
  Chapter 119 Wind Roar Cliff: Gathering Clouds! [The nineteenth update, please subscribe! ]

Qingyu has been with him for a long time, thinking that the magic tricks of controlling animals and taming spirit transformation birds are as easy as his big brother.

In fact, in the cultivation world of three mountains and nine waters, the method of taming and controlling beasts is not something that ordinary cultivators and ordinary sects can master.

The Sunset Sect only masters the fur of the animal control method and can domesticate the curly-feathered pelican. It is the only one in the Juyun mountain range.

The other three sects can't compare.

Gossip all the way.

To Windroar Cliff.

sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces , howling winds.

Even the white clouds were blown away by the strong wind, and only the cliffs of three thousand zhang stood.

This is where the entrance to the Herb Garden is located.

Sunset Sect entire group departed early in the morning, and it was already evening when we arrived at Wind Roar Cliff.

The sun sets in the west, dyeing half of the sky red.

The wind roars the top of the cliff, and someone has already arrived.

"Brother Zhou is still as slow as ever. I'll be there at noon."

Sunset Sect As soon as everyone landed on the top of the cliff, a bold and hearty voice sounded.

Lu Qingfeng dropped the iron feather eagle and looked around, only to see an old man with a red face and red ears. The old man wore a jade crown and a red robe was conspicuous. Behind him, more than 20 people were dressed in red robes that were light and dark, not like Immortal Sect, but like Demon Sect.

"Chi Yunfeng's Chihong Gate."

"Sect master Yang Bufan."

Lu Qingfeng glanced over and recognized the group of people and the leader That red robed old man. Dressed in a red robe, among the Four Cloud Gathering Sects, there is no doubt that it is the Red Rainbow Sect. As the first old man, the cultivation base is as good as Spirit Void. In the entire Red Rainbow Sect, only Sect Master Yang Bufan has such a cultivation base.

With the Red Rainbow Gate here, Lu Qingfeng looked towards the other two groups.

One of the rows is mostly white robes. The head is a middle-aged man dressed in blue robe.

"Tao Yunfeng Jin Lan School."

"Sect Master Jin Jiuxiao."

Turning around again, looking towards the last wave——


“Flowing Cloud Peak Demon Slayer Castle.”

“Castle Lord Feng Yun.”

Everyone in Demon Slayer Castle was dressed in various colored robes, and their faces were cold. I mean, there is a three-point killing intent mixed with the chill.

This is the temperament honed by fighting Monster Race all the year round, and it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to look directly at it. The old woman headed by Demon Slayer Castle was thin and even stooped, not saying a word, and her face was expressionless.

Jinyunfeng Sunset Sect, Chi Yunfeng Chihongmen, Taoyunfeng Jinlan Sect, Flowing Cloud Peak Demon Slayer!

This is the Four Great Sects of the Juyun mountain range, called 'the Four Sects of Juyun'.

The four factions are in the Juyun mountain range, and the dísciple, city, resources, etc. are intertwined. Conflicts often occur, various interests compete, and fights are not uncommon.

Just to maintain a superficial harmony.

Because of the opening of the Herb Garden, it is rare for the four factions to gather together.


"Brother Yang."

Zhou Yuan stepped forward and greeted Yang Bufan, the sect master of Chihong Sect, with paid respect.

As for Jinlan's Sect Master Jin Jiuxiao and Castle Lord Feng Yun, they didn't move.

It's not that Sunset Sect has a good relationship with Chihongmen, it's just that Jin Jiuxiao and Feng Yun are domineering and indifferent, while the other is cold and quiet.

Yang Bufan is different from Zhou Yuan.

Yang Bufan is arrogant on the surface, but he is actually a lot of careful and thoughtful, and he uses countless tricks. Zhou Yuan is a slow person, like cotton, his mind is transparent, and his likes and dislikes are hidden in his heart.

The two get together, but their hearts are not in harmony but their faces are in harmony.

"There are so many intrigues and conflicts of interest in the mountain range of thousands of miles together. Looking at the entire culture world, there is probably no place for it."

Lu Qingfeng in the game After many lifetimes, everything is clear. At first glance, combined with the situation of the Juyun mountain range that I have learned over the past few years, the relationship between the four factions is clear, and I can't help but think more.

immortal cultivator For cultivation, resources are consumed.

Although Juyun's mountain range is thousands of miles away, there are thousands of cultivators in the four factions, plus the loose cultivators and small factions of varying numbers, and resources are still tight.

Within the Juyun mountain range, competition for interests is inevitable.

Looking at the entire cultivation world from the Juyun mountain range, why not fight everywhere?

Even Immortal Sect Great Sect, there are Monster Race, Demon Sect and even fellows competing for various resources. Even if you worship the Immortal Sect Great Sect, there will be factions within.


After all, there is a word for 'contention'!

Lu Qingfeng has this kind of clear comprehension for a long time. After more than a thousand years of experience in the game, he has strengthened a Dao Heart.

I don't like fighting, but I'm not afraid of fighting!


"The Red Rainbow Sect is cunning, the Jinlan faction is domineering, and the Demon Slayer Castle is cold-blooded."

"In the past two years, the three sects have become even fainter. For what I mean by Sunset Sect."

"When entering the Herb Garden this time, Elder Lu must be by his side, otherwise, if he encounters the three sects cultivator, it will be a disaster if he is alone."


Lu Qingfeng is looking at the four factions, his eyes are twinkling, he clearly understood the basic attributes such as the cultivation base of three sects, a number of cultivators, as well as the strengths and weaknesses, one after another, wrote down, and screened out the possibility of him or It is a threat to Qingshan and Qingyu, so pay attention and remind them.

Hearing someone secret voice transmission at this time, Lu Qingfeng turned around and met Yue Lingxi's eyes.

“many thanks for the reminder from Lingxi Elder, Lu Mou wrote it down.”

Lu Qingfeng also replied in secret voice transmission.

In fact, there is no need for Yue Lingxi to remind him, except for Qingshan and Qingyu, he is wary of anyone in this world. Even Yue Miaoyin, who was born in Shangyang Kingdom with him, has many reservations.

This is especially true for Juyun's three sects.

However, Yue Lingxi had good intentions, and Lu Qingfeng naturally appreciated it. And this Supreme Elder has lived for three hundred and eighteen years, and has a deep understanding of the experts in the three sects and three sects of Juyun.

Lu Qingfeng took the opportunity to ask Yue Lingxi, and combined with the information of 'divine ability: Great Firmament Cave View', there was a special harvest.

The Sunset Sect finally came. The dísciple looked at the three sects, and the three sects were also watching the Sunset Sect.

The sect master of Scarlet Rainbow Sect, Yang Bufan and Zhou Yuan exchanged greetings for a while, turned his eyes, looked towards Sunset Sect where everyone was.

"This Elder is born, I think he is Master Lu Qingfeng, who is renowned for my mountain range!"

Yang Bufan stepped forward with a clear voice and many compliments.

"Master doesn't dare to be the master, Lu has seen Sect Master Yang."

Lu Qingfeng cup one fist in the other hand.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

In the absence of a conflict of interest for the time being, Yang Bufan took the initiative to show his favor, and Lu Qingfeng had no reason to offend him in vain.


"I heard that Master Lu has a double-edged elixir, and it is the first elixir of the Juyun mountain range. The old man has been friends for a long time, but he has not been able to achieve his wish. When I see you today, it is really handsome and Master!"

Yang Bufan praised him repeatedly, if it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would be overwhelmed long ago and don't know why.

Lu Qingfeng smiled faintly, "Sect Master Yang won the award."

He thought to himself that his appearance was indeed not bad, and his alchemy skills in the Juyun mountain range were absolutely unmatched by a cultivator. But Yang Bufan was so touted when he came, and An's was not kind.

In contrast, Yang Bufan.

Complimented in his mouth, he looked at Lu Qingfeng with a fixed look.

I saw Sunset Sect, the newly recruited Guest Elder, dressed in a simple azure robe, but with an unspeakable temperament. With his cultivation base and identity, he should have been far better than the young man in front of him.

But Yang Bufan felt that the person standing in front of him, talking to him in a few words, was like a cultivation base and a change of status, which made Yang Bufan feel weird, and it could only be attributed to Lu Qingfeng's study of pills Concocting, refining utensils, indifferent to the world, forming a unique temperament.

(end of this chapter)

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