Chapter 284 Luo Yunque! !

"This kind of weather is really annoying!! No matter what you save, you will leave!! Little cat will lead the way!!!" The weather changes suddenly and there is such a big difference. To be honest, don't say it is Band of Seven Now, even Yabuto felt uncomfortable. If it weren’t for Kikyō who is beside him now doesn’t have any special feelings about the temperature, he would have burned here a long time ago.

"Uh...that! I don't know the way up the mountain!!!" Karan said, everyone was suddenly stunned. Bankotsu, who was originally motivated, was instantly poured with a pot of cold water, and then immediately Turning to look at Karan with murderous eyes, she suddenly jumped off her, but there was no way, she really didn't know.

I don’t know the way up the mountain. It sounds weird, but Yabuto is actually right to think about it. After all, no one pays special attention to the road conditions when he is hunted down. In fact, the snow mountain and Tōtōsai’s The volcano is not too far away, at least at Karan's speed, even if they are injured, it doesn't take that long. The reason for wasting that much time is because they were chased all the way, but they couldn't find the way down the mountain.

For this reason, after begging to chase soldiers down the mountain, their minds have long been on searching for rescue, so why would they care about where they came from? ? This has caused the embarrassing scene now. For a while, everyone has no choice. In such weather, even Yabuto's sense of smell will not work, and Entei's sensitivity to demonic energy is also beaten by the chaotic wind and snow. Messed up.

"I don't know the way!! What should I do ahh!!" Jakotsu shook his body indifferently, trying to warm himself up. At this time, he scolded Hakuri all over. If it weren't for this guy, they wouldn't use this horrible place to drink northwestern wind, but they just complained, people still have to save!

"Will you find someone to lead the way soon?" Jakotsu said, Yabuto's eyes moved towards one side, swept away in the dead wood that has been covered by snow, only Bankotsu on one side slightly hooked his mouth. It started an arc, and then cut it out with a single knife. The purple lightning strikes suddenly, splitting the wind and snow, and directly impacted on the dead wood. Suddenly left a ruin in front of it, and in the smoke and snow, suddenly I saw the sky and white feathers fluttering. , The scene was empty.

"Wow! Has the Leader been chopped to pieces????" Seeing the mess at the scene, but there was no one, the first reaction of the Band of Seven people was the guy who just hid in the dark. , Has been divided by Bankotsu, but Yabuto Kikyō and Black and White Impermanence are all frowned.

"no! Look clearly!!!" Bankotsu lifted Banryū up and put it on his shoulders, then said flatly, and then stared at the flying feathers in the sky. He said that these feathers were not weird, and he didn't believe it when he killed him. The wind and snow here are so big, but those feathers are always hovering over the ruins. Is that normal? ?

As if in response to Bankotsu’s words, Manten’s feathers began to slowly descend, and then gradually condensed to one place, and slowly formed a white humanoid composed of feathers. While condensing and forming, The white feathers began to be dyed with color. Upon seeing this, everyone in Band of Seven showed a state of defending against the enemy, because this scene was too weird.

"What a trick Li Daitao is stiff!!!" Yabuto couldn't help but smile. In front of Bankotsu, this guy was not simple. When Bankotsu attacked, he knew he couldn't escape, so he feathered himself. , And hid behind the deadwood. When the Dragon Thunder power arrived, it only hit the deadwood, but the powerful force still defeated this guy's feathered form.

It stands to reason that under the power of Dragon Thunder, this kind of feathering is of no use, but the beauty is that it uses the power of countless dead trees in front of it, but the pure energy rushes to scatter the feathers, because the feathers are light and light. Soft, the feathers of the entire body became extremely soft after being washed into the air. With this feature, the power of Dragon Thunder was relieved to save his life. I can think of so much in this instant, this guy obviously not simple.

"Wow!! So handsome ahh!!" Soon after, what appeared in front of everyone was a red haired man wearing a blue priest robe. He looked about twenty years old and his body looked like He looks very thin, and his face looks a little pale, but he is handsome. The appearance of such a handsome man naturally makes a certain nymphomaniac can't help but exclaim, while others are full of black lines.

"The little trick is a show of ugliness!!!" at first heard Jakotsu's words, the man was also stunned, but he quickly ignored a certain nympho, then turned his head and looked at Yabuto seriously and said He knew that among these people was Yabuto headed, and he could feel that the aura Yabuto gave him was dangerous and dangerous.

The man knew that the first person to spot him was Yabuto. It was not that he could not avoid the Dragon Thunder just now, but because Yabuto immediately released him in an imposing manner, suddenly let him It felt like a crisis hit the body, making him lose the ability to move, so he reluctantly used the puppet phantom.

hu!!!! !

"Hey!! Tell me! You are who! Why are you hiding here to eavesdrop!!!" Banryū Yi Heng, the man pointed by Jian Feng, Bankotsu looked at the man with a bad look, after all This is under the enemy's mountain, and a person suddenly appeared, and Bankotsu naturally thought that this guy was the enemy.

"Don't be nervous! My name is Luo Yunque, I have no ill intentions! I just heard you just say to save people! Is it Hakuri???" Feeling Bankotsu's hostility, facing Bankotsu and the evil spirits In Band of Seven, the man did not show the slightest timidity, but calmly opened his hands to show that he had no malice.

Huh? ? After seeing this scene, Yabuto couldn't help but glanced at the man highly. In the face of this situation, he was still calm and calm. At the same time, he was surprised that this man knew Hakuri? ? The conversation they had just said did not reveal who was rescued. The man asked, there are two possibilities, one is that the enemy wants to determine whether one is an enemy, and the other is that a friend wants to save the person.

"This matter has nothing to do with you!!!" Hearing Luo Yunque talking about Hakuri, Bankotsu not only did not withdraw his hostility, but became even more hostile. The first reason was that this guy was hiding in the dark to listen He was very upset. The second thing is that this guy actually knows that they know Hakuri, so he can't let him go. If this guy runs up the mountain to inform those stinky foxes about saving people, it will be a little troublesome! !

"Where did you hear this sound...Where is it???" At this time, Karan on one side was holding her hair and muttering laughter, but she couldn't remember when she heard it. I've been to this Luo Yunque's voice.


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