Chapter 40 The Four Souls' Change

Yabuto, who came to Kaede's Village, still has a lot of feelings! I looked at the surrounding scenery and thought about it. It seems that the establishment of Kaede's Village has something to do with me. When I think about my appearance, there seems to be some changes in the trajectory, but the event is still going in the direction of plot.

This time, the reason for coming to Kaede's Village is because Yabuto once was on a mountain one night and heard a group of bandits talking, and the name of one of them, Yabuto, was very impressive. That person’s name is also Onigumo, which is Big Boss in original work, because of jealousy of Inuyasha and the desire to get Kikyō and Sacred Jewel in his heart, the offer ​​his body to demons Naraku.

The bandit who talked to him was the bandit leader who was deceived by him in the original work, and then went to Kaede's Village to snatch Sacred Jewel, and the sneak attack Kikyō was defeated by Inuyasha. Yabuto knew that the conversation between the two of them heralded the beginning of grievances. Then the bandit, knowing that Onigumo had been deceived, would go to bomb Onigumo's residence and cause Onigumo to be seriously injured and then thrown off the cliff.

After that, he will be rescued by Kikyō, and then placed in a dark cave, finally offer body to demons, and begin to look like two people, while Kikyō is shooting Inuyasha, and Turning into Inuyasha and hurting Kikyō, the two turned into enemies. Kikyō used his last strength to seal Inuyasha on the Sacred Tree of Ages, while he took Sacred Jewel through the flames to finish the last section of the road, and then That is the beginning of plot.

Sacred Jewel, who reincarnated with Kikyō, also entered Kagome's body, and then felt the power by the demon, forcibly pulled from the Bone-Eater's Well to the Warring States period, and met Inuyasha, and then He lifted his seal and began a series of journeys.

Yabuto, who knew this, naturally quickly arrived at Kaede's Village. Of course, he didn’t want to change anything, he just wanted to see how the Big Boss became in the future. You know, you are a demon when you open your eyes in this life. Yabuto has never seen him change from a human to a demon.

Should it be said that early is worse than coincidence? Yabuto passing by behind Kaede's Village happened to see a woman with long hair wearing miko clothes matching white and red with a rope on her shoulder, and the rope was connected to a wooden cart with a full body helper on it. He's the same person as the mummy, and this person is definitely Onigumo.

Yabuto didn’t care. He went directly to Kaede's Village. He knew that there was still some time before the plot started. Now it’s a side story at best. He wants to see if Inuyasha is there, although There is no friendship, but brothers after all, Yabuto is cold and cold, but still can’t do like Sesshōmaru. If it is really like that, Izayoi will not be good for a hundred years ago.

However, Yabuto was surprised that when he came to Kaede's Village, he didn't even feel the existence of Inuyasha. Kaede's Village is not too big, and the entire range is within Yabuto's sense of smell, but he did not even feel the presence of Inuyasha when he came to Kaede's Village. There was no smell of Inuyasha, which surprised Yabuto. Even if he left temporarily, the smell would not disappear immediately, but there was no smell of Inuyasha in the air here.

Is it the butterfly effect? Yabuto could not help but secretly said in one's heart, you know, because of the existence of Inuyasha, the bandit leader did not succeed in conspiring with Kikyō, and was taught a lesson, so he went to retaliate against Onigumo who deceived him, but now Onigumo retaliates. However, Inuyasha hasn't come yet, and Yabuto is not surprised anymore.

But think about it, in fact, even without Inuyasha, Kikyō should not be so easily attacked by sneak attacks! After all, it is a powerful priestess with spiritual power. It seems that the bandit should have seen the power of Kikyō before going back to take revenge on Onigumo. Originally, Onigumo asked the bandit to go and die first. Naturally, he wanted to conceal Kikyō's power.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Just as Yabuto was hovering over Kaede's Village, he suddenly heard a loud noise. Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw a Weasel Demon monster rushing out of the shrine in Kaede's Village, and Yabuto’s In his eyes, I saw Weasel Demon holding a string of something similar to a necklace, and that string of necklaces was Sacred Jewel.

Yabuto was also surprised. Wasn't Inuyasha the one who snatched Sacred Jewel? How did it become this stuff? But surprised and surprised still chased up, perhaps because the weasel didn't disturb them when he came in, and was only discovered when he stole it, so he killed the person who found him, and then hurriedly fled, causing a big disturbance.

At this time, Kikyō who had placed Onigumo also just returned. After returning, I saw that the whole village was panicked. At this time, a little girl in a yellow kimono with a bow and arrow in her hand turned towards Kikyō. Ran over.

"Elder sister! No good! Weasel Demon who lives in the vicinity took Sacred Jewel away." The little girl came to Kikyō's, panting heavily and said to Kikyō in panic.

"What!!" Kikyō was startled, but the bow and arrow held by the little girl, and then with the little girl, rushed to the direction the villagers were chasing.

"hū hū hū hū hu!!! !!!" Weasel Demon, who hurriedly fled, panted heavily and looked at the Sacred Jewel in his hand. In addition to fear, Weasel Demon's eyes were greed and excitement. With Sacred Jewel, he will soon be able to become a powerful demon, when the time comes, then no one needs to be afraid, any demon meeting him must avoid the three colors.

He is also very scared in his heart. You must know that he lives near Kaede's Village. He has been stealing Sacred Jewel, but he knows that Kaede's Village has a powerful priestess. The demon who went to snatch Sacred Jewel have all died, so before that, he finally made up his mind.

However, he is also smarter than other demons. He was not so stupid that he went directly to snatch it. Instead, he sneaked in. However, he was discovered at the last moment, so he immediately ran away in a hurry. There was a big movement. At this time, he was excited and afraid. What was excited was that soon he could become a famous Great Demon, and what was afraid was the powerful priests chasing after him.


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