The shy Saq was waiting anxiously. There were a few bees around him. They're in their bee form, so I couldn't tell them apart.

"There were so many humans coming and going, we thought you wouldn't come." He looked relief.

"How long had you waited for me then? I'm sorry."

"No... no. It's okay."

"I thought you were afraid of me..." I chuckled.

"Ah, no... of course not. You're our friend, so I believe you can be trusted. I'm sorry for my behaviour that day." Saq smiled with red apparent all over his face.

"Today Ar is not coming, but I come with my friend, C. Is that okay?"

Saq looked at C and nodded. "It's okay. It's okay. Let's go... I will lead you. My subordinates will guard your carriage and horse here."

"Don't ask. Put this on," C tucked my sleeve and gave me a necklace with a black pendant.

"Okay. Is there something?" I asked.

"Just in case."

Somehow we got into different place from the other day. There was a fields of wild lavender.

"So this was where it from! I smelled lavender the other day, but... I wasn't sure if it's nearby. Can I bring home some?"

"Yes, of course. Lavender can mask one presence. We spread its oil around, so no beast comes near. Other flowers usually have enticing aroma." (Saq)

"I planned to plant lavender. I only knew it can keep mosquitoes away. Thanks for the information, Saq."

"People who passed our territory, especially women... they always use all kind of flowers aroma. I didn't understand. I thought they wanted to lure beasts out. People from outside is really weird." (Saq)

Err... I have no comment for that.

"This is not the main entrance to your village." C said suspiciously.

"Yes, because there are people from church coming. But, how do you know?" (Saq)

"Saq...!" a loud voice came out of nowhere.

"Gugu, what are you doing here?" (Saq)

A tiny little bee was flying at full speed. He had human form from head to stomach. His bottom was in bee form. So cute, it's like he's wearing a bee costume.

"Ciel big brother said, you can bring the guests in. Those people has gone." (Gugu)

"Okay, let's go." (Saq)

Gugu smiled, looked at me with sparkling eyes. Ugh! Can I bring him home?

The bees still friendly. Princess bee and Ciel went to send church people.

"How is she?" I asked.

Queen bee was still in her bee form. But I could see some of her black body getting normal.

"Are you sure just three drops enough?"

"Thank you for your concern, Lady Sally. She's getting better. No need for more blood, because the queen won't be able to withstand it. Three drops were her max limit." An elder said politely.

"We are thankful for your help, but why'd you bring this evil here?" Dace pointed at C.

"Dace! Don't be rude to our guests!" the elder scolded.

"Grandpa, he is a demon! Because of demon, our queen is like this. And don't forget about many of our fallen comrades!" (Dace)

There were gasping from all around. I could feel the heavy air and hostile glaring on us. Or, no. It's not us, but only C.

I understood that demon was mostly evil in every story. But, what's this? I felt uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry for not welcome you myself, Sal. Please pardon Dace," Clare came with Ciel.

"I knew that you don't like demon race, but..."

"Miasma was created by them, what is there to like from those evil?" Dace blurted out.

"Shut up!" I couldn't hear this anymore.

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