Immense tension like never before filled Fruna and her other squadron member's bodies. They all felt an increasing lump in their throats; an indescribable aura sprayed wildly in the air and was now crushing down on them.

Fruna was gripping her palms, feeling a bit of sweat form in them. Her eyes narrowed as her pupils dilated a bit. She stared right into the Spirit Monster Ape's now yellow glowing eyes and was in slight horrifying awe.

When that yellow glow appeared within its pupils, the beast's dramatically shot up to even slightly above Fruna's combined might! 

This battle that was almost entirely handled by Fruna now got thousands of times more complicated.

Yet, amazingly enough, neither Fruna, the Silver Bloody Hammer group members, or the other Nobe's Fang group members were that surprised. 

Previously, they had encountered Spirit Monsters that reacted just like this one. A yellow glow would always swirl within their pupils whenever any of them were pushed to the extreme edge. 

The significant difference now is how this monstrous snow-white ape was a legitimate threat to all of them.

Fruna didn't have any more plans to blindly rush in now. Her mind began to rapidly turn gears, trying to figure out any course of action to take. However, this was time that would not be given to her by the Spirit Monster snow-white ape.


Another feral roar blasted from the monstrous snow-white ape massive moths as its powers quickly reached beyond its limits in only two seconds! 

Cold rays of yellow light burst from the beast's eyes, its feral Killing Intent surged to an unfathomable degree.

"Get ready!" Fruna roared to her other squadron members, realizing they had no other options but to face this feral Spirit Monster head-on. 

At the same time Fruna shouted, the monstrous snow white ape was about to take its mad dash forward.

But right then, unbeknown to everyone, a small shadowy figure soared at breakneck speeds towards the snow-white ape's left side. The small shadowy figure swiftly made it within six feet from the beast, appearing right into the view when the beast raised its massive leg up.

Out in the open, the small shadowy figure was a talisman! 

Yet, nobody did or even could notice it. Because, immediately when the talisman got within six feet from monstrous snow-white ape, it erupted a frantic cascade of Heavenly Qi power!

A tremendous sense of danger abruptly took over the snow-white ape mind, temporarily stopping all movements. Heavenly Qi was spraying wildly in the area, making it impossible for the beast to not notice it.

However, the monstrous snow-white ape's reaction was simply too slow. 

A brilliant blue glow shimmered from the talisman as its power wrapped around the Spirit Monster ape's massive body.

The already freezing temperature dropped even more, affecting everything beyond the six feet radius. 

Fruna and her squadron members all shivered on instinct at the piercing cold while their expressions widened in shock.


The talisman combusted within a nanosecond, unleashing a raging tsunami of Heavenly Qi power that covered the entirety of the monstrous snow-white ape! 

For the full six-foot radius, everything, including the snow-white ape, was encased in a blanket of solid Ice Qi.

The Silver Bloody Hammer group members and the other Nobe's Fang group members stared in utter disbelief, rapidly blinking their eyes as if the scenery would suddenly change.

But to their bewilderment, the Ice prison remained covering the snow-white ape. 

The main shock came from that none of them had even sensed what caused this until the last second!

And a more terrifying thought burst within their minds then. If they couldn't sense just who the hell threw that talisman, then they could potentially have a dangerous enemy on their hands.

Even though whoever threw the talisman seemed like they were seemingly helping them, nothing was ever cut and dry in their ruthless words. 

A chill, far greater than the freezing cold, crept up each of their spines.

The only one who remained calm was, of course, Fruna. She had only merely quirked her eyebrows seeing the snow-white ape frozen. Dozens of questions ran through her mind, but she quickly connected in only a second that this is her opportunity!

Fruna didn't know who, what or why someone decided to throw them a bone, but she wasn't going to let their opportunity down. 

In the exact second she came upon her realization, Fruna didn't delay any longer.

Her full power sprayed out of her like a rushing storm as she pushed prowess to the absolute max! The air turned absolutely chaotic, causing an utter mess of the environment and almost knocked her other squadron members off their feet.

In just a split second, Fruna flashed towards the beast, appearing within three feet from it. The forty feet of distance they had apart from each other meant absolutely nothing to Fruna.

When Fruna appeared right in front of the monstrous snow-white ape, she could spot its massive body continually spasming within its Ice Qi prison. 

A cold breath leaked from Fruna's mouth, nearly unable to resist this freezing temperature herself.

Wanting to end things in an instant, Fruna poured all of her power into her Royal Spirit Rank sword, causing a radiant blue shine to encase the entire blade. 

Fruna's Heavenly Aura was intense, akin to a raging hurricane that snow-white ape could even feel from within its Ice Qi prison.

The beast's colossal body began to intensely spasm, even more, wanting to escape the looming death crisis its Spirit Sense was frantically going off from. 

However, whatever talisman that was used, it was too powerful for the snow-white ape to break through in just a second.

And a second was all Fruna needed. 

In the simplest manner possible, she swiped her glowing silver sword towards the beast's massive neck, becoming a silverish blue glow in the wind.


Fruna's Royal Spirit Rank sword tore through the Ice Qi like it was fragile glass and savagely sliced right through the Spirit Monster ape's neck! 

Torrents of blood and putrid fluids sprayed all around as the monstrous snow-white ape's head flew high into the skies.

While its giant head soared in the skies, the beast's colossal ice-encased body crashed towards the ground with a loud solid thump. 

A more sickening wet thump reached Fruna's ears when the monstrous snow ape's beheaded head similarly crashed onto the snowy grounds.

Fruna lowered her silver sword that was coated in a bit of the beast's blood, her eyes never leaving its corpse. A mixing swirl of emotions ran through her mind, causing her to get increasingly worried by the second.

A kill like this shouldn't come so easy for her. Especially considering just moments ago, this Spirit Monster ape slightly surpassed her. 

But, whatever that talisman was sealed off any avenue for the beast to escape or defend. Even more weird was the fact that the Spirit Monster ape had trouble breaking the Ice Qi from within, yet Fruna smoothly cut through it like it was tofu.

Whoever made these talismans has to be either very powerful themselves or keep powerful talismans like this on them. 

And the most chilling thought was that she couldn't even sense who threw the talisman or the talisman itself until the last second!

Fruna didn't relax her body at all after the snow-white ape's death. She tensed her body even more, expecting to face someone far more terrifying than this monster. 

But right then, a sweet, captivating voice soothed into her ears.

"Ah….really. Of all places to have a reunion, this is quite the strange one. Wouldn't you agree, Fruna?" 

Fruna went utterly rigid; that voice immediately brought back so many vivid, profound memories. Memories that changed her life forever and led her down this road of high-class prowess and leadership. 

For quite a while, she hasn't heard this voice. And Fruna genuinely thought it would be years before she ever sees them again.

However, that voice of an angel had instantly clicked in Fruna's mind on who this was. Eagerness, anticipation, and joy swelled in her chest like several firecrackers. 

A broad grin encompassed Fruna's face as she whipped her head around to the source of this voice. When she had turned around, her Spirit Sense could now pick up on three presences approaching her. 

For a brief moment, slight puzzlement swirled around in Fruna's mind.

If this is the people she's talking about, then why are their auras so….weak? Even when they weren't fighting, their auras would always be unfathomable, nearly impossible to sense at all.

But now, she clearly just senses them like they were some average cultivators. 

All those brief thoughts left as quickly as they came when Fruna's sight caught three beautiful youths walking up to her.

These youths' clothing state was slightly battered, and there were slight subtle appearance changes about them. But, there wasn't any way Fruna could mistake these young people.

"Darcel! Aniela! Ya-Yasami??" 

For sure, Fruna recognized Darcel and Aniela at first glance. However, she initially couldn't recognize this beautiful young fox maiden. 

After all, previously, Masami would always have her whole appearance and her fox traits covered. 

But, in just a second, it instantly clicked in Fruna's mind that this fox girl had to be no other than Yasami. From not even going off her appearance, this fox girl still had the same aura as Yasami.

Even as it is far weaker now. 

"Hm? Surprised to see us?" Masami spoke in an even tone as they walked up towards the shock-looking Fruna. 

On the outside, she, Darcel, and Aniela looked calm. But internally, they all were absolutely bewildered! 

It really was true….Fruna's prowess had explosively grown to unimaginable heights! Her cultivation growth was comparable to even high-ranking extraordinary geniuses!

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were genuinely impressed, no, more than impressed actually. They were now even more assured that this upcoming partnership will benefit them all immensely.

Right then, the trio got within six feet from Fruna, feeling honestly that comfortable to get so close to her. 

Fruna didn't pay much attention to noticeable changes in the trio's auras. She was happy to see them again and was about to reply to Masami. 

Before Fruna could, however, she and Darcel's group sensed multiple other presences are rapidly approaching their location.

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