Chapter Sixteen First Battle! The name of Yabuto (3)

When the Panther Tribe Army was marching, suddenly, the silhouette of the air counted in the air and fell to the ground in a panic, blocking the way of the Panther Army. It is preparing to smash the "enemy" in front of him.

"Stop it! Own people! Own people ahh!!" Seeing the army in front of us regard themselves and the others as enemies, in the silhouette, a demon with white wings and a moth face shouted loudly Tao.

The demon general who leads the front row clearly sees a few Moth Demons in front of him, which indicates that the surrounding demon soldiers have put down their guard. As long as the members of the Panther Tribe know, this time they are going out, Demon Moth Tribe is an ally , So after seeing the incoming person, the demon general knew that it was not an enemy attack.

"Isn't this the warrior of Demon Moth Tribe? How did you become like this!!"

"The General! Take us to the Panther King! Go! It's too late! It's too late!!" The demon moth looked panicked at this time, and even more so, the General called the cat clan demon general ecstatic. After all, in the army, he is just a Small Captain who leads the team. , There is no General at all. However, being called General by the other party is inevitably a bit proud. Look, we just have the General phase.

"This brother, come with me!!" Hearing the other party calling himself General, the demon general suddenly had a great affection for this Moth Demon, and even the brother called him.

Soon, the demon general took this Moth Demon through the heavy army, and soon came to the center of the army. I saw a huge pride sitting on top of the army. Huge body, wearing huge armor, brown mane, huge Panther Demon with several horns on the cat's head.

Huge Panther Demon is standing front, back and forth, and two men and two women, one of them looks like a big man, a brat with a tail, a little loli in a pink kimono, and a blue-haired onee-san.

Looking at the dressing of the four, you can see that the status of the four in the Panther Tribe is not low, and the demon general brought Moth Demon to the sedan chair and stopped, and then one-knee kneels respectfully said. "Lord! The warrior of the Demon Moth Tribe has something to see!"

"en?? You should get out first!!" The Panther King on the sedan looked at the demon general, and then again. He glanced at Moth Demon, then waved to the demon general to withdraw.

"Yes!!!" The demon general complied didn't dare to hesitate, turned and left, leaving only Moth Demon.

"en! You are Hyōga's subordinates! You should have gone to Dry Leaf Mountain first. Why did you come here?" Randomly glanced at Moth Demon who looked like an ant in front of him. , Panther King didn't put him in his eyes. In his eyes, only Hyōga could talk to him among the people coming from the Moth Demon clan.

"Report to Panther King! Our army heading to Dry Leaf Mountain is trapped! We are currently being surrounded by Western Lands Army!!" Although it is very uncomfortable with Panther King's contempt, Moth Demon clearly knows his own burden , So I didn't dare to be negligent, and directly told about the situation of Dry Leaf Mountain.

"What are you talking about? Didn’t there be news before that we were besieging the Western Lands Army? How long did it take to become us surrounded!" Panther King who heard the news was obviously very Unhappy, indeed, not long ago, there was news that the Western Lands Army wanted to ambush his own army, but in the end he was surrounded, but he hadn’t been happy for a while, and there was another one that made him unhappy. news.

"Thanks to Lord! Originally we were surrounded by each other, but later, their reinforcements arrived in time, and they did not know what method they used to avoid our observation and bypass the rear of our vanguard. , We were not guarded, but surrounded by the other party, and among the people rescued by the other party, there was also a terrifying teenager!!" Seeing Panther King angry, Moth Demon was surprised at first, but still quickly said it. He didn't dare to neglect what happened, if he angered the master, he might be able to swallow himself directly.

"hmph! Waste!!!" Hearing this, Panther King knew that what Moth Demon said was true, but he couldn't help but cursed. After all, he observed the opponent's movements, mainly in the air Moth Demon’s work is now being detoured behind him unknowingly by humans and gods, becoming active and passive. How can he not be angry? ?

"My Lord, please calm down! The young man he said may be from the Great Dog General and Sesshōmaru himself, if it were him! It would be no surprise that I was trapped this time!!" At this time, the blue-haired demoness standing on the left side of Panther King spoke. She didn't respond much to the siege. After all, when fighting, there was no 100% perfect strategy. When she was able to encircle each other, so did the other party. Opportunity surrounds yourself.

What she cares about is the powerful young man in Moth Demon's mouth. As the natural enemy of Dog Demon Tribe, they are not unfamiliar with the name Sesshōmaru, and it is not the first time that the four such as demoness have been with Sesshōmaru. There was a clash, but in every clash, the four of them didn’t have any money

Yes, from the very beginning, they were tied, and every time they were at a disadvantage, they were at a disadvantage. Fled.

The name Sesshōmaru has still become a thorn in the eyes of the four of them. Over the years, they have been training continuously in order to be able to catch up with Sesshōmaru and become a shame in this war. Of course, Sesshōmaru’s Their strength is obvious to all. If Sesshōmaru is leading the team to save people, it would not be a strange thing to be trapped. But it can only be said that they do not understand Sesshōmaru too much.

"en?! You said Sesshōmaru!!" Hearing this name, Panther King seemed a little dignified, although he still doesn’t put Sesshōmaru in his eyes, but these years, "Aristocratic Assassin "The title is still very loud.

"Say! What are the characteristics of that boy!!" Panther King was still thinking, so the demoness asked first. It can be seen that the demoness is not low in Panther King's hands.

"A white clothed armor, very beautiful, with a white tail hanging on his shoulders!!" For demon, it is very difficult to describe certain things, such as now, light It is his analogy. In the impression of demoness, it is directly Sesshōmaru. If Moth Demon can describe it in more detail, demoness must be found wrong, but unfortunately, Moth Demon is also a little bit IQ.

"my Lord! That person must be Sesshōmaru! The marching speed of the army is too slow, please allow my Lord to allow me to wait for the four to reinforce first!!" After hearing Moth Demon's description, the demoness became more certain The young man was Sesshōmaru, and the demoness who was worried about the comfort of the pioneer army knelt on the ground, begging Panther King.

"en!! In that case! Good! Let the four of you go to the rescue first. If you have a chance, you will definitely win Sesshōmaru!!" Seeing the demoness challenge, Panther King only thought for a while and agreed. . Although the number of the vanguard is not large, it is still a standing army after all. In addition, the battle has not yet started. If you lose an army at this time, it will be very detrimental to your own side.

"yes, sir! !" The four people in the sedan chair complied at the same time, and then they started to leave, thinking about Dry Leaf Mountain.


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