thousands of demon soldiers are in front and Snake Demon troops are in the back. More importantly, the cruel devil is also there, which makes them suddenly fell into despair.


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