Chapter 41 Killing

Under the hunt of many Kaede's Village villagers and Kikyō, Weasel Demon rushed into the deep mountains and took shelter everywhere with the help of the vegetation of the mountains and forests. Suddenly made the villagers feel as if they had entered a huge maze. Weasel Demon was naturally very proud of this situation. It should be known that although he is not afraid of ordinary humans, the name of Kikyō is still very shocking to them like demon.

The villagers of Kaede's Village are not the same as the villagers of other villages. If the villagers of other villages, let alone arrest him for Sacred Jewel, I am afraid that they will directly offer Sacred Jewel with both hands for a peaceful life. But Kaede's Village is different, they are notoriously difficult, the point is that they are not afraid of demon at all.

This is exactly what he is afraid of, because as long as they meet them, they will do their best to hold them back. Although these humans are very weak for him, it is still very troublesome to increase in number. And many of the villagers in Kaede's Village are Samurai soldiers who survived the battlefield. They are much better than the average person. They are really entangled. They don’t have the unique skills like Yabuto. It takes a little time to defeat them. Yes, and this little time may kill him.

Obviously, this demon is very smart. He knows that he fled into the mountains. In order to find him, the villagers will look for him separately. When the time comes, even if he meets himself, how many Individuals can never waste their own time, and in this dense and deep mountain with trees like this, it's still a matter of two to say whether you can find yourself.

"ahh!! Where is demon!! Stop him!!" Whatever you think, just when Weasel Demon was proudly fantasizing, a sound around suddenly rang, and then there was a response nearby. With the sound, five villagers soon stopped in front of Weasel Demon, holding weapons such as steel fork broadsword lance, and staring at the demon in front of them alertly.

This can tell the difference between the villagers of Kaede's Village and other villages. Although they are preparing weapons for battle, as long as there is a wind and grass, they will immediately pick up their guards. However, relying on the strength of these people, it is obvious that nothing can be done to this demon. Weasel Demon waved his big paws, and the huge power instantly shot the weapons of several people into the air, and the huge body moved towards the people directly. After bumping into it, how can the power of human and demon presumably be? No doubt they were knocked away by the demon.

This Weasel Demon didn’t dare to waste too much time. He smashed away a few people and thought of running away without even a pause, and the speed was faster than before, because he knew the shouts of the villagers just now. The others must have been alarmed, so he dared not stay.

"ahh!!!" Weasel Demon, who was escaping frantically, saw rays of light appear in the dense forest in front of him. Suddenly made his heart relieved by more than half, as long as he escaped from the dense forest, he would soon be able to Leaving the boundaries of Kaede's Village, to other places, there must be many demons living in other deep mountain forests. As long as these villagers dare to chase them, they will definitely be treated as food by the demons there.

But rest assured that after a while, he suddenly stopped with a sudden exclamation. At this moment, in front of the end of the rays of light, in front of Weasel Demon’s only way, one silhouette blocked his way. .

"brat! Get out of this Uncle!!! Otherwise be careful I tore you!!!" After seeing clearly that the one who is blocking him is a brat who seems to be less than twenty years old, Weasel Demon suddenly cursed. You know he is running for his life now! One more time wasted, and his life would be more dangerous.

It is Yabuto who is blocking Weasel Demon. Sacred Jewel is also related to Yabuto in a sense, and the point is that Sacred Jewel is formed by Midoriko fighting hard to protect human and demon. Yabuto of the human heart does not allow such inferior monsters to defile treasure.

In spite of Weasel Demon flustered and exasperated shouts, Yabuto walked towards him in a daze, suddenly causing Weasel Demon to feel an invisible pressure, and he felt that every step the boy took It was like trampling heavily on my heart, making myself feel like a hard to describe suffocation.

"Hand it over!!!" Yabuto was on the move, and his indifferent voice, like the movement of hell, passed into Weasel Demon's ears.

Weasel Demon suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cave. Of course he knew what it meant to hand it over, but it was Sacred Jewel that he had a hard time trying to get his life in danger. How could it be possible? Just hand it over. "Absolutely impossible!! Go to hell! brat!!!"

Bang! ! boom! ! ! ! !

Knowing that Yabuto was here to grab Sacred Jewel, Weasel Demon sturdily stood up, clenched his fists and slammed Yabuto who just walked in front of him, but when he was about to touch Yabuto’s face, The scarlet light blocked his fist. Suddenly a powerful force shook his whole body out, flying for more than ten meters before stopping.

"Say it again! Hand it over!!" Seeing that Weasel Demon is still capable of doing it, Yabuto had to sigh. Sure enough, everything can become motivation in the face of interests, just like his girlfriend in his previous life. This time, his voice has become even colder.

"What are you kidding about brat! cough cough cough... brat! I must kill you! Let you see the power of Sacred Jewel!!!" Weasel Demon is obviously in a crazy state. Fleeing made his whole body in a tight state, and he was able to escape alive, but suddenly someone wanted to rob him of the treasure he had desperately acquired, which he absolutely couldn't do.

"Burning Soul Claws!!!"

"Uh!!! Ah!" The weasel, who laughed wildly, ignored the blood coughed up, and raised his hand holding Sacred Jewel. He wanted to swallow it to increase his demonic power, but at the same time the sound of the lock sounded, he felt a severe pain in his chest, and then he let out a huge wailing, because his chest was being melted by the hot flames, And the master of this flame is Yabuto.


Desperately fell, Weasel Demon's eyes were full of unwilling expressions. At this time, his chest had been completely dissolved, forming a large terrifying hole with a big tank mouth, where the mud and blood were mixed together. , Looks very disgusting, but these things have no effect on Yabuto. He looked at the corpse under his feet indifferently, his cold eyes full of disdain.

Slowly bent down and wanted to pick up the Sacred Jewel, but when Yabuto was holding the necklace, he found that Weasel Demon was still holding the Sacred Jewel firmly. It is true that the money can make the ghosts go. After he died, he was still obsessed with the power of Sacred Jewel. Thinking of this, Yabuto glanced at Weasel Demon with disdain, and then burst out a burst of demonic power in his hand. There was a sudden shock, suddenly shattering Weasel Demon's hand holding Sacred Jewel. , And Sacred Jewel also succeeded in Yabuto's hands.


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