See you in Chapter 83! Kaijinbō!

Finally, I defeated the first strong enemy and got six jewel shards. Kagome and Shippō are fine. It can be said that it has ended successfully, and the most important thing is that Inuyasha unexpectedly used Wind Scar, which made Myōga very happy for Inuyasha.

Because Inuyasha owns Wind Scar, for his Myōga, there is not much need to escape in the future. However, Inuyasha immediately frustrated his hope, because when Inuyasha was confident that he wanted When I tried Wind Scar's power again, it turned out that I couldn't send it out even once. Suddenly, Myōga was frustrated.

Although there is no way to use Wind Scar arbitrarily, it is used after all. There will be a second time after the first time. Inuyasha and Kagome are not in a hurry. Only Myōga is in a hurry. After all As a follower of Inuyasha, I am still very worried about Inuyasha. After all, whether it is Sesshōmaru or Yabuto, the strength is placed in front of him. Inuyasha can have Wind Scar, and face them with more confidence.

The matter came to an end. Inuyasha also suffered a serious injury. Several people decided to find a place to heal their injuries first. They took Shippō and Kagome. Several people left this place. However, in their After leaving, a demonic silhouette appeared on the original battlefield.

"Didn't expect, Lord Inuyasha was able to use Wind Scar in that general situation!!!" A small demon with blue skin opened beside the silhouette. There was joy and surprise in the voice.

"It seems very difficult to deal with!!" On the other side, a little girl riding a snow-white horse, looking at the ground damaged by Wind Scar, opened her mouth slightly to cooperate The surprised expression looked extremely cute.

"Not enough!!" A cold voice entered the ears of the two of them, and then the silhouette walked forward on its own, and then came to the place where Hiten was killed just now. His eyes swept down to the ground, and a long spear, which was in the shape of a lightning bolt, lay quietly on the ground.

Looking at the long spear under my feet, my eyes have not changed, but my pupils have scanned everything around him. The power of this move Wind Scar is no longer the time when he uses it, just because I have For a moment, the heart of human, but there is no person who sword swings for it. Therefore, Wind Scar can be used, but power is not strong.

The visitor is not someone else, it is Yabuto and the others. In fact, after handing over the jewel shard to Hiten, Yabuto temporarily changed the goal of searching for Sesshōmaru. He wanted to come and have a look. He had six Hiten of jewel shard power will be defeated by Inuyasha like in original work.

Obviously, Hiten, who has six fragments, did live a little longer in Inuyasha's hands, but the result has not changed. What's different from the original work is Inuyasha, who even used it at this time I used Wind Scar, but the sentence in my mouth was not enough. In fact, I didn't underestimate the Wind Scar used by Inuyasha.

Because of the simple that move, Inuyasha can be said to have mastered 70%, and he can master 80% close to 90%, but this kind of power, in fact, besides Yabuto itself can use Tessaiga, it also uses Own demonic power blessed Wind Scar's power, that is, Yabuto uses powerful demonic power to increase Wind Scar's power to more than 80%.

The Wind Scar used by Inuyasha is simply the Wind Scar that is simply used to protect the cherished people. It does not use its own demonic power increase power. In other words, if Yabuto does not use With the demonic power blessing, it may only be able to play the Wind Scar with 60% power.

But at this time, Inuyasha obviously did not really understand the true meaning of guarding. At that time, it was only because of Kagome's heart. It happened by accident. But usually, he and Kagome quarreled all day long, although they seemed The more noisy, the better, but Inuyasha, at first, obviously doesn't have a good impression of this girl who quarrels with him all day.

Anyway, whether Inuyasha can use Wind Scar again, this has nothing to do with Yabuto. What kind of power he uses Wind Scar, he doesn’t care about the purpose of this time. , Just to see if Inuyasha would let him down. Obviously, he barely qualified this time.

But after Inuyasha and the others left, Yabuto had another goal, and this goal, right in front of his eyes, was the Thunder Pike, who was lying quietly at his feet. Hiten left behind after his death. , This Thunder Pike has the power to release powerful thunder and lightning, and it is definitely a good material for forging weapons.

"Don't move!!" Seeing Yabuto staring at Thunder Pike in front of him, Yumaru seemed to understand his Young Master's thoughts. When he just wanted to walk over to pick it up, Yabuto was cold The sound instantly entered his ears, suddenly shocked Yumaru, fearing that he did something wrong and upset Yabuto. Shiori also looked at Yabuto nervously. He was also afraid that Yabuto would blame Yumaru. After several months of getting along, Shiori has developed feelings for Yumaru and Yabuto, and has regarded them as relatives, so she doesn't want Yumaru to have trouble.

"Lord Yabuto! Small is not good! Small damn!!" Suddenly hearing Yabuto's voice, and his tone was extremely cold, Yumaru was scared into a cold sweat and panicked to apologize to Yabuto.

Tzzzzzzz zi!! bang bang!! !

Yabuto didn't speak, but after a glance at Yumaru, he walked forward and extended the hand to hold Thunder Pike in his hand. Then, a sharp sound of fried beans came out, Thunder Pike lightning masterpiece, Instantly crushed the surrounding rocks, and at the same time, of course Yabuto and the others were attacking. Of course, all of this was taken down by Yabuto's barrier.

"hmph!!!!" Looking at the rebellious Thunder Pike in his hand, Yabuto was coldly snorted, and the demonic energy in his hand exploded. In an instant, the bloody demonic energy suppressed the blue electric light. After a while, Thunder Pike seemed to be Feeling the resistance was useless, gave up the struggle, and then obediently was held in Yabuto's hand, without the slightest resistance.

"Lord Yabuto!!!" At this time, Yumaru finally understood the reason why Yabuto called him. Suddenly moved weeping bitter tears. Looking at the gravel around, if I changed to get the Thunder Pike by myself just now, what would the final result be like? Yumaru thinks that his weak body is not as hard as those stones, and Shiori obviously also knows the reason, I don’t know. Why is there a trace of happiness in my heart.

"Let's go!!" Thunder Pike was no longer restless, Yabuto greeted Yumaru and Shiori, and then floated up in the air, Yumaru quickly caught up when he saw it, but his legs were too strong. Short to catch up, simply, Shiori riding Entei was carried to Yumaru's side by Entei. Entei bit his mouth and bit on Yumaru's back collar, and then fell to his back. , Sat behind Shiori, and then took off to catch up with Yabuto.

Black rivers, weird and gloomy woodlands, full of demon skulls everywhere, a hundred years ago, Yabuto stepped on this place again, and at this time, outside a simple thatched hut, stood a skeleton necklace hanging , The gray old man with fangs, at this moment, was looking at Yabuto approaching.

"Sure enough, it's you ahh!!" Seeing Yabuto's arrival, the old man was not too surprised, but Shiori was a little curious. From the time he followed Yabuto to now, there has never been a single person. Talking to Yabuto in a panic.

clang!! ! !

"I need the power of this long spear!!!" Yabuto didn't talk nonsense, and inserted the Thunder Pike on the ground in front of Kaijinbō. The spear tip penetrated the ground and made a collision and sparks. Then, Yabuto stretched his hand to his waist and pulled out Meiyasu with the sword and sheath.

"So ahh!! Meiyasu can already be perfected! Do you want to change it?" Seeing Yabuto take out Meiyasu, Kaijinbō naturally knew that Yabuto wanted to incorporate Thunder Pike into Meiyasu, but for The entire Meiyasu sword is made of the most top-notch material. Can it increase the power if it is injected with Thunder Pike? Moreover, the appearance may also be changed.

"All I need! Only its power!!" Hearing Kaijinbō's words, Yabuto spoke. He was satisfied with the appearance of Meiyasu, and Yabuto did not need any factors that would weaken the name power. In other words, Meiyasu cast by use top materials, if Thunder Pike is incorporated, may be dragged down by the difference in material grades.

Thunder Pike has extraordinary power, but the cast materials are not top-notch. It can be seen from the original work. If it can be cut off by Inuyasha with Tessaiga, it can be seen that the materials are not very good. , The reason why this time is not broken is because Hiten’s power has increased, and the demonic power given to Thunder Pike has increased, so the tenacious degree of Thunder Pike has been enhanced.


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