
  Chapter 209 auction begins

Lu Qingfeng and Zhou Yuan will send Dong Liu, Xiang Yunzi and the others Go down Izumo Mountain and return to Cave Mansion.

"Old man knows that Elder Lu never does anything he is not sure about."

"It's just the third rank of the first Jin, is it—"

Zhou Yuanyu Lu Qingfeng sat opposite each other and browsed slightly wrinkle.

Lu Qingfeng took the lead, not to mention Dong Liu's jade, Spirit Stone and various materials, and even asked for the Black Tortoise Shield card, if the refining failed, even if Dong Liu did not It's a matter of comparison, but it also has a great impact on Lu Qingfeng's reputation.

"No problem."

"Lu is sure."

Lu Qingfeng smiled and said to Zhou Yuan.

In the game, he has studied Dao of Refining for more than a thousand years and has a solid foundation. Stayed for a long time in the fourth rank Artifact Refinement Master stage, almost fifth.

With such accomplishments, if you still miss a third rank Magical Artifact in trifling, it will be a shame for these years of hard work.

It was with complete certainty that Lu Qingfeng dared to take it and asked for the Black Tortoise Shield card in Dong Liu's hand.

Successful refining is no problem.

It is even easier to make Dong Liu satisfied.

Even Lu Qingfeng made a small fortune.

Let's not talk about the other materials in the balance, most of them are enough for Lu Qingfeng to give Dong Liu a shot. And there are still 80 or 90 Spirit Stones, even if it is a third rank Artifact Refinement Master, if you can get such a harvest in one shot, it can be considered rich.

"Elder Lu is sure to be sure."

Zhou Yuan's heart was calm when he saw this.


Zhou Yuan stayed at Lu Qingfeng Cave Mansion for a while, then left immediately.

With less than half a month before the auction starts, Zhou Yuan still has to walk around Juxianfang City a lot to get in touch with experts from all over the world.

By the way, let's name Lu Qingfeng again.

Lu Qingfeng has been staying in Cave Mansion.

Either comprehend magic in the game, or cultivation in reality.

As for pill concocting and refining.

Dongliu's third rank Magical Artifact, Lu Qingfeng finished refining in less than three days, and threw it into the storage bag at will.

As Zhou Yuan 'visits friends', Lu Qingfeng's reputation gradually spread. There are also cultivators looking for Lu Qingfeng pill concocting and refining.

Mostly third rank Spirit Pill.

There are fewer third rank Magical Artifacts.

Compared to Spirit Pill, Magical Artifact is more precious, and various materials are more rare. Entrusting it to an Artifact Refinement Master who has just been promoted to third rank for refining, it is inevitable to be worried.

Even even the Spirit Pill is relatively rare.

Only after Lu Qingfeng has refined one or two third rank Spirit Pill, will the number of people seeking pill concocting gradually increase.

Time flies, and another ten-day has passed.

There are only three days until the Xuanyuan auction begins.

This day.

Lu Qingfeng took Lu Qingyu down Izumo Mountain and rushed to Zipeng Mountain where loose cultivators gathered.

The Zipeng Mountain is full of jacaranda trees, and the branches are covered with purple flowers, which is extremely spectacular.

In addition, this mountain is shaped like a lotus pod.

Therefore, it is called Zipeng Mountain.

Zipeng Mountain is located in the corner of the southeast extension of Juxianfang City, where many loose cultivators gather. There are stalls everywhere, like lotus seeds on a lotus pod, dotted with Zipeng Mountain.

"Before I set off, I told you to take me out to play. As a result, I have been cultivating on the road. When I arrived in Juxianfang City, I stayed in Cave Mansion all day."

"This is the first time I have taken me out to play.

" I'm coming out!"

Lu Qingyu walked beside Lu Qingfeng, muttering.

On Fengyu Mountain, the big brother said he was going to take her out for a walk, but he was in a hurry for a month and a half. It's like walking on a horse to watch flowers, passing through places such as Frost Shuibo and Qixinglianjian, and I didn't have time to see it.

After coming to Juxianfang City, the big brother went to Cave Mansion again.

It's no different from Fengyu Mountain, just another place to continue.

Let Lu Qingyu suffer for a while.

Fortunately, the big brother finally remembered her younger sister today, and took the initiative to call her out to hang out, otherwise Lu Qingyu would continue to be sulking.

At this time.

Although Lu Qingyu complained, he couldn't hide the joyful smile on his face.

The footsteps are brisk, and the noise in my ears is a beautiful movement.

"How old are you."

"Juxianfang City is so lively, you can just go out and stroll around if you like."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head.

Games took up a lot of his time, and these days in Juxianfang City, he has to manage the titles of third rank Artifact Refinement Master and Pill Refinement Master, and make friends with experts from all sides.

The time to spend with Lu Qingyu will naturally be less.

Let's come out today, or because Lu Qingyu turned around like Cave Mansion dragonfly touches the water lightly with a stern face, Lu Qingfeng will be interested.

Take her time and take her to the most lively Zipeng Mountain for a walk.


Lu Qingyu lightly snorted and ignored Lu Qingfeng. Look around and see all kinds of strange things on the stalls. Sometimes stopped and looked for a long time.

I am reluctant to buy it.

Keep going.

Lu Qingfeng followed, mostly Qingyu said, he listened.

A pair of eyes swept across the booths, clearly understood the details of various items.

Juxianfang City gathers loose cultivators from all over the world.

Special products from all over the world, such as the cold lamp fish in the cold water, and the spirit bead in the cold.

Such as the Star Stone.

Such as various spiritual medicine, various minerals.

It is dazzling and dizzying.

There is nothing to hide from the Great Firmament Cave View.

There are those who have masquerade as having an ability, and those who cheat. Most are still innocent.

It's just that the pearls are dusty but very few.

Lu Qingfeng visited quite a few booths and saw many novelties, but none of the buried 'true treasures' were found. There were some rare spiritual medicines and minerals, which Lu Qingfeng took out.

We spent most of the day shopping.

Lu Qingfeng bought some rare materials, spiritual medicine, strange Magical Artifact, medicine pill, and was satisfied.

Lu Qingyu also shot, bought a small amount of irresistible novelties, plus her big brother accompanied her for most of the day, and she was equally satisfied.

As for picking up leaks, picking up leaks together with others, and then having conflicts and forming grudges, it did not happen.

In fact.

When Lu Qingfeng was in the Evergreen World, he traveled the million li road, and he stopped in countless towns along the way.

The above situation is really rare.

It may not happen once in a hundred years.

At least he never met him once.

After a busy day, I took Lu Qingyu to other places in Juxianfang City after visiting Zipeng Mountain.

Especially the island in the sky and the suspended palace.

These are mostly high-rank cultivators, wealthy, or cultivators with backgrounds. Most of the business is expensive.

Lu Qingfeng wandered around at random.

It is nothing more than Magical Artifact, Spirit Pill, talisman and other businesses. The first two Lu Qingfeng are not interested in self-sufficiency. But talisman, Lu Qingfeng bought some for self-protection.

Among them is the 'Three Mountain Talisman' that was cast by the Origin Demon Sect Foundation Establishment Elder in the Herb Garden.

The third rank talisman is precious, formidable power is powerful, and sometimes it can play a decisive role.

Depart early in the morning.

Lu Qingfeng and Lu Qingyu did not return to the Cloud Mountain until evening.

Lu Qingfeng went out, and his pockets were much lighter.

Lu Qingyu is still a little unfinished.


Three days in a blink of an eye.

"The Xuanyuan auction is held once every ten years, bringing together various Rare Item treasures collected by the Profound Essence Sect Luo Zhendian, as well as the Magical Artifact and medicine refined by the Profound Essence Sect in the Item Hall and Hedan Hall. Pill, hundreds of thousands of li all kinds of treasures sent by Great Sect and thousands of loose cultivators."

"There are many kinds and quantities."

"There will be ten auctions in total. Every three days, an auction lasts at least two hours."

Zhou Yuan walked side by side with Lu Qingfeng, explaining to Lu Qingfeng.

The Xuanyuan auction is the most famous and best-known super auction in the surrounding area.

Profound Essence Sect also intends to use Xuanyuan auction to expand its own silhouette, or collect various treasure and secret techniques.

In previous years auctions.

The third rank and fourth rank Magical Artifact are all casual, and even the fifth-rank Magical Artifact that Core Formation daoist snatch has appeared.

Spirit Pills with various magical uses are also emerging in an endless stream, and most of them are of high quality.

There are also many Strange Sects tricks.

Many rare materials.

Many precious spiritual medicines.


"There are ten stages in total, and each stage lasts at least two hours."

Lu Qingyu pointed and counted.

For a quarter of an hour to auction five lots, at least 800 lots are required.

800 pieces of Xuanyuan auction Level 1 treasure is really not too much.

After all, there are also fifth-order Magical Artifacts.

“Before the auction starts, Profound Essence Sect will deliberately spread some information about the auctions, in order to attract more cultivators to come.”

“Such as Purple Gold bronze, It is a precious material for refining high-level Magical Artifact, just to attract the surrounding Artifact Refinement Master or high-rank cultivator."

"In addition, there is 'Subduing Dust Pill that can increase the chance of Spirit Void cultivator Core Formation. ', in order to attract the Great Sect, even the Core Formation daoist."

Zhou Yuan's news is obviously better than Lu Qingfeng, and he also knows Lu Qingfeng's goal of Xuanyuan auction, he said.

Lu Qingfeng listened quietly.

I just feel that Profound Essence Sect really has a business mind.

In addition to expanding the influence, the auction will last for one month, which can also bring countless popularity and countless benefits to Juxianfang City.

Even Lu Qingfeng bought a lot of talismans in the market.

Other cultivators have no pill concocting and refining abilities, and need to purchase more items. Come in, and the net worth accumulated for ten years will be hollowed out.

Profound Essence Sect is a big win.

An auction can serve multiple purposes.

The three rushed to the auction.


On the top of the immortal island, the floating island moves in the air, changing its orientation.

For a while.

Fairy dances and gods guard the scene.

"What a big battle."

Lu Qingfeng looked up and saw dozens of large and small islands in the sky, with an island in the center like a booth as the center, other islands Spread out like a vortex.

There is a lot of momentum.

"Profound Essence Sect has always been like this."

Zhou Yuan said with a smile.

The Void Island alone, as an auction venue, is infinitely higher than many auctions.

As the movement in the sky appeared, all the cultivators on the immortal island gathered together.

The Xuanyuan auction has been held many times, and the rules need not be repeated for a long time.

A group of True Qi Realm cultivators consciously gathered on the hills below, not qualified to land on the heavenly islands. One by one, the Foundation Establishment cultivators controlled sword light and escaped light, and went to the most marginal air island. There are at most two True Qi Realm cultivators beside each Foundation Establishment cultivator.

But there is also the Foundation Establishment cultivator, with a jade plate on top of it, going to the central island or even the most central island.

Obviously there is a background background.

The jade plate is the qualification.

"Let's go too."

Zhou Yuan greeted him, and a gust of wind swept him to the central island.

Spirit Void cultivator, mostly in the middle.

As for the most central island, it has always been the high-level private plot of Profound Essence Sect, as well as the Quartet or the famous Pill Refinement Master, Artifact Refinement Master, Core Formation daoist and so on.

(end of this chapter)

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