86th Chapter 50 Years of Encounter

In the silent night, everyone has their own minds, a conspiracy for Sacred Jewel, who betrayed Who is it? Who hurt whom? Perhaps, only the initiator of all this can know. It is 50 years. Who remembers the unremarkable stain?

da da da da da da da! ! !

In the darkness, a demonic silhouette walks slowly, holding a woman wearing red and white miko clothes in her hands. At this time, the woman lies peacefully in the man’s arms, but she is pale and beautiful. On her face, the frowning eyebrows slightly, I don't know whether it is because of pain or because of terrifying nightmares when she is sitting.

"Woo!!!" In the dream, she hummed unconsciously, her pale lips trembled slightly, and her eyebrows tightened, showing that the woman was very painful at this time.

Looking at the woman in his arms, the man felt an inexplicable trace of his heart for some reason, and his heart was tense for some reason. Why Soul Collectors hasn't appeared yet! If she doesn't show up, will she... die? ? Will you leave in front of your own eyes again? ? Feel the softness in the arms, without a trace of temperature, the tightness becomes stronger.

dong dong!! dong dong!! !

Amidst the tension, a throbbing throbbing came from the waist, perhaps because he understood the master’s mind, perhaps even he was moved by the woman’s experience, the cold demon soldier uttered inexplicably The trembling...

"Meiyasu? Do you want me to pull you out?" The sudden throbbing evoked a trace of emotion in my heart, as if responding to the master's question, the throbbing came again, and I got the answer, no more After hesitating, the right hand gently lowered the woman's legs and put her left hand around her shoulder, letting her lean on her shoulder.

The friction between the sword and the scabbard, the moment it is pulled out, the dazzling rays of light illuminate the darkness and outline a beautiful face, holding up the demon soldier, the sword body rays of light overflowing, suddenly In the meantime, all around the ground, white and holy as bright as a moon, the light spots gathered all around, and slowly merged into the woman's body under the guidance of sword glow.

"Is the power of Meidō Stone??" Looking at the surroundings, all around illuminated by the white holy light, in the dark valley, a scene of the Star River shining like stars is formed. At this time , In the sky, countless slender silhouettes appeared, and the light ball of pure white as jade was held in the tiny four limbs. The light ball was loosened in the hand and slowly thought of the gathering of the woman's body.

"Woo!!" Looking at the silhouette in the arms, the body seems to have recovered a bit of temperature, and the face is not pale, the cold and beautiful face, in the white light, it looks so holy and so not interested in mundane affairs, I couldn’t help but extend the hand slowly, and pushed away the woman’s messy bangs. At this moment, there was a cry, and the woman’s eyebrows trembled, and then slowly opened it, and she saw a white and warm hand across her. forehead.

"Uh!!!" The woman found herself in the arms of the strange man obviously shocked, struggling to break free, while the man, without being embarrassed after being discovered, slowly withdrew his hand, flat. When she looked at the woman in her arms and looked down on the man's appearance, the woman stopped struggling and looked at the man in surprise.

The eyes were facing each other, and the moment the black pupils collided with the strange pupils, the woman was stunned. What an indifferent look, but...why is there a hint of gentleness in such eyes. Why is this face more beautiful than a woman... why is that person so similar.

The eyes in front of him are the same as before, but why, such eyes are full of resentment and hatred, feeling these, the man's heart is tight, and who caused all this, maybe...maybe also have himself Part of the responsibility...

"I'm sorry!!"

"Thank you!!"

If the tacit agreement is reached, he does not know why he apologizes , Perhaps because I had indulged everything that happened at the beginning, and brought so much pain to the woman in front of me. She didn't know why she thanked, she just remembered that it was beyond what she thought of demon in her mind. But this view made me feel the endless pain, but I don't know why, I still have to thank him.

This man and woman are not others, but Yabuto and Kikyō. After falling down the cliff, Kikyō didn’t know what would happen to him, but only remembered that when he fell, he felt the moment before losing consciousness. There was a touch of warmth, and this touch of warmth made me feel a sense of peace and made me believe in and rely on without reservation.

In the Kaijinbō residence far away, Yabuto who felt the change of Meiyasu, felt the aura of this woman who was connected with Sacred Jewel, he didn’t know why, only knew, a voice in his heart kept telling himself, That is to come, rush to this woman's side, the nameless anger, perhaps because he already knew everything, knowing that someone wanted to use her and was angry.

"didn't expect! I will meet again to you!!" Yabuto's voice made Kikyō feel even more. All of this is real, a unique voice, and there is a trace of apology in this way. In an icy tone, she was sure that the person in front of her was the one she met 50 years ago who made her change her view of demon.

"I also didn't expect! to meet you again, it would be like this!!!" The self-blame in the voice, I hope she can hear it, Yabuto! ! Facing anyone with a cold voice, and confronting the enemy with no emotion of Bloodmaster, even he himself did not expect that one day he would actually feel guilty for a human priestess.

Kikyō didn’t speak, she knew her own situation. A body without a physical body, relying on grievances and the gloomy emotions of other people, struggling on whilst at death’s door in this world, For the priestess who used to subdue monsters and defeat demons, it is a kind of irony of what it looks like.

"I'm sorry!!!" He would not say comforting words, sweet words are even more bluff to him, or a lot of apologies, which can make the heart feel better. At this moment, the heart feels unwilling to touch The corner finally opened, but the darkness had been replaced by light, and the woman in front of her illuminated the darkness that should have been sealed forever.

"I'm too easy to believe in people!!!" Perhaps I feel that Yabuto is no longer so indifferent. In his tone, there is self-deprecating, but also unwilling....

"I will save you!!" In one sentence, I was telling myself, and also telling the woman in my arms, to save her.... easier said than done, but even if it is as difficult as heavenly ascension, he is imperative at this moment.

"Can you tell me your name and origin?? What does Sacred Jewel have to do with you!!!" Kikyō did not respond to Yabuto's words, but a dead person easier said than done, If he could, would he save himself back then? ? This is Kikyō's inner question, and it is also a question of Yabuto.

"My name is Yabuto!! From Western Lands...I met a girl..."

It was a peaceful night. Soul Collectors guarded the two of them, and he was pregnant. Holding her in his arms, surrounded by countless lights of dead souls, he said that he had lived the most night since he came to this World. In such a holy and pleasant scene, the silhouettes of the two looked so peaceful and so peaceful. Not stained with dust.


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