
  Chapter 210 Net worth

Lu Qingfeng flicks his sleeves, and thirty-six nine-plan Xuanhao signs form a leaf Bian Zhou, carrying him and Lu Qingyu, followed Zhou Yuan.

But not relying on Zhou Yuan.

I saw an azure jade plate appearing above Lu Qingfeng's head, covering him and Lu Qingyu. The restraint on this Spirit Void island passed without interception.

“Profound Essence Sect held auction, in addition to the previous purposes, it also collected a lot of information about rising stars and surrounding Great Sect, loose cultivator.”

Lu Qingfeng fell on Spirit On the Void island, he and Zhou Yuan landed together. The azure jade plate is hung around the waist, secretly said in one's heart.

This jade plate was sent two days ago by Wang Hui, the steward of Izumo Mountain, as a voucher for entering and leaving the Spirit Void island.

As Lu Qingfeng third rank Artifact Refinement Master and Pill Refinement Master. Going to the Foundation Establishment islands is fine if you're deliberately hiding it. But since there was no intention to hide it, Profound Essence Sect sent another third rank alchemist to the Foundation Establishment island, which was a joke.

"For a cultivator like Izumo Mountain, in addition to earning Spirit Stone, the bigger role is probably to collect information from all cultivators."

Such as Lu Qingfeng .

It's like a good face from other cultivation bases.

Profound Essence Sect will definitely send someone to investigate clearly, it is not malicious, just prepared for it.

Lu Qingfeng falls.

I vaguely feel that there are eyes from all around, I must have seen the jade plate on Lu Qingfeng's head, guessing Lu Qingfeng's identity.

I didn't realize it when I stayed in Izumo Mountain. At this time, when the auction started, Lu Qingfeng discovered that there were so many Spirit Void cultivators in Juxianfang City.

At a glance, there are dozens.

The total number is probably no less than hundreds.

Think about the Juyun mountain range ——

"The Juyun mountain range is next to the Weeping Swamp, Spiritual Qi is average, the property is mediocre, and naturally there are very few cultivators available. "

Lu Qingfeng understands this.

"Elder Lu."

Zhou Yuan called out, Lu Qingfeng took two steps forward, and saw the true essence faintly discernible on Zhou Yuan's body.


The four-sided Formation rises to form a very spacious hall, complete with seating and snacks. Looking all around, you can see the buildings on the Spirit Void island that are transformed by Formation, but you can't see the inner scene.

Think about the same for everyone else.

Looking further afield, other islands are in sight.

And the front position, but you can see the middle island at a glance.

This is the auction booth.

“big brother, is this Formation?”

Lu Qingyu looked at the four sides, feeling rather strange. The island is hanging in the air and the Formation is falling from the sky, all of which are far beyond her cognition and have a sense of eye-opening.

"Not bad."

"Profound Essence Sect is really used."

Lu Qingfeng nods and said.

Even in games, it's rare to see auctions made so 'sophisticated'.

Lu Qingyu walked around the hall with novelty, looking around.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng sat down beside Lu Qingfeng and asked, "When will the auction start?"

Lu Qingfeng looked towards Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan didn't know what he was thinking, he patted his head and said with a smile, "old man almost forgot."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves, and a true essence shot out. , showing a side scene in the air in front of him. Various items are arranged above.

Magical Artifact, Spirit Pill, Alchemy, spiritual medicine, gold book, jade slip, etc.

“This is—”

Lu Qingfeng also came to Xuanyuan auction for the first time, so he didn’t know much about it.

Lu Qingyu looked towards Zhou Yuan.

Only listen to Zhou Yuan said, "The Profound Essence Sect has not yet arrived, and there is still some time before the auction starts. Because the auction time is limited, in addition to the auction items on the central booth, the Profound Essence Sect will also A large amount is enough to be auctioned, but it can’t compare to the treasure of other lots, and auctioning it in another way can be regarded as an adjustment in the auction process.”

Following Zhou Yuan’s introduction, Lu Qingfeng was able to Suddenly.

It was.

Xuanyuan auction is divided into two forms. During the auction process, the two forms are parallel.

One of them.

This is the most traditional auction.

Experienced Auctioneer will introduce the treasure in the center of the booth for the cultivators participating in the auction, and then all cultivators will bid against each other.

The highest bidder wins.

This method is the most lively and intense.


This is what Zhou Yuan introduced at this time.

The Profound Essence Sect collects many items that were sent but failed to go up to the first auction standard. After integrating the information, let the cultivators participating in the auction view them.

These items are displayed in an all-round way, and various introduction information is also identified by the senior Appraisal Master of Profound Essence Sect.

If you care, you can leave a price.

Above each item, there is a real-time maximum bid.

If you are not interested in the item being auctioned during the auction, you can browse the second category of auction items, find the item you are interested in, and then bid.

At the end of each auction, the highest bidder wins.

Although it is silent, sometimes the bidding is as fierce as the previous one.

"The detailed information about the auction is in the green disc. Elder Lu must have not read it." After Zhou Yuan explained, he looked towards Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.


Lu Qingfeng was stunned and immediately nodded.

Wang Hui, the manager of the cloud, sent the azure jade plate and also told Lu Qingfeng a detailed introduction about the auction. It's just that Lu Qingfeng was busy, and Zhou Yuan was pointing at him, so he didn't take a closer look and put it away at will.

At this time, I heard Zhou Yuan mention it, and then I grabbed the jade plate and browsed it carefully.

There are indeed introductions about the two auction modes, as well as other information. After reading it, Lu Qingfeng finally has a more comprehensive understanding of Xuanyuan auction.

Seeing Lu Qingyu watching, Lu Qingfeng injected the true essence into the azure jade plate, manifested many lots in front of him like Zhou Yuan, and then handed the azure jade plate to Qingyu.

Lu Qingyu View various information about Xuanyuan auction in the jade plate.

Lu Qingfeng browses the previous lots.

These lots have reserve prices and current auction prices. Lu Qingfeng saw that the auction has not yet officially started, and many auctions have already started bidding.

For some popular ones, even the auction price is still changing frequently, which is much higher than the reserve price.

"Auction bids with Spirit Stone, Yulu, Spirit Bead and other cultivation items as general equivalents. If Spirit Stone is not enough, you can also bid on Magical Artifact, Spirit Pill or other items. Profound Essence Sect has A special Appraisal Master can identify and give an estimate at any time."

"There are also lots, not bidding with Spirit Stone, but only specific items."

Lu Qingfeng one after another browse .

It was found that most of these lots were still priced in Spirit Stone.


“In the cultivation world, there are countless rich people.”

Lu Qingfeng smiled wryly.

He took a fancy to a First Rank Magical Artifact called 'Induction Bead'. This Magical Artifact can sense the opponent's presence within a hundred miles with the help of the opponent's breath, warn and roughly point out the opponent's direction.

If you use it well, it also has unexpected effects.

There are quite a few cultivators just staring at the sensor beads.

The base price is thirty pieces of Spirit Stone induction beads.

Though dozens of Spirit Stones are nothing to Lu Qingfeng, they are just a First Rank Magical Artifact for auxiliary use. It's hard to imagine how fierce the bidding will be if there is a fifth-order Magical Artifact at the auction later.

"Spirit Stone is best kept for auction of Purple Gold."

"As for the induction beads-"

Lu Qingfeng put his palm on it, With a thought, a jade slip fell from the sleeve and disappeared into it.

Not long.

A line of large characters appeared in front of him——

[Spell: Water dragon roar]

[Grade: Intermediate]

[Appraisal] : Two hundred Spirit Stones]


Lu Qingfeng nodded, and the handwriting immediately faded, and the two hundred Spirit Stones landed in front of Lu Qingfeng.

“Elder Lu.”

Zhou Yuan was also browsing many lots. Seeing Lu Qingfeng’s movement, he couldn’t help but look over.

"Sold something."

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

Spells are precious.

Basic spells are fine, only a few high-quality ones and partials are valuable.

However, intermediate spells are relatively rare.

Sunset Sect neither too big nor too small is also a sect, but there are only two middle-level spells in the sect, which shows the preciousness of middle-level spells.

What Lu Qingfeng just came up with is an intermediate technique.

Xuanyuan auction Someone identified and learned that there is no such technique in the door, so they gave an estimate, and the estimate was higher. Lu Qingfeng nodded in agreement, and received 200 Spirit Stones.

Profound Essence Sect can break the seal left by Lu Qingfeng in jade slip.

Before this, Profound Essence Sect Appraisal Master could only see the detailed introduction about 'water dragon roar', and some secret art, which can be used to verify the value and authenticity, but it is difficult to cultivate.

Only cut open seal can view all.

With the size of the Profound Essence Sect, it is natural not to force the cut open seal before the price is negotiated, which will ruin the reputation.

Lu Qingfeng is not worried either.

"Ordinary common intermediate spells."

"Two hundred Spirit Stones."

Two hundred Spirit Stones are enough to buy a common Quality Second Rank Magical Artifact.

That's how Profound Essence Sect is.

Change to Sunset Sect, which has two intermediate spells, and will never spend 200 Spirit Stones to buy a third intermediate spell.

Generally, loose cultivators would not be willing to spend so much Spirit Stone to buy an intermediate spell if they had an intermediate spell.

But the Profound Essence Sect has a great career, collecting various techniques and secret techniques, just to enhance the background.

There are countless dísciples in its sect, even if only one or two dísciples choose this magic cultivator every year. After hundreds and thousands of years, two hundred Spirit Stones are enough to pay off.

Two hundred Spirit Stone for an intermediate spell, Small Sect and loose cultivator think it is too exaggerated, but Profound Essence Sect thinks it is worthwhile.

This is the difference in status and pursuit.

But for Lu Qingfeng, it's a good thing.

"Sure enough."

"The biggest treasure in my body is not more than 3,000 Spirit Stones, not various eighth rank Magical Artifacts that have not been refined, but many Enhanced and unenhanced techniques, cultivation techniques, many fusion and unintegrated techniques, cultivation techniques.”

“These techniques and cultivation techniques are mostly derived from games, but in reality they are very It is rare to encounter the same spells."

"The price is not cheap."

"There are even various Pill Recipes, various Magical Artifact refining methods."

Lu Qingfeng put away the two hundred Spirit Stones and grinned.

In the game, he has collected a lot of spells, cultivation techniques, strengthening, fusion, and many unique and unmatched spells and cultivation techniques.

After the "Yellow Court Scripture" reaches Second Layer, the 'Derivation' feature has more analytical functions, and Lu Qingfeng has obtained an unknown number of Pill Recipe and Magical Artifact refining methods.

These all are great wealth.

Not even the collection of Peak Immortal Sect can compare to Lu Qingfeng alone.

Divine ability, Ultra Grade, Mysterious, Righteous Level cultivation technique, not to mention, medium and high-level spells, Exquisite Level, Unorthodox Level cultivation technique, take out some at will, and you can exchange for a lot of Spirit Stone, which is naturally a good thing .

But this is just a transition.

The two Flaming Iron Ants have been released by Lu Qingfeng. When they come back, they will lay Flaming Iron Ant eggs. Once the Flaming Iron Ants have formed a large scale, they will produce crystals, and they will continue to earn money for Lu Qingfeng. A lot of Spirit Stone, even in exchange for a lot of rare materials, spiritual medicine.

Another endless 'Spirit Stone Mine'.

(end of this chapter)

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