Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 263 - Special Compass

"Captain Fruna! Just who are-ah??" 

Fruna's Vice Captain's initially frantic sounding voice came from their left, but towards the end of her sentence, she sounded far more shocked.

Fruna and Darcel's group whipped their heads over to the sound of her only to see several bewildered people cautiously walking up to them. These people had inscribed some sense of nostalgia within Darcel, Aniela and Masami.

It was the three Silver Bloody Hammer group members and the other two Nobe's Fang group members. 

These two Mercenaries groups may not be the strongest in the Province, but they held some high significance in the trio's mind.

"To think….these guys were the reason we became a team…." Masami whispered lowly enough so only Darcel and Aniela could hear. From her words, all three of them started to have a small smile.

Though it instantly vanished a split second after. 

Thinking about those times was wonderful and painful. Even if they wanted to focus only on the joyous times, their minds couldn't help but compare themselves to the prowess they held back then.

That was the time they haven't even gone down to the Chaotic, hellish trials yet. But already before then, their prowess was insanely high. 

Even though it was the time Masami had first met Darcel and Aniela, when she was included in Darcel's Darkness Soul link, her combat prowess quickly grew.

Furthermore, barring their prowess, their personalities were also more lighthearted and assured of themselves more than anything in the world. 

Comparatively to now, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt like those times happened long ago.

While the trio was rummaging in their own thoughts, the Silver Bloody Hammer group members and the Nobe's Fang members were all experiencing a multitude of emotions.

As their gazes crossed with Darcel's group, they all abruptly went rigid, staying rooted to their spots in slight fearful awe. 

"Ah….It's-it's them." They all spoke simultaneously, barely able to utter their words.

Even though none of them had ever met Darcel, Aniela or Masami face to face, they for sure will never forget the overwhelming prowess they all had shown. 

All in just a span of a day, they killed the strongest Leaders in the Silver Bloody Hammer group and even got Silver Leader Ninu under their control!

Moreover, they all were also entirely ruthless in their actions. In front of everyone, they had mercilessly slain weaker Heavenly Kings as if they were common bugs on the side of the road.

Nobody in their entire Town could forget that event. Although it was a bit mysterious that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami haven't shown up since then, nobody was foolish enough to go on an investigation mission for them.

All of those profound vivid memories burst within the squadron member's minds like a wild hurricane. 

What made this moment even more horrifyingly shocking was how each of their cultivation realms has immensely increased! This would only mean their terrifying prowess had already grown to degrees they probably can't understand. 

Their previous fearful impressions had a tight hold on the squadron members for sure.

However, there still was something….off about Darcel's group that they all couldn't help but notice. 

Firstly, their appearance seemed very battered and worn down. Just from a glance, it was plainly obvious to tell they've been in several serious battles.

Plus, there was also the fact that apparently there was this new beautiful fox maiden with them. Or it was simply the hooded robe girl that was with them back then. 

Barring their appearances, the most significant change they took note of was their auras.

Darcel and Aniela were now in the Innate Core realm. While Masami was at the half-step Heavenly Transformation realm. Their cultivation speed was terrifyingly fast, but they all were expecting something more….grand.

Genuinely, the other squadron members thought they would be feeling suppressed by just their general aura. 

But really, neither the Silver Bloody Hammer group members nor the Nobe's Fang members could sense anything special about them.

Before their thoughts could divulge further on this, Fruna had suddenly called out to them in an attempt to placate them. 

"All of you, calm down. While you may have some profound memories of them. None of them are the terrifying people you think they are. You have my word on this."

The Silver Bloody Hammer members and the Nobe's Fang members felt a small portion of their worries relieved. But, their bodies couldn't relax all of their tension even if they genuinely believed Fruna's words.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's image in their heads were too warped to simply be forgotten in a few words. 

The Silver Bloody Hammer members especially couldn't so readily accept this, considering it was them that essentially changed how their whole group functioned.

Still, no matter their own varying opinions, since Fruna told them to stand down, there was little they could do. They tried their best to give the trio calm gazes, though they all were ready at a moment's notice for any action.

The atmosphere between everyone started to get a bit tense. 

Fruna noticed how her squadron couldn't just fully calm down and was about to speak again. 

But right then, Aniela's angelic giggles cut in the tense atmosphere. "Hehe~. It seems like our influence couldn't be washed away. And looks like you've been putting a good word in for us, eh Fruna?"

Aniela's bright smooth tone most certainly made everything calmer between them.

Even though Darcel, Aniela, and Masami themselves weren't showing it, they were hit with slight tension. After all, Fruna and her squadron are still a potential threat to them. 

But Aniela's jovial tone helped settle the mood a bit.

Fruna had even given a small smile, remembering why she always liked that magical charismatic energy Aniela naturally exudes. 

Masami perfectly followed up after Aniela, also saying to Fruna, "Seriously though? We would've never expected you guys to come over here. I mean….this place is pretty damn vicious, down to the beasts and people. Then again, Fruna, your cultivation did take a tremendous leap."

Masami didn't bother trying to correct Fruna over her name. Something like that would be too troublesome to explain and would become a bit complicated if she did recognize her name.

"Fufu~." Fruna gave a lighthearted chuckle, matching the girl's positive energy. "Even we have our own aspirations. And let's just say, I had hit a growth spurt. I would say more, but our current circumstances really don't allow for easy talk."

Right then, an opportunity suddenly streaked into Darcel's mind. His eyes began to twinkle, thinking this could be their chance to have more smooth travels. 

Darcel put on a more soothing tone as he had then proposed to Fruna, "Hey, I have an idea that will make catching up with each other easier. How about we travel together? You see, we're in a bit of a….troubling situation, and your cooperation would be beneficial."

"For the ones that put my group at the top of the town, this is but a simple request." Fruna didn't hesitate to agree, giving Darcel a broad kind smile. 

In her mind, she still believes the trio has their insanely high combat prowess. Even though their aura is oddly less potent, she assumed they were doing some sort of training. 

Plus, they did throw that powerful talisman at the snow-white ape, so they are bound to have more powerful tricks up their sleeves.

Without waiting, Fruna had then ignited her spatial ring and brought out a unique-looking compass. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's attention were immediately taken by it as they never saw a compass design like this one.

Fruna's compass had strange exotic markings carved on its edges that nobody there could ever recognize. And at the center of the compass, there are tiny luminous crystal gems sparsely placed around there.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami thought back to the treasure compasses the Snow Angel group has lying around, which were quite in abundance. Yet, despite their plethoras of treasure compasses, none of them had an exotic design like this one.

When Fruna had brought out the special compass, her other squadron members gave her a slight inquisitive gaze. They all looked like they wanted to say something about cooperation and giving away the compass.

But, when their eyes trailed back to Darcel's group, they immediately put a tight lid on their mouths. Though they still fear the trio a bit, they also know cooperation with them would make fighting easier.

Unaware of her other squadron members' varying thoughts, Fruna casually tossed the special compass towards Darcel. 

As Darcel promptly caught the special compass, Fruna began to explain,

"This is the treasure compass we've been using to guide us through here. And with all of your special powers, maybe you can make it react more towards its surroundings."

"Hmmm….it certainly is special looking." Aniela commented, her eyes scanning over every little detail the special compass has. Alongside Masam, both girls had a curious gaze on it.

And under their growing curiosity, Darcel surged only a tiny portion of his bloodline powers into the special compass. 

Darcel thought it was worth it to give it a shot; his bloodline, no matter how less potent it is, is still extraordinary compared to others.

With only just a tiny portion of his bloodline energy, the special compass immediately lit up in a Darkness glow. And only after a second of waiting, Darcel's eye gained a profound twinkle.

Already in his Spirit Sense, he can feel a potent Qi treasure a few miles away from them! 

"Really good thing here. After having no luck ourselves for some time, I now can directly pinpoint a treasure somewhat close to us."


Both Aniela and Masami felt their anticipation rise. Their lips began to curve upwards, realizing Darcel indeed have his own good intuition about coming over to see Fruna.

It didn't even come as a great shock to Fruna and the other squadron members that Darcel could almost instantly do this, given everything else they saw from him.

Fruna was all smiles as she had then said, "I'm glad this will be better in your hands. And guess what? I've actually gotten this compass from Ninu. She already gave us one but saved this other one just in case if we ever were to meet you three again."

At this, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami pause for a moment. 

The mention of Ninu began to bring up more troubling ideas that they would need to face at some point.

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