We passed the forest and went in another forest. I looked around, hoping to find some familiar plants. That's when I heard 'Mooo...' from somewhere.

"You heard it? Where is it from? I wonder if there's a village nearby? It'll be cheaper to buy milk from villagers..."

"Heard what?" Ar was confusedly looking around.

"Cow, of course! What else?"

Ar sighed. "Seriously? Not even a wild cow could live in this forest. No grass, just tree, wild fruits and flowers everywhere. Are you sure, you're an elf, not a beastman race? What you heard was probably from far away place."

I just smiled. I liked him. He listened and faced me seriously. Well, I was not wrong to bring this kid. He knows many things. Maybe because he wanted to become an adventurer. I really liked this beautiful smart boy.

"Sshhh!" my eyes caught beautiful feathers. Colorful, but it's definitely not a peacock.

"What again?"

"What a beautiful chicken!" I tried to suppress my excitement. "Ar... catch it for me."

Ar looked at the chicken, then at me. "What do you want from the bird warrior?"

I chuckled. Amused by his choice of words. "Meat... eggs... don't tell me you never eat chicken? What a hopeless world I am in!"

Ar tilted his head. Not comparable with Rooga, but still he's cute. "It's edible? Really? Okay... I'll catch it. For your information, I am the best in my class. No one fought and won against the bird warrior as fast as I was."

Fought what? Why did you fight with chicken in the first place?

Soon I had been made understand.

The chicken... was really a warrior. When it spread its wings, it transformed and became a big chicken.

Just imagine, chicken just as big as volleyball now was taller than our little elf at home, with claws shining brightly. The claws were screaming, 'BEWARE, I AM SUPER DUPER SHARP!' made me momentarily forget its gorgeous feathers.

Ar was fast. Well, not faster than me, but for a mermaid descendants, he's quite fast despite on land. He had two short blades made of ice.

How I wished, I have my smartphone with me. Video of pretty kid... uhm, youth, fought with blades of ice came out of nowhere like it's a sci-fi action movie, would definitely be viral. He literally pulled the blades from his palms. Let's forget that his opponent was a chicken. Well that face alone could make all genders and ages go crazy.

"Are they humans?"

"No... it's an elf. But I felt part of mermaid blood from the other."

"Elf? That's good! Do you think that elf will help?"

"Doesn't matter. She must."

I could hear their conversation, but I couldn't pinpoint their whereabouts. Did they think I couldn't feel their presence, or they just not care?

"Aahh..." Ar's screaming startled me.

"Wh... what? What? Did you get hurt? Are you okay?" I ran faster than wind.

Ar threw the bloody chicken warrior on me. I spontaneously catched it.

"Sorry. You wanted it alive. I accidentally killed it. The bird warrior usually don't group. Maybe it's nest nearby, let's search!" (Ar)

I sat on the ground. Checking our chicken warrior. It's a hen. Its feet were made of steel or something. The feathers were soft and colorful, but the roots were hard. It's like a female warrior. Wearing a cool armor, mighty but still fashionable.

"Let's eat! It's almost lunchtime," I pulled some feathers to checking the meat.

Fortunately, other than it's size, it's felt like a normal chicken meat. I hoped it's taste also the same.

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