Chapter 87 The Truth of the Year

The dawn of birth, the dazzling sunlight illuminates the earth, in the mountains, Yabuto and Kikyō are walking on the road between the mountains, Last night, Yabuto said a lot. In the two hundred years of the Warring States period, he seemed to vent this loneliness once.

Kikyō also learned that the man around him used to have such a noble identity. As a demon, he was squeezed out by the demon, and how the connection with Sacred Jewel was, without his words, Maybe there is no Kaede's Village now. Without him, Shion would not have grown to be a priestess alone.

The indifference in appearance may not be that he is too arrogant. It may just be that he is afraid of being hurt, so he protects himself. He told himself one thing. He was born in Dog Demon Tribe. A big brother and a younger brother, his younger brother is called Inuyasha, who betrayed himself for 50 years, and even killed himself and snatched the half-demon of Sacred Jewel.

But what he told himself was different from what he knew. Inuyasha did not betray him, nor did he betray Inuyasha. Everything that year was actually saved by him, and that was already scorched and unable to move. She couldn't believe it, but he knew that Yabuto would never lie to her.

Finally, the two decided to go back to that place, to the place that had harmed herself and Inuyasha because of her benevolence. She wanted to confirm that Yabuto’s words Is it true, so she returned to this mountain again.

Familiar cave, familiar everything, everything burned by flames, before my eyes, evil aura is permeating the ground where weeds can’t grow, Kikyō’s eyes are gradually replaced by water mist, it turns out that everything... Can't blame anyone, everything is human, isn't it... Is kindness wrong too? ? ? ?

Looking at everything in front of her, she knew that everything Yabuto said was true. Such an evil aura is not something that humans can possess. There is no need to doubt what happened back then, and those who attacked her It was definitely not Inuyasha, and it was not himself who attacked Inuyasha, but the man....

"Where is he now!!" Holding back the tears, the anger in his voice and eyes, Kikyō wanted to know, he wanted to know where the man was, she wanted Revenge, she wanted, to personally kill the man who had caused her endless harm.

"I'm looking for him too!!" She didn't hide it, let alone stop her. Revenge is her all-out effort. What I have to do is not to stop him, but to support him with all my strength, saying that she is afraid of her suffering. Dangers are all bullshit, you must guard the things you cherish, and only weak will fear that you are unable to guard them.

Out of the cave, Yabuto slashed back to this wicked place. All the places she brought sad memories should not exist. The two returned to the original valley, but neither of them spoke. , He didn't know what to say, she also didn't know what to say, now she just wants revenge.

"Wait for me here, okay?" At this time, Yabuto closed his eyes, and he thought of something. He is leaving now, maybe...maybe it can make Kikyō no more pain.

"en!!!" With crystal eyes, staring at Yabuto closely, Kikyō finally chose to agree. In those strange pupils, there was gentleness and concern, and the tone said it was asking An opinion is better to say that she is asking her to agree, and she is reluctant to refuse.

He is not a nonsense person, he is an activist, he will do it when he thinks of it. Since there is a chance, he must try anyway. The erected barrier, with a red flowing light, disappears in Before Kikyō's eyes, looking at the silhouette of the leaving, the body of the walking corpse was even more empty for a while.

The setting sun, the gloomy dusk, the lonely silhouette, the shivering aura, the white magnificent clothes, the solemn and domineering armor of fangs, the beautiful snow-white silver hair, the evil moon pattern on the forehead , The beak mouth demon with the crutch next to it is also the big brother Sesshōmaru of Yabuto and Sesshōmaru.

At this moment, behind him, he is wearing white baboon fur and can’t see his face. He is one-knee kneels, holding one arm respectfully in his hand, and at this time, this is emanating from his arm. Meaning purple light, Sesshōmaru slowly stretched out his hand to take over his arm, feeling a powerful force coming from his arm.

Since the battle with Inuyasha for Tessaiga, Sesshōmaru! Aristocratic Assassin lost his left hand, and after that, it is no longer known how many demons have been killed under his hand, just to find a hand that can match his perfect demonic power. Unfortunately, so far, there is no hand. Can withstand his demonic power.

And this hand is undoubtedly provide timely help, Sesshōmaru can fully feel the power on this arm, although it is a human arm, but it has more power than those so-called fame demon Is powerful, and most importantly, using this human arm will no longer be rejected by Tessaiga.

"Lord Sesshomaru! It seems someone is looking for you! The little one will leave first!!" Immediately, the baboon demon took out another yellow sphere from his arms, and then gave it to Sesshōmaru, but At this moment, the baboon demon suddenly felt his whole body tremble. A powerful demonic power evoked the deepest fear in his heart. He did not dare to stay and left this place as quickly as possible.


The red light hits the ground, a powerful force hits the ground, and at the same time it entrains a shocking murderous aura. That feeling, although weak, But he will not forget it for the rest of his life, but after a while, he knew that what appeared here was just a puppet of him, and there was no value in destroying it by himself.

"Sesshōmaru!!! Long time no see!!!" In the smoke, the silhouette slowly walking out, the same stern figure, the same indifferent face, acquaintance, but as indifferent as a stranger, For 100 years, trembling and gorgeous, Bloodmaster and Aristocratic met again. For a time, the on-site anger reached the most tense moment.

"Didn't expect you to appear here!!" Seeing the silhouette that hadn't been seen in a hundred years, Sesshōmaru couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This nominal younger brother now gives him the feeling, Only use two words to describe it, that is-dangerous! ! The threat not only comes from the two ancient and modern demon soldiers at the waist, but also comes from the threat radiated by the silhouette in front of him.

"Hidden for a hundred years! Find it by yourself now! What is the purpose!!" After looking for him a hundred years ago, he kept avoiding himself and made himself angry, didn't expect, Now when I put my energy on Tessaiga, it appeared instead. Is it because of Tessaiga?

"My purpose! Tenseiga!!!"


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