The 243rd chapter Kagura's mind! !

In the largest building in Naraku, a petite white silhouette stands in the yard, holding a white mirror in his hand, without any expression on his face. It seems that nothing has anything to do with her. This At that moment, a huge shadow passed through the air, and then landed in front of the silhouette.

"Kagura!!! You are here!!!" Seeing the person, the girl said flatly. The expression on her face has always changed meaninglessly. Among the people related to Naraku, only one is three. There is only one no girl, and that is Naraku’s first incantation, and it is also the incantation Kanna trusted by Naraku.

"What are you eager to find me for?" Kagura was surprised when Naraku suddenly let herself come back. It stands to reason that Naraku is the one who distrusts her the most among all incantions, probably It is also because of this that Naraku will seize her heart, so that she can't have any rebellious heart!

In fact, these things can be seen from this time. The baby's name is Chizi, who was separated after Naraku rebuilt his body. It is Naraku's Incarnation and also the heart of Naraku. Now I think To kill Naraku, you must kill Chizi first, otherwise, even if you defeat Naraku many times, he will not die because he has no heart.

But Naraku couldn’t wait and asked her to hand over her baby boy to the boy. This suffices to show that Naraku didn’t believe her at all, so he transferred the baby boy within the fastest time. That's true. The boy's name is Hakudōshi, who is also Naraku's Incarnation, and Naraku specifically asked him to help Chizi find a safe barrier.

The huge silhouette standing behind Hakudōshi at that time was the barrier that Hakudōshi found. Hakudōshi used his own demonic power, plus a lot of demons. It was able to move freely and had the ability to absorb any demonic power. Ability, but no consciousness, no heart, and no soul. It just exists as a walking corpse.

But it’s different if you have a child. The consciousness of the child is the consciousness of Mōryōmaru. The child himself is the heart of Mōryōmaru. The child can control all Mōryōmaru’s actions. The two aspects just form a perfect existence. Use Mōryōmaru. Protecting Chizi, using Chizi to control Mōryōmaru, not only protects Chizi’s safety, but also adds a powerful helper.

"Kagura!!! You are back!!!" Kanna did not speak yet, a voice that disgusted Kagura came from the house, and Naraku walked out of the house at a gentle pace, watching He looked very kind and happy, but stopped in Kagura's ears, but it was so hypocritical and disgusting.

"That brat said! You are looking for me!!!" Kagura just wanted to know at this time, what Naraku was going to do to find himself, no matter what it was, I hope he finishes it quickly so that he can go. Finished, lest she can't help but look at this guy, even if it's not an opponent, Kagura wants to kill him more than once for freedom.

"hmph!! How impatient!! Come with me!!!" It seems that the reaction to Kagura is commonplace, and Naraku has no nonsense, just smiled coldly, and then walked forward, knotting around. Raised the barrier, wrapped herself and Kanna in, then moved towards the sky and flew up. Kagura saw it, and once again pulled off her feathers to become spaceship followed along.

Not long after, Naraku began to land on a deep mountain behind the city. Kagura didn’t know what he was going to do, but didn’t ask much. Anyway, what Naraku would think of is absolutely impossible. Good thing, although she is not a good person, but no matter how bad, compared with Naraku, it seems pale into insignificance by comparison.

"Go in!!!" Before landing in a cave, Naraku's barrier disappeared, turning his head to Kagura who just landed and gathered his feathers, opened the mouth and said, and then followed Kanna directly. After entering, Kagura did not ask much, and followed the two into the cave.

The first reaction is that this place is dark, and you can hardly see your palms, but Kagura is not a simple character. In such a cave, relying on feelings will not affect the progress, and this There is still wind flowing in the cave. Kagura, which is extremely sensitive to the wind direction, is not difficult. Naraku and Kanna should already be familiar with the road.

After traveling for a long time, I felt that the cave seemed to have no end, but soon this feeling disappeared, because the bright light appeared in front of it, which attracted Kagura’s attention, and the scene that appeared immediately made Kagura stare. Big eyes, at the end of the cave, a huge barrier, shrouded in a semicircle on the ground.

The barrier not only exudes rays of light, illuminating all around, but around the barrier, dozens of red insect-like demons fly around all around, and at the same time they are pulling The white luminous sphere, but what surprised Kagura most was that the people in the barrier were bound by the chains in the eyes on both sides of the wall.

With open hands, standing on the ground with both feet, a red and white priestess costume, black long hair, which is covered like a waterfall because of the drooping of her head, making it impossible for the outside world to see her appearance. Appearance, but Kagura knows this dress and silhouette. This priestess is not someone else but Kikyō.

"What?? Surprised??" Naraku laughed when he saw Kagura's face, and he seemed very proud. Indeed, for him, seeing Kagura's expression is undoubtedly pleasing him. With his Naraku mind, how could he not know Kagura's thoughts, but because he has her heart in his hand, she is expected to dare not do it. What kind of resistance happened.

"You caught this woman!! Aren't you afraid that the guy will come here????" Kagura naturally heard what Naraku meant, but she hid it well without showing it, but she felt , Naraku seems to be really different from before. They are both Naraku's Incarnation. No one knows the origin of Naraku better than them.

Didn't expect, Naraku would catch Kikyō unexpectedly. This is when he was a human, the woman who yearn for something even in dreams wanted to get, plus, know that Kikyō and Yabuto only met She knew that Naraku until now, tried her best to avoid the frontal contact with Yabuto, and now she has caught Kikyō, which is undoubtedly directly confronted with Yabuto.

She can't help but wonder in her heart, does Naraku really have any power that can ignore Yabuto? ?

"I'm afraid of his power!! But do you think this woman is in my hands, what can he do???" Naraku is very confident, if he showed up at the time, Yabuto Ignoring Kikyō's hands, it means he was too stupid, but Yabuto didn't do it.

Then he has nothing to be afraid of. Although Yabuto is undoubtedly a perfect demon in demonic power battle strength, it still has weaknesses. His best at Naraku is to use people’s hearts and grasp Staying at the enemy's weakness, this can often bring a fatal blow to the opponent, as long as Yabuto still has a weakness, then he is sure to catch his weakness.


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