I should thank loli demon for the tips. Ibil was more attentive than expectation. She knew little details about the kids despite being the latest in harem.

The easiest one was the eldest daughter. She just sat there with her stiff cold face. Maybe shy, or maybe she really didn't care.

"Okay, we have apples, watermelon, strawberries, and mangos. Now... Feena, you're a water mage, try to extract every water from each. Roona, you're a wind mage, try to crush each until they become liquid. Rooga, dear, help your sisters. And... Argee, you come with me... let's do something adventurous."

Feena grumbled, but still did her job. I had no complaint with Roona. Rooga readied himself with cups and bowls.

"Do it until you can do it in an instant. Ar... let's go!"

Let's call him Ar from now! Argee was just... too long.

Ar followed me. I heard many things from elf kid and loli demon, but it's not enough. I have to experience this world with my own hands and feet.

The villagers were easygoing. They're greeting us, smiling. Mages were an honorable job. Commoners didn't have much mana. Some more rich, they bought mana stones to use magic stones for everyday life. Some with poor wallet still using traditional way of life, like for cooking and many more.

Their... Ehm, our house was part of the poor wallet group. Fortunately, we're house full of mana monsters. Hero, demon, mermaid, elf... well, forget the fact that they're poor, they're still a bunch of big shots in tales.

"Whoooohooo... This is fun!!" I laughed happily.

I ran more faster than my broken scooter in its brand new day once upon a time. For some reason, I could still see around clearly. Being an elf was awesome! I wondered if I could brought this body to my world, make it mine.

We stopped near small lake not far from the forest entrance.

Ar was panting heavily. I guessed, mermaid didn't do good at running.

"This is barely the first step," I whispered to myself.

I looked at Ar sitting at the edge of the lake. He likes water, of course, it's in his blood.

"Hey, can you do me a favour? Just something small...," I said carefully.

"Hah?" (Ar)

"Teach me some magic. From the basic one. Please, I need this."

"The greatest magician, ex goddess's messenger asked me, what??!"Ar shocked, his blue eyes looked beautiful under sunshine.

"I don't have memories about it, what can I do? So, you can or not?"

Ar frowned a little. "Why me? You could ask Ibil or Roona."

"Because you're the only man in the house? Rooga is just a child, and the rest are women. More than Ibil, you need to know my condition. I'm head of this family now, but you're the pillar that supports us."

This was the trick my mom told me. Men were a vain creatures too, more than women. Sweet talks could get them on clouds. Just make them felt 'be the only one', 'be needed', it's easier to make them happy than bring kids to dentist. And the boys pretending to be a man was the easiest.

Uh oh, I felt like being a bad aunty. Sorry kid.

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