The only sounds echoing out in the silent snowy forest maze was Captain Kaile's feet slowly marching towards Zara. It was like a loud boom in the other snow angel member's ears with each step she took.

That last moment Zara had didn't really last more than a few seconds. 

And yet, it left a massive impact on all of their minds. Truly, they felt a small surge of fear for Zara potentially acting up like that again.

Under most circumstances, these snow angels members wouldn't feel any fear or nerve concerning most situations. But, having someone so close to them suddenly lose control like that is a worrying thought they rather not entertain.

However, like with Captain Kaile, they all know they have to approach their head captain. No matter what, she is the lead in charge here. Plus, she still is the strongest person in their squadron.

With far more nerves filling their bones than Captain Kaile, the other member began to take more slow and slight shaking steps behind her. 

With each step they all took towards Zara, the only more deafening the silence got. 

No matter how close they were approaching Zara, she still wouldn't even turn around to look at them. In fact, she still hasn't made any movement since coming down from her sudden chaotic aura.

When Captain Kaile made it within seven feet from Zara, she decided to take a chance. Though it seemed like a bad idea, she decided to call out to Zara. 

Captain Kaile tried to make her voice as even as possible to not indicate any nerves she was currently following.

"Captain Zara….are you ok? Just….what was that? Your aura, it was incomparably dark and chaotic. I never really seen anything like it. Are you practicing some hidden cultivation technique that the Leaders decided to entrust to you?"

Captain Kaile threw out any reasons in an attempt to rationalize what happened. 

And for a second, it appeared like Zara was going to ignore him. But before Captain Kaile can feel the eeriness of getting ignored again, Zara had finally moved.

Zara began to slowly turn around as if she was some kind of machine. 

Captain Kaile and the other members all stopped in slight fear. They honestly didn't know what to expect as she was turning around.

However, when Zara finally turned around all the way, Captain Kaile and the other members felt some slight relief. Zara stood calmly with the same indifferent expression that would usually be plastered on her face.

The only change they could spot within Zara was a rare gleam she had in the depth of her eyes. 

"I am fine. Your guess would be on point Captain Kaile. That was a hidden technique I was practicing" 

Zara had finally spoken her first words in a while. And her tone was also the same calm one that showed no hint of emotion within. 

"Oh….I see…." Captain Kaile slowly said.

Although she said it, on her and the other members' faces, none of them looked entirely convinced. Zara's previous aura was just so chaotic, dark, and dangerous that they were sure they wouldn't ever be able to forget about it.

However, Zara didn't give anyone any more time to process that moment as she suddenly said, "Now then, we're close to that treasure. Let's get going." 

Immediately when she told them, Zara turned around and began walking off as if everything was normal.

The other snow angels members shared a look with each other. No matter the doubts and confusion they had swirling in their minds, they had no other options but to follow their head captain.

Afterward, Zara's squadron began walking off in silence. 

They traversed for a few minutes, making it deeper in the open snowy plains. While they walked, there was a strange, tense silence hanging in the air between them.

As they got closer to their treasure spot, the more Captain Kaile and the other members wanted to question just what the hell happened.

But before anyone could try and question anything again, everyone in the squadron felt their Spirit Senses frantically go off.

From very close to them, several hostile presences were closing in on them. 

Everyone in the squadron stopped walking. The sixth level Heavenly Kings were all clenching their fists in slight tension.

While Captain Kaile dangerously narrowed her eyes as she quickly identified who was coming. She has learned how to identify specific squadron group auras for as long as she has been competing in these Mercenary Exchange Events.

Her eyebrows began to wrinkle as she slowly said out loud, "The lion order group….just our luck." 

Tension began to quickly fill Captain Kaile and the other members' veins. 

The ones who were coming to there weren't some average squadron group. There were three incredibly powerful presences in that group that actually outnumbered the power they have!

Before the Snow Angel squadron even saw the Lion Order squadron, a powerful voice had boomed out in the area. 

"Well, well. If it isn't the pure and cold snow angels." 

The man who spoke to them had a tone of overwhelming arrogance. 

It instantly got everyone ready for a potentially grueling fight coming up. 

The only one who didn't have any change in emotion or stature was Zara. She stayed still as her eyes impassively looked ahead at rapidly approaching figures. 

And after only two seconds, they heard that man's arrogant voice, the Lion Order squadron group, had appeared before their sights.

They stood about sixty feet ahead of them and had directly intercepted the Snow Angel's route they were walking on. Even if they didn't sense the Lion Order squadron group, anybody would be able to recognize their appearance from a mile away.

Everyone in that squadron group wore exotic fur orange coats that had creative lion design patterns running along it. It was two fierce-looking women and four intimidating-looking men that compromised their squadron group.

And at the front helm of their squadron were three men that held the strongest auras that sent troubled down Captain Kaile and the other members' minds. 

These three men were all seventh-level Heavenly Kings!

Even though it was just one more seventh-level Heavenly King than them, it still majorly unbalanced the odds. 

Zara, however, finally showed a change of expression when the Lion Order squadron group fully appeared.

Her expression turned incomparably cold and her chilling gaze pierced right through the seventh level Heavenly Kings on the Lion Order squadron group. 

Out of everyone there, the seventh level Heavenly Kings on the Lion Order squadron group did feel a legitimate shiver crawl up their spines from only Zara's sharp gaze.

But it didn't stop their overwhelming confidence in the slightest. 

The middle seventh level Heavenly King, who held a similar status to Zara, glowered down on her body. His name was Captain Leon, and his eyes roamed with undisguised lust on Zara's bombastic figure.

Captain Leon began to talk again and started to say, "Would you lookie here? Is there reason to already be so tense around us? We only-" 

Whatever he was about to say couldn't be finished as the whole area suddenly gained a darker shade. 

Completely out of nowhere, it was like night had suddenly befallen them. 

The Lion Order and the Snow Angels members all shot their eyes to the skies. And with the exception of Zara, everyone else pupils dilated to needle sizes.

Immediately when they all had turned their eyes to the skies, a tremendously powerful aura blasted down to them as a lone figure had silently appeared in the air.

This person held a long silver sword that was coated bright chilling fresh crimson blood. Flickers of Darkness energy spewed out of her body, drowning the whole area to a darker shade.

The flicker of Darkness radiating from this figure gave them a legitimate terrifying presence barring the blood dripping down from their sword. 

The Snow Angels members instantly recognized who this was.

"Leader Kyrha!!" All of them loudly exclaim in mild surprise. 

Out of everyone, they didn't expect to have their Leader luckily encounter them. Although, as they stared into her face, Captain Kaile and the other members felt questions pop into her mind.

"Why does she look so frustrated?" Was the main question they all had in their minds. 

Indeed on Leader Kyrha's beautiful face was an expression that was heavily contorted into a mass surge of rage.

And everyone in the Lion Order Squadron group was trembling in fear. 

Kyrha's unfathomable ninth-level Heavenly aura focused directly on them and crushed every fiber of their beings.

And Kyrha's aura wasn't anything like they experienced before from other ninth-level Heavenly Kings. They all felt drowned in a freezing cold sensation as if they were staring up at a death god ready to claim their lives in mere seconds.

Before anyone could say anything or react, Kyrha's cold voice boomed down to them all. Her eyes dangerously narrowed on the Lion Order squadron group as she said, 

"You want to pillage? Then die."


A massive gust of wind blasted by everyone's bodies as Kyrha's figure had suddenly blurred. 

Captain Leon felt immensely suffocated at that moment. He felt imminent death rapidly approaching him. With his nerves exploding from his body, Captain Leon erupted with all of his Heavenly Qi and erected a Heavenly barrier from in front of him. 

But that didn't matter at all to Kyrha as she appeared right in front of Captain Leon, shocking the whole Lion Order squadron group.

Without saying anything, Kyhra thrust her silver sword towards Captain Leon's head. A tsunami of her tremendous power suppressed Captain Leon, making him unable to move at all.

In a mere split second, Kyrha's silver sword shredded through Captain Leon's Heavenly aura and shattered his Heavenly Qi barrier like it was glass. 

And without stopping, her silver sword brutally plunged right in the center of Captain Leon's forehead, tearing through his brain and out the other end of his skull!


Blood squirted out like a horrifying crismon rain and sprayed all over the other seventh-level Heavenly King Captains. 

Captain Leon's eyes were wide open in utter disbelief. Kyrha's overwhelming power swiftly destroyed his body and immediately vaporized every inch of his lifeforce. 

The other seventh-level Heavenly Kings Captains were utterly bewildered. They had no way to react to Kyrha's lightning speeds, and the power she used to kill Captain Leon had utterly suppressed them as well.

Before they could even process their head Captain death, the other two seventh level Heavenly King felt a painful, searing sensation at their necks. 


Blood gushed out like a geyser once again as the two seventh-level Heavenly Kings decapitated heads were flung high into the skies.

Nobody there even saw how Kyrha moved her sword! 

The rest of the Lion Order squadron members were violently trembling. They always knew Leaders from other rivaling Mercenaries groups were cruel.

But this was a whole other level of cruelty! 

Kyra didn't even give a chance for any of them to talk, and on a snap decision, she savagely murdered their leaders in cold blood.

And it was then the other Lion Order squadron members realized that they're next! The last remaining three members started to whimper, begging for their lives to be spared. 

"Please-Please, Snow Ange-"


Kyhra's cold snort interrupted their groveling and sent the three Lion Order squadron members further to the depths of hell. 

She casually flicked her wrist and shot out four gray sword Qi beams that pierced right through the other three members' skulls, turning their brains to mush and instantly killed them all.

Blood pooled out of their skulls as their corpses slumped to the ground in a collective thud. 

The whole area fell to a chilling silence. 

Captain Kaile and the other members stared unblinkingly at Kyhra's figure that exuded a terrifying aura of death.

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