Chapter 244 Bankotsu is here! !

As if hearing the movement outside, Kikyō, who was in a coma, trembled, but found that there was no strength in his body. He lifted the head with difficulty, opened his eyes, and suddenly found himself trapped in a purple Inside the barrier, I wanted to move but found that my hands were bound by chains. However, when I saw the person standing in front of the barrier, he still had tired and weak eyes, suddenly full of anger.

"Oh!!!! Okay! Long time no see Kikyō!!!" Kikyō just woke up, Naraku noticed it, seeing the anger in those eyes, Naraku not only did not feel unhappy, On the contrary, I still feel very enjoyable. Suffice it to say that the current Naraku is different from the previous Naraku.

Separating one's heart is tantamount to abandoning the heart that once belonged to Onigumo. It is no longer the incarnation of Onigumo. That is the real Naraku. Naraku also has unexplainable feelings for this woman, but But he would never give up jewel shard because of this. Frankly speaking, if it weren't for the fear of Yabuto, this woman he couldn't get would have been killed by him.

"Naraku!!!" I tried to rush forward forcibly, but was bound by the chains of both hands, and was stopped by the chains as soon as he took a step. At the same time, the feeling of powerlessness flooded the whole body again, weak. The body knelt down again, but those stubborn eyes were still staring at Naraku, wishing to perish together with him.

"Nice hatred!! I just don't know if Yabuto is like you at this time!!!" The more Kikyō hates him, the happier he is. This woman once fascinated Onigumo and caused Only by looking at her pain can I make myself happy with my own interests. Onigumo traded his body with demon for her.

Become a demon, successfully possessing a body that moves freely, but still can’t get her, nor Sacred Jewel, but why Yabuto, who is also a demon, has the heart of Kikyō, At this time, it became a hindrance to getting Sacred Jewel. This time, I was revenge against Kikyō and Yabuto was also revenge.

"What did you do to him!!" Kikyō, whose consciousness was already quite confused, heard Naraku's words and asked without even thinking about it. She didn't have any extra energy to think at this time. What can Naraku really do to Yabuto, can she still live? ? But no matter what it says, Yabuto has already occupied her heart.

"What an enviable feeling! Don’t worry! He is much better than you!!! I just don’t know, will he split up the continent because of jewel shard. and in pieces !!!" The sullen smile, seemingly hypocritical, the first half of the sentence made Kikyō feel relieved, but the second half made her think higher.

" asked him to collect jewel shards for you??" Kikyō is a smart woman, how could she not hear Naraku's words, Yabuto really did that for her, she was very moved , But she didn't want him to do this, whether it was because he couldn't make Naraku wishful or worried about Yabuto's safety.

"You don't have to think about anything! When Sacred Jewel is all in my hands, Yabuto will not be much better than your results! Now you should take a good rest!!" He smiled cruelly With a wave of his hand, the free Soul Collectors in his hand moved his tentacles, and in an instant, he pulled out a soul from Kikyō again.

"Damn...." Looking at Naraku unwillingly, but everything that I saw in front of her eyes has been blurred. There were already a few souls of Kikyō, and one more was missing, making her body no more Unable to bear the tiredness, his head lowered again, and the waterfall-like black long hair once again covered his beautiful face.

"Kagura!!! Look at this woman!!! What happened to the accident, you know the result!!" Seeing Kikyō fainted again, Naraku put away his interest, turned and walked out of the cave. Kanna also followed along. Before leaving the cave, she turned her head and said to Kagura.

"Got it!!!" Although he was angry at Naraku's threat, Kagura couldn't help it. Naraku held his lifeline in his hands. He could kill himself at any time, even in desperation. Can only obey. After seeing Naraku and the others leave, Kagura turned his attention to Kikyō in the barrier again.

She is very curious about what kind of woman this is that can interest Naraku and make Yabuto endure the impulse and anger to get rid of Naraku, but unfortunately she can’t see it, she’s not good at it. Observing people's hearts, she only yearns for freedom like the wind, and longs for one day to ask Naraku to fly freely in the air.

Under the dark moon, Yabuto sits alone on the cliff, with his eyes facing each other, and a pink diamond-shaped fragment is pinched between his thumb and index finger. A closer look is that all the demons are vying for the capture. The jewel shard, this fragment is exactly the fragment obtained from Hōsenki's hands. As for the future Hōsenki, no one knows what happened except the four people present.


The majestic horse ming, I saw the shadow suddenly appearing on the full moon in the night sky, rushing all the way, I saw the white horse stepping on With flames, carrying a handsome white robed youth, wearing dark green armor, carrying a huge halberd on his shoulders, and a dark-skinned white-haired girl in front of him.

Discovering the abnormality, Orochimaru, who was originally hidden from the side, immediately violent. He was about to meet the shadow coming from the air, but was blocked by Yabuto's horizontal hand. Orochimaru is also a wise man, and naturally knows that he should not be the enemy. After attacking, he also retracted his vigilance and retreated to stand respectfully behind Yabuto.

"Smelly fox really is playing me!! That woman was really caught, how could you still have time to watch the moon here!!!" Just before landing, the boy did not dismount, but still Carrying halberd, he spoke with a hint of complaint.

It’s not someone else who came here, it was Bankotsu and Shiori, because Bankotsu was too slow to come by himself, although he could transform, but that would consume demonic power too much, and he hadn’t fully mastered the demonic power. Bankotsu, definitely can't make it here, so Shiori proposed to let Bankotsu ride Entei to come here, but the premise is to bring her.

"Lord Yabuto!! Lady Kikyō...." After Shiori got along with Kikyō for a while, she felt that this big elder sister was very gentle and pitiful at the same time, both of them had a painful past. So I can understand each other's pain better, and the relationship is getting better and better. When Kikyō was arrested, she couldn't help but follow.

"It's okay! Let's go!!!" For Shiori's own decision, Yabuto is not angry. It is good for her to have her own ideas. As for Bankotsu, he is also not angry. He is not. I can speak well. The reason why Hakuri tricked him, saying that he is here to watch the moon, is actually urging Yabuto to save people that's all! !


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