Chapter 283 Hakuri and Tōran! !

"Hey! Man...Tōran! Will you blame me if I decide this way??" Three Great Elders left, and the dungeon fell into silence again. After a long time, Hakuri seemed to bear it I couldn't help but asked, as the subject was naturally Tōran behind his own wall, he still unconsciously wanted to call her a man-in-law, but thinking about it, he might die after tomorrow, so I should talk about it. Say it! After all, as long as you call her like this in the past, the two would immediately quarrel.

"What's the blame for you???" Tōran didn't expect Hakuri to speak suddenly. She knew that Hakuri was in a bad mood the past few days, except for mocking those Elders. She never heard Hakuri speak again. She was like comforting him, but she didn't know how to speak. She didn't realize what Hakuri said for a while, so she asked.

"I don't want to tell them the secret! You will die together if you are tired!!" I have to say that even if I am out of danger, Hakuri has not changed, and I still have a trace of it when I speak. Cynical, in fact, this is just a cover up for his own self-blame. If he knew it would be like this when he came back, he would not invite Tōran with them. At least he would be the only one if you had an accident.

"I know what you are saying is true, but they don't believe it! Even if they believe it, they won't let us go!!" Tōran's words are also very clear, Fox Race absolutely does not So simply let go of the two, let them know the secret already, but it's just dead.

As for blame him? Tōran still won't, let her say that the biggest victim at this time should be Hakuri herself! Desperately trying to recover the entire clan, what he got in the end was betrayal. He suffered more psychologically than anyone else. Tōran could understand it naturally. How could they be the same at the beginning? ?

"Yeah! They won't let us go!!! But it's only until tomorrow!!!" Hakuri closed his eyes and pressed the back of his head against the wall, his tone seemed to be sighed In relief is the same, but there has never been a person waiting for death who can be as calm as he is.

Actually, Tōran could hear it, but she didn’t say anything. She could understand the feeling. Hakuri looked calm at this time, but it was actually very painful inside. It can be said that life is not as good as death. He said that he no longer has the style of the previous powerhouse, and the only thing waiting is death. He wants to leave this nightmare early, and death is undoubtedly the best choice.

Don’t look at a person who is usually cheerful and strange. In fact, his heart is more affectionate than anyone else, and this incident happened to the weakest part of Hakuri’s heart. Rise in the mind with all the answers, he asked himself whether he was worth it over the years, and whether he was really wrong, but he couldn't get the answer.

"Tōran!!!" If there is nothing left for Hakuri to keep a trace of survival, it should be Tōran. This seems to be inconsistent with his own character, but is involved for no reason. The woman about this.

"en? ??" Tōran was surprised when he heard the sound, because Hakuri called her name this time, which made her hear a little solemnity. She didn't know what was wrong with this chuckling guy. But she had a hunch and told herself that what happened next would be something she had never encountered in her life.

"If... I said that if I can leave alive, this Uncle will... marry you, okay!!!" As soon as the words came out, the entire dungeon fell suddenly into silence, as if only Hearing the heartbeats of the two, Hakuri hesitated for a long time, and finally said it out. He is like this.

Recalling these short days, although it was all quarrels, there seemed to be some other factors, and even offended Sesshōmaru because of this woman. When we first met, she deliberately let her go. At this time, perhaps his demonic power was sealed, which made him lose the desire to fight in the past, but his head became sober. He found that he didn't know when he started to like this man-in-law! !

Since he thinks clearly, he is not a hesitating person. He needs to let Tōran know his mind now, no matter what the outcome will be tomorrow, at least let her know his mind now, she Whether or not to agree is her business, just like her, at least in the days of shock, it can make him wake up a trace of faith in survival.

"It doesn’t matter if I don’t have to answer!!!" Tōran’s constant silence made Hakuri feel a little flustered. For him now, not knowing the answer may be the best, because he wants to know He tried his best to live with the answer. He was afraid that Tōran would refuse, and he was afraid that he would lose motivation after hearing the rejection. He himself didn't care that's all, but there was Tōran he didn't want Tōran to die with him.

"Didn't you say that I am a man-in-law? Then you have to marry a man-in-law!!!" Hearing Hakuri's words again, Tōran couldn't help but laugh, because he is usually carefree Hakuri, she is really funny when she talks with anxiety and anxiety. To be honest, she looks like looking at Hakuri's face now.

"That...that's just a joke, OK! It's not humorous at all..." Hearing this, Hakuri couldn't help complaining, and at the same time he whispered in his heart, let's see! Now the retribution is coming! ! ! Hearing Tōran's laughter made his three-inch thick face redden even more, and he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

"If I can survive tomorrow...a man-in-law will be Sisy's wife!!" When Hakuri scolded himself secretly, a sudden voice suddenly made him stunned, and suddenly he forgot to forget it. Speaking, I kept recalling in my head whether I heard it wrong just now, as if feeling the state of Hakuri at this time, Tōran smiled at his head leaning against the wall.

Under the snow mountain, count to the silhouette standing in the wind and snow, the top of the mountain is covered by snow, but there is no raging wind and snow, but under the mountain, the wind and snow continue to roar, forming a natural barrier. In this kind of weather, it is difficult for the average person to move forward. Coupled with the strong wind, it is difficult to open his eyes, and it is even more difficult to find the road on the mountain.

"si si!!! This what the hell is that place ahh!! It's too cold!!!" This entire group is naturally Yabuto and the others. Under the leadership of Karan, they found This snow mountain, at the same time, Bankotsu secretly said in one's heart, if it hadn't been for the little cat to lead the way, he would really not have come to such a place if he were looking for it alone.

Among the crowd, Jakotsu was the first one who couldn't help it. The weather here is at least thirty or forty degrees lower than the outside world, and it's much colder than ordinary places, let alone Tōtōsai. The volcano where they were, and they finally got used to the hot volcanic residence. Now they suddenly came to such a place, naturally they couldn't help it.


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