Just as Yabuto was thinking about all these years, a majestic but gentle voice suddenly came from behind, with a deep love in his tone, Yabuto turned around. The body is dressed in white clothes, with silver spiked pauldron on each shoulder, and a handsome but majestic face.

There are two different demon blades stuck in the waist, which generally look unremarkable, while the other looks dilapidated, but no one dares to underestimate these two unremarkable demon blades, and A demon blade is also inserted on its back, this demon blade is more gorgeous than the other two, and it emits a strong demonic energy from time to time.

"Lord Father!!!" Seeing the man walking towards him, Yabuto bent down and bowed respectfully to the man.

This respect is not false. For fifteen years in this World, Yabuto has been accustomed to cold-eyed confrontation. In the cold Demon City, there is only one person who will show love to himself, and that is himself. Today's father T艒ga, Yabuto, who was accustomed to discrimination as a child, often hides herself in the dark, and only T艒ga can comfort her and love him.

After all, in T艒ga鈥檚 eyes, Yabuto would not lose her maternal love unless it was for herself, and in his opinion, Yabuto鈥檚 usual indifference and introversion were all due to the atmosphere in Demon City. He Of course, I don鈥檛 know that my child is an adult who already has 30 years old thoughts.

So in his opinion, Yabuto's indifference and introversion are all caused by the attitude of the people in Demon City. In fact, Yabuto just doesn鈥檛 bother to care about them, but T艒ga, who doesn鈥檛 know everything, naturally treats Yabuto. Be more caring, and T艒ga will try his best to satisfy almost all the requirements that Yabuto makes.

On the other hand, Yabuto can also feel the father鈥檚 love for himself. Gradually, the previous life memory has become the deepest memory in Yabuto鈥檚 heart that he does not want to touch. He also accepted this omnipotent father in Western Lands.

"Tired???" T艒ga gently touched Yabuto's head and said softly.

He knew that Yabuto had no other purpose when he came to the barren mountain. He was here for training. He also observed Yabuto's training when he was ten years old. It can be said that Yabuto's own training program , It鈥檚 simply not what a ten-year-old boy would do, even for a demon.

But in his eyes, Yabuto not only did not give up, but persevered every time. Over the years, he has been used to seeing Yabuto get injured for training, and he is used to seeing Yabuto's life and death against other demons. battle life hanging by a thread, but also saw Yabuto's continuous breakthrough in all this cruelty.

T艒ga feels very pleased, think about it, even a demon, this age of demon, is also acting like a baby in the arms of their parents, as lifespan long demon, they are even longer with their parents than human Looking at the small silhouette in front of him, T艒ga seemed to see the future of Western Lands, not the future of the entire demon world.

"Not tired!!" Although I saw my father, I really thought of myself as T艒ga's son, but his character has been developed over the years. To everyone, Yabuto maintains a consistent identity. This kind of cold personality is still good for T艒ga. If you change to another person, Yabuto even don't pay attention.

"Then go back to Royal City! That's right! I will bring back the gift you want!" Seeing Yabuto shook his head, T艒ga laughed again, and then pulled it without waiting for Yabuto's consent He moved towards the mountain.

In the past few years, because of the constant wars in the demon world, all demons have been fighting for territorial battles. Among them, the Western Lands is the most fierce battle. In Western Lands, Dog Demon Tribe and Panther Tribe are the two major natural enemies. It's hard to understand. As the patriarch of Dog Demon Tribe, T艒ga

is naturally responsible for leading the demon world army against foreign enemies.

Therefore, in the past few years, T艒ga has been going out because of the war, and even took Sessh艒maru as the big brother to the battlefield. The young Sessh艒maru has performed well in the war, although he has not yet Ways to fight against some Great Demon, but some powerful demon, as long as they are not besieged, Sessh艒maru is still capable of defeating them.

Therefore, Sessh艒maru also got the title of "Aristocratic Assassin", and Yabuto had naturally heard of these. Originally, when T艒ga went out a few years ago, Yabuto wanted to be together. But under T艒ga's insistence, in the end, nothing was left.

But Yabuto has made up his mind. The father he knew will not be long before he returns, so he decided that his T艒ga must take him on the expedition this time because he knew that T艒ga was on an expedition. He was severely injured by the siege of Ry奴kotsusei and other Great Demon, and finally was buried in the fire sea for Princess Izayoi, the mother of Inuyasha, and Takemaru of Setsuna. So he hopes to go together, hoping to change all of this.

As for changing history, for Yabuto, he doesn鈥檛 care, what he cares about is what he cherishes. For him, the only thing he can cherish in the world now is the gift from T艒ga. A family relationship between father and son.

Soon, Yabuto followed T艒ga back to Demon City. All the demon soldiers bowed their heads and saluted. There was endless respect in their eyes. This is the respect for being the strongest Dog Demon of Western Lands. Looking at all this, Yabuto is very proud, but at the same time he has a strong fighting intent. Perhaps it is the demon鈥檚 aggressive nature that makes Yabuto鈥檚 character change a lot. Naturally, he hopes to fight powerhouse. In Yabuto鈥檚 eyes, there is no doubt that the most The strong one is T艒ga.

Walking to the depths of Demon City, I soon came to an empty space. On the empty space, a wooden cart was covered with a black cloth. It can be seen that under the black cloth Covering some of these huge objects, T艒ga stepped forward and untied the black cloth. What caught his eyes was a giant tortoise with blue skin with a sharp horn on its head and a huge dark green shell on its back. , And at this time, this tortoise has no aura anymore.

If it was Sessh艒maru a few hundred years later, he would definitely be able to recognize it, because the tortoise in front of me broke his T艒kijin Mei艒j奴 after being absorbed by M艒ry艒maru a few hundred years later, and This Mei艒j奴 was the gift Yabuto asked T艒ga for. As for its role, Yabuto didn't say anything. Of course, T艒ga didn't ask much. He was very relieved about Yabuto.

"Thank you Lord Father!!!" Looking at Mei艒j奴 in front of him, Yabuto still has a little bit of chicken in his heart. Of course, Mei艒j奴 is most famous for his shells, this is bite and shatter Tessaiga鈥檚 Goshinki The fang, shell that can break T艒kijin.


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