Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 264 - Horrible Luck

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were hit with a sudden sense of melancholy. Their careless, assured actions that they would've never thought would come to bite them in the neck were now coming to haunt them.

Ninu was their first Darkness Servant, someone who was the most submissive of them all. She was immensely helpful during their times in Mawold Town, allowing them to have a safe, peaceful rest under so many prying eyes.

But now, she was forcefully taken away from them and most likely wants to kill them. Given that they did indeed take her free will away while also changing her whole personality, the trio thought it would only be natural.

Aniela and Masami mainly felt more pressure about having another potential great enemy targeting their backs. They had assumed Fruna must've left before their meeting with the yellow-eyed woman, meaning Ninu wouldn't hate them at that time. 

Now, Aniela and Masami dreaded to think what would happen if Fruna brought Ninu up to them now.

Darcel also felt the pressure of another enemy. However, there was also another emotion that made a resurgence within his mind. 

It was the exact same feeling he felt the first time when recalling his now broken-off Darkness Servants—the peculiar sensation of remorse and sympathy. 

Once again, it was like something deep inside Darcel was pulling him to feel remorse over forcefully making those women his Darkness Servants.

Darcel, for sure, doesn't regret doing any ruthless action to protect his girls. But a pulling force that felt like it was coming straight from his bloodstreams wanted him to reflect on his actions. 

And compared to all his other Darkness Servants, the pulling feeling of remorse felt greater with Ninu. 

The first time Darcel experienced these feelings, he immediately pushed them down, deeming that it would negatively impact his mind. However, now, after experiencing another near-death situation, Darcel felt as if he was more open to seriously contemplating these feelings. 

But now wasn't the time to go into deep contemplation over complex issues.

At a moment's notice, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami expertly hid their jumbled feelings by simply raising a curious eyebrow. 

Darcel spoke in an even tone as he said, "So Ninu is still thinking about us, huh? I guess one day, we'll need to show our appreciation."

Fruna suddenly had a slightly mischievous glint in her eyes. She expressly set her sights on Darcel the more she thought about Ninu. Deciding to do some harmless teasing, she began telling him,

"Oh, I'm sure Ninu would be very glad to hear from you again, Darcel. Seriously, she's acting quite differently these days. Especially since you've been gone for quite some time."

"Oh? Just how differently she's acting nowadays?" Instead of Darcel asking, Aniela was the one to probe around. 

Masami was also naturally curious about this subject, considering they both recalled that Ninu was more affectionate around Darcel than them.

"Well, let's see….actually, it's been a bit of time since I've he-" 

Fruna couldn't continue her good jest as a massive lump in her throat prevented her from speaking. All at once, she sensed tremendous danger explode within her Spirit Sense!

It wasn't only Fruna's body that went rigid in fear; her other squadron members had also frozen up in utter terror. None of them could even pinpoint where this dangerous, powerful threat was coming from.

All around them, it was like danger was ever-present throughout the air, being everywhere at once. 

And, of course, Fruna's squadron wasn't the only one experiencing this sense of danger.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami also went rigid in utter dread, feeling a mix of exasperation and peril. Out of the blue, yet another powerful Heavenly King aura had crushed upon them without them being able to sense it beforehand.

And this Heavenly King's aura significantly outclasses the ones they faced during their encounter with the Shadow Rogue squadron group. 

Whoever this was, is at the seventh level of the Heavenly Transformation realm!

"Haaah….just our luck…." Darcel and Aniela muttered under their breaths simultaneously. 

Really, it hasn't even been that long since they faced the Shadow Rogue squadron group. Yet, it seemed like they were fated to have deplorable luck within this independent realm. 

Genuine frustration bubbles within Darcel and Aniela's minds; they just can't catch a damn break here!

All because of the yellow-eyed woman, everything just continued to go downhill. At this point, Darcel and Aniela just had to force down their growing frustration and focus entirely on how to narrowly survive once again.

But, while Darcel and Aniela simply thought this was just another squadron member they have to face. Masami's eyes lit up as her face fell into a horrifying realization. 

A chaotic rumbling sensation course within her bloodstreams, indicating to her that someone closely related to her bloodline is nearby! 

It instantly clicks for Masami on the one person closely related to her bloodline and explicitly seeking them out.

"Shit!! Darcel, Aniela! It's Kassidy! Damn our luck!" 

Masami couldn't help but curse out her frustrations, already feeling like this meeting will be far more disastrous than she initially thought.

At the same time, Darcel and Aniela's expression also fell to terrifying dread. A seventh-level Heavenly King was terrible enough. But someone who most for sure would want to take revenge on them?

None of them couldn't see how this wouldn't be an utter disaster! 

Fruna and her squadron felt even more worried at Darcel's group reaction. Initially, while they found this powerful Heavenly King aura a bit daunting, they had felt assured being with Darcel's group.

They believed surely with their extraordinary prowess, late ranks Heavenly Transformation cultivators shouldn't be a significant issue. 

After all, they all vividly recall Darcel one-shotting a third-level Heavenly King with just a stomp when he was just at the True Soul Core realm.

However, from the cold sweat, apparent dread, and Masami's cursing words, it was like none of them had the power to deal with this situation. 

Fearing the worst may happen to them, Fruna was going to ask what was going on. But right as she opened her mouth, a tremendous suppression warped her and her other squadron member's bodies! 

Fruna and the other squadron members could barely move anymore. Right then, the air turned into scorching heat to the point they all felt heated sweat dripped down their brows.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt immense pressure, but their bodies weren't suppressed. Their eyes snapped above them, sensing a vast sum of energy quickly crushing down specifically to them.

A bright blue glow covered everyone's vision, nearly making it impossible to clearly see. Fruna and her squadron members certainly couldn't spot anything. 

But Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were able to spot the source of that vast sum of energy.

Forty feet above them and quickly descending towards them was an enormous blazing blue Firefox claw! The power behind this Firefox claw gave everyone a genuine feeling that death was upon them.

"Ah! Ge-get back!!" 

Fruna frantically shouted to her squadron members and tried to move her own body. However, neither Fruna nor her squadron members could fully move their bodies under this immense suppression.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's pupils shrunk to tiny needle sizes. If there's anybody they didn't want to meet, it would be their former Darkness Servants! 

In an instant, the three of them erupted their bloodline powers to their very limit. A Darkness glow shrouded Darcel's bloodline arm, Light energy covered Aniela's bloodline arm, and Masami spawned her Firefox cloak. 

After their breakthroughs, the trio did feel marginally stronger than before when transforming.

But it was nowhere near enough to break through this immense pressure of Kassidy's overwhelming power. Still, because their movements couldn't be suppressed, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami knew they had only one option.

Gathering all the energy they can, Darcel, Aniela and Masami quickly jumped over forty feet back in just a single step. 

Their speeds had naturally increased, and they could've gone back for more than this distance. However, Kassidy's Firefox claw was locked right on them, and its speed was no less than the trio. 

In just a couple of seconds, the Firefox claw would easily outspeed them and ruthlessly crash right into them.

Right before that could happen, Darcel reached into his pocket, pulled out a gray color talisman, and instantly activated it. When Kassidy's Firefox claw was only ten feet from them, Darcel flung the surging gray talisman right at it.


Tremendous Heavenly Qi power wildly sprayed everywhere, knocking Darcel, Aniela and Masami back like they were pebbles in the wind. 

Gray Sword Qi and blue Fire Qi mixed with each other as Kassidy's Firefox claw and the Sword Qi talisman canceled each other. 

Mild shocks of pain ran through Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bodies just from being so close to the aftershocks of the mighty clash.

But with their powerful bodies, the trio could quickly force down the pain. 

After reaching over thirty feet back, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami tightly clenched down on their palms and flipped themselves in midair, almost landing perfectly on their feet.

When they had touched the ground, they nearly stumbled over as a jolt of pain shock through their entire body. Still, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami persisted, forcing down any rising bile in their throats.

Right then, their eyes narrowed as a figure had suddenly appeared between them and Fruna's squadron group. 

A beautiful young woman had shown up; this person at one time would've been no issue to Darcel's group. But now, their minds were thrown into a jumbled mix under this woman's overwhelming power. 

Of course, the beautiful young woman who could cause even Darcel's group fear was Kassidy Kitsui!

And compared to the last time they saw her, Kassidy underwent a slight change to her appearance. Continually flickering out of her body were small spurts of familiar Darkness energy.

Each flicker of Darkness energy that ran out of Kassidy gave her a slight haunting appearance as it perfectly combined with the fierce expression encompassing her face.

"So this is where you all were hiding, huh?" 

Kassidy's voice was laced with heavy Killing Intent; the more she stared at Darcel's group, the more mixed her emotional state became.

And even for all that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami experience, they felt an honest to god freezing chill crawl up their spines from Kassidy's intense gaze and ice-cold voice.

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