Chapter 84 is strengthened! Lightning Dragon Strike! !

In other words, top-notch material, together with other weaker materials, may not only not be able to increase its strength, but also because of the inclusion of impurities, the original strength will be obliterated. This point is absolutely not allowed by Yabuto. Therefore, what Yabuto proposes is to get power only.

If there is a way to extract the power of Thunder Pike and integrate it, or to directly transfer the power of Thunder Pike to Meiyasu, it may be possible. You should know that the material will affect the sword itself, but the energy No, even if this power is not strong, at most it is just an extra trick with a weak power. At most, you can use it, and no one knows.

"en? ?? This one!!!" Kaijinbō pinched his chin pondered then said.

"I only want the answer!!" Looking at Kaijinbō who hesitated, Yabuto did not wait for his patience to consider. All he needs is an answer, yes or no. Regarding whether Kaijinbō can do it, Yabuto doesn't matter. The reason for coming to him is simply because Meiyasu was done by him, and he knows Meiyasu better.

If he can’t do it, he will find Tōtōsai at most. With Tōtōsai’s old-fashioned style, he may not agree, but Yabuto is also confident that he has the ability to let Tōtōsai help him cast, if he is not afraid of death Of course, if Tōtōsai can't help it, Yabuto himself will be the only one to play.

According to Yabuto's strength, it is still possible to forcibly absorb the power from Thunder Pike, but the external power is not his own, and he is not a thunder attribute. If it is to absorb flames at this time, He can do it no matter how much, but although he is not afraid of thunder and lightning, it will hurt as much as it absorbs into the body.

However, in order to increase the power of Meiyasu, Yabuto is also not afraid of this damage. In addition, he and Meiyasu only see the involvement. If it is done by himself, maybe Meiyasu fits the integration of lightning power even more. It’s objective, but after all, it hurts the body. No one wants to abuse their body, except for abnormal.

"en! Okay!! I promised! Come and get the knife 1 month later!!" Kaijinbō struggled for a while, but decided to agree. The person in front of him at first glance, he really saw I don’t understand, he’s not sure if he refuses to lose his life under his sword. Secondly, this is also a challenge for him. If it succeeds, the power of the weapons he forged will increase again, when the time comes, It can really be regarded as an unparalleled peerless demon weapon.

"I will come again in one month!!!" Meiyasu was inserted next to Thunder Pike, and he coldly dropped a word. When he turned around, his cold eyes swept across Kaijinbō slightly, in disguise. He’s reminding Kaijinbō that it’s best not to mess up, otherwise, the price of weakening Meiyasu is very high, at least Kaijinbō can’t afford it.

Time flies quickly, on which side, Inuyasha is still looking for the whereabouts of the jewel shard while traveling. With Shippō’s joining, the entire group is also very lively, and on this side, Yabuto is now I was taking Yumaru and Shiori to the residence of Kaijinbō, but this time, it was different from the previous one.

This time, outside of the several dozen li huts near Kaijinbō, what Yabuto smelled was not only the smell of demon’s rotten corpse, but also a strong scorching smell, and it seemed originally The gloomy and dark area, stepping into today, seems to be more dark and terrifying, even Yumaru feels cold in the back of his spine, let alone Shiori, who is holding Entei's mane nervously with his little hands.

boom~ boom~ bang!!!!

About three or four miles away from Kaijinbō, Yabuto looks far away. At this time, in the distance, where the dark clouds are densest , The blue lightning flashed continuously, and at the same time there was a thunderous roar, which made Yumaru clutching Yabuto's heel in fright. Seeing this, Yabuto's expression did not change at all, but the slightest expectation was revealed.

Finally, soon after Yabuto finally took, Yumaru and the others came to the place where Kaijinbō was supposed to be, why should it be? ? There is no reason for him, because at this time, the open space of the Kaijinbō thatched hut, at this time, the originally black ground is even more pitch black, and at the same time it emits a bit of heat and the smell of scorched earth, and at the same time, there is still blue smoke in several places.

At this time, Kaijinbō was sitting embarrassed for a while, his face was black, like a clown, and at this time, his eyes showed unconcealable fatigue and fear, and at the same time, there was The excitement, and the excited eyes, were staring at a sword that was inserted on the ground about five meters away from him, which was erected in the scabbard.

The sword is not out of the sheath, but it exerts a powerful demonic energy, and this demonic energy gives people a violent and fierce feeling, which is a feeling of extremely destructive power. She still possesses such power. Yumaru can't imagine what kind of power can be exerted if she is unsheathed, but Yabuto is looking forward to the fact that Meiyasu, who has gained a new power, can exert what kind of power.

"It seems to be done!!" Slowly stepped forward, Yabuto could feel a captivating imposing manner, but it was not aimed at himself, as if he was a child, facing his elders. It's like showing off his toy, and at this time, Meiyasu is like showing off the power he has gained to Yabuto.

"ahh!! But it's a pity! I still can't get close to it!!" Kaijinbō's voice was filled with joy and excitement, but also a little bit of loss. What is delighted is that he has finally completed this unique piece in the world. Weapons and small fate can be saved. What is lost is that the weapon that I forged has refused my approach twice, and this reaction is stronger than before. The force released at will, directly give the nearby several li Turned into scorched earth.

"Then recognize the reality! Let you see its power!!!" Yabuto held the sword hilt, suddenly a violent force swept in, but it did not attack him. Instead, a force of power was integrated into his body, and then, there was a sound of friction of iron tools, the moment of pulling up, and the blue lightning raged, but they all bypassed Yabuto and swept all around the ground.

I saw, Yabuto lifted Meiyasu high, and immediately, a scarlet demonic power flooded the sword body, and the blue lightning was instantly dissipated, and then only a few seconds later, lightning flashed again, but it was in a completely different posture. At this time, the lightning that Meiyasu appeared, turned out to be a weird scarlet.

"Hah!!!!" The tip of the sword was raised to the sky, the crimson lightning rushed into the sky, suddenly, the dark cloud was rushed through a huge mouth, and then, the dark red blood light, stained red for a few miles In sky, just listen to Yabuto drinking more than a long time, surrounding violent wind erupted sand and rocks soaring, Yabuto's mind, for an instant, there is something more in Yabuto's mind.

roar!! ! !

With a startled Heavenly Dragon, I saw that Meiyasu Red Thunder connects and rushes through the big mouth of the dark cloud. A huge zhang giant dragon formed by a Red Thunder makes a terrifying dragon roar in the sky. Five The claws tore open the huge mouth, as if torn a crack in the sky, and immediately, the lightning dragon rushed to the ground several dozen li away from Yabuto.

roar!! ! bang!!!

Before landing, the powerful force has already swept the earth. A heavy pressure instantly crushed the forest outside several dozen li. Then, there was a shocking explosion, accompanied by the sound. Of lightning dragon's roar, the moment it hits the ground, the powerful air current rages, flying and breaking the rocks and wood, full of red lightning in the destruction, and even sweeping things on the earth, instantly turning everything into ashes.

“ahh!! ahh!! !” At this time, Yumaru had a big mouth, only about a fist sized head, and his open mouth was big enough to stuff an apple, and Shiori was already in front of him. The scene of speechless was shocked, but purple eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him incredible.

As for Kaijinbō, well, at this time, in addition to excitement and joy, he hates ahh!!! why! ! Why can't he hold such a powerful weapon? If you use such a weapon, even if you face Great Demon, even if it is not an opponent, if the opponent wants to win, he will have to pay a huge price.

"This move is named!! Lightning Dragon Strike! Kaijinbō! Well done!!"


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