Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 242: Slowly Traversing

Captain Kaile and the other snow angels members honestly didn't know what to say or do. Their eyes shook a bit as they gazed upon Kyhra's cold, indifferent face that had slight patches of blood on it.

It wasn't like any of them weren't cruel in their own rights. And they constantly experienced cold killings all of the time. 

But there was just something different in how Kyhra quickly killed the Lion Order squadron off.

For Captain Kaile and the other snow angels, they actually found those kills as a bit cruel. Kyhra had just come in and really killed them on a whim of her thoughts. 

Although they all know the Lion Order squadron had no good intentions, they were slaughtered like they were mere bugs.

That kind of ruthless killing was like Kyhra didn't even see them as fellow humans. It was more like they were akin to small insects she could step on if she so pleases. 

Furthermore, there also was this change of aura in Kyhra.

Previously, Kyhra always had an aura that exudes indomitable pride and proudness. She had a presence that would make anyone dare not to commit the slightest disrespect against her.

However, now, it was like her aura was….tainted. 

Captain Kaile and the other members felt incomparably cold just staring at Kyhra's lone figure. What also helped accentuate her new, terrifying image was the flicker of Darkness energy from her body.

She wasn't even using any power as of now. Yet, Darkness's energy continued to sizzle out of her body like wisps of flames. 

Zara, however, was the only one unaffected by this sudden chilling change in Khyra.

She and Khyra locked gazes for a couple of seconds. 

As both of their cold faces zeroed in on each other, it was like time stopped around them. 

Captain Kaile and the other members didn't move. Or rather, it was they couldn't move. They felt suffocated as if with just one wrong move, some sort of disaster would befall them. 

All they could do was stare silently at their head Captain and Leader seemingly locking gazes with each other.

After those strange, tense seconds, Khyra had finally talked. "We will talk later. Continue to lead them for now. I will check on the others." 

And without waiting for Zara's response, Kyhra's figure blurred, and she vanished from everyone's sight.

Zara didn't have any questioning look on her face. 

Despite being told some vague instructions and everything else that happened, Zara had zero reaction to everything. It was like she expected or at least could tell this would've happened.

Zara's reaction spawned even more confusing questions in Captain Kaile and the other members' heads. However, before they could even process what to say, Zara swiftly turned around to them and began telling them, 

"The way is clear. Let's continue on; we're nearly there." 

And as she has done repeatedly throughout these last moments, Zara turned back forward and began walking off without waiting for a reply.

Captain Kaile and the other members felt like they were just thrown into a rollercoaster of events. Nothing made any sense, and yet, they all were expected to just shut up about it and not question anything.

Their Leader Khyra flew off without even a word to them. And Zara was keeping her stride in not revealing any secrets. 

But even if they had so many doubts, they had few other options. All they could was cautiously followed behind Zara, unsure of how this Mercenary Exchange Event will end.


Miles deep inside the snowy forest maze, there was a heavy amount of trees here at one particular section. Compared to other regions of this independent realm, this area lacked the presence of dangerous Spirit Monsters.

Although, that wasn't to say there weren't any lurking Spirit Monsters efficiently hiding, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike their prey. 

And currently traversing this more quiet side of the forest were three beautiful youths wearing slightly tattered clothes.

There weren't any more dried-up blood on them, but their clothing state couldn't be salvaged.

Of course, this was Darcel, Aniela, and Masami. And the way they carried themselves now was a far cry to their previous selves. The trio huddled up close together as their eyes were on the continuous lookout.

Their Spirit Sense picked up on the hidden lurking Spirit Monsters around them, but thankfully, none had come out to attack. This was attributed to them taking routes that let them hide behind giant trees.

With everything that transpired to them, the trio was genuinely treating safety as their utmost importance. 

Although, Darcel was still slightly ahead of the girls, being ready to face any first sign of danger.  Now he felt a far more substantial reason to stand protective in front of the girls.

At any moment, it could be a strike to their lives, and though Darcel doesn't want to admit it, he had some deep-rooted fears of losing his precious girls.

That wasn't to say Aniela and Masami weren't also battle-ready. They were still right beside Darcel's side, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. 

Although now, they felt more secure over Darcel being ahead of them. The slight hopeful tone Darcel showed before subconsciously got Aniela and Masami to rely on him more than they already do. 

As their footsteps quietly crushed through the snow, there was a stinging feeling that wouldn't leave Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's minds.

It was an immense sensation of utter helplessness. 

The more they replayed the previous events in their minds, the more they realized there honestly wasn't anything they could do about it.

The yellow-eyed woman's power was something they had never seen before. It was so insanely high that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami fathom she could become the literal ruler of this whole Mortal planet if she so desired.

And as for them, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were simply too weak to do anything. 

Immediately when the yellow-eyed woman appeared before them, they were essentially dolls for her to do whatever she wants with them.

It was a tremendous blow to their mental state that had only added from the events even before they met the yellow-eyed woman. They went from getting matched by the Spirit Monster Hawk, getting thrown around by the Golden Crow Spirit, and finally, those Arc Raven Mages nearly killing them.

All of those events couldn't leave the trio's mind no matter how hard they try to not think about it. In just a span of half an hour, their world views were massively changed. 

And the absolute turning point for them was being put in a death-like state and experiencing the terrors of potentially never being able to wake up again.

It was at this time Darcel, Aniela, and Masami realized there truly is always a higher mountain than them. Plus, not everything can go their way, and their whole lives can change on a dime in their brutal world.

Before meeting Darcel and Aniela, Masami had understood these rules. But afterward, with the immense power she had wielded, it destroyed all previous lessons her Grandmother had taught to her.

With that immense power now stripped away from her, Masami felt herself reverting to a more meek side that she never thought would return to again. 

The more she thought about it, the more frustrations began to pile on her beautiful face.

After a few minutes of quietly traversing, Masami had suddenly spoken up to Darcel and Aniela. "Out of everything I expected from this event, I can't believe we got reduced to sneaking around trees like mice. Haaah….at least there are no squadrons around us."

Aniela's face remained a bit calmer as she thought more about previous events. She felt various negative thoughts build-up, but she wanted to keep them down. 

Aniela wanted to return to how she was before the yellow-eyed woman, a young woman that always shimmers with bright optimism.

Although actually doing that was easier said than done with how traumatic those events were. 

Still, Aniela at least put on a slight smile as she said, "Indeed. I dread to think about fighting even Mid ranks Heavenly Kings now. We need to seriously focus on our cultivation."

"Hm…." Darcel leaked a small grunt as his mind never stopped going over possible plans to do. 

He was trying to consider all of their options with their current abilities. But as he thought more about it, he depressingly realized they barely have any options to turn to.

With at least one option in mind, Darcel told the girls, "If we get lucky, we'll try to find some treasures. But we won't be pushing our luck too far. At the first opportunity, we need to leave this independent realm and leave the city altogether. I can already tell, our Darkness Servants won't take too kindly to our presence anymore. You girls agree, right?"

Aniela and Masami traded glances at each other. And when looking in both of their eyes, they could see neither of them had any bright confidence. 

Though they don't want to be cowardly and run at every sign of danger. They also know they have more apparent limits that can't be broken as of now. 

Masami could clench her hands as her foxtails whipped up in slight annoyance. "Tch. Yea, I get it. Whatever that yellow demoness did to us, she most for sure affected those servants. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to kill us on sight."

Seeing all of their moods turn increasingly sour, Aniela began racking her brain on how to lift them all up. 

And almost immediately, one idea streaked across her mind. This thought did get a legitimate twinkle to faintly spark in her eyes.

"Hey, hey. You know, this may not all be bleak. What if….we become Mages! We will still focus on raising cultivation, but I'm positive that being Mages could be huge for us."

Darcel and Masami perked up at that thought. 

For other cultivators and Mages, there would be an underlying disdain each of them has for each other. Cultivators never want to be Mages, and a Mage never wants to be a cultivator.

However, for Darcel, Masami, and Aniela, none of them standards exist within their minds. They were already at their lowest states and the prospect of gaining any sort of power to better themselves sound immensely enticing.

"Mages huh….I think they're pretty annoying. But I deny their tricks and powers. Yea….after this, we can visit a Mage guild! I'm not sure how we can become one, but maybe those godly shards in our souls can help. Not even that yellow demoness wanted to mess with them."

Masami's voice became more hopeful as she continued on talking. She may be grasping at straws, but it was the only straws she could grasp. 

Darcel thought it over and readily nodded his head. He began saying, "It could work….but we'll need to-" 

Darcel didn't finish what he was saying. As right then, he went utterly rigid. Aniela and Masmai also froze up in dread at the exact same time.

Cold sweat began dripping down their heads as their Spirit Senses went frantic.

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