Chapter 3 Asking for Meidō Stone

After getting Meiōjū, after thanking Tōga, Yabuto asked another question. Before, he would In Demon City, I heard that Tōga defeated the always-famous Great Demon, Shishinki, who was able to use the unique skill to bury the enemy in the underworld.

Yabuto knew that when Tōga defeated Shishinki, he must also seize Shishinki’s unique skill “Meidō Zangetsuha”, so he wanted to ask Tōga for Meidō Stone. Although he was surprised why Yabuto knew Meidō Stone, but After Yabuto said about Shishinki's deeds, he didn't doubt it.

And after Tōga inadvertently glanced at Meiōjū, he could probably guess what Yabuto wanted to do with these two distinct things, but he didn’t say much, and agreed to divide the Meidō Stone. One thing for Yabuto, but what made Yabuto speechless is that Tōga actually gave the Meidō Stone to Lady Rintsuki, Sesshōmaru's mother.

What makes Yabuto even more depressed is that Tōga asked him to go to Lady Rintsuki to ask for it. You know, apart from the character is superb, this Lady Rintsuki showed no fluctuations in the life and death of his own son, although it was OK. Seeing that it was pretend, but for Yabuto, this mistress's child, there must be something impossible.

Think about it! Her husband not only openly have an affair, but even brought back the child who had had an affair to face each other day and night. Had Yabuto not been in Demon City often, Lady Rintsuki would have been crazy.

But even so, there is no way. Looking at Tōga who is leaving, Yabuto certainly knows that he wants to find Lady Rintsuki to get the Meidō Stone by himself. Of course, he hopes that he and Lady Rintsuki can communicate more. , I hope they can get along with each other in peace, but Yabuto asks himself is it possible? ?

There is no way. Impossible is still necessary. For the goal in his heart, Yabuto can only brace oneself.

In Demon City, in a gorgeous noble room, a coquettish-looking, luxuriously dressed beautiful woman sits by the window, holding her chin in one hand, and holding an egg-sized purple in the other. The black gemstone, and that gemstone, is the Meidō Stone of Yabuto yearn for something even in dreams, and this beautiful woman is Tōga's wife, Sesshōmaru's mother Lady Rintsuki.

At this time, Lady Rintsuki had Meidō Stone in her hand. She had been very happy with Tōga’s gift, but she was very upset at this time. The reason is very simple. Tōga just arrived and brought Meidō Stone gave it to her, but it also brought another news that he fell in love with another woman outside.

But what makes Lady Rintsuki even more unhappy is that this time, he fell in love with a human woman, which makes Lady Rintsuki, who has always hated human, even more depressed, and at this time, she doesn’t know the situation. Yabuto, just came here, and he had planned to knock on the door and saw Lady Rintsuki sitting by the window.

After encouraging himself on one side, Yabuto brace oneself walked over. "That...that...Aunt Rintsuki!!!"

"Why are you brat again! Say something quickly! Otherwise, it will disappear!!" When someone called herself, Lady Rintsuki suddenly got upset, she would With this name, there is only one person in the entire Demon City. He was originally upset about bringing back another woman for her husband. Now that I heard about her husband’s other woman’s child, I feel even more upset. This attitude is for this time. Lady Rintsuki is already the most patient.

"Uh.... That! I heard that father defeated Shishinki, I want to think about him to order Meidō Stone, but he said it’s with you!!! So I...I want!!!" Look Looking at Lady Rintsuki, whose face seemed to be getting darker and darker, Yabuto couldn't say anything, but the scene that followed made him shocked.

"Take it if you want!!" I saw Lady Rintsuki with an indifferent expression, and then threw Meidō Stone all at Yabuto, then waved to Yabuto to signal him to get out.

Why is Lady Rintsuki so dismissive of Meidō Stone? The reason is simple. Tōga has not told her about the usefulness of Meidō Stone. In her view, Meidō Stone is nothing but Tōga. She brought back another woman and used it to please her own gems. There was no practical use. Now she sees this gemstone, so of course she can't wait to throw it away right away.

"ahh!! No need, no need! I want a little bit is enough!!" Yabuto was a little surprised and waved his hand quickly, and then, with the sharp nails in his hand, scratched the Meidō Stone. A small piece, probably only a little bigger than a person's pupil, then quickly returned the Meidō Stone to Lady Rintsuki and ran away quickly.

"By the way! Aunt! This stone is not simple! Lord Father will give it to you to show that he trusts you very much! Don't get angry anymore! Thank you Aunt!!!" About to leave Lady Yabuto, who was looking at Rintsuki, stopped after thinking about it, then turned and said to Lady Rintsuki.

Actually, he didn’t want to be troublesome at first, but he saw Lady Rintsuki’s attitude to Meidō Stone just now. It was obvious that she didn’t know the role of Meidō Stone. He was afraid that Lady Rintsuki would be directly angry. Throwing the Meidō Stone, when the time comes, I am afraid that Meidō Zangetsuha will not be able to reappear, so I decided to remind.

"hmph! This damn brat!!!" Looking at Yabuto who is leaving, Lady Rintsuki is beautiful nose lightly snorted, but there is no blaming meaning in her tone, because Yabuto herself didn't know. Just now, Said to be a reminder, in fact, to Lady Rintsuki, it sounds more like comforting her.

Yabuto, who got the Meidō Stone smoothly, was in a good mood, took the Meidō Stone carefully in his arms, and then quickly returned to the room, holding a brown treasure box in the room, and then holding the treasure The box came to the location of Meiōjū, put the treasure box on the body of Meiōjū, and then pushed the car with Meiōjū up, quickly thinking of the other side of Demon City pushing it.

After Yabuto left, a moment behind Yabuto’s big tree, a noble silhouette walked out, a white robe, a spiked ringed pauldron on his left shoulder, a white plush tail on his right shoulder, and a silver white long. With hair, a cold and delicate face, plus the moon pattern on the forehead, and the purple demon stripe on the cheeks, this person is also the big brother Sesshōmaru of Yabuto and unborn Inuyasha.

As for Sesshōmaru’s concern, Yabuto didn’t know it. He quickly came to another part of Demon City. The trees nearby were scorched and looked desolate and empty. On the open space, there was a The simple thatched house, Yabuto pushed Meiōjū to the front of the house.

After that, Yabuto only saw him stepping forward and kicking the wooden door of the hut open. Inside, he saw a bald and shriveled old man with two eyes bigger than a light bulb and holding a hammer in one hand. He held a wine gourd in his other hand, and at the same time, the hammer in his hand was constantly beating a piece of red-hot metal on the stone platform in front of him.

The old man was also taken aback by the sudden noise, stopped the movement in his hand, turned his head and looked at the door, at the same time, the brown cow beside him was also awakened in his sleep. He opened his eyes, but to his surprise, the cow had three eyes.

"It turned out to be Lord Yabuto! What's wrong with the sudden visit?" Seeing the visitor, the old man didn't care about the knocked door, and asked Born.

"I have something! I need you to help me build it!!" Yabuto didn't beat around the bush, and he said his intentions. After speaking, he walked out on his own, and the old man also Followed out.

"Oh! It turned out to be Meiōjū ahh!! I don't know what the Young Master will do for Meiōjū?" Looking at the huge body of Meiōjū on the wooden cart in front of me, the old man asked in surprise in reality.


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