Yin & Yang Pleasures Of Cultivation

Chapter 308 - Fresh Morning

Bright early morning the next day, Darcel flung his eyes wide open. A content sigh escaped his lips. For some reason, more than any other day, he felt incredibly more pleased and relaxed.

His mind wanders back to the wonderful night he had, and his arms instinctively hold Aniela and Masami's heavenly bodies even tighter. 

Looking down at the girls, they both were tightly snuggled onto his broad chest with heartwarming smiles.

As he basked in the nice cuddle, Darcel began thinking to himself, noting some slight differences in their last night lovemaking. 

Despite the girl's seemingly overwhelming eagerness and high stamina, they both still have an endurance limit.

Typically, Masami could last longer than Aniela and take all of Darcel's physical aggressiveness. But though Darcel notes she does last longer, it wasn't by much at all, at most a couple of minutes more.

However, last night, both girls lasted as long as they could to the point where they passed out in exhaustion together. 

Of course, having the power of Yin Pleasure inscribed into his soul, Darcel still lasted the longest.

But this increase in vigor wasn't just some coincidence. 

When it comes to Aniela and Masami, Darcel always makes sure to pay attention to every little detail. He just loves them that much plus, their prowess is all extraordinarily special.

The fact that this happened after they gained their Magical Marks was worthy enough of suspicions in Darcel's mind. 

'I wonder, could it….wait a minute….this??' 

Suddenly, as Darcel pondered about the girls, he finally sensed the profound changes within them. 

Initially, he didn't take notice since he was too absorbed in carnal pleasure and basking in lovely cuddling.

But now that he was relaxed, Darcel sensed that they all experienced a mini breakthrough! 

His Innate Core was now just a fine line from forming its ninth crack. This signifies he's only a tiny step away from reaching the peak of the Innate Core realm.

Furthermore, Darcel also sensed his Magical Cores grew far stronger than before. 

Compared to his cultivation, Darcel didn't have an accurate measure on Magical Cores. However, he could still perceive his Magical Cores was now emitting stronger Magical Energy.

As for the girls, they both experienced the same small benefits as him. It was especially surprising to sense the improvement from Masami. 

Now that she's in the Heavenly Transformation realm, Darcel could only fathom the amount of Qi energy she needs.

Even for them, breakthroughs in the Heavenly Transformation realm could potentially take months! 

But after one simple night, Masami shaved of months of cultivation, reaching just near the second level.

Though Darcel isn't precisely close to becoming a Heavenly King, he could still perceive that Masami's dantian is showing the signs of a breakthrough. 

This kind of skill may sound helpful on paper.

But in reality, Darcel could only apply this to Masami and Aniela. Because of their Darkness Soul link, he could see in the girl's internal body without any trouble. Plus, he has abundant experience with physically exploring every inch of their bodies.

'Now, is this an upgrade to our dual cultivation or a one-time thing? Hopefully, it's the former.' 

Truly, Darcel hopes their dual cultivation can evolve just like their other powers.

With their high drives, Darcel could easily see how a better dual cultivation technique can tremendously help all three of them. 

If this was a one-time thing, Darcel could only resign himself into looking for actual dual cultivation arts.

Suddenly, before Darcel could continue his train of thoughts, a knock was heard at his door. 

Curiosity immediately filled Darcel when he sensed who was at their door.

The presence who decided to come to them was once again Siren Blade. Raising his eyebrow, Darcel was already curious why without even seeing him yet. 

Through his senses, he could detect that Siren Blade was heavily restraining his aura. 

Despite not doing it the last time he saw them, now Siren Blade went out of his way to put on a more respectful appearance.

It was as if now, Siren Blade truly and wholly respected him and the girls. 

As Darcel's mind briefly crossed over to the girls, he shot his eyes down at them, only to have a slightly wry smile a second after.

Both girls were heavily intent on sleeping. Even though that knock was quite loud, they easily slept right through it. 

Mentally shrugging to himself, Darcel decided to see what Siren Blade wanted out of sheer curiosity.

After grabbing and putting his Magical robes and mask on to look presentable, Darcel walked over and opened the door. 

Amusement immediately swirled in his eyes as he saw Siren Blade's expression struggle to stay indifferent.

No matter how calm a person can be, they wouldn't be able to maintain their unwavering facade when their whole worldview gets wholly shattered. 

And as Darcel took amusement over this, Siren Blade quickly reached into his pocket, taking out a crimson color ring.

Handing the ring over to Darcel, Siren Blade began telling him, "This ring is quite special. Only a few of us Senior Siren ranked Mages can obtain this. With this ring, it will allow you to be connected with the high-level Elders. Their usefulness comes in the form of asking questions you may have about your Magical Arts, among other things."

Darcel's eyes lit up with sudden interest. Taking the crimson color ring, he asked, 

"This certainly sounds interesting. But I wonder….with what we show, I'm surprised no Elder Mage wants to personally see us. Unless you perhaps know something about this?"

"This matter…." 

Siren Blade furrows his eyebrows, obviously not wanting to speak to Darcel longer than necessary. But he didn't show any rudeness as he answered his questions to the best of his ability.

"Since your technically completely new Mages, you wouldn't be aware of this. But you see, all high-level Elders are incredibly busy. Whether it fueling the Magical Marks running through our organization, exchanging meetings with other equally powerful organizations, or practicing on their own, that's all of their responsibilities. In fact….I'm even surprised yesterday that Elder Yang showed up in person instead of a Magical hologram."

"I see. Well then, thanks for the information. See you around." Darcel gave a friendly nod goodbye. 

Although Siren Blade took it to slightly inclined his head before quickly leaving, having a noticeable pep in his steps.

Darcel just lightly smiled while shaking his head and closing the door. 

In terms of making other friends, he honestly couldn't care less. Hell, he would be fine if, for the rest of his life Aniela and Masami were the only ones he talked to.

However, while an enticing idea, Darcel was clearly aware that he and the girls would need to branch out of their circle. 

If they want to grow stronger, having several other social connections would quickly aid in this process.

While Darcel rummaged on these thoughts and the Elder Mages, he turned around to see both Aniela and Masami in the process of waking up. 

"Mnn….what was that about?" 

Aniela sounded and looked extra cute as she spoke in a slightly tired tone while stretching her beautiful naked body.

"Tch….I hope it isn't some annoying trouble the first thing in the morning. I'm not in the mood for that now." Masami was equally as cute, scratching her twitching fox ears.

Smiling at their actions, Darcel shrugged his shoulders, telling the girls, 

"Oh that? It really wasn't anything. Just Siren Blade giving me a ring that can supposedly contact us with the high-level Elders here."


Aniela and Masami interest immdaitely spiked. They both tossed their gazes over to Darcel, focusing intently on that crimson color ring. 

Curiosity shimmered within Aniela's eyes as she then asked, "I've been wondering about this too. But surely, with what did this last day, it should've caught the intense interest of the Elders. Seriously, I'm amazed that no Elders or even that Elder Yang was hounding us. Our situation and prowess seem too odd, honestly. But despite that, they only want to contact us through a ring…."

"Ehhh….I picked up on the last part of what that Siren guy said. At least I think I did? Either way, I found it way too suspicious that they could be this busy. I know for sure, back in my sect, if somebody had outrageous talent like this, the Elders will be all over them."

Masami also threw out her thoughts. 

Hearing the girl's suspicious, Darcel thought they were completely valid. The only problem was their lack of genuine information.

"Either way, no matter what they want with us, let's just put these thoughts down for later. The power those Elder Mages have is no joke. Even with everything we have, we wouldn't be able to last even a second against them. Plus, I'm not really sure if we would get direct answers from using this ring. Do you girls agree?"

"Mnh, I suppose so, Darcy/Eh, we won't be so weak for long." 

Aniela and Masami simultaneously agree, their voices overlapping with each other. 

Putting the crimson ring down on their shelf, for now, Darcel had then taken out Siren Star's spatial ring, telling the girls, 

"Alright, since we're up, let's see what our other Siren friend has to offer us."

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