We spent half day from village to the lake, from just an hour long trip before! Fortunately C has many topics to talk about, or I was going to die from boredom. He was so excited, particularly when talking about spell charm.

So, the spell charm he talked about was literally a charm. Of course not the kind of yellow charm in fantasy asian movies. It's made of complex ancient runes, of this world.

The first spell charm master was human. You could understand why, because humans were weak. What makes human strong was weakness.

When other races became wise from their long life, human became wise because of weakness. Because of their weakness, they also became greedy.

Only the weak human could come up with idea searching help from another world. And why'd these unlucky human aliens were so ready to help people who abducted them? Of course because these people made sure, their alien hero would always be their friends.

"Summoning runes... you know it?" I asked nervously.

"You yourself said that weaknesses made human wise. Why would a wise giving away a trump card for public to see? It's taken thousand years of war before higher races finally got knowledge about their existences." (C)

"Yeah, right. But... is there a case when these aliens were sent back?"

"I'm not sure. The so called heros nowadays were just a few rare who has power over the chart. They're mostly descendants of alien heroes. Even in the imperial library of demon palace only has two records of alien heroes." (C)

"Oh...," I tried hiding my disappointment.

Passed the lake, there were some people around the big forest. C told me its name was Binyan forest.

"Excuse me, Sir! What happened?" C stopped the horse and asked a beard middle aged man.

"You don't know? There was a strange phenomenon about a week ago. Tornado crashed into dark hill near the border, annihilating dens of goblins. Apparently it's coming from this area. People from adventurer guild even joined people from church to investigate, but until now there's no result. Many people from towns and villages around came, wanting to loot some woods from the wrecked trees."

C thanked the beard man and continuing to drive.

I sighed in relief. I breathed as slow as possible to reduce my presence.

"I guess some powerful mage went berserk, huh?" C looked at me. The midday sun gave his pale face a bit color. But a tinge of red glistening in his eyes distracted me more. Gave eerie feeling. So uncomfortable. Like he saw trough my inner thoughts.

"Yeah, it's so dangerous. Do... do you think they will found the culprit? Like... from mana residues or something?"

C chuckled, "There are people who can see mana, but not in the bunch of those people."

"Oh... is, is that so?"

"There used to be a quite dense miasma, all gone. I guess it's fortune in disguise of a disaster." (C)

Even then, it was tornado, you know? A big one! I shivered every time I thought, maybe, just maybe, there were innocent men being hurt or even dead because of me.

And, weren't goblins a 'life' too?

I turned, looking everywhere but his eyes. I caught a gorgeous woman in white dress fluttering beautifully.

She stood there, looking for something in the midst of wrecked forest. When our eyes met, I felt my heart skipped a beat. I wondered if this woman could see mana. But then I realized, she didn't really see me. I almost forgot our distance. Well, it's good to have a good eyes, but sometimes I couldn't tell how far 1 km and 10 km. Everything looked normally close, but that's what make me abnormal.

"Don't worry, she is human. She can't see you from that far." (C)

"Eh? No, I... I'm... I'm just wondering, will the bees feel disturb? This is near their territory. I hope the queen get better."

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