
  Chapter 120 Red Mist World Cause and Effect [The twentieth update, please subscribe! ]

"What a good Lu Qingfeng!"

"This child is extraordinary. If he is given time, his future achievements will be limitless. Sunset Sect has this child—"

Yang Extraordinary presses the surprise and worry in the heart.

Without expression on his face, he said loudly in his mouth, "Master Lu, if you have time, can come to Chihongmen as a guest. I know that the Elder highly respects Master, and I wanted to ask Master for Artifact Refining Technique early in the morning. ."

Yang Bufan is really not an ordinary person.

In front of so many people in Sunset Sect, it was necessary to dig a corner on the spot.

“Jue Ming Elder?”

Lu Qingfeng felt in his heart.

He knew that this person was the Second Rank Artifact Refinement Master in the Red Rainbow Sect, and he was quite famous in the entire Juyun mountain range.

It's just that this Second Rank Magical Artifact refined by Jue Ming Elder cannot get into Lu Qingfeng's magic eye.

He was already the fourth rank Artifact Refinement Master, and he only revealed his Second Rank strength to avoid shocking the world. In the game, even the fourth rank Artifact Refinement Master and the fifth-rank Artifact Refinement Master communicate.

The guest of honor.

Jue Ming is a trifling lame Second Rank Artifact Refinement Master, how can he be qualified to discuss Artifact Refining Technique with Lu Qingfeng? !

"It's easy to talk about it."

Lu Qingfeng said a haha ​​and didn't bother.

Seeing that Yang Bufan was still entangled, Zhou Yuan stepped forward and said with a smile, "Brother Yang is not kind. It's too much to blatantly poach in front of the old man."

"Brother Zhou is worrying too much."

Yang Bufan's expression remained the same, looking towards Lu Qingfeng, "But if Master Lu has a bad day in Sunset Sect, you can come to my Red Rainbow Gate. Some days."

Lu Qingfeng heard this, smiled and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Yang Bufan turned his head to continue the conversation with Zhou Yuan.


There are still two days before the opening of the Herb Garden.

Lu Qingfeng is not in a hurry and enters the Cave Mansion opened by Sunset Sect in Fenghouya. Sitting cross-legged and closing your eyes is actually entering the culture of the game.

In reality, three years and one month have passed, and three hundred and eight years have passed in the game.

Lu Qingfeng has always stayed in the Spirit Void period because he has to analyze and exchange the dive ability spells and deduce and strengthen various methods.

At the age of seven hundred and sixty-six, it is not long before the deadline.

"According to the current situation, this Red Mist World will not be able to stay in the next life."

Lu Qingfeng sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, with the seven animals on the side, constantly calculating.

In the world, all experiences must leave traces. As long as there are clues, through the divination method of the number of spells, the context can be sorted out and the origin can be seen directly. If you are profound in arithmetic, you can even spy on the future with the context calculated by divination.

Looking at the past.

Watch now.

A glimpse into the future.

The cause and effect of everything, good and bad luck, are all at your fingertips.

Lu Qingfeng has been cultivating 'Seven-eight out of ten' for hundreds of years.

A few years ago, Lu Qingfeng took a whim and found that the invisible web between Heaven and Earth was opening, shrinking, and covering him. In the big net, there is the breath of Divine Dao, there is Immortal Dao Aura, and there are several immortal mountains floating in the sea of ​​​​clouds.

One of them is quite familiar.

“Luofu Mountain!”

Although Lu Qingfeng has never been there, he knows that it is Luofu Mountain.

"I this life, from Fufeng Mountain, through the State of Dong Yu, and then wandering at the border of the State of Yuan Wu and Yue. , leaving traces. In Red Mist World, there is Spiritual God, and Immortal Sect such as Luofu Sword Sect is not impossible."

Lu Qingfeng's fingers fly like flying, a trace of blood energy Fog shrouded his fingertips.

This is because the mental effort is too much and it is forced to account for it.

However, with this calculation, Lu Qingfeng saw the big net, the immortal mountains in the big net, and also saw several other Immortal Sects. The flag fluttered in the wind and enveloped Zhou Yunshan...

"It turns out that the crux of the matter is here."

Lu Qingfeng opened his eyes and waved his hand. As soon as the twelve divine flags came out, there was a strong sense of being watched.

"Immortal dao means, really you can't guard against it."

Lu Qingfeng couldn't help sighing.

It has been more than 900 years since he obtained the Dutian Fire God Banner. So far, he has only used it against the Monster King of Hunshan once more than 300 years ago, but he finally showed his fault.

Dutian Fire God Banner is eighth rank Magical Artifact.

Twelve shots together, more comparable to Immortal Artifact.

A treasure so precious is enough to suppress the Immortal Sect.

Not only did the two Peak Immortal Sects of State of Yuan Wu not give up their search, but even Yueguo Immortal Sect and Luofu Sword Sect of State of Dong Yu were also investigating.

Under this investigation, Lu Qingfeng and Luofu Sword Sect have a lot of origins. Following the line of cause and effect, Luofu Sword Sect has the fastest progress, and it is only a matter of time before the foundation of Lu Qingfeng can be calculated.

Even along this line, the details of Lu Qingfeng's several lifetimes can be clearly explored.

"Sure enough, you can't be reincarnated frequently in this world."

Lu Qingfeng felt the strong sense of peeping and couldn't help shaking his head.

It is also his intention to say it.

Dutian Fire God Banner is eighth rank Magical Artifact, mortal Peak. Twelve poles are combined to form the Dutian Fire Immortal Formation, which can also exert the power of Tiangang Immortal Artifact. Which Peak Immortal Sect in Red Mist World would not be tempted to know that this Magical Artifact was born?

It is only a matter of time before they are found out.

“Although the Qi Restraining Technique has several points of concealing the power of the heavens, its essence is only an elementary technique to conceal the breath of the cultivation base. It is deduced by me to Ultra Grade, and it is difficult to stop the Peak Immortal Sect’s Probe."

Peak Immortal Sect, with the Great Ascension True Immortal.

If the Great Ascension True Immortal is derived from the Ultra Grade and even the dive ability level, Lu Qingfeng will definitely have nothing to do.

"It doesn't matter."

"Red Mist World Immortal Sect stand in great numbers. Although there are many good fortune opportunities, most of them have a master. As a loose cultivator, I am here again. Leaving many traces, in just over a thousand years, it has been reincarnated for five generations. Even if the Immortal Sect has a profound background, it will not easily let go of its great secret after knowing it."

"It's better to go earlier!"


Lu Qingfeng got up and looked towards Twelve Capital Heavenly Fire God Banner, with a hint of pity in his eyes.

The eighth rank Magical Artifact is rare in the world.

If it weren't for chance, Lu Qingfeng would never have had it at this moment. It's a pity that I decided to reincarnate in the Red Mist World, but I couldn't carry the flag of the god of fire.

"If you go to the Rover Sword Sect to show your identity as the fourth generation, you may not have Calamity Tribulation. The flag of God—"

With a wave of his sleeve, the flag of God fell into the storage bag.

Lu Qingfeng rose from the ground, and the seventh rank iron feather flying eagle leaped into the air, carrying Lu Qingfeng disappeared.


Luofu Mountain.

This is the immortal mountain outside the world, where the Luofu Sword Sect gate is located.

This day.

On the True Peak, the new Peak Master is cultivating. Suddenly, a flash of light swept across, revealing his figure on the mountainside, holding a storage bag.

Walk to the top of the mountain.

"Reporting to Master, there is a cultivator outside the mountain gate who said that he had received the Master's favor earlier, and sent a treasure to report the favor of the year."

The person who came was Core Formation, who guarded the mountain gate of Luofu Mountain. daoist. When he saw the middle-aged Taoist man in a white robe with a jade-like face in front of him, he actually called him Master.

The Master of the Core Formation daoist is also the master of a peak, just like the realm of Primordial Spirit, which is rare in the world.

"Repaying kindness?"

The Taoist opened his eyes and took the storage bag. On the storage bag, there is a simple prohibition protection to prevent it from being opened.

The Taoist reached out and wiped it, breaking the ban, but Divine Consciousness raised his brows suddenly.

Twenty more broke out, thank you for your support!


(end of this chapter)

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