"What I knew, your main affinity was light magic. I also read, you have wind, water, and fire affinities" Ar started with dignify all over his face.

This kid is so cute... I could only marvell to his change of attitudes.

"So... how did I make the house? And the trees in the backyard?"

"You could make unlimited holy water. It works greater for plants than human. Making that building was a piece of cake. Holy water could rid miasma in human body, but that's it. You need light to perform life magic, and life magic consumes high quantity of mana." (Ar)

Okay, I got it! Maybe.

"Then... teach me water magic." I requested. Water is the source of life, it's important.

"Open your palm, place mana on it. Then chant, 'Holy god, give me power to bring your water'," Ar opened his hands, and water as big as a basketball circling on it, fighting the gravity law.

"Wow...," I gasped in awe.

"You control it with your mind."

"Holy god, give me power to bring your water," I stared at the lake, and made a gesture like I pull up the water from within.

A pillar of water gently up and moving as I comand.

"This is fun! Magic is awesome! Holy god, give me power to bring your wind," I chanted. I imagine wind swirled the water. Water on my right hand, wind on my left. Hualaa... now we have tornado with us.

"Sal, how did you do that?! You made a tornado with elementary grade chants! Awesome! As expected from the greatest magician!"

"Yeah, this is great! But, Ar, how do I stop this?" I asked. My hands getting sore. I wanted to try other magic.

Ar's blank face made me nervous.

"Ar, tell me how do I stop this?"

"Huh? How... how do I know how? I'm sure even my teachers also don't know." (Ar)


Oh, god! Now I know why there's no magic in my world.

Magician from 21st century should stop at magic tricks. This was what happen when you give them a real magic.

"Is there any place I can throw this at? A sea, maybe?"

"That way, Sal! There's no village in 100 kilos." Ar pointed at some far away place.

I command my tornado to go that way, and then I cut my control over it.

Ar and I stared at each other. We continued our travel. Closed one eye to the wreck forest that has been through by tornado.

"This'll be our littl... big secret. I'll teach you cook."

"Um, got it." Ar nodded in agreement.

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